Wolf Empire

0315 rush to the sky

"I am the king of the mainland, I am the king of the mainland!" The arrogant shouts spread in the roaring wind, as if the king of the mainland was transmitting his power to the earth.

" Shut up! Son of a bitch, if you shout again, I will hang your dog's head down on the hook to dry.

The shouting of the "King of the Continent" ended without any problems. The imperial young airmen honestly climbed down from the suspension and tried to please the veterans with a naive smile, but due to the excessive use of this move, the users already had antibodies.

"Oh, it hurts." The veteran knocked and made the imperial young airmen shout exaggeratedly, but the veteran knew the strength of his attack, so he scolded carelessly:

"Bad boy, how many times have I told you not to climb outside the suspension, otherwise you will fall into a ball of meat pie before you become a bastard 'king of the continent'."

Grey-black clouds pass through the void under the barbed wire mesh. For the aircrew working outside the boat, their life guarantee is the safety rope on their bodies, otherwise the roaring wind alone is enough to blow a whole elephant into the sky.

"Have you finished the oil and inspection of Unit 6?" The veteran asked with a beard and staring.

"Report to the monitor, all completed. Are you going to go out?" The young airmen of the empire inquired excitedly.

"Tut talk!" The veteran honestly and rudely rewarded an airman who called himself the "king of the mainland" with a big trembling.

13 ships of various types under the Fifth Flight Fleet of the "Canglang Empire", according to the " nickname" and "Eaero Eagle" of Air Marshal Yoshino, the number sequence is as follows:

command the flagship "Eagle King";

The main large-scale air battleship Warhawk;

First-class cruise battleship "Flying Eagle";

First-class cruise battleship Eagle;

First-class cruise battleship Skyhawk;

The first-class cruise ship "Sygle";

Secondary mobile battleship "Golden Eagle";

Secondary mobile battleship "Silver Eagle";

Secondary mobile battleship Iron Eagle;

Secondary mobile battleship Black Hawk;

Secondary mobile battleship "Cloud Eagle";

Second-class mobile battleship Angry Eagle;

Ordinary transport battleship Color Eagle.

"The whole ship anchors. Notify the commanders of each ship about the communication channel. The fleet entered the first-class wartime system. Other senior officers, including the flagship secretary, were stunned when they heard the unusual order of his immediate superior, Air Force Marshal Yoshino, on the radio. But that was just a few bells, and then the chief secretary repeated the commander's order to open the channel to the whole fleet.

"The whole ship set sail."

With the order, the thirteen ships belonging to the Fifth Fleet drove the huge hull at the same time and rushed to the sky under the order of the flagship signal lights!

"Report to the marshal, the exact number of wolf fighter groups found is unknown for the time being!" A woman's voice came from the observation module.

"They actually have air combat power?!" After deep surprise and astonishment, Marshal Yoshino Mishio in the command module sneered and said, "This is also good. Let's solve it with combat."

The personnel of each warship waited for the thoughtful commander to issue the next order, and only listened to the order of the marshal: "The whole fleet should maintain the cruising speed, open the communication channel of each ship, and analyze the enemy situation." The communications sergeant immediately connected to the public channel of the ships of the Fifth Fleet, and the other 12 captains were on the flagship at the same time.

"Secretary Yoshiko Toyoda, report the enemy situation." Marshal Yoshino issued instructions to his niece and subordinates.

The delicateness of female soldiers and their innate advantages in personnel, management and command have been recognized by the senior officials of the Imperial Air Force Command, among which Miko Toyoda, the nephew of the Marshal, is the most outstanding. At the same time, their service is strictly protected by the military law of the Imperial Air Force.

"Enemy, two main large air warships, four cruise ships, two air battleships, and three modified mobile carriers of warships of the same class, the report is complete." Secretary Miko Toyota listed the extremely strange enemy information in the minds of his colleagues in a steady tone.

"The wolves will force our fleet to carry out a gun battle to fight, and I will not play the role of being beaten so honestly. Humph!" Marshal Yoshino hummed, "Secretary, please repeat the latest weather report again."

The meteorological observers of the fleet will report the latest airflow meteorological changes to the Registry every half an hour, and then the clerk will report to the captain or senior officers on duty. Compared with the unpredictable nature, the self-righteous highest technology of the living races on the continent is obviously very weak and ridiculous. In order to ensure the safety of the fleet's navigation, it is necessary to grasp first-hand weather information in advance to decide whether the next step is feasible.

"Wind speed level 5 to 6, there are slight showers, visibility 4, the report is complete." Secretary Miko Toyoda said in a sweet voice.

"Very good." Marshal Yoshino said unsurprisingly, "Order the whole fleet to maintain the current course, the second cruise speed, and be ready to meet the enemy."

The alarm sounded desperately at the same time, and in this moment, the flagship red lights all turned on.

The Eagle King command flagship is equipped with the top armed defense. Among them, the most important is a carrier-based fighter, with two medium-caliber air-to-ground guns at the front and rear of the ship and 26 360-degree rotating machine guns on both sides of the hull.

"The first-class combat system of the whole ship." The sound of alarms throughout the ship made all departments of the ship quickly enter the combat position. The searchlights emitted white light and pierced the gray space outside the ship, looking for the infested figures of the wolves.

"What do you think? Miko." Marshal Yoshino has a pair of hot eagle eyes and throws his niece in the uniform of a beautiful air force officer.

