Wolf Empire

0322 Both husband and wife went to Huangquan

Prince Falcon was alert and reacted very quickly. With a sweep of his left palm, the eagle lamp on the table turned into a shadow and flew out. It exploded into countless sharp porcelain pieces flying rapidly in midair, like a sudden rain to stop the dark shadow attacking from the door. At the same time, his palms and claws came out together and launched a fierce rush to the dark shadow that broke into the window. Attack. The wind and thunder suddenly broke out, and the prince of the squirrel roared and rushed to the enemy.

The wind rolled wildly, and the shocking half-naked young woman Sha Huohu only screamed for half a sound, and was stopped by the sudden surge of strong force. She fell a few steps away and fainted. All the tables and chairs in the room also moaned in the strange power, making an extremely harsh squeak. In the spacious bedroom, it burst out wildly. , Prince Falcon's family's powerful power of eagle claws is indeed extremely considerable. Unfortunately, in this living bedroom, it is also the gateway to go to bed. The most regret is that there is no iron here at this time, and Prince Falcon has to fight with his opponent with his flesh and blood.

These dark shadows that suddenly launched the attack are obviously very familiar with the rules of the work and rest of Prince Sapjun. At the moment when they were about to fall asleep after changing clothes, they suddenly broke through the bedroom and launched an attack. The fierceness of their counterattack must be greatly reduced!

- It is estimated to be very accurate, and Prince Samurai is really unarmed!


The powerful machine spring suddenly started, and in an in an flash, five sleeve bottom crossbows became fierce. Twenty-five sharp and heavy green steel sleeve arrows launched by the machine spring were all nailed to Prince Shafalcon with a flash!

The powerful arrow sinks the sleeve arrow, the cave stone pierces the iron, and it is difficult for the holy demon to survive, not to mention the flesh and blood? Suddenly, the blood dyed a large piece of exquisite Persian carpet, and Prince Safaya couldn't live!

"General Sha Zhuang, what about this coquettish woman Sandfire Fox? Do you want to take advantage of the brothers-" One of the more than ten wolf masked men in black who broke in took off their masks to reveal their true faces, pointed to the sand fox that fainted to the ground and was half-naked in spring, and asked the leading strong man tentatively.

"Sandwood Eagle?! So it's you, the traitor?! No wonder-" Before Prince Falcon was out of breath, he finally saw the long face of his own cavalry, Changsha Muying, looking at his woman.

"Have you forgotten the rules of the wolves? Do you need me to remind you guys with a saber? The tall and powerful police major general Sha Zhuang stared at Sha Muying fiercely and said, "Give this woman to the fourth master. Who dares break the rules? Don't blame me for not being able to keep you from eating!"

"Yes, yes, General." The sand eagle and his companions put away their hearts and responded in a row.

At the same time, the luxurious queen's bedroom in the West City is heated, with beautiful smiles, fresh and beautiful like swaying flowers, but it complements this luxurious inner room.

"Fourth master, I'm afraid that General Sha Zhuang has sent the little devil's head to Huangquan Road. The warm soup is ready. Do you want me to wait for you to take a bath? Queen Shahu also smiled skillfully and changed clothes for the fourth brother An Zixuan.

An Zixuan, the handsome and elegant fourth brother, took off his robe and said, "Well, that's good!"

The Queen of the Suffix hung her robe on the hanger, and the curling Nana was about to serve, but the empty inner door suddenly opened. The Queen of the Sand Fox had just untied the ribbon around her waist and was about to take off her clothes when she heard the sound and turned around.

"Her Majesty, four kings, I'm really interested! Midnight fragrant and warm mandarin duck bath, what a fairy day!" The man slapped his hands frivolously and said in a sarcastic tone.

"Little demon?! When did you come back?" After being slightly stunned, Queen Shahu was furious and scolded loudly: "Why is it getting more and more unruly? This is the inner residence of this palace, and is it also what you can break into as a slave? Bitch, why don't you step back!"

An Xiaoyao smiled, as if he enjoyed being scolded. He said leisurely, "Your Majesty, can you scold a few more words? The little demon is not very enjoyable to hear! Master, if you scold a few more words, scold as much as you can, and scold happily! Let the maidservant enjoy the taste of being scolded again! Master, you must scold enough this time! Don't curse this time, master, next time, you won't have another chance!"

"Bitch--" The Queen of the Fox rushed out and was about to scold. Suddenly, she woke up and swallowed the words behind her. What this cheap maidservant An Xiaoyao said was all the opposite!

"An Xiaoyao, what do you want to do?" The shuffle queen asked loudly.

"hehe." An Xiaoyao smiled and said, "Master, what do I want to do? Don't you understand?"

"You--" Queen Shafox roared, "I can treat you well!"

An Xiaoyao sneered and said, "You are treating me well. I have been undercover for you for so many years, isn't it?"

"You, you-" Queen Shahu looked back at someone who closed her eyes in the bathtub and looked like she hadn't seen, and seemed to understand something from the bottom of her heart-

"Go, master, and the maidservant will serve you on your way." An Xiaoyao said sarcastically.

The cracked shuffix queen roared from the depths of her throat and roared to An Xiaoyao!

The ribbon that has just been untied from the waist, at the urging of the "Firefox" skill, is like a steel whip, smashing its head and smashing at An Xiaoyao*, and the wind roars like a mountain!

An Xiaoyao looked at the old master who rushed up like a mad tiger and rushed up with fire, and a wisp of complex expression appeared on his face, like pity, pity, satire, contempt, and at the same time, he was so cold and ruthless.

At the moment of lightning and fire, just as the leather belt of the sand fox queen was about to hit An Xiaoyao, the light in An Xiaoyao's eyes shone like a demon charm, and her whole body suddenly soared into the sky like a blue bird, turned into streamer, and disappeared over the ribbon.

"Bang-boom-" The wild sound of bowstrings resounded throughout the space!

Queen Shahu's body was pulled and flew by a broken heavy armored arrow launched by a hard crossbow at close range. The fierce force firmly nailed her whole body and arrows to the wall behind her, so that when her body hit the wall, it made a loud noise!

The Queen Saffhu moaned in pain, and her resentful eyes stared at the little demon who reappeared in front of her. The latter looked blankly at the Queen of the Sand Fox, and the violently trembling arrow stopped trembling greatly, but the slight tremor was still making a buzzing trill. The power of this arrow was terrible!

The fourth brother An Zixuan walked over with a blank face and sighed, "Xiao Jiu, send her on the road for your brother. Don't let her suffer too much!"

An Xiaoyao, the ninth princess of the dynasty, saw the cold light flying from the sleeves of the fourth brother An Zixuan, and only flashed a little, and then it had been taken back. The throat of the Queen of the Sand Fox was quickly cut off by the sharp blade, and blood spewed out, but she did not know what kind of weapon was hidden in the sleeve.

After a moment of silence, the fourth brother An Zixuan asked, "Is it all solved?"

Ninth Princess An Xiaoyao lowered his head and said, "The best friends of the Sha couple in the 'Fox City' have been completely cleaned up! Both inside and outside have been replaced by our people!"

The fourth brother An Zixuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Notify the immortals of the tribes to come out and clean up the mess!"