Wolf Empire

0424 elegy

Master Tu said in an unhappy tone, "Marshal, Your Highness has already issued a night ban. In the imperial city, no one is allowed to travel for no reason after entering the update!"

"I have the Empress's edict in my hand," Marshal Yoshino Mishio was very calm at night and shouted, "It's urgent. Open the door quickly!" If you make a mistake, can you afford it?

Master Tu hesitated and said indecisively, "Marshal, wait a minute, I'll give you a general!" However, Marshal Yoshino Mishio Lin didn't seem to want to wait any longer. He was a little silent and suddenly shouted, "Kill!"

Marshal Yoshino's broken drink filled his ears in an instant and stirred around. At the same time as the shout, a red ghost-like figure suddenly appeared behind the earth master and swept by like thunder and lightning.

Where does the earth master want to get the bloody killing, which comes from behind the defenseless? He was killed on the spot under the fierce raid of Boss Jin, the owner of the "Red Golden Hall" in the "Shadow Blade Clan"!

The water girl, the owner of the "White Water Hall", swirled like a windmill. The doorl and door support instantly turned into powder, and two iron-clad brick wooden doors opened.

The horseshoe suddenly sounded again, and the knight rushed into the deep cave in the dark, followed by armored infantry.

Those knights were originally the elite of the national defense army loyal to the Yoshino family in the empire. Each knight was carefully selected from the national defense army. Any of them was a hundred brave knights. After successfully breaking through the customs, they quickly and spontaneously occupied various defensive points along the way.

There are all kinds of voices faintly in the palace, shouting angrily, shouting angrily, and fighting with knives and guns -

Although the strength of the palace guard warrior is not weak, there are not many opportunities in the face of the attack of the heavily armed elite cavalry.

The momentum was like a broken bamboo. The Yoshino cavalry, who was eager to make contributions, galloped first, and the infantry ran wildly, successfully advanced, and quickly approached the center of the palace. Long bows and arrows are full of bows. Some guard warriors were caught off guard and were shot down by arrows and could not get up for a moment; some flew away from the city and were chased behind by cavalry and shot with an arrow. Most of the guards who turned around and fled were killed, and a small number of them fled.

Soon, the horse's hoof sounded, and Prince Chenyuan led his courtiers and warriors to counterattack!

Getting a vague message from the escaped guard warrior, Prince Chenyuan's face immediately turned into ashes and shouted, "Revenge for the Lord of the Tutang!" The whole army came out and led the troops to counterattack.

The two armies shot at each other, and then waved their armies to fight.

The sound of arrows flying, and the shocking fighting filled his ears. Prince Chenyuan had a good eye. He saw that there were several famous "shadow blade clan" in the crowd, such as "Chijintang" boss Jin, "Qingmutang" Mr. Mu, "White Water Hall" water girl, "Black Fire Hall" Huotou Tuo, and several familiar senior generals of the air force system. It is known that today's event is the "Tianjing" coup.

The battle was fierce, and the sound of weapons hitting, fighting, crying and the whining of the war horses were mixed together.

Blood and fire are burning, the battle between life and death, the winner steps on the enemy's body, and the loser falls into a pool of blood-

The elite cavalry charge, the desperate sea bandit assault, and the church masters attacked and hunted. The rebels marched like thunder, and quickly defeated the little guard warriors left behind in the palace, Tang Feng, Hojo Wu and other sea bandits, Boss Jin, water girls and other insiders, led the desperate and rebels to sleep in the palace and broke into the Empress Musashi.

The dead man, murderous, sword and spear, and cold light flashed, reflecting the stunning beauty of Her Majesty.


A touch of fish belly appeared in the east, and the sky was getting brighter.

The heavy door of the imperial city of "Tianjing" is closed, and the doors of the imperial city, which usually open at dawn, are all closed and locked, and there is no sign of opening.

"In honor of Marshal Yoshino's military order: there are seakarsts Tang Feng and Tang Yiheng, plundering 'Tianjing', disturbing the queen's holy driver, and ordering all the loyal and brave warriors of the empire to kill them!" Surrounded by countless imperial knights, Miko Toyoda, dressed in a uniform, raised her hand to read.

