Wolf Empire

0320 City War

The battle of "Wolf City" continues.

It has been almost four months of urban offensive and defensive warfare, exhausting the two sides of the war.

The core area of the most intense battle is the defensive fortress in front of Wolf Castle. The defensive fortress that changed hands is still in the hands of the wolves at this time.

The allied forces of various countries that entered the "wolf capital" concentrated the elite of the whole army to attack the core defense fortress. After the negotiation failed to persuade the dynastic government and its defenders to abandon the city, Yuanzai could only hope to take the last fortress and force the wolves to withdraw from the "wolf capital".

Obviously, this is a difficult problem. The hidden forts all over the mountains are condescending, not only suppressing the artillery of the coalition with rapid firepower, but also supporting the fronts of the wolf city defense forces in various urban areas.

The overall disadvantage of the wolves' defenders caused a defeat on the battlefield. Under the costless attack of the coalition forces, although the troops are still tenaciously fighting separately, the defense system is on the verge of collapse. In the face of the fortress that could not be captured with normal tactics, Yuan Zai took the surprise attack method of "overall blasting" after preparing for a long time to break the road on the mountain.

Yuanzai organized the elite death squad to penetrate into the fortress along the internal passage cleared, and the "special forces" soldiers of the fortress are ready. This is a rare special division in the wolf army that is qualified to add the title of the guard to the number before the number: the 1st 16th Special Forces Division of the Guards.

After the establishment of the dynasty, the wolves initially completed the establishment of four special combat brigades with the 662 Royal Guards of the Holy See as the basis, and became a strange soldier to continue the life of the city at the moment of the survival of the "wolf capital".

The 16th Special Forces Combat Division of the Guards is different from the friendly army with the same name. Its four elite special brigades have a total combat strength of about 20,000 people. The most advanced weapons and equipment on the mainland are armed from head to toe to teeth. Some equipment are basically unswished and seen and heard by friendly troops and enemies on the battlefield. Unheard of!

The coalition death squad that broke into the core defense fortress did not dare to underestimate this enemy at all. Once entered the battle, the wolf special forces gave full play to their practical combat skills and used powerful firearms such as submachine guns and projectiles. When the short soldiers of the two armies approached each other, they waved all kinds of cold weapons to harvest human lives.

In the early morning, the 13th Princess An Yuxi personally led the direct special forces to recapture the outer defense fortress captured by the Shaman coalition in the night attack. The bodies of the killed wolf special forces and the death squadrons of the Shaman coalition are stacked in a narrow path, almost like a sea of blood.

"Sister 13th, the eldest sister asked Xiao 19 to come and ask about the situation of the war." An Xiaocui, the 19th princess wearing the symbol of the female guard, brought the inquiry of the imperial princess of the dynasty.

An Yuxi, the thirteenth princess of the special forces division, straightened up and saluted, "Please tell the eldest sister that as long as the thirteenth is still here, she will never let an enemy go!"

"Yes, the brave battle of the thirteenth sister, Xiao 19 will definitely turn to the eldest sister." Nineteen Princess An Xiaocui also saluted with a serious expression.

"Your Highness, come and see." A guard special soldier shouted excitedly. Following his fingers through the observation window of the fort control room, he could see that the gray sky before dawn was being quickly eaten by bloody clouds, and the huge guard "Wolf King Battle Flag" appeared.

The flag is the representative of one party's forces, and the "Wolf King Battle Flag" is only eligible to be used by the Guards Legion, which is personally commanded by General Wang Dongye. When this "Wolf King War Flag" projected into the sky appears, it only means one thing. The main force of the wolf guard has returned to the suburbs of the "Wolf Capital".

"Great, the main force of the Guards has returned!"

A wave of shouts flowed through the communication circuit of the wolf army. In fact, the wolf army, which is still fighting everywhere in the city, has been shooting at the sky at will with the weapons in their hands, as if to pour out all the negative emotions suppressed in the siege for more than four months. In contrast, the gray face of the shaman coalition. Even a low-level soldier knows that they will never be able to take down the "wolf capital".

- Under the strict order of General Andongye, the main force of the wolf guard, who pretended to rush to the rebellious wolf group, successfully returned to the capital of the dynasty after shaking a shot, and was quickly returning to the capital of the king's capital along the Kanto Highway.

"This, this is not true-" is the specific executor of the "Extermination Plan". How can it get to this point under the operation of the near-perfect plan?

The source of the information is true and reliable. Starting from the "Huadu", the former minister Gouhua, who carried the handwriting of His Majesty the Pope Baiye Mufeng, was able to enter the city of "Wolf Capital" through the blockade of the wolf guards, meet the police and generals, and explain the situation.

Yuan Zai's police general did not say a word, but just stared at the letter paper in his hand; he didn't know what was going on, but the boss's blue look made the coalition generals present dare to ask.

"Have you given up your work for nearly half a year?" Yuan Zai policeman, the general will look up to the sky and roar--

And in another corner of the city, people for the rest of their lives are also negotiating urgently.

"The main force of the Guards has arrived at the city, and the victorious Libra has leaned towards the dynasty. There is no need to be polite to the invaders. Only when the whole army of the Shaman coalition is destroyed can the shame of the dynasty capital being besieged for nearly half a year!" His Excellency Gu Xiaodao, a radical representative and the young minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, shouted excitedly, but the old and important minister of government, Vishamon and others did not agree.

"Shut up, Princess Regent, please." The voice of Marshal Yang Shu, a tall and fierce military minister, overwhelmed the debate in the hall. The courtiers quickly restrained their words and deeds and listened to the ruling of Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran.

An Moran, who was only an insignificant female slave before the establishment of the dynasty, has been recognized by the ministers of the dynasty after experiencing the baptism of the "Wolf Capital Defense War". The girl who was injured by stage bullets on the street earlier was still bandaged. It was because of her calmness that the "Wolf Capital" wavered by the fall of the Wolf King finally supported the recovery of the Guards.

"Little Nineteen." Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran tightly grabbed the saber given by her father and seriously asked her sister, "Are you from the front line of the city defense? Are you sure it's the fifth brother's army?"

"It's true." An Xiaocui, the 19th princess, said in a positive tone.

"Okay." Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran pointed to the city defense map laid flat on the table with a military teaching whip and ordered: "Marshal, please issue an order in the name of the headquarters commander's department, except for An Xiaocui, the arch guarding the 'Wolf Fort' and An Yuxi's headquarters of the 16th Division guarding the core defense castle, the rest Department, the 'Saint Crusader' Legion Zhuluo Department came out of the cathedral, the 'Blood Legion' Gendarmerie Corps Anying's Department came out of the King's Hall, the 'Biluo Legion' An Yixue Department came out of the civilian area, the 'Skull Legion' armed police An Zitong Department out of the General Police Department, the 'Vulture Legion' commander's Guard Division Yang Sen's Department out of the Military Industrial Zone, and the city defense reserve team from 21 Princess Anliner commanded the square street and the juvenile teaching brigade three wolf non-commissioned officer school on her behalf. All departments cooperated closely and returned to the fifth master to attack the main force of the Guards inside and outside, completely annihilating the incoming enemy! Wolves - "

The battle of the ministers of the dynasty saluted proudly: "Go out--"