Wolf Empire

0325 Invisible battlefield

The plan to destroy the sky, which was secretly instigated by the Pontifical Cabinet and jointly implemented by many countries and forces to target the territory of the "Immortal Dynasty" is undoubtedly complete. The shaman's cabinet is deeply aware that the rapid rise of wolves will be a potential great threat to the Holy See, but this plan involving all parties is difficult to keep secret during its implementation. The most mysterious secret police internal intelligence unit in the wolf pack system first has doubts about the frequent activities of foreign and intelligence personnel of the Holy See and urgently reported them. At the same time, the general Wang Dongye himself learned about the imminent crisis from the "double-sided spy" nine princess An Xiaoyao.

According to common sense, normal people will at least feel worried, right? But the wild is obviously not in the category of normal people. This genius madman saw a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in the crisis, and even used the chess pieces buried a few years ago to match the other party's measures and plan to achieve his own goals.

On the one hand, he secretly used the nine princess An Xiaoyao, a female spy of the State of Sha, to muddy up the water and draw out more potential enemies as much as possible. On the one hand, he did not hesitate to use the "wolf capital" where his throne is located as bait to contain the main force of the shaman coalition army on the front line of the "wolf capital" to create the most powerful guard army leader in the wolf army. Attracting the rebellion of the Fengyi Autonomous Special Zone, he hurriedly transferred various illusions to the Fengyi battlefield, so that the four camps and two special zones blossomed in an all-round way, turned passive to active, and controlled the overall situation.

The only accident that is not under the control of the Wolf King is the hijacking of Yaya and his son. The "Youth Teaching Brigade" that responded at the first time rushed along the direction of the Holy See on the road, and on the other hand, it notified the base camp and ordered the local garrison guard troops to block along the road. Princess Regent An Moran did not dare to delay, that is, one by one, the imperial guard to take over the student soldiers of the "young teaching brigade" that had just become an army for less than half a year. After receiving the order, An Xiaoyu, the fifth brother of the commander of the imperial guard division, had no time to gather the headquarters brigade scattered in various battlefields in various regions of the "Wolf City", so he took himself with him. A pistol company of the 1I 12th Guard Brigade and its division's direct guard set off.

At this moment, An Dongye, the wolf king who was leading the "Holy Light Knights" from the southern coastline of the dynasty to rush back to the "wolf capital". After hearing the news on the way, it was like a thunderbolt, and a blood arrow spewed out on the spot and fell down.

Under the rescue of the Holy Nun An Yidan, An Dongye woke up leisurely and rushed to the direction of "Yingzhou". An Yidan and other sisters knew that the master had longed to fly to "Yingzhou" at this time and recovered Yaya's mother and son. At present, they did not dare to dissuade them. They could only brace to follow and protect them. The group of people at the wind and rain bridge. After joining the dynasty's "Youth Teaching Brigade", there was no time to talk too much and braved the wind and rain to go straight to Yingzhou City!

Shaman Holy See, Huadu.

When walking through the spacious street where the mainland countries have established diplomatic relations with the Shaman Holy See and set up the embassy, people can see a unique spectacle.

Towards the end of the war that swept many forces, a new force representative raised its own flag on this street.

- The wolf flag with white edges and blood on a black background represents the glory of the "Immortal Dynasty" and flutters in the sky of "Flower Capital".

Although Lord Gou Hua and other important ministers, the temporary deputy minister of the "foreign minister" put forward a solemn protest to the cabinet, it could not change the irreparable voice and status of Huo Du, a former foreign minister and political and religious leader, who defected from Beijing and made Huo Zhou as king. .

After the outbreak of the war, the new foreign officials assigned by the dynasty to the capital of the Holy See were led by Foreign Minister Ivy.

The senior officials of the Holy See know much about this beautiful diplomat, which is naturally related to the extremely low-key diplomatic posture of the dynasty in the past. However, there is always an exception.

In May, the Shaman Holy See took the initiative to tear off and evaluate the mask. One of its main armed police forces crossed the boundary control line set by the Holy See and the dynasty and first provoked a war.

When this situation was confirmed by the "Wolf Capital", Foreign Minister Ivy immediately bypassed the Shaman's "Huadu" from the way to the "Haoyue Women's Country" for help, and immediately pressured and protested the Shaman's "Minister of Foreign Affairs" of the Shaman's "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" and asked to meet Pope Mufeng face to face. However, Ivy herself knows that it doesn't do anything. It's just due diligence. Without the Pope's order, who can mobilize an armed police force full of officers?

Ivy is not an official from the direct line of wolves. The beautiful president, who originally belonged to the "Tianyi Free Business Alliance" branch of Canglang, was appointed as the Chief Minister of Foreign Affairs after the establishment of the dynasty.

Opening the corner of the curtain, the owner of the room carefully looked at the figure on the street in front of the door from the third floor. At this time, I don't know how many secret agents of the Holy See were peeping secretly.

"Your Excellency." The person who walked into the room was the senior secretary of the imperial embassy in Huadu. To put it bluntly, he was a member of the secret police of the wolf secret service.

In the past few months, Ivy has been very worried. As a subordinate of the dynasty, like most foreign officials of the dynasty, she has already regarded the dynasty as her own. Therefore, she has been paying close attention to the progress of the war in the Northeast Continent. However, most of the early stage is not good news.

The windwing rebellion, the "wolf capital" is being besieged and attacked by the coalition forces, and the neighboring countries on the four borders of the dynasty are attacked at the same time - the worst thing is that there are rumors that His Royal Highness General Andongye is unconscious due to illness -

Foreign Minister Ivy also ran on the battlefield of "Huadu" like a soldier. Although there was no smoke and war here, the hostility and war thoughts in her bones became clear with the development of the situation.

"The latest war report ahead, the wind-wing victory." The well-dressed senior secretary couldn't hide his joy.

"Oh, bring it here quickly." Ivy, the foreign minister, almost snatched the translation paper from the senior secretary and quickly scanned the above content: "The secret of the base camp, the king personally led more than 100,000 people of the Warcraft army to defeat the main force of the windwing rebels in 'Han City' and defeating the wind wing king city."

"It's great. This victory will strengthen the position of our dynasty and break the rumors of the king's critical illness!" Along with the intelligence, the instructions sent by Her Royal Highness Princess An Moran from the besieged "Wolf City" also arrived.

didn't care so much. Foreign Minister Ivy immediately dressed neatly, ignored the peeping at the forces outside the door, and left the embassy by car and went straight to the residence of the Privy Archbishop Naran Ruochu, the leader of the Cabinet and Minister of State of the Holy See.

- If you want to find a person in this Holy See who can compete with the main mastermind behind the "Operation to Destroy the Sky" and the Holy See's Minister of Internal Affairs, Archbishop Yuanbei Gu, naturally this Nalan is the only one.

In the outer hall of Nalan Mansion, His Excellency Ivy, the Foreign Minister of the Dynasty, was told by the received servant: "The old man has no time to see the guests."

"Please pass this note to the Prime Minister. If you are still unable to receive me, I will leave immediately." Foreign Minister Ivy insisted on fighting for it.

"Please sit down." The servant looked at the thin piece of paper, and the other party's serious look proved the importance of the matter.