Wolf Empire

0460 surprise

The heavy rain is still falling, and the sand is slippery.

Although the soldiers of the "Bbecat Legion" are fully equipped with rain gear, they marched through the desert. Everyone's whole body is wet. The arduous march exceeds the endurance of ordinary people. They completely rely on perseverance and will to march in the heavy rain and make a detour. In the past, the hard and cruel drills began a great deal at this time. Use.

The "Bbecat Legion" has been ordered to make a detour in the desert for several days. Everyone in the legion, whether officers or soldiers, is fully armed and marching heavily. In addition to bows, crossbows and other blades and various instruments for siege, they are also equipped with a small number of firearms, guns, artillery, mines and other firearms. If it is not well-trained, it is impossible to carry heavy burdens and take long detours in the desert.

There are no villages and no homes in the desert. The sunrise is so hot that you can't make hot food and boil water to drink when it rains. Vipers, sandworms, etc. are often found. Fortunately, the Bobcat Legion, who was born as a sand thief, has been doing business in the desert for a long time, and has been familiar with these. Whether it is rainy or hot, whether it is heavy-bearing marches or food camp, they are very adaptable.

According to the deployment of the tenth brother An Aoyan, the 143rd Division and the 114th Division took on the long and roundabout task of taking advantage of the enemy's gap, went straight into the enemy's rear hinterland, raided the "Yingzhou City" guarded by Xu Yushi, cooperated with the imperial army's attack and besieging "Liangzhou", and cut off Gou Hui's retreat to the back road to "Yingzhou" and forced Forced Gou Hui to surrender.

The population of "Liangzhou" is more than one or two million. For such an important place, the empire hopes to preserve it as much as possible. It can truly incorporate the territory of "Liangzhou" into the empire without major wars, not just in name. As for the "Liangzhou" army, which is known as 100,000 people, it is also Although a large force can fight at most 50,000 to 60,000 soldiers, and the real elite will not exceed 20,000 to 30,000, if most of them can be preserved, it will certainly greatly enhance the strength of the empire in the north without losing strength.

The expectation of "Liangzhou City" is that the soldiers will come to the city and force Gou Hui to accept the appeasement. In order to achieve this purpose, the elimination of Xu Yushi, the main war faction, should help Gou Hui's determination to surrender as soon as possible.

It can be said that the main army of the empire stationed in "Camel City" will not order a large-scale offensive against Gou Hui's headquarters in "Liangzhou City" until it gets the news of the successful attack on "Yingzhou".

"Liangzhou" city.

Governor Gou Hui was busy with the deployment of his troops in the middle of the night, and he was a little relieved when his soldiers were properly deployed. The three armies of the wolves squeezed from the east, west and north. Obviously, the purpose was to take "Liangzhou", which could not make Gou Hui nervous.

Do you want to continue to fight to the end or surrender?

This is a matter of life and death. The secret envoys sent by the empire have brought three handwritten letters from General Lei Hei to persuade him to surrender to the city.

Lei Hei was originally a deputy general of the Northern Army of the Pope and devoted himself to the empire. Now he has been integrated into the regular army of the wolves and has been promoted to the commander of the legion, which is a good example of his statement. When the Xia family, the prince of Shanyuan, lost power and the army was overwhelmed by heavy troops, he had to be untouched and calculated some gains and losses.

Where to go, Gou Hui hesitates repeatedly and can't decide.

There are many people loyal to the Baiye family, the 100,000 people in "Liangzhou". Moreover, there is also Xu Yushi's "Yingzhou" army on his side. If he throws to An, he will obviously be stained with some blood. This determination is not good!

While Gou Hui was in a dilemma, the "Yingzhou" battle began!

The sky is slightly bright and the morning fog is blurred. The city of "Yingzhou" is still sleeping. In the dark, only the city occasionally shakes the sparse and blurred lights.

Xu Yushi still began to patrol the city at this time as usual, especially the recent departure of the imperial wolf soldiers. In order to strengthen the defense of the periphery of "Yingzhou", a considerable number of troops were deployed. The force of the "Wind Capital" in the capital has become relatively empty, which is a little overstretched, and he dares not slack off a little.

