Wolf Empire

0463 bad news

After continuously attacking the three dangerous fortresses of the "Yuanzhou" garrison on the east coast in the upper reaches of the Yuanjiang River, Cai Jingzhong ordered on the spot to be on alert and rest.

At this time, the battalion commanders of the wolf guard militia were killing, and the regimental commander had to reluctantly collect his subordinates and turn them into vigilance. Although they come from various departments of "Ruizhou", they are still convinced by his orders because they have followed Cai Jingzhong's expedition and made many achievements in the war. What's more, the military laws of the wolves are strict and violate military orders. Even if they are from the rebel army, they dare not.

In the bloody enemy's fortress, Cai Jingzhong ordered the regiments to shrink and close to patrol, guard, sentries and other duties while chewing fried rice.

Duan Mulei, who was nibbling beef dough cakes, came in and reported that the battalions were in place, and the patrols and patrols and patrols were arranged.

Cai Jingzhong nodded, no longer squeaked, and focused on noodles and fried rice. This meal was easy to kill, and consumed a lot of physical strength. Eat more supplements.

Duan Mulei ordered the guards who followed Cai Jingzhong to see if the beef soup was cooked. If it was cooked, it would be served immediately.

A personal guard answered, and Duan Mulei turned to Cai Jingzhong and said, "Leader Cai, some brothers below have some opinions."

"Do you have any comments?" Cai Jingzhong looked at the brother Pao Ze, who shared joys and sorrows with him, and said, "I'm afraid you have something to do with me in your stomach, right?"

Duan Mulei smiled and said, "We have now broken through the east bank of the Yuanjiang River, only a few miles away from Xiguan City. Why don't we go straight down to Xiguan City? Instead, do you have to wait here for the dawn field battle? If our legion takes Xiguan City in one fell swoop, the Yuanjiang garrison will inevitably be in chaos. Isn't it going to sweep Xiguan City without any effort?

"Hmm, do you want to take the first achievement of capturing Xiguan City?" Cai Jingzhong asked with a smile, and then didn't wait for Duan Mulei to answer and said, saying, "Brother, you should know that now the front line of Yuanjiang is full of loyal police officers of the old boy Gu in Yuanbei, and Xiguan City is just ordinary soldiers. They have no fighting spirit and collapse at a touch, that is, or they will win. We only need to annihilate the garrison of the Yuanjiang River and eliminate the elite soldiers under Gu in Yuanbei. If Xiguan City does not fight, why should we fight a bloody battle? If we take Xiguan City without permission, the enemy will escape when they hear the news, their vitality will not be damaged, and their courage will not be cold, and the war in Yuanzhou will inevitably be postponed. At that time, our sins will be great.

Lord Youdong has made it clear about this war in Xiguan City for a long time. Helian's big head is the main general, and we are at his command. The military law is strict, and neither obeys general orders nor reports for instructions. You should know the consequences of unauthorized actors. In addition, the big man of Helian is the father-in-law of the emperor and the father-in-law of the fifth master. Can our temporary militia corps be compared with it? Brother, do you still think that we should get the first achievement of capturing Xiguan City?

Duan Mulei sighed silently, "Brother Cai, what you said is reasonable."

Cai Jingzhong laughed loudly and said, "You don't have to say anything. Just let go and kill the enemy at dawn. Ha ha, the broth is coming. Come on, let's eat together.

At dawn, Helian Tieshu had already had a full meal of the 30,000 soldiers led by himself. Chen Guang, who was preparing to have breakfast in Xiguan City, made a posture to be involved in forced crossing, so that the east coast defenders could not even have breakfast. They hurriedly organized the team and were on alert, but only heard the sound and did not see the action of the wolves.

With 50,000 troops on the east coast, with the armed police of the Sixth Army as the backbone, it is one of the main elite soldiers under the command of Gu in the north of the Yuan Dynasty, with dangerous terrain and the support of the fortress; while the 30,000 troops of the wolves on the west coast are all brave and plagiarized, and the firearms, bows and arrows are excellent, although the strength is insufficient. , but it is gaining momentum.

Although the two sides are facing each other across the shore, if the wolves on this road break through the east coast, the west city will be in danger, the city will be in danger, and the land will be in danger!

An Xiaojie, the general of Xichengguan, is a high-level general of the Armed Police Department. She is quite familiar with military aircraft and knows the benefits of this matter.

The harassment of the wolves in the west coast hates so much that An Xiaojie jumps her feet and scolds her mother. This bullshit wolves just doesn't let people live to eat, but this kind of harassment can't be ignored. Who knows when the wolves are really beaten or sting? You can only treat it as a real fight every time and deal with it carefully.

However, people are ultimately lazy. The wolves repeatedly beat the drums and practiced several times, but each half of them returned, which made the strong crossbow of the east coast guard unable to play a role. If so, the east coast police defenders also slacked a lot.

When the wolves beat their drums again, the police defenders on the East Coast couldn't help but hesitate: Don't harass again?

However, this time, it was really involved in the crossing. In the short time when the police defenders on the east coast hesitated, the mother-child cannon on the west coast roared powerfully, and the smoke was full of smoke, and the wolf group of Helian's soldiers and Leibu madmen who were involved in the forced crossing had shouted to attack under their eyes and began a hand-to-hand battle, vowed to break through the Yuanjiang Ferry. A key place where heavy soldiers gather and defend!


