Wolf Empire

0448 Tricky

At this time, Emperor Andongye waved a knife with his left hand, and the knife light was strangely twisted and split in the air, passing through the throats of the two Dingxi cavalry. When the blood line on his throat expanded and cracked, and the blood splashed everywhere, the two Dingxi cavalrymen fell under the horse and were instantly trampled by the wild horses.

At this time, Emperor Andongye had rushed out more than ten feet away with the assault formation of the guards. Although there were many guards, Emperor Andongye was still in the melee and was beaten on the back by a Dingxi knight of the other side. Although Emperor Andongye was unloading in time, he relied on his fish scale armor and lining net armor. The strength did not make the muscles and fractures blurred, but this powerful blow was also enough to blacken the eyes of Emperor Andongye of Wu.

A knife and a shot on this battlefield are fierce, simple and practical. A little hesitation may be eternal decision, and many martial arts may not be used.

Fortunately, the guards took turns to serve as the impact arrow. Everyone and every horse has a little time to breathe, while the arrow characters in the front attack are often fierce, making it difficult for the enemy to fight. Wuhuang Antonye knows that he can't hit the front for the time being, and now he has to change his tactics slightly.

With a roar, a brave Dingxi knight rushed out in front of the right side of Wuhuang Andongye, holding a long lacquer gun, pointed to the front of the gun, slightly trembling, and hidden wind and thunder, rushing towards the assault cavalry. More than a dozen plagiaristition Dingxi knights around this Dingxi knight also rushed over fiercely.

With a strange whistle, Emperor Andongye's right hand had taken off the three-stone military bow in an instant, held four arrows with his left hand, hooked the string with his thumb, pulled it full, and fired four arrows in an instant. This is a rare shooting technique for left and right arches, and it is even more difficult immediately.

Blood flowers shot, and four arrows shot down two people and two horses. At this moment, the fierce and ferocious "lone wolf" suddenly rushed out close to the ground. In the roar, his claws were put to death by the Dingxi cavalry who was suppressed by the horse and could not struggle for a while.

In a blink of an eye, with a round of dense arrow rain of Wuhuang Andongye and other guards, this wave of enemy's intention to penetrate and disrupt the assault formation was completely shattered.

The opportunity is not to be missed, it will never come again, and the next moment is another scene of flesh and blood flying.

Wuhuang Antonye, who tuned the air machine, shouted again, and the iron spear in his hand tossed like a poisonous dragon, stabbing, sting, sweeping and swinging-

The tactics of the wolf group and the Western Army and the cavalry charge are actually the same. They all strive to give full play to the cavalry's rapid maneuver, flank circuit, and continuous assault.

It is nothing more than using cavalry to attack the middle of the enemy, directly and quickly penetrate the enemy's array, and then envelop left or right, and repeatedly rushing. The purpose is to turn the enemy's array upside down, and then take advantage of the chaos to destroy the enemy.

Therefore, the final battle of face-to-face and fierce fighting only depends on whether the battlefield deployment of the two sides is reasonable, the proficiency of small teams, and the completeness of various ordnance, etc., which has little to do with strategy. So far, both sides have their own advantages. The wolves have a little less obvious advantage over the cavalry, but only the cavalry for the cavalry.

The infantry base behind the Western Army has been supporting its cavalry with bows and crossbow guns. The Xi Xiao horse also often retreats behind the base to lure the imperial wolf cavalry to pursue, so as to give the base a chance to carry forward its fierce artillery fire and arrow rain, and then the cavalry will rush for a while, so repeatedly rushing.

However, this has also made Gu Xilou, who was in the middle, doubtful and did not dare to be careless at all. If the wolves only know how to attack hard, there is no fear at all. Gu Xilou absolutely does not believe that Emperor Andongye has only a hard attack, or he hasn't figured out why the wolves can't fight? Even if you want to attack Galo, you can at least take a detour. Is it necessary to consume the elite cavalry of the wolves here and consume them in a hopeless attack? But it doesn't look like there are still ambushes. The spy scouts of the Western Army have been made clear, and the empire is almost exhausted. There are no extra troops in the hands of Wuhuang Andongye to call, and even if some troops can be called, I'm afraid that it's too late.

The drums rumbled, and another round of charge and strangulation began again.

This time, the Guards led by Wuhuang Andongye changed positions with the Wolf Tooth Guard. The Wolf Tooth Guard moved to the middle and mainly attacked the middle, while the Guards and the Firefox Division mainly attacked the right wing, and the Spirit Snake Division was still responding on the left wing.