The lights illuve the road winding on the streets of Xingfengdu City. The brigade's spear-wives, knife and axesmen, rattans, archers, hundreds of people gathered around Xu Yushi, who was riding high on the horse and rushed to the west gate, with the sound of boots, sonorous armor and iron hooves.

There are several riders before and after Xu Yushi, including his only son Xu Mi and other trusted generals and guards.

The team marched and turned the corner, and the city was filled with a thin fog.

Xu Yushi, who was riding on the horse, inadvertently glanced up. On the roofs on both sides of the street, a few dark lights flashed behind the roof, which were the dark reflection of objects such as gold and iron under the light from near and far.


At this moment, Xu Yu's excrement was like an ice water topping in the middle of winter, and the chill entered the bone marrow.

Xu Yushi has led troops for many years and has experienced all kinds of tactics such as sneak attack, ambush, seduction, secret attack and counterattack. He knows very well what the reflective light on the roof means.

At the moment when he was about to order a response, the bright light in front of his eyes suddenly flashed, dazzling, and everyone instinctively closed their eyes.

At this moment, a three-edged feather arrow shot into the chest of Xu Yushi from top to bottom like lightning. Its strength was extremely strong, and the arrows penetrated through the back. From the back, the fish scales and armor seemed to have no blocking effect.

Two sharp arrows suddenly hit one after another, one arrow to take the throat and one arrow to take the eyebrows, obviously to ensure the deadly ruthless killing!

Half screamed, Xu Yushi opened her distracted eyes and fell from the back of the horse. The back of her head touched the ground, making a low and dull sound.

Wh! Wheops! Whiss!

The frightening arrow roared densely through the long street, like rain hitting the remnants, continuous.

Yi Rufei!

A moment later, the killing was over, and more than a dozen fireballs were still burning on the long street. The father and son of the Xu family were stabbed into hedgehogs by random arrows, and there was no one standing there.

The painful moaning of the dying injury is creepy.

On the roofs on both sides of the street, dozens of dark knights of imperial wolves with strong bows and arrow bags, surrounded and silently looked at the dead and injured results on the street, indifferent to the tragic accounts of the injured.

A few of the dark knights still hold several huge god arms and shoulder arrows in their hands, with the crossbow machine in their hands, feathers and arrows on the string, and bowstrings are tight, murderous, and permeating the long street.

At the same time as the ambush on the long street, the east gate of "Wind Capital" has also become a bloody killing battlefield.

The mist gradually dissipates, and the gate change of defense is coming to an end, but it is not completely over.

The two teams of bows and crossbowmen entered the east gate from both directions, approaching the gate almost at the same time.

"The password! The wind is strong!"

The defenders stationed at the East Gate had just changed their guard and were busy re-defense, focusing all on the outside the city. At this time, they found that two teams of bows and crossbowmen were approaching the gate in the short gap of the change of defense.

didn't seem to be right, so he shouted and asked the command, one was to warn his companions, and the other was to distinguish between the enemy and me.

"Go to hell!" Tenth brother An shouted proudly, which stunned many gatekeepers.

The small military crossbow is not as lethal as the hard crossbow, and it is not as good as shooting the crossbow with the divine arm. The arrow is not very long, but the speed is also very fast. The words have not yet fallen, and the dark light is like a cold crow at night, and the hulala pours out and falls on the defenders of the city.

Several city guards who shouted the command stepped back in an instant and covered the wound with their hands.

A throat hair made a dull sound and fell down. He had been shot in the throat by an arrow and could not live; the other was shot through the chest and the other was shot in the shoulder.

Then there were a few throngs. Several other stunned defenders did not react, and each of them was hit by an arrow. The power of the crossbow was finally greater than the ordinary bow, and it was launched at a very close distance, so their bodies fell backwards, and even slid back a step or two to the ground, and the bright red blood fell along the arrow. The blood tank on the girth spewed out.