Wolf Empire

0385 Battle of the Holy Devil

In fact, the six sects of Demon Dao also know little about the situation of the wolves of the empire. They don't know that all the dark knights have been stipulated by their masters. After arriving at the dark whistle latent point farthest from the camp, they must return. Whether they are captured or not, it is the same. Of course, if the dark whistle has died, they will bring back the body of the robe. It is the most important thing.

Just follow the conventional practice to lure this "Dark Knights" who have proved to be the strongest, and then give a desperate blow. It is also good that Grand Duke Sling can not only achieve the purpose of showing his power, but also hit the imperial wolves before the decisive battle.

For Andongye, Grand Duke Slin has a great hatred and hatred to the bone. Four years ago, when Viscount Despatti, the only son of the Grand Duke, was visiting the border city to attend a private banquet of Gong Ziyu, he flirted with Xia Qixi, the personal maid of Miss Xia Yaya of the Shamanite, and was shot on the spot by Antonye, who was then the commander of the Mobei Garrison of the Holy See. After that, Grand Duke Sling made many negotiations with the Holy See and asked the Baiye Dynasty to hand over the murder culprit, but he did not receive a satisfactory answer, which triggered a protracted war between the two countries.

Slin was heartbroken by the death of his son, and his two attempts to assassinate Andongye were almost successful. One was to hire the mainland's first killer organization "undead" to go deep into the "* town" in the desert. Unexpectedly, the "undead" boss Yushi and Andongye met as before, they cherished each other and temporarily gave up the assassination operation; one time in Anton On the way back to Mafeng, where he was ordered to go back to Beijing for trial, Ye was ambushed by the Mengjin eagle shooter instructed by Grand Duke Slin. He was seriously injured and faked to die before he escaped.

This is the third assassination. When the final battle on the plug was imminent, the dying Lord Sling was strongly supported by the lord of the demon world, Master Yalei, and gathered six top demon masters and vowed to succeed with one blow!

Nearly 50 miles away from the camp, it is about to reach the farthest snake lurking point. The sky is approaching dawn, the darkest moment of the day is coming to an end, and the snow has become smaller.

Although Wuhuang Andongye and others repelled many powerful attacks on the way, they did not get any more. The other party became slippery, giving the impression that their manpower was not many. The two casualties had been a little exhausted in the future, and basically there were only attacks left.

Of course, Emperor An Dongye knew that there were ghosts in it, but for An Dongye, who reached the farthest lurking point to collect the dark whistle, was more of a determination and attitude. Although this determination and attitude should be expressed in more bloody ways, it must be done, even if it is clear. Knowing that this may already be the Longtan Tiger Cave, you still have to come.

- Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, they prefer tiger mountains. This is the attitude of the wolves!

The night has receded slightly, there is a bright color between heaven and earth, and the first day of the New Year is coming.

A hazy virtual shadow highlighted in the dark night. At the same time, the sound of wind and snow between heaven and earth suddenly surrounded several people in Andongye.

The deep coldness shrouded the fields, and all kinds of strange sounds filled the ears. It seemed that all the sounds made by the world for thousands of years were concentrated in this place in an instant.

The ear drum is full of all kinds of strange sounds that are indescribable. Emperor Andongye, the goddess of Enchebuku, the heavenly daughter of Abukahehe, and the saint of Anyidan, the four people with the highest martial arts skills, and the four figures suddenly rose like eagles, all of which were inspired by their hearts and attacked in all directions.

Wuhuang Andongye made a sudden advance at the right time, and a horse was the first. The hazy shadow suddenly burst into a thunderbolt, and in an instant, it hit its head-on, like thunder. The tsunami-like power swept over the head, and Andongye knew that it could not be hard. How could this top master of magic be hard to take a powerful blow?

When Andongye rose obliquely, there was a huge force everywhere, and a loud noise still made the virtual shadow of the thunder and lightning hit straight. The sound was beating like a drum, shocked a hundred miles, and all the dancers were shocked!

However, the cloth flying all over the sky like flowers and butterflies. With the fierce momentum of the hazy shadow, it floated everywhere. After a shock, the nuns also saw that the owner was a substitute for clothes, and the golden cicada came out of its shell!

-Wuhuang Andongye actually replaced his body with a windbreaker and was hit by this powerful force!

The roared, the wind swept, and the inexhaustible Antonye heard the angry and anxious shouts of the nun behind him. A tall and thin man with a golden robe and twinkling eyes quietly emerged from the shadow and suddenly appeared behind Antonye, as if he were a chilling demon from the abyss.

The cold and extremely strong force poured in from behind, and it was inevitable!

- This is the real killing!

"Daxi bombarded the golden teeth!" Anton roared in his ambition.

Goddess Nchebuku and others suddenly felt cold, but they were entangled by strong opponents and had long been saved!

The turbulent cold hit his back, and Wuhuang Andongye stretched out his body with a bow. He seemed to instinctively remove some of the force added to his body, but he could no longer control the coordination of his body. A large amount of blood slowly flowed down the corners of his mouth and could no longer support it. He fell into the snow and lost all consciousness.

