Wolf Empire

0456 Battle Song

The eighth day of the first lunar month is bright.

The "wolf capital" was unexpectedly empty, and the carriages, sedan chairs and the swarming crowd filled the post road and spread all the way to the door of the Wolf God Cathedral. Its jubilant sound overshadowed the canonization ceremony of the Holy See a few years ago. Old people say that they have never seen such a sea of people in their lives.

In the church, the disabled and retired soldiers in Beijing have already worshipped early at dawn. Now, the representatives of the command department, the gentry and other civil and military officials such as the garrison of the city defense department are worshipping the throne and burning incense.

When the officials and gentry walked out of the shrine one after another and finished the sacrifice, it was not early. It was time to share the sacrificial porridge. The clock was happy, everyone was happy, and everyone started to taste the delicious sacrificial porridge!

I don't know when the impassioned, righteous and bloody iron-blooded battle song of the imperial wolves once again echoed inside and outside the teaching hall:

"The wolves went out, attacked thousands of miles with me, and went to heaven and earth with me. The sword came out of the sheath, the bullet was loaded, and we were the killing machine armed to the teeth; the wolves were moving forward, the iron horse was endless, the devil trembled, the gods and Buddha cried, across the yin and yang, invincible-"

Thousands of people sang together, and the excited disabled retired soldiers and simple people all forgot the dignity and inferiority of their identities. They devoted themselves to the singing of **, singing straight to make people full of pride and tears in their eyes. What a magnificent scene this is. Tens of thousands of thousands of people sing loudly, and it is more than resounding. Can Xingyun be described?

Yes, since the founding of the army, from weak to powerful, how many hardships have they experienced, how many hardships have they experienced, and how many strong children of the wolves have roared the exciting battle song of the wolves, killing a bloody road on the battlefield of iron and blood, sword and fire, with strong resilience, with great domineering, king over the world. , killing endlessly, burning, so strong, such a strong, laying the foundation of the wolf empire for all generations!

There is always a low tide in the tide-like singing. When the singing inside and outside the teaching field gradually drifts down, there is a majestic and passionate generous song in the distance, and the sound shocks the sky!

People began to **, and the blood** that had just calmed down began to rise again. However, although the majestic song was sung by thousands of people in unison, the momentum was like a mountain, like a sea and an ocean, surging like a tsunami, drowning more than 100,000 people inside and outside the teaching hall. How domineering and powerful it is? Who has this? What a powerful force?

The flag, spears and guns are like a forest, and the empire's unique seven wolf totem appeared in the distant fields, slowly pressing along the post road. On the extremely empty street, it looked particularly majestic and unstoppable.

"Pedin Guard! It's Emperor Wu!"

"The Wolf King is coming!"

The endless cheers swept like wild waves!

When everyone cheered, the carriage in Wuhuang Andongye had stopped directly outside the church under the arm of the guard knights.

The fourth brother An Zixuan, the eighth princess An Yixue, as well as all the civil and military officials and military lords with titles have stood in the front of the temple. Emperor Wu Andong got off the carriage. All the officials bowed to the end and then saluted, and the soldiers and common people inside and outside the teaching hall have knelt to the ground.

Emperor Andongye bowed his hand and bowed again: "Guys, get up!"

Before the voice fell, a shout almost drowned the voice of Wuhuang Antonye:

"Ho long live the Emperor Wu--!"


Emperor Andongye bowed again, and then surrounded by a group of civil and military officials and military lords, he went to the walking church and worshipped like a ceremony. No one thought that Antonye, the emperor of martial arts, would appear here. The scholars and celebrities who watched the ceremony did not expect it, nor did the disabled soldiers who took part in the meeting, and the people gathered inside and outside the teaching hall did not expect it.

After sacrificing the throne of the fallen soldiers in the solemn hall, Emperor An Dongye stood on the high steps, overlooking a group of disabled and retired soldiers who had fought in the battlefield. These wolf soldiers who had fought in the battlefield, whether they lacked arms and legs or were deaf or lame, tried their best to stand well. Although they were disabled, they still had one The awe-inspiring and unreachable evil spirit.

