Wolf Empire

0406 Cliff

trapped on the cliff, these mysterious people fell down trees and built a shack tree house with trees and snow to avoid the wind and cold. Everyone hid in the tree house, was not affected by the cold, slept outside and was attacked by the cold, and was trapped in the Jedi. As long as they guarded the narrow road up the mountain, there was no need to worry about burning a bonfire for warmth. Exposure, cold can't threaten them in the short term;

As for food, although food is difficult to find in the mountains and forests in winter, it is also difficult to beat these mysterious people in white. Among the dry food they carry with them, there is a kind of beef jerky filled with a simple stone pot on it, and cooks a small handful of such beef jerky with tree bark, pine nuts, moss, ant eggs, insect powder and other food. Thick broth is not too difficult, and the only hares, snow chickens, squirrels, etc. in this steep mountain forest have been killed by them. The edible pine nuts, bark, moss and Pore are searched or excavated, and even a considerable number of ants and ant eggs have been dug from many hibernation ant nests buried under the mountains and snow. Wild beehives in the mountain forest are used as spare food. These delicious foods are enough to make dozens of people last, and the food is enough to make the people trapped on this cliff last for another ten days and eight days.

These mysterious white people keep a distance from the moon soul and another group of mysterious black-robed people, and their living activities are self-contained, so they naturally form three lineups on the cliff, but they are not willing to share with the trapped people in food, precisely because of the relative food Sufficient, and even in this situation of being trapped in the Jedi, these people in white are still calm and confident, which is one of the reasons why everyone trapped on the cliff can persist for more than ten days.

Although Moon Soul suspects that these mysterious people in white come from the imperial wolves, she is the king of a country and is well-informed. Seeing that those people in white do not intend to reveal their origins, they also know that they do not ask questions and avoid offending other people's taboos.

However, she doesn't understand that if the man in white comes from the imperial wolves, what is the origin of another group of mysterious black-robed people? This made her puzzled and confused. It was impossible to help each other in times of crisis for no reason. Why did they take action?

The number of mysterious black-robed people who appear almost at the same time as the group of people in white is much smaller. There are only nine people in black robes. When they appear, they are like ghosts, cold, gloomy and creepy, and their striking power is also extremely terrible. They come and go, suddenly gather together, and cooperate with tacit understanding. He is invincible, but rarely uses military blades, which makes them think highly of themselves. The elites of the "Elf Department" who once dominated the world are also secretly shocked.

And between these people in black and people in white, the moon soul can see that they are obviously not the same way, and they do not know each other's details.

When the moon soul turned, the snow fell behind him, and the sound of the ice edges breaking and falling to the ground was approaching, and even the sound of stepping on the snow could be heard.

"Priest, do you think there will be reinforcements?" The bright and charming Yueling came behind the moon soul and asked with some frustration. Obviously, she was not very optimistic about the situation in front of her.

The moon soul glanced at the sisters, looked down at the mountain, and said, "There must be more!" Having said that, the moon soul itself is not very sure.

At the foot of the mountain, the forest hills rise and fall; in the distance, the peaks are towering, looking at the white snow, it seems that no living things can be seen. It is dead and cold, and the future is uncertain.

From some subtle signs, they still knew that there were people walking in the mountain forest under the cliff, and the siege had not ended. At the beginning of the time, the moon soul group of people on duty would come to an end. At the end of the afternoon, it should be the black-robed man who took turns to guard the narrow road in front of the cliff, and it was not until the evening that the white man in white took over. .

Suddenly, two tragic sound in the forest under the cliff came empty, and then you could see the snow falling like rain on the treetops of the thick forest, showing that there was chaos under the mountain.

The long roared, the mountains roared, and avalanches of different sizes began to appear everywhere, roaring, amazing, snowflakes flying and inspiring.

At the foot of the mountain, the thick forest continues to accumulate snow. Obviously, many people are in a busy situation.

With a strange roar, two white shadows in the thick forest at the foot of the mountain burst out, and the speed was extremely fast among the trees on the edge of the thick forest.

Behind the two white shadows, a gray shadow chased out from behind, and the speed was shocking. It chased the two white shadows in an instant. The sword light swallowed, the thunder was faint, and even the moon soul on the cliff was horristered.

The figure suddenly shook and shook in an instant.

