Wolf Empire

0419 Song of Cherry Blossom

In the early morning, the fourth brother An Zixuan, with his newlywed wife Sifu Jin Tuoba Linglong, went to the palace to invite An Jing for morning tea for his father and mother.

Hangqin and An Xiaoyi poured tea left and right with a smile. The two newlyweds knelt down on their knees, raised their heads with cups in their hands, and said, "Father and mother, please have tea."

"Good boy." Wuhuang An Dongye took his daughter-in-law's tea and took a sip.

"Zixuan, Linglong, I wish you love each other and add a good grandson to the family as soon as possible." Queen Tianyi drank her daughter-in-law's tea and ordered Xiaoyi to hand over the prepared red envelopes, and the shy four Fu Jin Tuo took a salute.

The fourth brother An Zixuan led his wife one by one to the three imperial concubines of Canglang to greet the morning tea. The third concubine Asano was also particularly happy to see a pair of children knowledgeable and reasonable, and all of them wrapped red envelopes for rewards.

Last night, several little Gege held the big-headed baby An Ono and suffered from the wind and cold. Emperor Andongye accompanied him in the toy room all morning. It was not until the beginning of the state banquet for foreign envoys and business groups in the front hall that he returned to the front hall until the moon came back.

Aunt Snow, the wedding host of the mother's family, and General Bezbek sat in the chief, and more than 90 envoys of various countries and representatives of major chaebols gathered together neatly. During the banquet, Emperor Wu Dongye and Grand Duke Zhu Yizhu, the special envoy of the Holy See, were old acquaintances. They had a shallow friendship, wide sea and sky, and talked about everything.

Now is the time when the poor people have run out or are about to run out of old grain, and the new grain has not yet been harvested. The poor Central Plains people are trying to reduce the daily rations of their families. Xiyi can last for a few more days. When the wild vegetables grow out of the ground and the vegetation is green, there are wild vegetables, grass roots, bark and leaves. Slowly boil to the new grain harvest season.

The "spring famine" that began in the first month has gradually swept the whole Central Plains, and there have been different degrees of grain shortages in various parts of Kyushu. Generally speaking, the Kanto of the empire is slightly better than the Central Plains of the Holy See, and the spring famine is slightly lighter. Of course, this has something to do with the preparation of the An Dynasty.

In recent years, floods, droughts, locusts, soldiers, plagues and other disasters have been frequent. Big disasters occur year after year. Small disasters are like cow hair. People have been numb to all kinds of disasters, but they have dealt with things mechanically according to old experience. Anyway, this shaman and the Pope do not want to be sympathize with the primitive people.

There is a spring famine year after year, and it is everywhere in the mainland, regardless of Kanto, Tiannan, Saixi, Mobei and Central Plains. People have also become accustomed to this. In this world, when will some people not starve to death? Of course, the spring famine is still generally manageable. Take the An family as an example. Since the establishment of the country, "desolation" has been the main topic of imperial politics. The royal cabinets, local officials, and rural eunuchs and gentry all revolve around the "desolation", which makes the empire not be as hungry and chaotic as the Holy See in the Central Plains. Born.

The shaman Pope Baiye Mufeng braved the greatness of the world and made Xia Zhanmei the queen of the mother of the world, which made the "Huadu" busy into a pot of porridge. One is to prepare for the great ceremony of the queen's canonization. The other is that the "spring famine" under the feet of the pope can't be ignored. Too many people starved to death, and it is not good-looking on the face of the Holy See and raising food everywhere. It is also necessary.

When the Central Plains were worried about the "spring famine", it seemed that only the empire under An's rule was calm and the food supply on the market was sufficient.

In order to prevent foreign grain merchants from rushing to the Empire to buy grain, and the empire's grain merchants transporting grain to the Central Plains, thus affecting the stability of grain prices in the empire, the empire has recently ordered a temporary ban on grain exit, especially in the direction of the Central Plains. The transportation of live cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks and geese is also greatly restricted.

