Wolf Empire

0416 Imperial City Assassin

On the day when the "Grand Duke of Silin" sent the family team to the "Wolf Capital", the fourth princess An Zixuan, who married the fourth master of the Prime Minister, personally went out to welcome 50 miles and treated each other with courtesy.

The eighth princess An Yixue and Shifu Jin Shaying perform their respective duties. The former settles the subordinates of the father-off team of the Principality, and the latter accepts the huge dowry of the Principality. In addition to countless furs and knives, the Tuobaye family also has silk embroidery, Qiluo wedding clothes and brocade quilts collected from the Central Plains of the Holy See. , household goods, porcelain tea set-

Wuhuang Andongye is not a lively person. Queen An Tianyi came forward to play in a lot of entertainment, and hid in the "royal study" to review the medal. Ansi dancer and Andrea wait for the tea and answer a few words from time to time.

In the middle of the night, Wuhuang An Dongye seemed to be a little sleepy and quickly leaned against the back of the chair and did not say anything.

The two women are well-cultivated. If the host does not take the initiative to talk to them during the rotating guard, they have always been silent, because only in this way can they concentrate and not miss any small signs from the outside world.

His eyes suddenly opened, and the finging spirit flashed. Emperor Andongye rose up and said mysteriously, "Ha ha, there are guests in the palace again. I will take you two sisters to watch a good play.

"What guests deserve so much importance? What does this guest do?" An Si's nun was a little puzzled.

"Hey," Wuhuang Andongye laughed, "I think there are ten * assassins, right? However, this man was unlucky. As soon as he entered the palace, he met the goddess and the goddess.

"Today, the sending-off team of the principality arrived. The people in the imperial city are complicated. The people of the duchy and the guards of the imperial city are not familiar with it. It is also very possible that some indiscible and scheming people will come in. Assassins and killers will come in to plot to assassinate and kill." The one-armed woman, Adria, sneered, "The sisters in the inner palace have discussed it, and they have to pay more attention in recent days. So that man is not unlucky, but we are prepared in advance.

"Oh?" Wuhuang Andongye laughed and said, "Okay, they are all brave and resourceful. Haha."

An Siwu's female Xiu frowned, "Have you determined who that person is?"

"This person can go so deep into the palace, which shows that he has the ability to hide; he can compete with goddesses and heavenly women, which shows that he has excellent martial arts skills. Then this person's identity is ready to come out. Wuhuang Andongye came here.

"Princess Xiao Ni?" Ansi asked the dancer.

"Mr. Jinya?" Andrea asked.

"Ha ha, you can see who it is with your own eyes! Let's go." Emperor Andong rose up in his clothes.

Because on this day, the Duke's family-delivery team arrived, with many people and faces. In order to intercept idle people and some thievous people who may sneak into the palace, the vigilance and escorts of the Great Inner Palace have been strengthened unprecedentedly, and the manpower has more than doubled than usual.

Wuhuang Andongye didn't want to make some things to make jokes, especially for the people of the Tuoba family in the Principality.

The high and low courtyard palace that quietly arrived at the scene is actually the central area of the "Wolf Castle" palace. It can be seen that the infiltration of the uninvited guests is not small.

Emperor Andongye has seen the leader of the Wolf Tooth Guard from afar with an anxious face, and a small sweat on his face in the cold day.

The Wolf Tooth Guard is also a special government office in the Guard. Although the members of the guard are soldiers, nearly half of them are wizards recruited from all over the world. In addition to being responsible for the daily guard of the palace, they intercept and smash all the assassinations and assassinations against the Emperor Wu, which is also their main Responsibilities; If Emperor Wu goes on an expedition, the guard of the army's tent in the camp is also the responsibility of the Langya Guard. However, the Wolf Tooth Guards are generally not sent to charge on the battlefield.

The Wolf Tooth Guard is a very special secret government office, just like the dark troops personally controlled by Wuhuang Antonye who don't even have a name. Although they are all named "teams" or "groups", they have never matched their names. These confidential government offices and even the number of people are secrets that cannot be disclosed.

No one knows the name of the leader of the Wolf Tooth Guard. Emperor Antonye never called his name, but only his official title, and so did his subordinates.

