Wolf Empire

0408 Snow Night Enmity

After saying that, Wuhuang Andongye couldn't help shaking his hand and throwing a Buddha card to the Mongolian gold man, and pointing to the mountains and forests in the distance shouting the sky. He fought endlessly and said, "Do you see? There, my subordinates are fighting hard, but there are not enough manpower to seal the demons to escape. Your task is to wander in the outer circle. Anyone who breaks out of the siege, take it down as much as possible. If there is any resistance, you can kill them.

Wuhuang Andong's ambition is clear that if he puts these people who have never cooperated with him into the battlefield, he may disturb the original offensive and defense system of his own subordinates, which is definitely not worth the gain.

However, let them become one and walk and ambush on the periphery. Such an arrangement does not hinder the overall situation much, and it also takes advantage of the strengths of this group of Mengjin Ruishi who are good at lurking outposts and waiting for the opportunity to ambush.

It's just that Emperor Andongye was determined that the expression that these Monjin Ruishi would agree was too strange and confident, at least in the eyes of the goddess Enchebuku, this was quite strange.

They don't know that in a few short dialogues, Wuhuang Antonye has silently succeeded inducing the emotions and thoughts of these 50 Mengjin Ruishi, making them subconsciously convince Wuhuang Antonye's words.

The Buddha card taken out by Wuhuang Andongye is a token of an 800-year-owned living Buddha. For the Qingyuan lama, it has considerable authority. These Mengjin Ruishi must know and understand the authority represented by this kind of Buddha card, and he doesn't need to talk much.

Sure enough, as Wuhuang Andongye expected, when Wuhuang Andongye did not clearly identify himself, these Mengjin Ruishi agreed to Wuhuang Andongye's request and promised to intercept the outer guerrillas.

Wuhuang Andongye's current manpower is really not enough. Taking advantage of this group of Mongolian Jinruis is just one more chess piece. Even Wuhuang Antonye himself dares not predict what role he can play and how much role he can play.

This is just a small episode on the battlefield. After sending away this group of unforesend Mengjin Ruishi, Emperor An Dongye still pays attention to the fierce fighting in the mountains and forests. He sighs in his heart that the paranoid magic of Huozhou Tianyao Sect's crazy faith is so powerful and terrible, and the hard battle has continued. When it was almost dark, the defeat of Huozhou Tianyao Sect had become clear and the situation tended to be clear. Emperor Andongye felt that the purpose of this trip was also barely achieved. There was no need to force the other party to fight against trapped beasts, and he also captured many demons of Huozhou Tianyao Sect. Looking at the sky, it was not very favorable to fight in winter nights, so he ordered to recruit troops.

On the low hill, looking at the remnants of Huozhou Tianyao Sect gradually dispersed and broke through the siege, but the military situation reported everywhere made Wuhuang An Dongye a little disappointed. There was no trace of high-level demon sects such as Mr. Huo Du was found here.

For Wuhuang Andongye, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is basically a complete failure. He stirs up the masses and has no success. His coach has to bear most of the responsibility. The fault is that he is too hasty and is too eager to achieve success. If you can capture the main leader of Huozhou Tianyao Sect this time, you can barely find it back. Now it is inevitable that Wuhuang Andongye feels a little frustrated, but it is fortunate that if you can save some people, you can still make Wuhuang Andongye steadily advance according to his original concept and not fail completely.

Of course, this is completely Wuhuang Andongye's own reflection. At least in the current situation, no one will blame him as the winner, even if it is a terrible "victory".

For the rescue of most of the kings, Emperor Andongye of Wu was somewhat comforted. These leaders of the princes of the fortress were an important pawn for him to achieve his march to the Central Plains. If he had planned for so long, but failed completely, it would be a very regrettable thing. Fortunately, he still tried to save it. Most people, and although they have worked hard and made no great achievements this time, have also gathered the hearts of the prince's leaders. The impact of this action itself may not gradually appear for a long time in the future.

In addition, Wuhuang Andongye has just received urgent news from the Dark Knights and Mengjin. Situ Xiaoyue's best friend Yuehun and Loulan Wang Gedun, who fell into the hands of the demon, have also been rescued. Although the black-robed guests who helped rescue Yuehun and others are mysterious, the dark part has not yet figured out the details. But this result is still enough to make Wuhuang Antonye quickly put aside his depression and become gloomy and happy.

The bonfire lit up, shining on the snowy mountains and forests.

After fighting hard all day in the mountains and forests, I can finally choose a place to camp, drink a mouthful of broth, chew dry food and barbecue, and fall asleep in the roaring mountain wind.

As the leader, he can't slack off. Wuhuang Andongye listened to the report of Yuehun and others overnight. Not only did he confuse the origin and intentions of these people in black robes, but it was not a good thing to secretly help them for no reason, which made Wuhuang Andongye feel uneasy and unknown for no reason. It is always easier for people to breed potential fears and defenses.

The yellow fire is red, and the bonfire faintly shines on the sleeping camp. The pine waves and snow in the mountains and ravines are quietly crushed by the light and shadow of the bonfire with the wind, sprinkled in the cold wind. The night is silent, and only the bonfire shakes red, shining on the wolf on duty at night.

Situ Xiaoyue and Ge Dun, who reunited after the disaster, lingered and intimately in the military tent not far away. Emperor An Dongye sat next to the bonfire outside the tent and picked up the fire without saying a word. His dog lone wolf snubbled beside his master and did not want to stay away from-

In this way, Wuhuang Andongye sat quietly in the center of the camp for one night. As soon as it was dawn, Wuhuang Andongye got up and immediately ordered to dress up and leave the camp. The whole camp suddenly moved and began to pack up and prepare for leave.

At this time, a small team of Ruishi of Mengjin Pioneer Camp appeared in front of the gate to ask for a meeting. In fact, Wuhuang Andongye was almost forgotten the pawn he had casually placed on the periphery. At this time, he recalled and immediately ordered people to pass it.

What Wuhuang Antonye didn't expect was that the guerrilla of this team of only 50 people in the periphery actually achieved good results, killing 50 or 60 people, and more than 60 prisoners were captured alive, and several of them were also several high-ranking demon masters who captled in the sewers on the way to collapse and fell one by one. In the hands of a pawn, he was driven here like a cattle and sheep. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't bear to look at it.

This team of Mengjin Ruishi has returned their Baoze brothers from a team of lama monks from the Qingyuan Department with the Buddha cards given by Wuhuang Andongye. In addition to sending their captured prisoners, they made a special trip to return the Buddha cards that played a role.

Emperor An Dongye laughed and felt ridiculous that he underestimated the ability of these Mengjin Ruishi. These grassland men hide dragons and crouching tigers, which could not be underestimated. When the other side learned the true identity of Wuhuang Andongye, he was even more shocked and grateful.