Wolf Empire

0343 Eight Siba Living Buddha

Basiba Living Buddha, dressed as an ordinary lama monk, walked through the noisy vegetable market, through the feces-filled cattle and horse market, and turned into the bustling rice cloth.

Most of the shops on both sides are shops dealing with all kinds of coarse and fine rice grains. There are endless voices of bargaining.

The eight-minded living Buddha took advantage of the empty space of looking sideways. The corner of his eyes caught three imperial detectives with different identities who followed him in the distance behind him. A light smile appeared on his face and said to himself, "The tails of these empires have followed from 'Qingyuan' to 'Wolf City'. It's really difficult!"

Counting this group of three secret agents, since they entered the territory of the empire, the imperial spy agents took turns to fight, and there was no interruption in the stalking and tracking, but in half a month, they did not know how to replace hundreds of people.

The tracking and stalking skills of these "dark" spies are actually quite sophisticated and smart, but the tracking and stalkers in hiding people will inevitably hide in front of first-class masters such as Ba Siba Living Buddha.

Basiba Living Buddha doesn't care much about the "tail" behind him, and may even shake off the stalking and make a small "joke" with the "dark" detectives, which makes the spies very busy.

Walking on the streets of Mi City, he looked up and saw the family coming and going very prosperous Mixing. Eight Siba Living Buddha dodged in at a moment that ordinary people could not notice.

Basiba Living Buddha looked at it at will, but as far as you can see, the store is quite large and there are many guests coming and going. The guys greeted the guests attentively, all kinds of local brown rice, shaman narrow valleys, Mengjin bran, Shura bean potatoes, etc. There are a variety of goods, and a small rice village.

Although the Eight Siba Living Buddha did not seem to want to buy food, the unusual momentum still made the clerk come forward to say a few words before retreating and quietly listening to the instructions with a well-trained posture.

Basiba Living Buddha has walked to many parts of the empire in the past month, in order to see the situation of the empire's agriculture, animal husbandry, industry and commerce and the ability of the An's imperial dynasty to govern the people, and to estimate whether it is possible for the monks in the Qingyuan snowy area to be out of the control of the "Haoyue Alliance", and whether the empire has That ability to control Qingyuan Buddhism and Taoism.

After observing the economy, culture, religion and other aspects of the capital of the empire, the living Buddha can almost assert that his unrebellious friend, Grand Duke Silin, has completely fallen behind in this upcoming competition.

The imperial people who stood in the ruins of the Kanto War for less than two years lived and worked in peace and contentment. The market was prosperous and orderly, and there was a thriving infinite vitality and vitality everywhere, which is the embodiment of the strength of the empire.

Although the eight Siba Living Buddha looked at all kinds of rice grains in the rice bank, the situation of the "dark part" spies outside who lost their targets for a moment were still felt by the details of the eight Siba Living Buddha. At this time, if he wanted to get rid of the spy's tracking, it was easy to turn his palms back. What surprised the eight Siba Living Buddha was that those secrets Although Tan's movements were a little chaotic at first, he did not lose a square inch. After a short period of hustle and bustle, he returned to order. Obviously, the leaders of these secret agents were very calm and confident.

Suddenly, a carriage came from far and near, and stopped in front of the meter.

A police officer in a carriage jumped off a skeleton*, with an armband with a "wolf tooth" sign and a police gun around his waist. His nose was straight, his long hair was scattered, and he was quite powerful. The police officer's plagiarisive temperament and his clear mark on his body representing the authority of the imperial secret police made the guests and friends in the rice village. Involuntarily avoid it.

The secret police officer who followed the gun went straight into the rice line and strode to the living Buddha without squint. He made a salute and respectfully said in Qingyuan Sai language: "The living Buddha has come from afar and worked hard. The younger generation Wen Wu, by the order of the fourth master Wen, please invite the Buddha to meet."

The living Buddha whispered the Buddha, nodded with a smile, went straight out and boarded the carriage. Wen Wu, who was ordered to invite people, did not expect the guests to be so easy to talk. He shook his head to his subordinates, then supported the carriage and went straight to the "dark base camp" and the National Security Bureau.

Imperial Security Bureau.

In the director's office, Wen Si, the master of the "dark part", looked at a budding cold plum outside the window, and the heartstrings that had been tense for nearly a month could finally relax a little.