One of the white shadows emerged from the snowdrift, but in the momentary confrontation, it was hit by a huge force and hit a tree trunk. The branches fell like a rainstorm, and the falling snow almost buried him alive. It can be seen that it is embarrassing.

And this tree is more than 20 feet away from where he first appeared.

At this time, another white shadow flies, and the light shadow floats in the snow and flies. There is no trace on the snow, and his light body is proud, but he can't get rid of the gray shadow behind him.

The white shadow that just emerged from the snowdrift roared angrily, shook off the snow all over his body, and swallowed a pill in a quick way.

A dazzling knife light came out with pieces of snowflakes, and a thrilling and shocking thunder suddenly sounded and split the gray shadow.

The wind and thunder suddenly broke out, and the sword light was fierce and fierce.

The sword and shadow are like illusion, the three figures are flowing in turn, the snow is full of sleet, the cold light is like waves, and the arc is like practice-

At this time, the moon soul has quickly taken out the strong bow and arrow wrapped in the carpet and is ready to block the narrow road up the mountain with bow and arrow. It is cold, and the bow string cannot be far away, and it needs to be more vigilant. At this time, the moon soul has sent a signal to let the companions who use javelin and hard crossbows come down to support.

The knife light suddenly shrank and ran to the cliff. The gray shadow followed from behind, and the snow and ice edges fell one after another -

"Huh? How could it be them?" The moon soul was a little surprised.

The two white shadows chased from behind are exactly two of the mysterious people in white.

How did they get down to the cliff? You know, last night was the group of black-robed people on duty night. If any of the white people go down from the front, they must not hide the black-robed people. The reasonable explanation is that they have found a way to escape from the cliff, and may even have sent people to sneak out of the siege two days earlier.

However, at this time, the moon soul is not allowed to think much about it. The hard crossbow of the companion elf holy archer has been shot first, and the sharp arrow broke through the air to stop the gray shadow chasing behind. At the moment when it was a little behind, the two strong bows in the hands of the moon soul and the moon spirit also poured down arrows at the same time, and the holy bows of those elves shot out to form an arrow rain. At that time, it had terrible power. The gray shadow could only retreat and disappear into the thick forest under the mountain in the blink of an eye.

Two people in white rushed across the narrow road and immediately sat on the ground. Obviously, the chase just now consumed their energy and was eager to recover.

The two groups of mysterious people on the steep slope also heard the news, and Yuehun asked the leaders among the people in white a little unhappily: "What's wrong with you?"

The leader said blankly, "Yes, there are several people among us who can climb down the cliff, but there is a risk of death. If you are willing to try, we can accompany you. Do you want to take a look on the cliff?

Think about the unfathomable cliff that even ape monkeys are worried about. In this winter season, when the water is dripping into ice and the wind is furious, you have to climb down from the high and steep cliff with your bare hands. In the cold mountain wind, you will accidentally fall to pieces, probably as long as you are completely desperate. Only then chose to take this extremely dangerous escape road, and almost everyone gave up the idea of getting out from behind the cliff.

"The rescue can't be reached. We just need to stick to it for another day and night." After saying that, the leader of the white man whistled and suddenly retreated to the mountain forest. All the people in white, including two people in white who had just adjusted their breath, disappeared in an instant.

Yuehun and others were stunned for a moment before they woke up, and their faces glowed with joy.

"The gray shadow just now is so good. Is it Mr. Huodu?" Yueling asked.

"It's very likely. However, this person's whereabouts are secret, and I have never seen him before. Yuehun replied uncertainly, secretly guessing: "I don't know which side of the rescue-"

The next day, he shouted to kill the sky under the cliff. In less than half an hour, the demons of Huozhou "Heavenly Demon Sect" who were waiting under the cliff were scattered. Dozens of dark magicians took the ladder and soft rope to save the moon soul trapped on the cliff one by one.

"See the commander-in-chief." Yueling, who had served in the "Dark Knights", recognized the delicate women in black in the crowd at a glance.

Yuqi smiled and motioned, turned around to the leader of the man in white and said, "Master Wen, thank your brother Wen for me, saying that I owe you a 'dark' favor."

The leader in white bowed and said, "It's polite to work for the same empire." After saying that, he quickly left with his companions.

The moon soul swept around and said to himself in surprise, "Huh? Why did those nine black-robed monsters leave without saying hello-"