"It is indeed the mysterious air force of the wolves." Secretary Miko Toyo raised her chest and calmly faced the brother-in-law who had taken away his virginity and had been occupying himself privately since he was six years old. He replied, "The other party's flagship has a wolf mark. According to the information collected by the spy department of the Imperial Security Administration, the one with ten silver logo wolf emblems should be in the dynasty. The ten princess An Dudu.

"That 'Tianyi' little fat girl who gambled and made a lot of yuan? Ha ha!" Marshal Yoshino said with a contemptuous sneer.

"Auncle, our fleet must leave this airspace at maximum speed, otherwise, once the existence of our fleet is exposed, not only will the battle plan be destroyed, but also put all personnel in danger." Secretary Miko Toyoda said.

If the opponent has been deliberately building an air combat force in a secret base for several years, the result is quite terrible. What's more, this airspace still belongs to the dynasty.

"The maximum speed of the whole fleet returned to the island, and all members entered the first-class war system." Yoshino took a lot of effort to remove his eyes from his nephew's high chest and still swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva.


"Sleep, wake up, if you don't open your eyes, I'll throw you down-"

An Dudu, the chubby tenth princess of the dynasty, stood in front of the huge porthole and stared at the clouds under her feet. The sleepy fire cat in her arms "sleeps" and turned a blind eye to the warning of the owner of the agent and unexpectedly became frivolous.

The girl's position at this moment is the core of the Sirius, the flagship of the 15th Division aviation army belonging to the "Near Army Legion" of the wolves. With an eye on the future mainland hegemony, at the beginning of the dynasty, two young and beautiful dynasty princesses, including the thirteenth princess An Yuxi and ten princess An Dudu, were given a new mysterious mission by their father, the Wolf King An Dongye.

At the secret air base, the ten princess An Dudu, known as a "cute artifact", grew up with the airborne division she established. In this "Plan to Destroy the Sky" operation jointly carried out by multiple hostile forces, the wolves mobilized their largest air combat forces, including:

Special-class main air command flagship Sirius ship;

Special-class main air battleship "lone wolf"

First-class main aircraft ship "Wolf Warriors";

First-class main aircraft carrier "Wind Wolf" ship;

First-class main aircraft carrier "Blood Wolf" ship;

First-class main aircraft ship "Snow Wolf";

The first-class capital aircraft carrier "Wolf Fighting";

Secondary air combat ship "Fire Wolf" ship;

Second-class air combat ship "Magic Wolf" ship;

Second-class mobile mother ship "Ice Wolf";

The secondary mobile mothership "Mountain Wolf" ship.

The cabin door was opened, and the captain of the air force on duty walked in and saluted the army: "Report to the division commander, the enemy fleet has returned the same way and ask for instructions!"

"Empire troika, since the retirement of Marshal Chenlong of the navy, Yoshino and Kudo have not been restrained by Big Brother, and they are even more incompatible. It is reasonable for Yoshino to retreat and sit back and watch Kudo die. Ten princess An Dudu squeezed her lips and said with a smile, "Lock the southern camp airspace, cooperate with the wolf ground troops, and eat Kudo Takeun."

At this moment, the synthesized electronic sound sounded in the room: "Master, Wang Shang wants to talk to you, do you get through?"

"Dad, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?" Meng Loli raised the front paw of a cat to the blurred figure on the screen and gave a happy greeting.

"Baby, thank you for your hard work. You have grown tall and beautiful." An Dongye, the wolf king on the screen, made a particularly gentle voice when facing this cute daughter.

"Thank you, Dad, for your praise." The girl smiled brightly, like a blooming cherry blossom-

- Imperial Army Marshal Take-hoon Kudo, who lost the support of the Air Force, was wrapped in dumplings by the Commercial League and the Second Army of Wolves after fighting for the last reserve.

This bad news soon spread to Prince Chenyuan, who was fighting with the sixteenth princess day and night on the sea. Just as His Royal Highness scolded an airman who fled without fighting, a more desperate bad news from the island made Prince Chenyuan's whole body. It's cold from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.

Blessings are unparalleled, and misfortunes are not alone. The stormy imperial house leaked overnight. At the mouth of the national army, the island of "Tianjing" was attacked by unknown pirates!

More than a dozen towns along the coast of the island of "Tianjing" were crazily looted by pirates, men, women and children were almost slaughtered by inhumanity, and the whole Musashi royal family panicked!

After the initial panic, the imperial royal family, who was not protected by the army, urgently called the police force to suppress it. As the director of the "Tianjing" city police officer and the uncle of the dumb girl Xuezi, Oshima Baoren, has inescapably taken on this important task.

A director temporarily gathered more than 2,600 military police and more than 3,500 volunteered wandering warriors and rushed to the dock to suppress bandits.

However, when the imperial military police came to the scene to have a look, what kind of pirates are? They are actually well-trained shaman professional soldiers. The leader is Tang Feng, the former "Great General of Dingxi" of the Shaman Holy See, who fought side by side with him, as well as his cousin and commander of the New Seventh Army!

Since the Tang Feng brothers were expelled from the sea by Gu Xilou, there have been difficulties in returning to their families and national difficulties, and have been trapped in desert islands such as Snake Island. Over time, the barbarian islands have run out of food, and they have seen nearly 100,000 Western troops trapped to death. They happened to be landed on the beach by the three armies of the empire. The empty news in China, after consultation, the two brothers decided to take risks. The crowd went to the island to eat.

Those temporary policemen and ronin warriors were not the opponents of the regular soldiers of the Western Army and the New Seventh Army, and they fled face to face.