An's imperial dynasty planned early, and the "Ministry of Civil Affairs" has already stored twice as much rice, beans and millet as in previous years, and there is a bumper harvest of sweet potatoes and potatoes this year. There are a large number of potatoes and sweet potatoes in the cellar. There are also considerable quantities of air-dried and dried sweet potatoes and dried potatoes, all of which can be used as coarse grains to fill the stomach. People in the eastern area have a big difference in food quality from the Central Plains, with relatively less meat consumption and less food consumption. The treasury has abundant grain, which can be shipped at any time to suppress excessively high grain prices, so the price of grain on the market has always risen limitedly.

In addition, the empire needs to adopt the policy of "bidding and bidding" to break the royal monopoly model; military horses, dogs, armaments of different names, and various military supplies, and the procurement of these three major items of the imperial army every year, the huge interests contained in them can make the empire's large business groups and big chaebols squeeze their heads and compete for The head is bleeding.

Therefore, taking advantage of the "spring famine" to transport food out of customs. Although the profits are considerable, large farms and ranches are not yet paid attention to it. How can they abandon their "big head" for that "small profit" and have a bad relationship with An?

On the night of the wedding of the fourth brother, the "pure" criminal policeman of An Jingchen, the 18th princess of the empire, raided the "Black Water School" and uprooted it. It even sounded a big alarm in the ears of the powerful people in Kanto. Any character and forces that attempt to be unfavorable to the empire will only perish.

Wuhuang An Dongye opened a secret letter from Xia Zhanmei, which was handed over by Grand Duke Zhu. He suddenly felt a headache and scolded secretly: "Xia Zhanmei, you scoundrel, are you going to threaten me with this? Or do you just want me to see how this son looks?"

In addition to the letter, there is also a photo in the envelope, which shows Xia Zhanmei, a godmother in a palace costume, holding a fat boy with big ears.

In the photo, Xia Zhan's eyebrows are still charming. The boy does have a little aftertaste between his eyebrows, which is a little similar to the big-headed baby An Xiaoye.

"Grandma, isn't I just wearing a few green hats for the childish Pope and his son? Isn't it just to make your rogue's belly bigger? Do you need to send this all the way to threaten me?" Wuhuang Andongye thought fiercely.

Then he thought of the "poor" "request" of the "godmother" in the secret letter. Emperor An Dongye really didn't know what to say. A letter was only more than 100 words, and it was written with a lot of emotion, which could also make a certain wild feel "poor", which is not something that ordinary women can do at all.

Wuhuang Andongye smiled bitterly. In Xia Zhanmei's secret letter, he only asked the empire to "support" "some" food in Beijing to solve the urgent needs of the "spring famine".

After the state banquet, Emperor Andongye left Takeda, the envoy of the waves, to catch up the past. In the warm pavilion, he made a pot of tea and asked his friend Prince Chen Yuan about the recent situation.

Since Empress Rie Musashi held the country, Prince Chenyuan's group of officials have been heavily used, and Takeda has now become the chief of the Royal Interior of the "Canglang Empire". Under inquiry, Emperor Wu knew that his friends had recently been constrained by the powerful old ministers of the previous dynasty, such as Marshal Yoshino, and the pirate fleet of Tang Feng and Tang Yigeng brothers. The internal and foreign affairs were difficult, and the current situation was difficult. Emperor Wu Dongno could not help but feel powerless.

Send Takeda away, Emperor Andono fell into a long meditation-

"What are you thinking?" Ansi, who was guarding outside the door, asked her companions in a low voice.

"I don't know. I've been in a daze for half an hour. The one-armed woman, Xiu Andria, looked into the warm pavilion.

After a long time, the owner's deep and sad song sounded in it, intermittently, if nothing-----

What song? It seems that Princess Asano has sung this song - "Andria's female Xiu listened carefully.

Ansi dancer listened for a moment and whispered, "It's the folk song of Cherry Blossoms."