Wolf Empire

0433 de Long Wang Shu

For Wuhuang Andongye, there is a lot of grain plundered by the civilian army. In the current months, he does not need to produce a grain at all. It is purely generous to others. He uses the grain plundered by the people's army to attack the city with blood and human life back to these civil forces; it is used as a military pay and Naturally, the gold and silver treasures that were privately divided by the civilian army were naturally confiscated by a certain wild. It happened that no one transported these gold and silver treasures. By the way, they let these civilian armies carry them with hard, killing two birds with one stone.

And the 20,000 horsemen who had just been organized in the western camp of the empire were also dragged to the battlefield by Emperor Andongye, who directly accepted the temper of war to attack and collect those retreated civilian troops.

In just three or five days, "Dingxi" was full of beacon smoke, and there were fighting and shouts everywhere, and the whole situation was even more chaotic.

When the soldiers and horses led by "General Dingxi" Gu Xilou counterattacked and chased them all the way back, the Dingxi area had already been cleaned up by the guard wolves of Wuhuang Andongye and some so-called "stacked joint defense forces" to be cleaned up, temporarily restoring local calm.

- Most of the civil army has been sent away by a certain field, and there will be ghosts if they are not calm.

Mouye, who was meritorious in sending troops and rebellion, said that he refused to leave immediately. He honestly and rudely sat in the "Galo City" and urged the "Western Army" to ask for money and food to help the teachers in the chaos.

On that day, the people's army attacked the city, and the "concubine party" of the Holy See and the two factions of the cabinet were fighting. They had no time to visit the west and refused to send troops to rescue. Gu Xilou rushed to the hospital and asked for help from the wolves in Guandong, but it was not expected that it was easy to send God. At this time, Gu Xilou felt how serious the consequences of attracting wolves into the room, and secretly regretted it. Green.

Thinking that the Xilou family's business is all over the mainland, and the wealth of the Gu family is also well-known in the Central Plains. "Dingxi" is even more a place where giant merchants gather. These prosperous big cities are the reason why they have to knock on a stroke before they are willing to leave. If they don't knock, they don't knock, they are in vain.

Although Wuhuang Andongye was very polite to the general Gu Xilou, he still opened his mouth and urged Dingxi giant merchants to ask for a total of 6 million yuan, but he refused to do nothing less.

Since the imperial wolves came out of the customs, the devastated civilian army has finally encountered a powerful interception and unprecedented fiasco.

Previously, because the police and township soldiers organized by many counties and local officials in "Ruizhou" were vulnerable, there was no one who dared to fight with the civilian army, and the major civilian army inevitably despised the township soldiers of the Holy See.

However, due to the new addition of a large number of young and strong farmers, their combat effectiveness is actually not as good as at the beginning of the uprising. At that time, Emperor Andongye has come to the conclusion through the comprehensive "dark part" espionage. He has the determination and motivation to suppress the civilian army. He has 30,000 elite wolves in his hand to be dispatched, and the soldiers have enough food. Early put himself invincible. It can be said that before fighting with the civilian army, a certain field has a good chance of winning. As long as it does not make a fatal mistake in the command of the enemy on the battlefield, it is expected to defeat the "Ruizhou" civilian army.

When the people's army attacked the capital of "Ruizhou" and turned to gather people to attack "Dingxi" and other places, Gu Xilou, the newly appointed Shaman's "General of Dingxi", dispatched the villagers. Relying on the solid city gates, they blocked the powerful attack and plunder of the civilian army for seven days, which greatly frustrated the vigor of the civilian army, and the people's attack was not strong. Ke, the veterans are already tired and are retreating.

Emperor Andongye, who had been ready for a long time, saw this opportunity. The wolf outside the gate raided from the side and fought back and forth with the villagers led by Gu Xilou. In a bloody battle for a day and one night, the army rode back and forth and rushed to kill, killing all over the field and blood into a river. The civilian army suffered the first time since the incident. The second big defeat.

Seeing that the civilian army was defeated, they divided into many groups and retreated to the mountainous area of Ruibei. The wolves set up ambushes and ambushed them in turn along the way, or intercepted the road with mines, or bombarded with firearms, set fire, or set bows and arrows to ambush. The number of civilian troops were invincible. The civilian army that had swept more than half of "Ruizhou" suffered these two major defeats. Chuang suffered great losses and had to retreat again and again.

However, the wolves will never let the civilian army have the opportunity to reorganize and fight again. The legions chased all the way, advancing, attacking, dispersing, chasing, dispersing, chasing and killing, chasing after the civilian army.

Under the attack of the fierce pursuit and suppressing of the wolf flag in Kanto, hundreds of thousands of people's army, which had been powerful, seemed to melt away from the snow and ice, incredibly collapsed in the retreat, and the retreat was out of control. Each group of civilian army fled to Ruibei with the momentum of **, and the battle turned straight down.

Gu Xiaodao, who temporarily lives in the mountainous area of Ruibei, will soon join the remaining more than 1,000 troops of the vanguard cavalry and lead troops to join the main force.

Surrounded by mountains, in addition to the gentry and local tycoons who built fort and defended themselves, there are also some civilian troops and family members, as well as some bandits and mountain thieves who have been in the mountains of Ruibei for many years.

Entering the mountainous area, Wuhuang Andongye hid the banner of wolves. In addition to the whole army, he learned to sell it now, and quickly expanded his power and territory by attacking the people's fortresses, fighting local tyrants, and distriving food, and then attracting poor and hungry people to join the civilian army.

The "Dark Knights", which followed up the secret operations of the brigade, used frightening assassination techniques to remove the leading figures in the castles and cottages in the countryside by the most extreme bloody means. As a result, the wolves were able to surprise more than a dozen dangerous castles with a few hundred troops in a very short time, and then put them in the castle. About 80,000 people and some Qingzhuang mountain people were united to inadvertently form a mountain march belonging to the wolves with strict military restrictions.

Taking advantage of these more than a dozen situation-connected fortresses, Wuhuang Andongye quickly occupied a small piece of land that could be guarded in the Ruibei Mountains, and also wiped out two large groups of bandits and mountain thieves. At the same time, he simply selected several intelligent guards from the guard cavalry to take over the fort and let them be the mountain in this mountain. Wang, let go and expand your power. As for whether this step is a good chess or a stinky chess, it depends on how it is used in the future.

I feel that the rapid calmdown of the chaotic situation in Dingxi depends on the power of the wolves. Moreover, if the situation of "Ruizhou" can be quickly calmed down next, the life of the "Dingxi Army" will be better. Therefore, under the hint and persuasion of Gu Xilou, Wu Liuye and other giant merchants still gathered up the money to fight the chaos and gave it to Mouye, and finally gave this A desperate guy who wants money is sent out of the country.

Wuhuang Andongye marched south and went straight to "Ruizhou".

The chaos of the "Dingxi Army" has risen and disappeared, but it has been difficult for the whole "Ruizhou" ground to continue the relatively stable situation.