Wolf Empire

0475 prologue

The dying shaman of the Holy See gathered all the Holy See troops and tried to make a final fight outside the "Huadu" city.

The Baiye royal family pushed the only remaining British prince Baiye Liufeng to lead the overall situation, and re-used Xia Nanxuan, the former general of Jingnan, who had been neglected for a long time, as the deputy commander. Baiyecan, Wanshan, An Xiaosong, Leng Ruoya, Qinglong, Baihu and other royal guards and guards all fought, intending to turn the tide and live in the dead.

Prince Baiye led the army against the enemy with illness, and the Holy See also put on all the last family backgrounds. Both sides knew that this would be the last battle in the history of the mainland!

The first battle began with the encounter between the sentry riders of both sides!

Launching an attack in the sad whistle, the wolf knights of about 100 people rushed with their horses, and the knives were as bright as frost.

The gold and iron strike, and the hoofs sound like thunder.

The shaman was unprepared. Under the raid of the wolf knights, the disorderly resistance collapsed in an instant. Before he got on the horse, the beheaded head pulled blood and rolled out far away. His eyes stared at him, and there was still fear before death.

The ground is stained with blood, the limbs are covered with limbs, and the iron hooves trample on them wantonly. Several wolf knights roared and ran wildly, with a messy head on the tip of the knife.

A long streamer is sticking to the arm of the temporary deputy commander Xia Nanxuan, and the military uniform is oozing with blood, which is particularly conspicuous. Several wolves roared and rushed over.

The knife light flashed, and several heads mounted by the wolf rolled to the ground like marbles. They fell to the ground one by one. At the moment of death, the body without a head fell to the ground like a stake.

"Thief!" Xia Nanxuan, who was doboken, snorted coldly and gently raised the army and knife in his hand. The blade was dripping slowly.

The fire shines to the sky.

The rain of arrows of the shaman soldiers temporarily stopped the wolf team from advancing, hiding behind the shield, or hiding in the dead corner of the house, and countless arrows swam through the wolf group's head.

When he calmed down, the eldest brother carefully observed the movement on the battlefield and caught the first target. He buckled the strong bow, and the crossbow of his arm pointed up slightly and shot the first long arrow.

At this time, Wang Sigou was stopping behind the roadblock. The eldest brother was eager to fight with tears and shot the first arrow with a "swish". But the arrow shot a little higher and deflected from Wang Sigou's head.

Wang Sigou was shocked and squatted down with his head, but he made a big mistake. He stopped in place and did not protect himself with a shield. Although the barricade can block the arrows that come directly from the face, they can't stop the arrows falling from the sky.

The big county horse behind Anxi's tears shot the second arrow. With the ability to listen to the position and the experience and intuition of some kind of the divine archer, the divine archer pulled the three stone steps in an instant, the arrows were removed from the string, drew a high arc, and then leaned his wings like a crow, dived down from the air and jumped over the obstacles of the roadblock. One arrow hit the key.

Wang Sigou fell behind the roadblock, but he was not dead and was still struggling and crawling.

At this time, the eldest brother's tearful divine arm crossbow was pulled and clasped again. He was more used to melee hand-to-hand combat. His shooting skills could only be considered acceptable, which was less than the top and more than the bottom. Therefore, if he didn't hit an arrow, he was not feel depressed at all. He directly pulled out a crossbow and buckled it to prepare for the next archery.

The other two emperor's emperor's son-in-law, Wu Shaozu, and 20 emperor's son-in-law, Zangba, were waiting for the opportunity to shoot an arrow respectively. One of the arrows was hit by Viscount Wang Xing, who protruded half of the arrow. The arrow went through the ribs, and his body just twitched and did not move. Obviously, it hit the key point of the organs; the other arrow hit a Goo Hua's wrist. Although it was deviated, it was equivalent to abolishing the other person.

At this time, An Ziran, the sixth brother of the guard general, noticed Xia Nanxuan behind the roadblock and said to himself, "Opportunity has come!" Open the bow and arrow.

Ming Yi roared, and the eighth brother An Mochen and the ninth brother An Zichen also aimed at Xia Nanxuan at the same time. All three arrows hit Xia Nanxuan's chest fatally. Xia Nanxuan struggled to fall, but finally fell a few steps away.

The bows, arrows and firearms of the wolves are still relatively threatening. In order to pass through the barricade, more than a dozen important officers and bishops of the Holy See have been shot dead, and dozens of them may have been shot.

After surviving a day in the shooting battle, the Holy See's team was pulled back to the rear and reorganized.

After a few days of shooting, the wolves changed their way of fighting and no longer directly with the shamans, but instead used bows and arrows, javelles, firearms, and other things that could be thrown to attack various shamans in all places where a sudden attack could be launched.

At dawn, the eldest brother Anxi, who once again completed the rest and entered the battle in the "Huadu" city, saw a teaching soldier turning east through the alley and ordered the whole team to closely observe and track. After that, Shuangfang attacked each other in the streets and alleys, on the roof, and in the house.

