Wolf Empire

0388 Waiting for a long time

As a wife and her husband passed away, An Tianyi's grief is no more sad than any princess; but after becoming an empire, Empress An Tianyi must force herself to put aside tears and pain now and calmly face the crisis of the empire and family.

Obviously, when Emperor Wu died, the first thing was to control this bad news within the local knowledge of a very few people, so as not to be sad, so that the imperial army and civilians would fall into panic and turmoil. Next, it is inevitable that the successor of the throne of the crown prince. Obviously, it is not qualified and expected to inherit the throne of Emperor Wu. In addition to three candidates: the head of the elder brothers and the eldest son of the emperor, the eldest son of the emperor, the first brave general of the empire has the unrivaled military achievements and the orthodox identity of the eldest son of the country; the fourth brother An Zixuan, who is most valued by the weapons of the martial arts emperor and the subjects of the empire, whether it is his military strategy or the official voice of the people, this fourth master has always been one of the public. The choice of the time; the other is An Xiaoye, the parent-child brother of Emperor Wu, but at present, this big-headed baby who is still sucking his fingers and grinding his teeth in his baby. It is extremely unrealistic to compete with a large group of wolf-like brothers. In this way, it is self-evident that it is not a lion or a magic dragon.

An Tianyi is worthy of being the head of the harem and the leader of the business world. She has her own opinions on the election of the crown prince in the second choice. The eldest brother Anxi's tears are deep and fierce, and the city is extremely deep. He has always been shy about her mother. Looking at what he has done in the East in recent years, he has forced the mother and son of Catherine to give up the throne. , self-directed and self-acted regent supervision drama, flying and ambitious, really difficult to tame. If the eldest brother is allowed to inherit the throne, An Tianyi and the orphan and widowed mother, I'm afraid that they will also follow in the footsteps of Princess Catherine and Peter II's mother and son, and there will be no good life. On the contrary, the fourth master An Zixuan is modest and polite, and respectful. Young love is a gentle and benevolent king. With his accession to the throne, he will never let the empire go to the sad point of brotherhood and brotherhood.

In addition, it is essential to implement military martial law in the imperial capital and major provincial camps to strictly control and prevent internal troubles of foreign enemies. The last link is to inform the eight major ministers of the imperial cabinet to unify their wills under their own ideas. After all, as the highest administrative body of the empire, the forces of these meritorious generals who have been following the former emperors to start their national careers cannot be despised.

Under the emergency treatment of the imperial doctors, the regent princess An Moran woke up quietly and said with tears and self-pity: "Dad is gone, what's the benefit of living alone-"

"ba-ba-buy cake-" An Ono, the big-headed baby in the arms of the imperial concubine in Jieyi squeezed out a few words milky voice. When An Tianyi's mother and daughter heard it, it added more sadness in their hearts and couldn't help crying-


"Is the news really accurate???" Grand Duke Slin jumped up from Hu** and pulled the pain of the broken left arm, which made him moan in a muffled voice, and then grabbed his eldest son-in-law, the leader of the palace guard, Tuobaye, regardless of his identity, and asked loudly, "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"Yes, father." Tuobaye held his surprise and answered in a normal voice as much as possible: "I witnessed that the wolf army was commanded by three brothers, An Yaoyi, and withdrew from the Snow Valley at night and rushed back to the territory of the empire. In addition, Uncle Donghu and Uncle Beirong also sent a message at the same time. The Eastern Army and the Northern Route Army of the wolves of the Empire were also without warning. In this case, they scramble to withdraw their troops to their home country. According to the inference of the son-in-law, it should be the eldest brother An Xilei and the fourth brother An Zixuan, who want to send troops back to China first and take the lead in order to compete for the throne.

"Hahaha-" With an empty sleeve, Grand Duke Slin looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Andongye, you're finally dead! My son, you can close your eyes. Dad will avenge you!!! Hahaha--" The laughter suddenly stopped, and Grand Duke Slin said hatefully, "I can't let these wolf cubs go back to China so easily, expand the field, integrate all the elite horses of the duchy to chase and kill them with all their strength, and catch them all at the time when there is no owner in the wolf army!"

"My son received the order."

