Wolf Empire

0479 hanging curtain finale

Together with the "Huadu" war, the little girl Xia Qixi was in the palace people and has been secretly waiting for the right opportunity to assassinate His Majesty Pope Baiye Mufeng. There is no other thoughts in her mind, and she can only have the obsession to revenge her master!

The fierce battle in the capital, tug back and forth, competing with each other, very fierce, because in the bedroom of His Majesty the Pope, many bishops and guards were in a hurry, but Xia Qixi has been looking for opportunities for her.

In the afternoon, the fierce war in the whole Miyagi became more and more fierce. Xia Qixi quietly entered the bedroom of Pope Baiye Mufeng and secretly lurked in the dark cabinet while everyone was attracted by the war outside the palace.

It was not until the early morning of the next day, at the request of the eunuch and Gong E, the frightened and withered Pope reluctantly went to bed. Xia Qixi, who hid in the bedroom of the bedroom of the bedroom, finally waited for a good opportunity to assassinate.

A wisp of fragrance spread little by little from the dark cabinet to the whole bedroom of the Pope's bedroom.

The girl's fear has long disappeared, and the fanatical idea of revenge is boiling in her blood. Xia Qixi knows very well that this fanaticism actually comes from the revenge wildness that has been suppressed in her own bones for a long time.

sneaked out of the dark cabinet and lowered her body. Xia Qixi's heart was full of hatred and murderous desire. She stared at the golden nanmu bed hanging from the curtain, and her body was so tight as a bow that was pulled to the extreme and was about to break.

Although His Majesty the Pope Baiye Mufeng in the tent should have no ability to resist, and there was no internal supervisor in the bedroom to guard the marquis, the little girl Xia Qixi couldn't help but feel a life-and-death duel.

Xia Qixi summoned up her courage and boldly opened the curtain.

In the brocade, His Majesty the Pope slept to death!

"The fragrance really works - huh? Something is wrong-" After the little girl Xia Qixi was secretly happy, she suddenly found that His Majesty the Pope had no breath!

His Majesty the Pope is dead! Baiye Mufeng actually died at this time?

Isn't this a joke?

Xia Qixi stared at the strange and pale face of His Majesty Baiye Mufeng and couldn't believe her eyes.

This symptom seems to be caused by taking Zhuyang elixir for a long time. His Majesty the Pope Baiye Mufeng unexpectedly returned to the west unconsciously!

A feeling of extreme cold spread from behind. The gloomy atmosphere in the bedroom of the Pope's bedroom made Xia Qixi feel the strong and extremely dangerous smell, as well as the cold and shocking blood!

Xia Qixi was bold and calm. She reached out to try the nose of His Majesty Pope Baiye Mufeng and touched his neck. Obviously, His Majesty the Pope Baiye Mufeng was out of breath, but there is no doubt that His Majesty the Pope Baiye Mufeng died not long ago.

What Xia Qixi couldn't figure out was that it didn't take a long time from the Pope Baiye Mufeng entered the bedroom and she came out of the dark cabinet. His Majesty the Pope Baiye Mufeng was actually in her ear, a place far away from her father, at a moment she didn't know, and died silently!

The master seems to have reported it. At this time, Xia Qixi can only desperately think of a way out for herself and find a way to live-

The wolf empire has invaded the palace, and the sound of killing seems to be in my ears, getting closer and closer - who knows how the emperor died?

His Majesty Baiye Mufeng, who did not die sooner or later, actually died at this time. Naturally, he is the biggest suspect hidden in the bedroom of the bedroom!

- Who can be more unjust than Xia Qixi now? Black pot, but she rushed to carry it on her back!

His Majesty the Pope of Baiye Mufeng died at this deadly time!

All the informed waiters and court guards were gray-faced, leaning against the wall and pillars, paralyzing on the ground, with a look of despair.

The news of the Pope's death spread in the palace, and the guards wavered and dispersed.

When the dawn was slightly exposed, An Aoyan and other imperial princes, under the guidance of Director Huo Baisui in the "Biluo" organization, only looked around the bedroom.

Gong E and the servant who survived the swordsman in the bedroom were either indignant, or their eyes were flustered and drifting. Everyone seemed to feel that there were countless dirty faces, and countless devouring eyes seemed to swallow them alive. As long as they imagined their tragic end, there would be a faint dampness and heat in their lower body.

The golden drum horn resounded through the capital, echoing, constantly bumping into the heart of the bedroom palace and the servant, beating in horror and trembling-

A limited number of people can still be stable, just a green face-

There are also some palace people who are as white as paper, like dead leaves in the wind, trembling and dying-

Many places in the capital are full of fire, and the flames have burned half of the sky.