In these days, Wen Si has been paying close attention to the movement of the eight Siba Living Buddha, and the status of the "Qingyuan Empire" in the 16 countries, second only to the alliance leader "Great Principality Silin" and the deputy alliance leader "Haoyue Women's Kingdom". As the Buddhist leader Basiba Living Buddha, as the emperor's teacher, the situation and future direction of the Qingyuan snowfield The influence is much more direct than Qingyuan Tibetan Ba Dizi or Grand Duke Sling, the leader of the Haoyue League.

The Eight Siba Living Buddha and the empire's biggest sworn enemy on the southwest fortress have an incompetual friendship. In the past, every time Slinsai rode the eastward invasion of the empire, there would be a large number of Qingyuan monks and soldiers.

However, in the past short year, the comparison of strength has been tilted more and more in favor of the empire.

Originally, the western camp of the empire, which was claimed to have 900,000 combat power. Although it was slightly difficult to divide troops to fight against the 16 countries, the empire still had the advantage of population and strength to deal with only about 190,000 monks and soldiers in the Qingyuan. Besides, the border generals of the neighboring Nan Army and "Wangyue City" of the nearby Holy See are not capitals. He is a mediocre person and may take advantage of the loopholes of the two families at any time, so he has naturally been unwilling to provoke the bottom line of the empire head-on.

Originally, when the people of the Central Plains were in turmoil and the Holy See had no time to take care of it, it was a great opportunity for the Qingyuan Buddha and Taoist leader of the Central Plains, to take advantage of the rise and expand its territory. If there is a year or two, taking advantage of the governance gap of the Shaman Holy See, with the majesty of the eight Siba Living Buddha, not to mention occupying the whole Central Plains, at least controlling the whole Sisa, there will be absolutely no problem in the whole "Jingnan Army" area.

However, with the deep potential of the An family to take root in Kanto for a long time, they not only intervened in controlling half of the Qingyuan snow area by taking advantage of the rare snow disaster in a hundred years, but also forced the Qinghai temple that was greatly damaged in the snow disaster to swallow their anger. Later, when the eight Siba Living Buddha had not yet seen the situation and the decision was wavering, the An family had quickly united with the other major clans of the "Herian Department" to control the Cise and stabilize the situation, making the opportunity for the rise of the "Qingyuan Empire" and even occupy the Western Serb region slim.

——Don't miss the opportunity, never come again.

The opportunity is fleeting and losing the best opportunity for expansion. No matter how unwilling the living Buddha is since then, no matter how much he secretly competes with the empire, it is difficult to shake the empire's established dominance in Cise in a short time.

In the secret competition with the empire, the living Buddha gradually felt that he had successfully integrated Mengjin, Qingyuan, Helian and other Western wolves, and established a solid foundation of the imperial wolves, which has greatly surpassed the "Qingyuan Empire" and is not what he can compete with at present.

There are no benefits to get along with the empire. On the contrary, Qingyuan Temple has gained considerable benefits in the exchange with the empire.

The rapid abduction of the imperial legion has turned into redundant labor force. The stable Kanto has caused a large influx of the imperial population due to the war in the Central Plains. The border, including some towns in the Qingyuan, gradually prospered, and the demand for horses, cattle and livestock has soared, making the horses, cattle, sheep, camels, meat, milk and skins of the Qingyuan snowy temples. , hair, horns, tendons, glue, bones, knives, felt, weaving, embroidery, blankets and other commercial goods can also be sold at a better price. Not only has the private wealth of Buddhas, Dharma Kings, suzerains and national teachers in various temples increased significantly, but ordinary monks' homes are also much richer because of mutual trade, such as grain, tea bricks, salt, wine and vinegar, cloth Silk, all kinds of gold, silver, copper, iron, jade, pottery, porcelain, lacquer, wood, glass and other objects can flow into the Qingyuan snow area almost unrestricted, which is indeed unprecedented.

Compared with the past, life has been greatly improved, especially the prices of salt and tea bricks are no longer as expensive as before. This is a great blessing for the snowfield, which is located in the snowfield and the materials are poor.

Based on this reality, coupled with the fact that the "dark part" of the empire has been in the Qingyuan Snowy Area, carrying out effective secret activities, scouting, lobbying, soliciting, threatening, buying and rebelling, making the 64 most powerful monasteries in the Qingyuan Snowy Area support the hostility between the "Great Duke of Silin" and the empire. The sound is getting smaller and smaller, and they all express their hope to strengthen the ties with the empire and symbolic tribute to the empire in exchange for greater economic benefits.