Under the order of Grand Duke Sling, more than 400,000 elite horses poured out, left "Gosdanburg" and chased the wolves along the empty ground of the snowfield. The knives were like clouds, and tens of thousands of horses galloped, shouting to kill the sky, and the momentum was magnificent.

The vast snowfield, the awe-inserce murderous intention, wrapped in silver, and the country is picturesque.

The snow on the grassland is not deep. The elite of the duchy rode in the rapid advance and unconsciously passed through the "Big Snow Valley", but when they were chasing a cavalry battalion at the front edge, they were suddenly stunned by the thousands of troops and horses that appeared in front of them!

In the cold wind, the imperial wolves hunted and fluttered. The seven wolf totem embroidered on the flag was about to move, majestic and powerful, representing the awe-insirable and inviolable authority of the imperial dynasty.

Next to the imperial wolf flag, the "Guard Legion" flag and shield are flying, and the "Demon Tiger Legion" flag-winged tiger roared, showing the majesty of the army.

The military flag of the "Spirit Snake Legion", the spiritual snake spit out letters; the military flag of the "Skull Legion", the white bones are cold; the curved machete flag of Mengjin, the Tantric Sanskrit flag of the Qingyuan monks and soldiers, the lightning and Thunderbolt flag of the children of Helian, the golden remnant moon flag of the bright moon women's army, and the silver peony flag of Loulan Jingjia are also unique.

Holding their breath and listening to the orders to attack, the wolf soldiers of all parts of the army stood on the snowfield in a dark and pressure. The army's appearance was solemn and powerful, and there was a wild and fierce attack in their eyes.

*Mountain cannons, bows, crossbows and shields, rows and rows, mountains are piled up, and all kinds of weapons are silently accumulating murderous, waiting for the moment of explosion.

The only busy thing except for the military pigeons and eagles that fly away from time to time is the scout horse.

"Father, something seems to be wrong!" Tuobaye strangled the mount, nervously observed the wolves around him, and muttered, "We are surrounded-"

At this time, Grand Duke Sling woke up slightly from the pleasure of revenge and the joy of victory. Looking around, a bad feeling gradually surged up.

The army in the wolves moved, and the banners were like clouds.

The duchy has been sent two or three hundred miles away. Most of the elite horses under the jurisdiction of Grand Duke Sling are well-trained teachers, and they are not chaotic in the face of danger.

Several thousands of riders are scattered on the vast snowfield, with eagles and dogs driving forward, roundabout, attacking, advancing layer by layer, thundering hooves, and horns resounding through the grassland.

Grand Duke Slin rushed to the front of the battle, and saw two rows of military shields in the opposite array like blue waves, and a cluster of troops gushed out. Under the Wolf King, a thin and lonely man hung neatly, dressed in black leather armor, and the blood-red helmet on the leather helmet fluttered in the wind, like a flag.

I only heard the man's strong murderous voice: "Duke Slin, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"So you cheated to death?" Grand Duke Sling, who was deceived and humiliated, said angrily.

"If not, how can you, the old fox, leave the solid 'Gosdanburg' turtle shell and get into the encirclement of my wolves?" The pale-faced Wuhuang Antonye covered his belly and laughed, looking happy as if he had caught a fool.

After his anger, Grand Duke Slin looked back at the loyal and brave elite horse gathered around him and let out a confident sneer. Admittedly, a series of deceptions, falsations and fake actions of the empire made Grand Duke Quisling's more than 40 million elite riders gathered in a hurry, but the keen insight honed by Grand Duke Sling's perennial campaign made him deploy heavy troops in the rear army, and still made the encirclement and complete annihilation plan of the wolves fail.

Therefore, although the empire was well prepared and gathered allied forces, its advantage was not obvious compared with the elite horses of the Duke of Sling. The total strength of the empire is even a little better than that of the Slin people. Even if the elite cavalry, the two sides are roughly equal. At least there are Donghu and Beirong cavalry on the part of the Principality that may participate in the battle at any time, and still have a relative advantage. The only thing that makes Grand Duke Slin can't figure out is why the obviously seriously injured wolves have to fight a war with themselves at this time that is not very likely to win, and may even hurt both sides?