"Brother, we have been used!" Tang Yi, who was in the chaotic army, first came to his senses and shouted loudly.

Tang Feng's long knife pointed to the thin and eagle-like old man in the opposite array and said angrily, "Yoshino, isn't it too early for you to cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

"Haha," Marshal Yoshino Mishio smiled proudly: "Chenyuan's child fled, and his father's wife fell into my hands. The vicissitudes are now my husband's world. How can he allow you to take a piece of the pie?"

"It is most appropriate to put the charge of disturbing the country on your Tang brothers, and to avoid us falling into the truth of infidelity." Next to Marshal Yoshino's mount, the goddess Wolledo's mother is as beautiful as a white lotus flower.

"I didn't expect that you had colluded for a long time--" Tang Feng hated it, and the "Baron-Baron" Hojo Takeshi, who fought side by side behind him, said coldly, "There are many things you didn't expect!"

In Tang Yi's exclamation, the sailor knife ruthlessly pierced Tang Feng's body from the back. Tang Feng's facial features were distorted, looked at his allies angrily and couldn't speak.

"Isn't it strange? I am the illegitimate son of the Yoshino family. In the early years, I was driven out of the house by my father for threatening my concubine's mother and drifted on the sea. Didn't you think? Hojo gently wiped the blood stains from the sailor's knife with a handkerchief and said gently.

"I killed you--" Tang Yi, with red eyes, wanted to rush forward desperately.

"One update, let's go! Go find your second brother Tang Yun to avenge me!" Tang Feng cut off a knife and forced the two brothers Hojo, Heihei and Heiyu, who attacked Tang Yig, back a few steps!

"Big brother--" Tang Yi gritted his teeth and rose up.

"Chasing!" Marshal Yoshino waved his hand with a ferocious expression, and countless knights, led by the Black Mountain brothers, ran along the long street.

Tang Feng fell on the long street of the imperial city and muttered: "Haiyan-Aoer-" a generation of heroes of Tangmen fell on the streets of a foreign country, with knives like snow, cherry blossoms, elegy for thousands of miles, and silent.

"Father." Hojo Takehito, a "Baron-Baron" covered with the enemy's blood, immediately said indifferently in front of Marshal Yoshino's mount, "It's been 16 years. In 16 years, this is the first time I've called you."

"Wu'er, when you are young and ignorant, you have made a small mistake. You should not be expelled from your house in a big fire for your father, so that you have been unable to return to your home and wander on the sea for many years. I am very happy that you can come back to help me seize the hegemony this time." The sad expression turned slightly, and Yoshino Mishio stretched out his arms and said from the bottom of his heart, "It's all over. You are my only son, and everything I have now is yours."

"It's a pity," "Baron-Baron" Hojo took a vicious sneer and said, "I, wait, no, it's time!"

Marshal Yoshino Mishio seemed to have foresaw something. Before he could react, there was a thunderous gunshot in his ear, and his peach-shaped sharp head had been blown away by a nearby bullet.

Toyota Miko, who was close at hand, blew the smoke of blowing the palm of the pistol and said viciously, "Uncle, don't blame me. I was defiled by you when I was six years old and forcibly separated me and Cousin Wu, which has been dominating until now. You should have gone to hell long ago."

"Baron" Hojo Takeshi didn't look at his biological father, Marshal Yoshino Yoshino, who died on the horse. He held his cousin Yoshiko in his arms, squinted at the mother of the unstable cloth star goddess Wolledo, and said with a wicked smile, "It seems that I am the last big winner! Now I'm the oldest in 'Tianjing City'. Where does my mother plan to go?

The mother of the goddess Wolledo looked around. Boss Jin, Mr. Mu, the water girl, Huotou Tuo and other "shadow blade" masters were forcing their masters from all directions.

"Baron, you killed Tang Feng. I think the first one to find you is Antonye!" The mother of Wolledo, the goddess of Buxing, said confidently, "Maybe you should know that Tang Feng is the half-brother of Andongye. Now my 'Light Holy' pseudo-god Encherbuku and Abukah are working under him. I think I have the value to stay."

The "Baron" Hojo Takeshi laughed and returned to the long street battlefield-