Wolf Empire

0346 0347 Fight, Fight, Rob!

"Tuziling", on the bare mountain beam, the sixth brother An Ziran stared at the blood-red eyes and watched a team of "red-bearded" horse bandits under the mountain, slowly passing through the mountain road under his skin.

By the order of Emperor Andongye, the sixth brother An Ziran and the ninth brother An Ziran led an imperial cavalry and made several earth-shaking cases in the Mengjin grassland under the banner of horse bandits, and became well-known and fierce thieves.

This time, their target is the "red beard" horse bandits that the empire has been pursuing. According to the secret report provided by the "Dark Department" secret police who broke into the reliable inside of the horse thief, the largest group of horse bandits, who robbed a small tribe of the "Mongod Gold Department" not long ago, will carry a large number of gold and silver goods and return to the nest through "Tongziling".

After hiding in the ridge, the sixth brother An Ziran ambushed and made a net, ready to get rid of this "red-bearded" bandit who disturbed the peace of the imperial border!

"Bir Kou and they are not in place yet, Sixth Master, what should we do?" A major general with glasses asked anxiously.

The old man with a six donkey's face pulled, held the fist of the horse whip, clenched it tightly, and looked at the bandit team tied with women and heavy suitcases on the horse's back below, and was about to leave the ambush circle he arranged, with an expression of eating people and a gloomy face without saying a word.

An Ziran, the sixth brother who had already set up a trap and was waiting for the army, found that what he was most worried about had finally become a reality. Although the worst situation has been envisaged, the actual situation is ten times worse than the worst scenario expected by Ruffians Six.

Although the six brother An Ziran's department deployed a strict pocket array in the planned ambush section on both sides of the post road of "Taoziling" in advance, carefully disguised it, and did not let the bandit outpost who set out the martial law expulsion mission to see the traces of people and horses, the army of the sixth brother An Ziran had long ago. It is already very embarrassing and not enough to allocate at all. Now I see that the horse bandit team passing through the ambush section is unprecedentedly powerful, much more than the original estimated combat power. Although ten thousand people did not want to admit the fact of the great difference between strength and weakness, the ruffian still endured and endured it. He wisely did not order the attack rashly. He let the big fish slip through his net and let the next stop An Zichen take action.

-Who told you that the net you made is not strong enough? Since there is not enough strength to catch this big fish, there is nothing to complain about!

Originally, the situation on the side of the ninth brother An Zichen was actually similar to that of XX6. At first, the military strength was not enough, but the ninth brother An Zichen was slightly better than the ruffian six, that is, the follow-up of the second batch of the 1st and 3rd division of the ninth brother An Zichen was in place in a very timely manner, so that the strength of XX9 should be abundant. More, the deployment of troops also has more free space, and there is no need to be overstretched!

The reason for this contrast is that it is related to the birth environment and their respective personalities of the two brothers. An Zichen, the ninth brother, has received strict education from the shaman "Xilin Sefu Non-commissioned Officer School" since he was a child. He has long been used to the prohibition and obeying the life of discipline, so the one-three divisions under his leadership, The governance of the army is strict, and the military discipline is strict. Those unruly and complex subordinates, under the restraint of strict military laws, no one dares to violate the military law and make a mistake;

In the Asakusa bush on both sides of the mountain road, multiple rows of staggered pits were secretly excavated. Each pits were excavated and constructed very exquisitely. The pit was built into a ladder, one high and one low. People can sit and stand in it, and then covered them with solid solid wood boards to carry moist mud. The fresh green turf of the soil was disguised, and the imperial guards were hidden in the pit without any trace.

The domineering front team of horse bandits passed through the lurking area and did not look at the grass at all. They focused on the mountain and forest area to see if there were any suspicious people there.

In these pits hidden under the grass, a considerable number of guards * hands and * hands that are good at using strong crossbows have been deployed. They will be able to launch multiple rounds of shooting at the entire horse bandit team, and also prepare some temporary fire oil bombs and lime bombs for backup.

At the same time as these snipers, there are twice as many swords and axesmen who are suitable for horse fighting. These people will echo a six-fold armored cavalry hidden away from the mountain road, surround, intercept and remove the remaining horse gangsters under the first round of attack.

Six brother An Ziran's thousands of mounted heavy armored cavalry mounts and hid in the dense forest behind the small mountain a few miles around the official road.

An Zichen, the ninth brother, completely regarded this operation as a regular ambush. The key is that the hidden guard snipers can achieve more battles, and the more they shoot, the higher the chance of success.

The terrain is dangerous, and there are barren grass on both sides of the mountain road. Even if the horse bandits are killed, they will not expect that there will be a strong wolf group to hit them on their ground without warning.

- The guard snipers hiding in the pit are tightening the net of death little by little.