Now the leader is also anxious, and the current situation of the Wolf Tooth Guard is not advancing or retreating. It is too embarrassing. Looking at the beautiful figures under the room, the leader's horse face couldn't laugh or cry.

In his judgment, at least 67 women at the scene occupied many important routes and positions in the inner layer, blocking all possible breakthrough routes of the besieged assassins and the positions most conducive to blocking the enemy's breakthrough.

The alert guards pay the most attention to carefully and strictly controlling the enemy's advance and retreat routes and important offensive and defensive positions, which have been fully exerted by many women in the inner layer. They are either sparse or densely surrounded by multiple traps, firmly locking the assassins in that palace.

In this way, the Wolf Tooth Guard was squeezed out of the inner layer and could not get in. The Wolf Tooth Guard could only temporarily control several high points in the outer circle and hold the less important advance and retreat routes and positions of the outer ring.

As the leader of the Wolf Tooth Guard, these women's identities are all the favorite concubines of the emperor's side room, because the concubines in the Wuhuang's bedroom are actually within the scope of the security of the Wolf Tooth Guard. Although the inner house is under the responsibility of another guard team composed of the Rose Women's Army and is relatively independent, it is still subject to the control and guidance of the commander of the Wolf Tooth Guard.

If it's not a big deal to offend a prince's sideroom favorite concubine, then what will happen if you offend dozens of princes' sideroom favorite concubines? Maybe someone has the courage and means not to be afraid of offending dozens of emperors' favorite concubines, such as the queen sisters and the regent princess, but at least the current leader of the Wolf Tooth Guard does not have that determination and courage. Therefore, he was so anxious that he sweated profusely and couldn't laugh or cry.

When he saw Wuhuang Antonye, it was like seeing the life-saving Daluo immortal, and immediately quietly rushed to Wuhuang Andongye to see the salute.

The superior didn't wait for a leader to say more, so he said first: "Don't be polite. You did a good job. After the incident, the family law will punish these concubines and maidservant who are reckless and reckless. If you wait here, don't take it to heart. After a while, Bengu invited the brothers and sisters of the Wolf Tooth Guard to drink, and no one would be missing.

The leader of Langwei saluted in a hurry and said, "The prince is waiting for the generals, but he can't afford it. The emperor gave the wine, and the generals would first thank the brothers and sisters for the emperor's generous rewards. At that time, the subordinates will be allowed to wait, and the brothers and sisters who are not worthy will be drunk. As for the powerful means of your husbands, they will be greatly admired. If they are already the emperor's favorites, the generals will not hesitate to spend thousands of money and want to go to the wolf guard to be the emperor. Master's service."

Wuhuang Andongye laughed and said, "Haha, go ahead. No matter what the result is this time, it has nothing to do with Langwei. Gu is on the side and take a look first.

Langyawei Datong got the words of Wuhuang Andongye, which was like taking a reassurance pill and dispatched the wolf guard to strengthen the peripheral vigilance.

Xiu Andria, a one-armed girl behind Wuhuang Antonye, asked dissatisfiedly, "Why do you say that the sisters are fooling around and doing things? Just now, he also said that the sisters were brave and resourceful, and in a blink of an eye, they became nonsense again, and they still need to be punished by family law. What did you say?

"Just now? I just don't want to spoil your fun at the beginning. In the palace, Langyawei has its own set of meticulous and smooth guard measures, which can make various responses accurately, timely and quickly. This is a security system that requires tacit understanding, coordination, cooperation, trust and other conditions to operate effectively. Your sisters inserted a bar like this, and it's not good for them to enter or retreat. They can't get in, and it's not easy to evacuate. The whole guard system is about to be semi-paralyzed. Isn't it reckless and reckless? If I don't appease the Wolf Tooth Guard first, it is inevitable that some of them will have grievances about this matter. Maybe they will even have conflicts with the inner palace guard in the future. Can you still expect everyone from the top and bottom of the Wolf Tooth Guard to do their best? If there is such a flaw in the Wolf Tooth Guard, it doesn't matter. You don't want to see this happen, do you?" Emperor Andongye was reasonable, and the female Xiu of Andria was speechless.

"Did we make a mistake?" An Siwu's nun was actually a little reluctant, but she also knew that what the master said was reasonable.