An Tianming, the commander of the murderous wolf tooth guard, was bathed in blood and laughed ferociously. The cavalry leading the wolf tooth guard advanced rapidly. The army and knife in his hand were like thunder and lightning, releasing one beautiful and dazzling blood flower after another, which was invincible.

The sharp knife was raised high, and the lightning flashed, and the Dingxi Knight in the way was stabbed twice, and blood splashed everywhere!

All the knights are fighting fiercely, fighting desperately, like crazy tigers, and fighting to the death.

The fierce roar, the head is thrown, and the strong body falls down-

Every knight is stained with blood. On the blades of the enemy, his own, robes, war horses, military dogs, knives and guns, fresh blood and coagulated blood have long been mixed together, blood-stained and murderous!

At this time, there were thunderous sounds from the north, which was obviously the sound of the cavalry galloping.

People in the fierce battle can't help but feel cold when they hear the sound. Whose reinforcements is this?

In an instant, countless knights rolled in, and the sound of their hooves was deafening. The Western Army cheered and morale was steep.

Two big words are embroidered on the fiery red war flag: "Shen Tu"!

There is no well-known general surnamed "Shen Tu" in the wolf group. There is a well-known general Shen Tu in the Western Army, and he is still related to Li Gan's uncle and nephew.

Shen Tugou has always been known for being fierce, aggressive and ruthless, so it is also particularly appreciated by Gu Xilou.

The brave and tough Shen Tugou led the army to help. How could he not let the morale of the Western army be boosted? Shen Tu's reinforcements were like dragons, and people were like tigers, and the Western army's counterattack suddenly became more fierce.

However, the wolf riders of the empire have also seen a big scene. Although the momentum is frustrated, they are not very flustered. The formation is still strict, and there is still a way to advance and retreat. The horns whine, and the fierce battle is even more intense.

However, the addition of the new army still greatly changed the situation on the battlefield. Although the cavalry led by Shen Tugou was only 5,000, it quickly dominated the situation on the battlefield. Seeing the unfavorable situation, Wuhuang Andongye had to order the troops to fight and retreat and retreat to the rear camp. Although it was defeated and not chaotic, it was still orderly.

Shen Tugou and Li Gan joined forces to pursue, but the wolves were obviously pre-deployed. In addition to laying iron tocks under the snow, there were also mines. After losing more than 200 knights, Li Gan saw that the wolves were strict and arranged in advance, so he had to order the whole army to stop chasing and wait for another battle tomorrow.

It can make the wolves suffer two consecutive setbacks in two days, which is also enough to make the people of the Western Army proud. Moreover, today they still reverse the situation and repel the wolves. Although it did not let the invincible wolves end in a tragic defeat, it greatly inspired the morale of the whole army in Dingxi. If tomorrow If you fight again, you will be worry-free.

Early in the morning, the snow falling from the sky already looked like snowflakes. Although the sky became more and more gloomy, the generals of the Western Army were full of confidence.

Yesterday, when the loosening of the foot was about to collapse, it was not God's will to reverse the decline and even finally repel the wolves under the situation that the retreat has become a forgrude!

Only Gu Xilou is difficult to let go. He always feels that some doubts are difficult to solve, and even if the soldiers and horses led by Wuhuang Andongye have failed, can Dingxi's army rest assured?

Can the two wolf armies of Ruinan and Fucheng withstand it?

With the barren corner of Galo, even if you can get the strong support of powerful people, can you compete with the strong and rich imperial wolves?

Once the desert is settled, more than 100,000 elite horses in Pingbei, which have been fighting for a long time, have been transferred to the south one after another. With Leihei's familiarity and influence on the Central Plains, it is really difficult to continue this battle.

Despite this, Gu Xilou did not want to sweep away everyone's interest, and Li Gan and Shen Tugou first won the victory. They all advocated taking advantage of the victory to completely defeat the arrogance of the wolves and not to underestimate the heroes of the world.

After a full meal, he formed a battle and drove away, with banners, set Xi Xiao to ride, and went straight to the enemy camp.

However, the situation is quite strange. The military tents of the wolf camp are listed, the smoke is curling, and the battle flags are hunting. However, except for the traps, crossbows, mines and iron terriver terriver deployed along the way, there is no shadow of half of the sentry scouting and riding, and no cavalry out to meet the enemy.

The horn was long, and Shen Tugou took the lead and led Ding Xiiao to charge like a tide and attack the camp where the wolves were stationed. In a moment, he broke through the deer fort laid on the periphery of the wolf camp and broke into the camp full of military tents.

However, all the knights were stunned, and the shouts, roars and killings suddenly froze, showing a terrible silence.