Wolf Empire

0364 encirclement

"This-reason slave knows." Queen Si Haoyue's apprentice Xiaoyue looked at her silent fiance Loulan Wang Ge Dun and meditated.

"This winter suffered a century-old natural disaster, and the old Slin thieves enjoyed themselves and watched millions of disaster victims starve to death and freeze to death. Our empire is compassionate, and the whole country's military and civilians mobilized to save the people at the end of their lives, and the country's destruction. The two majesty can take a look at the gold department, the herdsmen are full of food and livestock. Winter, the Qinghai monks and the children of Helian, which one is not safe to survive the disaster and have no worries about food and clothing? Wuhuang An Dongye said when he was excited, and his expression was not angry but powerful.

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment." Situ Xiaoyue, the queen of Haoyue, smiled bleakly, took the arm of her fiance Loulan Wang Gedun, and went not far away. In the wind, the husband and wife were whispering something-

Rand his hand to stop the behavior of the guards who wanted to keep up with the surveillance. Emperor Andongye turned around and stood with his hands behind his back, quietly waiting for the answer-

"Your Majesty." After a long time, Situ Xiaoyue raised her head and said firmly, "I don't tell you the truth, our couple have long hated the old Slin thief to the bone!" When Xiaoyue was a child, his mother, Situ Haoyue, and the old thief of Di Slin, were friends. They were commensurate with each other. If there was no mother's help, Silin would have been attacked by Saibei four times, and the country would have been destroyed. Who would have expected that Slin's old thief was ambitious, poisoned his mother to death, took the position of the leader of the alliance, and humiliated Xiaoyue in every way. In order to protect the female country, I endured it. Humiliation to this day. If His Majesty Wu can kill the old thief of Slin, Xiaoyue and his wife are willing to serve the pommel horse!"

Wuhuang Andongye suddenly turned around and said firmly, "It's a deal!"

On this day, the wolves returned Loulan's goods. In order to repay Wuhuang's kindness, Queen Haoyue gave 30 young and beautiful female knights of her personal guard to Wuhuang An Dongye. The latter accepted it with a smile and ordered all the imperial troops to complete their own combat tasks, and came to the meeting quickly and vowed to fight to the death with the Duke of Slinda!

The cold wind is blowing, and thousands of horses are galloping.

The red legion flag embroidered with wild wolves fluttered in the wind, and the 31st Army "Wild Wolf Legion" with a whole 150,000 horses galloped on the snowfield after the snow. It is still rare for the wolves to make such an arrogant move on the territory of the Slin people.

An Jinliang, the second brother, skillfully controlled the running mount and maintained the stability of his body, but he was planning how to choose in the future war.

As the main legion of the empire's Western Expedition South Road, the 31st Army is responsible for swimming in the vast snowfield in the south of the "Great Duchy of Slin" and maneuvering with the elite Slinsai cavalry guerrillas on the fortress; while the Sanage Western Front Corps is in the south of Sennan, to Silin, mainly with the caves of the "Miao Witch Department" under the jurisdiction of King Miao The guerrillas also fought with the horsemen of Grand Duke Slin.

In today's army, although the "Wild Wolf Legion" is one of the strongest legions, it can only be maintained at 100,000 horses because of the frequent confrontations with Slinsai, and it can't be compared with the "Demon Tiger Legion" in terms of strength.

The pressure of the "Demon Tiger Legion" is relatively less than that of the "Wild Wolf Legion", and the loss of man and horse weapons is not as much as that of the "Wild Wolf Legion". With 130,000 elite horses, it is close to the total strength of the 21st Army and 23rd Army of the "War Lion Group" on the Eastern Front.

The "Demon Tiger Legion" of An Yaoyi on the West Road crosses Miaoling and is driving rapidly on the road full of miasma swamps!

The spy spies are inside and outside the side wall, and the activities in the far and near snowfield are more frequent.

- The ultimate war is imminent!

At this moment, the attic of the "General's Mansion of Dingxi" is full of noise, silk bamboo orchestra, and laughter, men and women are looking for fun and squandering their lives.

"Wonderful girl, the general has invited a distinguished guest today. Please reward him with a golden face." The maid said carefully outside the curtain.

A touch of light flashed in the eyes of the girl called "Wonderful Girl", revealing her snow-white teeth and whispered, "Oh, do you know who was invited?"

"There are four guests. The two are the holy nuns of the 'Church of Light' from the island, and they don't know who are the specific slaves and maidservants; and the two are the influential gold owners of the township military and civilian regiment, Wu Liuye and Wu Shaozu. The maid replied.

"Well, go back to the master first. I'll go later." The people in the curtain whispered.

On the highest floor of the exquisite attic of the general's mansion, a team of young women, all dressed in sexy short skirts, graceful clouds, jingle, waved five strings, saw off the autumn waves, and danced out of the curtain of the two walls, and the people in the hall suddenly calmed down.

The first seat is Gu Xilou, the powerful "General of Dingxi" of the Holy See. The first two on the right, an old man and a young man, are the uncle and nephew of the famous rural gentry and the leader of the folk group in Jialuo City.

The guests are all wearing sun and moon white robes, red lips and white teeth, skin like moist jade, pure eyes, Tsinghua temperament, and beautiful holy nuns without human fireworks.

The two rich local tycoons, who are usually unrestrained, also try to restrain their market spirit, but they are muttering in their hearts: "What kind of family do you come from? It's a pity that I can't be a concubine to fill the house!"

The delicate language is like a warbler, and the fragrance is like drunkenness. The beautiful man dressed up and served fragrant tea. Gu Xilou raised his glass and delivered a speech, and the host and guests were in a happy atmosphere.

Take a break. Except for the wonderful girl, all the idle people in the hall retreated, leaving only five guests.

"General," two distinguished guests from the Church of Light, one of whom was a long, quiet and restrained woman, said, "You said before that now the urgent task is to investigate the troubles of civilian bandits, and it is appropriate to suppress them and calm them as soon as possible. No matter what the way to suppress it, how to raise it?

"The goddess of Buxing is polite and just call the name of the younger generation." General Gu Xilou hurriedly bowed.

When the uncle and nephew of the Wu family heard the words, they looked at each other and said awe-inspiringly, "This is Gu Xilou's good ability! Unexpectedly, the mother of the 'Holy Religion of Light' was invited to teach the goddess Wolledo?!"

I only heard General Gu Xilou say: "The cause of the unrestling people taking risks is that the people can't get enough food and clothing. It is difficult to shake the heart of suppressing bandits to take advantage of their momentum; as for the way to comfort, they are just eating and living and working in peace, and how can they rebel?"

"This year, the mainland countries have been generally suffering from food shortages, not only in the Central Plains, but also on the waves and plugs, but also on a large scale.' Since the beginning of winter, there have been hundreds of sizes on the island. I heard that a large number of cattle, sheep and livestock have starved to death. On the contrary, there is nothing unusual in Kanto? Mother of Wolledo, the goddess of cloth stars, said.

General Gu Xilou laughed and said, "This is true. Only when the 'undestroying imperial dynasty' is prepared for the rain and the policy is right can there be today's stability. On the way, the nephew of the younger generation is not talented. Now he has become an official in Kanto. He has sent a letter to the younger generation, saying that the reclamation of Kanto is fruitful. The introduction of cassava, potatoes and other foreign products can be planted in barren mountains, saline and desert land, so that it can be of grain storage and waste. The younger generation has decided to be abandoned in the 'Dingxi Army' next spring. The land has been piloted on a large scale, and the military and civilian grain shortage has been solved.