Flying flesh and blood!

During the fierce battle, the cannons on the east coast sounded continuously, and the brilliant fireworks and flags continued to explode in the sky!

Suddenly, An Xiaojie suddenly found that behind her, a large number of wolf flags appeared in the mountains and dense forests in the distance. The horns corresponded, and the drums rumbled. I don't know how many wolf militias came from behind!

At this time, the entire defense line on the east bank of the Yuanjiang River began to loosen, and the wolf soldiers who were involved in the forced crossing took the opportunity to attack the shore and bloody battle at the ferry!

The wind and clouds change color!

After the fierce battle, when the police garrison of Xichengguan had retreated. The Yuanjiang garrison of Xichengguan began to gradually divide troops and retreat for several miles, contracted and gathered, and put on the posture of a decisive battle in front of Xicheng Pass. Cai Jingzhong's wolves appeared on the side back hit the fighting spirit of the Xichengguan garrison on the front line of Yuanjiang. The main general has completely lost the confidence to rely on the dangerous terrain on the east coast. Only with a little advantage in strength can he see the heights of the wolves with fewer troops in the field battle.

On this day, Empress An Tianyi and Empress Kudo Meixun came to Wuhuang's bedroom to visit the condition with a pair of big-headed baby An Ono and Yanqing's little princess. A "fet and pedophilia" was fighting and playing with two little dolls. The cloud board sounded softly, and the female official on duty shot into the moon to report the military situation, but there was a military news from "Yuanzhou".

Wuhuang Andongye got up and listened to the military situation. After a while, he lay down again and said lightly, "The military information news just now is a victory. Helian's in-laws led the army to set up an array on the west bank of the Yuanjiang River in Xiguan City, threatening to be involved in the forced crossing and contain An Xiaojie's elite police in the east coast. In addition, he sent partial divisions Cai Jingzhong, Duan Mulei and other troops to break through from the upstream dangerous pass at night, and inserted them into the side of the east bank defense line of the Yuanjiang River deployed by An Xiaojie's armed police elite soldiers, and sounded the golden tree flag. After the urgent attack of the enemy, the Yuan army was in chaos, and our army was able to take advantage of the situation to break through the shore. The defenders of Xiguan City had no choice but to retreat a few miles and fight head-on. Our army entered the battle. From morning to night, there were dozens of fierce battles. In the evening, we were able to defeat it and lay the foundation for victory. Only more than 10,000 enemies were captured and lost more than 3,000 losses, which can be described as a tragic victory! The army on Youdong Middle Road forced to surrender to Dongguan City. Yuanbei left without fighting and took the elite soldiers to abandon the city and run north.

"Congratulations, Lord, 'Yuanzhou' will be settled!" The two concubines congratulated together.

"The second concubine said this too early," Wuhuang Andongye held a small doll in one hand and coughed, "How can Yuanbei Gu's old fox be so easy to deal with?"

"Master, what my concubine is worried about is Mr. Huo Du of the 'Tianyao Sect' in the land of Huozhou. This person has been unfavorable to the An family several times, and Yuan and Huo Erzhou are close neighbors. We have to guard against it." Imperial Concubine Kudo is more insightful.

Tianyi smiled and said, "Master, don't worry. Zixuan has left with General Li Gan yesterday. General Shentu, the sixth emperor's son-in-law, also led his elite to enter the Huo. With these three people working together to eliminate the 'Heavenly Demon Sect'."

"Zixuan has both literature and martial arts, and does things calmly; General Li is brave and resourceful, experienced on the battlefield for a long time, and experienced; the six emperor's sons-in-law bravely crowned the three armies, which is quite crazy. With them, you can rest assured." Wuhuang Andongye said with relief, "Notify the three emperor's son-in-law of 'Ruizhou' and the sixth princess of 'Galo' that the army's military food and fodder must be followed up in time and should not be neglected."

"I know, sir." The moon shot replied.

"Has there been any news from the waves?" Wuhuang Andongye suddenly asked.

"Prince Chenyuan and General Longzhijie have secretly landed on the island of 'Tianjing', and the second master's western camp will provide great support. At present, the sixteenth princess Meiliang will be together with Leng Ruohan and Helan. Luo Zhengxi's two fleets controlled 'Mingzhou'. The imperial concubine Kudo Mixun said.

Queen Tianyi laughed and said, "Master, get better as soon as possible. After the fifth master's marriage, Little Sixteen Meiliang and He Lan. Luo Zhengxi's wedding is still waiting for you to handle. Our family's happy events are one after another.

While talking, An Tianming, the commander of Langyawei, saluted and said, "Your Majesty, Tang Yi has arrived."

"Please come in." Wuhuang Andongye returned the two dolls in his arms to the second concubine and hurriedly said.

Tang Yi even criticized him for entering with filial piety and fell to the ground and cried. Emperor Andongye hurriedly asked Sheyue to help him up and said, "Cute, what's wrong?"

Tang Yi better stopped his grief for a long time and choked, "Second son, I came from 'Huadu', and the master passed away-"

Wuhuang Andongye's body was shaken, his expression was stiff, his eyes were straight, and he couldn't speak.

"What the hell is going on?" Empress An Tianyi asked.

Tang Yi cried more sadly and said, "This is the thing. In order to avenge her deceased husband Li Mohua, Countess Rong Die pretended to approach the master and killed the master and his wife while he was unprepared."