Wolf Empire

0375 Kaifu

The wolf army went out of the Western Expedition. In the past three months, it shook the southwest mainland and completely disrupted the pattern of the 16 countries of the "Hope Moon Alliance".

The Haoyue Kingdoms, the Grand Duchy of Siling, the Haoyue Kingdom, the ancient Kingdom of Loulan, the Mengjin Khanate, the Qingyuan Empire, the Tianlei Tribe, the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Elf, the Helian Tribe, the Eastern Hu Kingdom, the Western Qiang Kingdom, the Southern Barbarian Kingdom, the Beirong Kingdom, the Miaowu Cave, the Zhongshan Kingdom, the Duke of Walker, and the Kingdom of Charles, in the face of the imperial wolves, it can be said that several families are happy. A few families are sad, but it is difficult to balance hardships and joys.

Under the military suppression and political pull of the imperial wolves, the originally loose "Hioluyue Alliance" soon split into a situation of two-level positions.

The first is the affinity, including Helian, Qingyuan, Mengjin, Haoyue, Loulan, Elf, Miao Wu, and three small southwest countries such as Zhongshan, Walker and Charles, which have long been attached to the empire, more than half of the members of the Allies. These tribes may seek food relief from the empire or deter the powerful fighting power of the wolves. , weighing the pros and cons, he chose to get rid of the control and containment of the Slin people. Among them, the perverse and evil deeds of Grand Duke Sling over the years also played an important counterproductive role;

The second is the death war faction, including the Grand Duchy of Silin and his best friend Tianlei and four affiliated countries such as Donghu, Nanman, Xiqiang and Beirong. Among them, Tianlei and Xiqiang have been destroyed, and the other three have gone, and they can only survive.

After more than a month of intense bargaining and reaching a compromise between the empire and the princes of Sais, the third brother An Yaoyi, the emperor of Wu, An Dongye, was appointed as the "Prime Minister of Sisi" and opened the government of "Helenburg" and the Prime Minister of Sisi's military and political affairs.

Under the auspices of the third brother An Yaoyi, the military government of Saixi quickly operated, set up officials, appeased the military and civilians, rectified the administration of officials, set up and adjusted the subordinate officials of the fortress, and implemented various laws of the empire. This inevitably involved major changes in the original interest pattern, but under the general trend and the deterrence of force, a Some tribes may be dissatisfied at present, and they dare not act rashly for the time being.

Because in the eyes of the local tyrants and tribes, the imperial wolves attacked with five armies in a short March without much fierce battle. Half of the wall of Sisi was almost out of their fingertips, so that all parties in Sisi could not be deeply shocked.

The powerful imperial wolves undoubtedly showed unparalleled powerful force in the military operation on the Western Expedition, especially the rapid mobile assembly of a large number of troops, the rapid transportation of weapons and disaster relief supplies. These two capabilities undoubtedly have great deterrent power, which means the sinking of the imperial wolves. The heavy iron fist can hit the head of the intended resister at any time, giving the most devastating blow.

In the case of this kind of imperial wolves covering the sky with one hand, those tribalfa and church sects that have long established close ties with the An Dynasty are naturally restless, and they will not lose their share in terms of meritorious deeds;

And many people know that if a clan or sect can't have a good relationship with the official army, it must have a bad future and a bad life. Those who are stuffed with local tribalfa and sect gangs will inevitably become anxious at this time, and they are trying to find a way, hoping to catch up with the An Dynasty. Naturally, the eight immortals cross the sea to show their magical power, and there are many ironic farces among them.

At this time, Wuhuang Andongye had no time to deal with these tribalfa and sect gangs who found a way to flatter him. Now all his energy is mainly on deploying military strength to consolidate the results of the war. Many military affairs require him to make a final decision.

The end of the year is approaching, and the pensions and rewards and punishments of the participating troops are related to the morale of the army, and they can't be careless at all. The troops gathered on the fortress are really many and miscellaneous. Without Emperor Wu personally sit in charge, no one can command. Therefore, such as the 50,000 riders in Mengjin, 40,000 monks and soldiers in Qingyuan, 30,000 female soldiers in Haoyue, Loulan Jingjia, and Helian The troops in the middle of the wolf group trained day and night to prepare for the war; deploying the Allies of Youdong and Miaowu 18 Caves to fight against the Silin people was only the first step to obtain the territory they now occupied. The empire can only be based on Saisi now, and the next battle may be long-lasting and difficult. The eastern terrain of Slin is rugged and dangerous, which is absolutely a severe test for the imperial wolves who are good at cavalry fighting, while the southern part of the duchy is a deep and dangerous terrain. At that time, snakes and insect poisons are found, and the Emperor Wu has even made the worst plan that hundreds of thousands of people may be defeated in the decisive battle in the future.

After obtaining Haoyue and Loulan, although the wolves attacked Sling's cavalry, this attack was not smooth. Those elite Sling cavalry fought fiercely and were not afraid of death. Although the wolves, including the Saishang Legion transferred from the attached departments, were brave, they also did not occupy the desperate hard fight. No matter how cheap it is, the war has fallen into a stalemate.

At this time, Wuhuang Andongye, who is busy with military affairs, did not want to interfere in any local affairs of the Western military government, but the situation is involunative and the military and politics are difficult to separate. There are always one thing or that. The Western military government needs the supreme commander of Wuhuang Andongye to come forward to coordinate and make decisions, such as raising a lot of wolves in the empire. During the period, some former tribal leaders who suddenly disappeared also reappeared one after another. Most of these missing tribal leaders were secretly kidnapped by the "Dark Knights" of the feather girl. As long as they are willing now, it is not important to arrange them to serve and manage the original clan. The other part of the leader's department is because of his secret relationship with the local sect gang. The disappearance is just to escape when the situation is uncertain. Now it is the critical time to fight for the right to the official position, and it is necessary to make an appearance. This belongs to the authority of the third brother An Yaoyi, and there is no need to worry about the Emperor Wu. What should he do? On balance, Emperor Wu believed that the third brother could handle it quite perfectly; only a small number of the "missing" leaders' back and scenes were suspicious and were confirmed to be problematic. However, it is a pity to let the third prince invoke the review and screening terms of the "election order" to completely eliminate these people. The use of the "dark" spy eyeliner is completely on the word "secret". If the identity has been exposed, the harm is actually not great, and it can be used in reverse and used by the empire. This matter absolutely needs to be coordinated by the Emperor Wu, otherwise, with the administrative authorization obtained by the third brother An Yaoyi in Sisi, Wen Si's wolf tooth secret police "security bureau" will not be able to interfere in the personnel appointments of various ministries in Sisi.

Such handling of heavy government affairs and military affairs, as well as feasting and socializing with famous monks from all walks of life and locals, and attracting the hearts of the Serbs. Although Emperor Wu has his own "Military Machinery Office" to share the trouble with the secretaries of the military headquarters in government affairs, and has the assistance of the "staff department" of the Guards in military affairs, there are still a lot of affairs, and few Take care of others.

Even so, Emperor Andongye still had time to receive the visit of the goddess of light, Ncherbuku, the goddess of the "Holy Religion of Light" and the great saint Abukahehe.