Big brother Anxi adjusted his strength and fought fiercely with the other party.

The soldiers used firearms to attack crazily, and the wolf soldiers under the eldest brother Anxi's tears suppressed the opponent's madness in an instant with bows and arrows.

When the priest Gou Ling fired the second shot, the ten-year-in-law An's proud crossbow had been aiming at him for a while. When the firearm roared, Gou Ling also fell to the ground and died with an arrow.

Big brother An Xilei and Ten Brother An Aoyan moved to the roof and ordered the archers to use the roof to control and shoot any soldiers who dared to appear.

Master Axe stared at the two priests in an alley and was a little far away. He raised his arm and shot an arrow. Among them, Gou Qing was shot in the stomach and was not alive.

Almost at the same time, the axe heard a sound, and his body instinctively deflected long before he heard the sound, and an arrow passed from the left side of his head. Then, the axe man was a little happy to see a long arrow on the roof.

This soldier has already fled into a house, and may have escaped far away by now.

The battle and counterattack with the soldiers took almost two hours. The archers of the Royal Guard of the Holy See were also very powerful, which surprised several wolf generals. An arrow took a piece of nail-sized meat from the ears of Wu Shaozu, the third emperor's son-in-law, and almost died.

Another day, the difficult "Wolf City" street battle seems to be endless. Of course, the key is that the wolves are unwilling to fight with the shaman soldiers.

Big brother An Xiqi and ten old brother An Aoyan led the team back to rest and returned to the city at night. On their sentry, there were not many soldiers. Occasionally, arrows flew from the side, and the resistance of the soldiers was significantly weakened.

The Shaman Cathedral occupied by the Hundred-leaf Dynasty has become the key target of the wolf army.

At dusk, a fire broke out in the north of the city, and the two sides in the street battle continued to fight.

In the evening, 11th brother An Shangyan shot and killed a Baiye royal remnant Master Changchun who participated in the defense of the city. The old man carried a firearm and led a team of private soldiers across an alley. Eleventh brother An Shangyan shot an arrow without hesitation, and Master Baiye Changchun fell to the ground and shot between his chest and abdomen.

When the sun rose the next day, 11th brother An Shangyan and other people in the "Ono Youth Teaching Brigade" team saw that the body of the old Baiye Changchun who fell to the ground had been trampled down by the soldiers.

On the tenth day of the street battle, the shamans have become fragmented, and there are sporadic battles left. The shamans have played hide-and-seek with the imperial wolves in the city.

On the eleventh day of the street battle, the wolf team that rushed into the "Huadu" imperial city had no battle, and the streets and alleys responsible for suppressing were very quiet; on the 12th day of the street battle, there were still sporadic battles in other parts of the "Huadu" imperial city; the street battle was carried out from the thirteenth to the fifteenth day, and the city was quiet, and the sixth brother An Ziran's department was only released within a few days. A few shots, nothing was found.

On the sixteenth day, there were occasional sporadic battles in the city; on the seventeenth day, the first commando returned to the rear, bathed and ate better food. On the same day, the second echelon of the wolves attacked into the city, and some of the soldiers in the Shaman Cathedral were still stubborn, but the number of soldiers had been significantly reduced.

On the 17th day, the remnants of the three royal guards, Leng Ruoya, An Xiaosong and Wanshan, put down their weapons and took the initiative to evacuate the "Huadu" battlefield. The outer wolf group ordered the twelve brothers An Xiaopan and General Lei Hei to open the net and let them escape.

On the evening of the 18th night, the last shaman cathedral of the Holy See was also broken. The second princess An Zitong, the third princess An Yinger, Helian Tieshu and others rushed in and divided the defeated Wang Guidan, Xu Yuxia and others into meat sauce!

On the 19th day, the wolf troops began to attack the Hundred-leaf Imperial Palace one after another.

After the first day of the Miyagi attack, more than 200 wolves were killed and hundreds were disabled due to the tenacious resistance of the soldiers.

When night fell, the siege wolf troops cooked noodle soup in a few marching pots, which seemed to be ripe and ready to eat.

Delicate and smooth dough bumps, eaten with soup and vegetables, fast and convenient. But the key is that on the battlefield, except for this mouthful of hot food, there are only some fried rice, fried noodles and noodles to eat, and all the other edible things are eaten, waiting for the grain officer to send their supplies quickly.

"Enemy attack!!! Prepare to fight!!!" Suddenly, the police sentry came out and someone shouted.

Just now, the wolf soldiers lying on the ground waiting for dinner jumped up and hurriedly put on their armor. As for the noodle soup in the marching pot, no one could take care of it.

Bai Yecan launched a counterattack, first a cold arrow, followed by a burst of dense firearm shooting, and smoke everywhere. Thirteenth Princess An Yuxi climbed the ladder to the roof, where the archer was located.

The ear drum was suddenly full of sharp roaring arrows. The thirteenth princess An Yuxi instinctively pressed her body on the roof, and at least five or six arrows swept over her head.