Wolf Empire

0443 poor bastard

Wuhuang Andongye waved his hand and said to all his subordinates and staff, "You don't need to be polite. The land has been broken for a long time. If you want to restore the old view, it is not a day's work. In addition to other political affairs, the restoration of water conservancy canals, the dredging of rivers and the improvement of post roads are the top priorities. Both the orphan and the king are duty-bound! Let me tell you a truth. The hole owed by the imperial dynasty to the chaebols and merchants has now accumulated to 2.6 million gold, which is very poor.

The tiger prince pressed his left hand on the handle of the knife and asked in surprise, "Grandpa, now that we have the treasury of money and food of Prince Rui and Ma Si, is it still not enough to repay the loan of the imperial dynasty?"

"Lord Tang, let's talk about this." Wuhuang Andongye ordered lightly.

Tang Yue, Vice Minister of Finance, replied: "Your Majesty borrowed a lot of money and grain and materials in the name of himself or in the name of the empire. In addition to the 'Tianyi Commercial League', the Chu family, the Sima family and other places have borrowed a lot of money and grain. The Asano family, the Kudo family, and several princes of Sisi have a lot of loans; in addition, Your Majesty also borrowed cattle, horses, camels and sheep from the major families of the Mobeisha clan. Some of these grain mules and horses borrowed from the West have been arranged for repayment and gradually paid off; there are also grain horses and cattle newly borrowed by the fourth master. The total amount of money and cattle that has not been paid off at present. It is estimated that there is still a big gap if all the money and grain obtained by the empire are used to repay the arrears.

"Ha ha," Wuhuang Andongye laughed and said, "If all the arrears are repaid, the repair of water conservancy canals, dredges and post roads mentioned just now will not be completed. It can't change much this year, but by next spring, if most of the water conservancy can't be repaired before spring ploughing, half of the time next year will be wasted. We can only plant all kinds of cassava and potatoes. Now the food is money.

Kanto is too poor and backward. It costs money to repair water conservancy and canals, build post roads, dredge rivers, ask for money to build castles, ask for schools, pay for the orphans and disabled, open wasteland for money, trade and train soldiers and trainers. All clothing, food, housing and transportation all cost a lot of them cost a lot of money and grain, relying on the imperial dynasty. If you have accumulated strength, you won't have success for ten or twenty years, and you don't have to wait so long! Although the orphan has borrowed so much money and food, in fact, it is still far from enough. There are too many things to do and want to do.

The Zangba Emperor on the other side interrupted and asked, "These family chaebols and Qianzhuang Chamber of Commerce really dare to borrow money! Aren't they afraid of borrowing or not paying back?"

"Ha ha," Wuhuang Antonye smiled and said, "If you are a poor man, they will not dare to lend you unless you take any mortgage. What generation is it now? Now they are fighting immediately. In troubled times, they rely on force to win the world. The army is the most valued capital, so although they owe a lot of debts, they are not afraid of being alone. What's more, if you don't pay it back, you still owe them a favor. What happens in the future, can you not take care of them? The more they borrow, the more secretly happy they are!"

"I understand," the son of the tiger said with a smile, "They are like gambling, gambling! If they bet right, they will make a lot of money; if they bet wrong, their loss is just this bet!"

"Dajunma's words are a little reliable," Wuhuang Andongye laughed and said, "However, it's not all right. They are rich and have several families in custody. No matter who sits in the village in the end, they have to let them eat a little bit of money. What they care about is actually not temporary money gains and losses, but long-term connections rooted in interests.

Helian Tieshu and Tang Yue's staff laughed. Of course, they knew that the people owed by the empire had already been owed at the time of the loan transaction. If they could pay off most of the loans as soon as possible, they would still take the initiative to control the side of the empire, otherwise they would inevitably be greatly affected by foreigners. System, this kindness can be big or small, depending on whether the loan repayment is timely and sufficient.

It is duty-bound for the senior officials of their empire to properly use the borrowed money and food and pay off the loans in time, which is also the expectation of a certain field. If they do it well, their official salary will naturally rise; if they don't do it well, they may be wiped to the end by a certain field, which is unknown. After all, the performance evaluation of officials in the empire is becoming more and more detailed, more specific, strict, perfunctory, and the corpse vegetarian meal is absolutely unreasonable.

"What Your Majesty just said is reasonable. It has always been easy to destroy and difficult to build. Ten years of life gathering, ten years of lessons, and construction accumulation have never been easy." Helian Tieshu agreed.