Emperor Andongye fell into the snow and didn't know whether to live or die, and the blood flowed, which was shocking!

A faint white fish belly appeared in the distant sky, and the goddess Enchebuku and other holy light masters also fell into an unprecedented crisis at the same time!

In terms of strength, the six sects of the Dark Demon Road have a great advantage at this moment. In the previous fierce confrontation, two people died in the Light Church and seriously injured one person. The injured have lost their fighting power and were left in place to hide and did not follow. There are only 13 people in the Church of Light now. Although there are more people than the other, their combat effectiveness is obviously weak.

What's more, the six sects of the magic road are escorted by top masters such as Lord Slin, and the holy light nun is surrounded by the four masters and squeezed into a narrow place, and the prospect is worrying!

The goddess Nchebuku and Abukahehe Tiannu exchanged glances in an instant. At present, they are surrounded by the enemy, and there is only one word of countermeasures: rush!

- Only by rushing out can you disrupt the enemy's layout, disturb the enemy's formation, and break through the enemy's encirclement.

With the protection of the bright and vague sky, the goddess Enchebuku and Abukahehe Tiannu quickly made a secret gesture that only their own people could understand its meaning. The master of the church immediately rushed forward in the same direction, faintly forming a conical attack formation. The momentum was not setbacked, and the sound of the roar was like a phoenix for nine days. Sound in the wilderness!

The goddess Ncherbuku has a lot of confidence in the battlefield judgment of Wuhuang Antonye. Antonye previously chose to break in the direction of being intercepted by the opponent's strongest master Mr. Jinya. There must be a good reason, and it is also consistent with her judgment. It is the strongest point that the weakest point. After all, the enemy's manpower Limited, there is the direction of the strongest master blocking. Once the blocking is broken through, the whole encirclement deployment will fail.

So she did not hesitate to order to attack in the direction of Emperor Andongye's previous breakthrough. Besides, Emperor Wu had to grab it back no matter what his life or death. If he allowed his master to fall into the hands of the six sects of the Demon Road, the faction of nuns had to be torn and swallowed up by angry wolves afterwards. Yes!

It was late. At that time, it was only a momentary thing from the fall of the Wuhuang Andongye who was secretly attacked to the goddess Nchebuku's order to make a sudden advance.

At the moment when Mr. Jinya shook his arms and wanted to take advantage of the situation to pursue and avenge his beloved disciple Maji to death, the roar of the goddess Enchebuku had not been exhausted, and she had risen to block it with all her strength. The speed seemed to be slow and fast, like a cloud of lightning, and suddenly arrived!

The wind and snow have not stopped, and the cold wind has swept up snowflakes all over the sky, beating the empty fields, and the grass is lurking.

The crystal snowflakes are wrapped in the goddess Enchebuku, and her whole body is like a sharp staff, obliquely stabbed, which is unstoppable!

The silver stick wind is harsh and resolute! The golden knife is cold, strong and eye-catching!

The sharpness of the holy light staff is full of anger, straight through the fierce murderous intention of bullfighting, breaking through the golden knife light in the sky on the opposite side, with momentum like a rainbow, advancing proudly.

In the face of such a fierce offensive, Mr. Jinya did not dare to despise it. He stopped and turned to meet the enemy. The golden robe instantly bulged, and the rain swirled with the wind and danced around. The sound was amazing and cold as the sea!

Suddenly, the charming figure turned into a mountain, majestic and unshakable, the sea of anger turned around, and the wind and thunderous air machine roared fiercely!

worthy of being a representative of the second generation of the demon world, Mr. Jinya defends like a mountain and attacks like a sea of anger!

At the same time, the darkness was as obscure, and the whole world was dark. Although the sky gradually turned bright, it became darker in an instant!

That kind of dark inexplicable evil, straight into the bone marrow, bloody and strong, covering the sky and the sun, the hazy shadow has rushed out with the sound of thunder, and hit it brazenly. The thunderous air machine locked the Wuhuang Antonye, who lay on the ground and knew nothing about life and death.

- The dark light is fleeting!

The petite Abukahehe heavenly girl jumped out, and her singing was as powerful as a thunder roar, shocking the world!

The sound waves rippled, and the powerful tide surged, like a shield, like a high wall, suddenly bursting, which was shocking. It was unbelievable that there was such a strong and powerful power in that petite body!

At the same time, a line of cold light stabbed in the air, pointing the sword ten steps at a time, as sharp as electricity, as fast as thunder, never in vain!

Abkhahe Heavenly Girl has launched at least two holy light arts in an instant. With the heroic sound waves driven by the holy world, with the huge power of overturning the river and the sea, she first built a number of invisible shields in front of Wuhuang Andongye to stop the thunderous killing of the virtual shadow, followed by the fierce and domineering sword, fighting. Strive to shake the strong attack and don't let it go at all!