Wuhuang Andongye didn't say anything. He quickly walked down the steps and personally held the wine jar from the wolf-toothed guards. A bowl of soju filled these disabled soldiers for the rest of their lives. The world was extremely quiet. Only the wind brought by the wolf-tooth guards who ran back and forth to move the wine jar and the wine bowl. The wine was in the porcelain bowl. Flowing subtle sounds.

Everyone knew in an instant that His Majesty Wu would personally bring wine to every disabled and retired soldier who came to the meeting, which was thousands of people.

Time is flowing, and the world is silent-

The guards and disabled and retired soldiers in each teaching field maintain a strict military appearance. Miracles, and the people outside the teaching field are also silent. In such a long waiting time, there seems to be only the footsteps of Wuhuang Andongye moving and the sound of pouring wine. In addition, there seems to be no other sounds.

It was not until all the disabled and retired soldiers held a bowl of soju in their hands that Wuhuang Andongye slowly walked back to the high steps in front of the divine hall, and then raised a large bowl of soju, Qi Ning Dantian, and heard the four fields:

"Loyal wolf soldiers: You are the pride of our empire, the pride of my wolves, the pride of my fellow villagers in Kanto, and the pride of my Andongye! From Mobei, to Kanto, to Saisi, you have tried your life, shed blood, lacked your arms, lost your legs, some are blind, some are deaf, some are lame, and you are injured all over, but your blood will not flow in vain, the fathers and fellow villagers of the empire will not forget you, and the An Dynasty will not forget you. You are all heroes of our empire! You, as well as these brothers who died in the temple, our good brothers, are all heroes!

I believe that Higashino will never let our heroes shed blood and tears!

The eldest daughter, Princess Regent, has been looking for a way, and we have also found a way. I am sure that all the heroes who died for the bloodshed of the empire can have no worries and live a happier and happier life!

For the peace and happiness of the fellow villagers of the empire, for the invincible battle of the wolves, for the peace of all heroes, a bowl of wine for the brothers!"

After saying that, Wuhuang Andongye drank all and bowed again!

The disabled soldiers lined up in awe were blood-blooded, and all of them knelt down!

Fourth brother An Zixuan pulled out his knife and shouted: "Blood--!"

All the kneeling soldiers brushed and cut their knives, and blood dripped into each wine bowl.

Lifting up the blood wine, the fourth brother An Zixuan swore: "Swear to serve the country and go through fire and water! Live up to the wolves, live up to the emperor! If you violate this oath, people and gods will abandon it!"

"Vow to serve the country to the death and go through fire and water! Live up to the wolves, live up to the emperor! If you break this oath, people and gods will abandon it!!!"

The soldiers in the teaching ground raised bowls to drink blood wine and smashed them together!

Like the tide, "I swear to serve the country to the death and go through fire and water! Live up to the wolves, live up to the emperor! If you break this oath, people and gods will abandon it!!!" The sound and the crisp sound of the broken wine bowl quickly resounded throughout the teaching field.

"Vow to serve the country to the death and go through fire and water! Live up to the wolves, live up to the emperor! If this oath is broken, people and gods will abandon it!!!!"

Suddenly, not only these disabled soldiers burst into tears, but all the civil and military officials present, as well as the guards and wolf-tooth guards, were deeply infected and encouraged, and also roared in unison: "I swear to serve the country and go through fire and water! Live up to the wolves, live up to the emperor! If you violate this oath, people and gods will abandon it!!!!!

The unisonous roar of the masses was like a tsunami, shaking the fields and making people's blood rise. Emperor Wu's Dongye shouted in a low voice: "Let's go!"

With a circle bow, Wuhuang Andongye waved his big sleeves and walked out. Invisibly, Wuhuang Andongye has skillfully consolidated the status of his leader wolves through this sacrifice, strengthened the image of the protector of his empire, and expanded his power. For ordinary soldiers, such The supreme commander is worthy of their life and blood to follow and defend.

The sound of the car and the hoofs went away, and the people cheered excitedly, drowning the wolf capital.