Wuhuang Andongye smiled faintly at a member of his determination. Instead, he asked loudly, "I will leave tomorrow. Ruidong is bordered by the 'Dingxi Army', and it is also the nest of the Yuan brothers. Although Cai Jingzhong and Duan Mulei are useful talents, they are still a little relieved and have to go in person. Once you have something to do, you can tell them. If it's not very important, everyone will do their own work separately.

"Your Majesty," Wu Shaozu, the chief leader of the Wu People's People's League, said loudly, "Now the People's League, together with the 'Security Bureau', has detained tens of thousands of concubines and maidservants of the family members of Prince Rui's mansion and their officials and subordinates of their subordinates. It is not a way to keep them in custody and consume food. Do you still ask your Majesty to tell me how to deal with the hair?"

Emperor Antonye thought for a moment and said, "What's your opinion, Lord Helian?"

"Your Majesty, I think that these populations will be book-by-one as soon as possible, and the categories of their slaves and maidservants will be sorted out, and then disposed of according to different circumstances. But this is just a big framework, and your majesty's instructions are still needed on how to deal with it. Helian Tieshu saluted.

"Well," said Wuhuang Andongye, "What's your opinion, Lord Tang?"

"The servant thought that what Lord Helian said was very true. The situation of Prince Rui's palace and the military government office are different. The subordinate officials of Ruifeng are customized by the Holy See, and the private guards set up by Ma Si are civilians and should be distinguished. Prince Rui's mansion, Wang Xiazong's family and subordinate slaves should be cautious. As for the supervision of the military government, it is much easier to be released. Other 'Ruizhou' officials and their dependent slaves of the big ethnic group will be released according to their position; in addition, wives, concubines and slaves and maidservants should not fall together, otherwise it will inevitably cause fluctuations in the hearts of the soldiers and civilians in the government.

"What you said is reasonable." Wuhuang Andongye listened to the opinions of the staff and said, "You should first consider and draw up a statement and list the advantages and disadvantages of how to deal with them one by one, especially some women who need to be handled carefully, such as the important concubines of Prince Rui, and the wife of the Wang Xia family, who have to explain the advantages and disadvantages. Lao Si will arrive in one or two days. If he has no time to rush back to Fucheng, it will be decided by the fourth brother. As for other less important dependent slaves, well, I think it's better to assign the women to meritorious generals, staff, military officials, soldiers, or wives or concubines.

Wuhuang Andongye said this with a cold face and a murderous look, saying, "But Gu Xian put the ugly words in the front. No one shall privately take the concuous slaves and maidservants, and those who violate the rules will be punished by military law. At that time, which one of the three princess will invite to the 'gendarmerie' to drink the wine, don't be unpredictable! This order is known to the whole army!"

"Yes!" When the generals and staff responded with their promises and were secretly happy, they couldn't help but feel awe-in.

This person is not a fool. He understands that if he can't control his lower body at this time and dares to act against the wind, he may not be able to keep a few pounds on his shoulders.

Some wild people are worried that they can't find a chance to kill chickens and warn monkeys!

The setting sun shines, the majestic gate stands, the wild mountains are towering, and the barren mountains are like the sea.

The horse's hoofs are broken, the horns are swallowed, the flags are hunting, the smoke and dust are flying, the horses are galloping away, and thousands of troops and horses are merged into Ruidong one after another.

The golden knife and silver axe of the guard's army recognize the military flag, and the black snake spit out the legion flag of the spirit snake, which is dazzling in the bloody sun.

Two days, Wuhuang Andongye, who led his troops from the north of Fucheng, did not order an urgent march, but only a little faster than the usual march of the cavalry troops and headed for Ruidong Dongguan.

More than 300 miles, two days of march, overnight camp, and arrived at Poyuan outside Ruidong Dongguan at dusk the next day after departure.

Emperor Andongye looked at the closed and heavily guarded Ruidong Guancheng in the distance and nodded secretly. The army was unremittingly prepared and carelessly. It did not relax just because it was his own friendly army, but still maintained a high degree of vigilance. This is the really useful army.

Ruidong Guancheng is not too big. With a half division of the guards and a snake spirit division, nearly 50,000 cavalry arrived under Ruidong City with Wuhuang Andongye. With horses, Guancheng can't accommodate so many people at all, and most of them have to be stationed in the fields outside Ruidong City.

Therefore, a few miles away from the east of Ruidong, the knights of the guard army were already busy looking for territory to camp. The army gathered, the tents were lined up, the horses were in groups, the drums and horns were rising, and the horses were hissing.

Cai Jingzhong and Duan Mulei, two civilian military generals stationed in Ruidong, have led hundreds of close generals and guards out of Ruidong East Pass to welcome them.