Wolf Empire

0477 midfield

The eldest brother, who mainly attacked Miyagi, shed tears and had nowhere to vent his evil fire.

Just now, several stone bullets smashed at him. Although the eldest brother was agile in tears, swinging the spade, pounced sideways, and rolling forward in a breath. When he turned over and stood up, there was still a fireball rolling past his side and watched his mount swallowed by the flames.

The gray-faced big brother Anxi's tears are really hateful. In addition to the mortar cannon, there is also a catapult that throws fireballs, which is completely beyond the surprise of the whole siege wolves, including the eldest brother An Xi's tears.

Stone bombs roared and fireballs were flying. Although the head was not good, several horses were killed and injured.

Some wolf soldiers rolled on the ground and their bodies were scorched. Some were immediately swallowed by fireballs; some were seriously burned and not far from death; some were killed by stone bullets and their bodies were burned to ashes. Many cavalry were injured, including serious and less serious.

Big brother An Xilei regretted that he was too careless. What's worse, when Big Brother An Xilei ordered his subordinates to check the casualties, he also received a request for help from the second brother An Jin Liangbu.

An Jinliang, the second brother, and An Aoyan, the tenth brother, were dragged behind the team to guard. Now they are trapped under a mountain depression by the rosefinch guards who are caught up behind. Because of the disadvantage in number of people, they are stuck in the intersection under the mountain depression and can't move. The ordnance such as arrows they carried was no longer enough to maintain a fierce battle. In order to preserve his strength, Tenth Brother An proudly has made the cavalry form a defensive formation to win time, but in fact, no one knows how long it can last.

Big brother Anxi's tear department team actually also needs to supply arrows and other ordnance. The correct approach seems to be that in order to reduce the loss of strength, withdraw now, obtain ordnance supplies, and come back. After all, there is plenty of time.

Big brother has a headache in tears. The second brother and the tenth are in danger, and there are no extra troops available in his hands. The enemy's armory is burning in the fire. He needs to make a decision as soon as possible. Every time he hesitates, he may lose one more soldier.

The eldest brother Anxi's tearful face sank like water, holding a confidential map issued by the "commanderal department" operations bureau to the participating troops. Next to it was An Zhuosheng, the 12th princess of the 2nd Army, and the air was flying sand and rising smoke.

If you are cautious, you will retreat, but the eldest brother Ann felt that he must hold on. The soldiers were able to get close to the palace through a bloody battle. The palace where the enemy's heavy soldiers are located is almost within reach. Now if they are allowed to retreat to obtain ordnance supplies and then fight back, it is the most unbearable thing to give up the sudden advantage temporarily gained in the previous tragic street battle.

The robes of the second and ten are more than ten miles away, in the battle of life and death. The soldiers are being attacked by the enemy in all directions, and the enemy's soldiers have reassemated and are launching a ruthless counterattack against their isolated and helpless army.

The situation is that the eldest brother Anxi tears have never encountered. At this time, the eldest brother Anxi saw that several white tigers to supervise the cavalry in the distance and rushed over crazily. The arrows were on the string and the gun were in his hand. This was a desperate suicide attack. Perhaps only the madmen chose to do so. The dragonfly shook the tree, which was ridiculous. Don't measure yourself.

Big brother Anxi burst into tears and turned to his lion's personal guard and shouted, "What are you waiting for? Kill me! Don't leave one!"

The lions and guards are all sharp and have rich practical experience. Although they have received orders from Shangguan, they are still not in a hurry. They calmly shoot a wave of arrows and solve the white tiger and other guards in an instant.

At this time when the eldest brother Anxi was angry, the second brother An Jinliang was still on the ground.

They have shot dozens of rosefinch guards rushed up, and also killed hundreds of enemy dismounting cavalry, including fanatical fighters.

Ten brothers ordered the soldiers to pile up everything that can be dismantled and piled up, including enemy corpses and dead horses, to form a defensive wall, with the exception of necessary ordnance weapons.

However, several enemies still rushed into the defense, and the wolf soldiers bravely killed them. Seeing this, the ten brothers were shocked. The crazy soldiers of the Shamanic Church were so ruthless and fanatical that they died with sighing. It was really terrible, terrible and pitiful.

However, An Aoyan, the ten brothers also saw their hope of sticking to help. Although the enemy is crazy and there are many people, but their discipline is relatively lax, just like the rabble of people fighting for themselves, it is bound to be difficult for the rosefinch to command the battle, and its combat effectiveness will not be very strong, giving them a glimmer of life.

At this time, Tenth Brother An proudly found a group of enemy troops, a hundred people, and rushed straight to the defense.

Looking at the dense formation of this group of people, the ten brothers simply took one of the throwing thunder that he was reluctant to use in his hand, estimated the distance, and then lit the fire and suddenly threw it over. With a loud roar, the smoke was filled with gunpowder, and 20 or 30 people were immediately killed and injured. Although the other group of enemy soldiers witnessed the massacre, they still shouted and rushed forward. Kuo Chong refused to lag behind. It was also a flying thunder, killing and injuring more than 20 people. The loud sound of two flying thunder finally shocked the momentum of those fanatical soldiers.

An Jinliang, the second brother, immediately ordered several wolf gunners to teach those crazy enemy soldiers with their artillery. For a moment, the roar was endless. In the smoke of blood and fire, there was a ghost crying wolf howling.

After the wall, several wolf soldiers are dealing with the seriously injured number. The two brothers of the imperial dynasty, who were in charge of taking care of the injured number, tried to make themselves calm and moved from one seriously injured number to another to encourage them. The current situation is that there are only 80 combatable soldiers left to confront hundreds of enemy soldiers in front of the wall, and there are at least one or two thousand enemy soldiers around. The situation is critical.

At this time, more than ten miles away, the eldest brother An Xilei had to order the twelve princess An Yusheng to rush with all his strength and detoured the siege. The two brothers were in danger and could not sit still.

The assault of the elite cavalry of Shura was unstoppable. They directly destroyed all the enemies in front of them. The twelve princess Anbosheng's cavalry galloped all the way and finally broke into the enemy's array, defeated the enemy, and relieved the two brothers besieged at the mountain and alcove intersection, including the casualties, all of whom quickly withdrew from the dangerous place. .

Big brother made up his mind to collect the cavalry under his subordinates and order everyone to attack in the direction of Miyagi.

At the same time, on the burning battlefield, the torrent of the cavalry of the wolves is advancing forward with their hooves rumbling. An Xiaoyu, the first level of Youdong, the general and the fifth brother, supported the Wuhuang Andongye, and the various divisions of the guards marched hand in hand and marched towards "Huadu" at night.

As the commander-in-chief of this battlefield known as the "last battle of the mainland", Marshal Yang Shu, the minister of the "Military Ministry" of the empire, saw that the "Huadu" battle had been fighting hard for a month, but he had not yet taken it. He did not feel ashamed. He immediately ignored the dissuasion of his colleagues and subordinates, and took a "commander-in-chief" guard brigade of his adopted son Yang Sen in person. Enter the city to supervise the war.