Countless people's roars and screams, and even unconscious howls, mixed with sad crying and wails, roaring and twisting with the cool breeze in the morning, like ghosts and howling, extremely sad and terrible.

The red flame of the sky, the sad noise, but those who know a little about the world naturally know that it is the wolf generals all over the city, burning, killing, looting and cleaning the battlefield.

In the broken wall, the black smoke goes straight up to the nine.

At this moment, it is like the end of the world.

The war outside has basically ended, and the bonfire in the square shines on the starry sky behind the bloody wind. The wolves were throwing a body into the fire in an orderly manner. The night wind blew, and the air was full of a pungent smell of burning.

Along the way, there are bright sticks holding fire, and black-clothed rebels with distinctive armor. They all have a pair of ruthless eyes, exuding a fierce and murderous spirit all over their bodies, like black soul messengers from nine hell, which makes people shudder and avoid them.

The corridor is sparse and burning with a few piles of flames, emitting black smoke. The underground lay full of the broken limbs of Gong'e, bodyguards and eunuchs, and their intestines were broken, which was unbearable.

Xia Qixi couldn't walk far with Xiao Baizhi in her arms, and Bai Zhi couldn't help holding her on the railing and vomiting.

A wolf army officer with a wolf helmet and black armor greeted him. There was a bright red scar on his face, stretching from the corners of his eyes to his jaw, which was horrible and shocking.

The scar officer Rong Heihu asked a few words. When he confirmed my identity, he stared at Bai Zhi strangely for a long time, and then ordered his men to open the palace door and lead the two masters and servants to a young general.

The man sat high in the hall with evil spirit, with an unfathomable smile on the corners of his mouth, and said, "Is it Xia Qixi girl? My father wants to see you."

At this time, Emperor Andongye was standing in front of a dilapidated cold palace in the depths of the palace, with a sad and lonely look. Almost overnight, his hair was as white as snow.

Inside and outside the cold palace are the thousands of plagiarized elite guards in charge of Youdong at the imperial level. The morning light shines on the long and short blade knives and guns, emitting frost-like water and chills.

Emperor Andongye's eyes were also as cold and cool as a blade. The old dog "Lone Wolf" snuggled up to the feet of his master Wuhuang Andongye and kept sobbing.

"Father, the girl Xia Qixi you are looking for has been found." Behind Wuhuang An Dongye remembered the voice of the fifth brother An Xiaoyu.

Emperor An Dongye did not move. Xia Qixi, a little girl, came to Wuhuang An Dongye with a little girl in her arms, and was slightly short. Fu Yifu whispered, "Xia Qixi, please say good luck to you."

After a long time, Emperor An Dongye asked in a hoarse voice, "How did Yaya die-"

Xia Qixi, a little girl, bit her lower lip and said, "Miss, after having a private meeting with her grandfather, returned to 'Huadu' and soon became pregnant and gave birth to Miss Bai Zhi. Pope Mufeng listened to Gou Ling and Gou Qing's sisters spreading rumors and slander, and framed the lady and the master for adultery. In anger, he indiscriminately broke the young lady and the young lady, as well as the maidservant into the cold palace. Hundreds of people were implicated by this;

Since living in the cold palace, Miss has been bullied by all the evil servants and slaves such as Rosefinch and Duan Qi, and she washed her face with tears every day. The three of us ate cold leftovers and had to do laundry. Within a few months, the young lady fell ill-"

Emperor An Dongye, the emperor of Wu, looked carefully at Xiao Baizhi, with a rare and elegant appearance between his eyebrows and said, "Yu Zhi, pass on the lonely will, and canonize Xia Qixi as the imperial concubine, and Bai Zhi as the twenty-second princess of the imperial dynasty, which will be raised by Xia Fei."

"Yes, brother." Yu bowed and bowed back.

Where is the queen now? Stone." Wuhuang An Dongye asked.

The evil man said mercifully, "The queen is now on the way to the 'Huadu' with the four general managers of the Shang, Tao, Song and Kan. It is estimated that she will arrive at the 'Yingzhou' boundary at noon tomorrow."

"The power of the Chamber of Commerce is too great, and the queen is an ambitious woman-" Wuhuang Antonye murmured.

"I understand." The rain stone sank away.

Wuhuang Andongye said tiredly, "You all retreat. I want to stay with Yaya-"


In the morning of the second day, when Wen Si, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Empire, and Xia Qixi, the new imperial concubine, came to visit the outside of the cold palace, the white-haired Wuhuang An Dongye had already sat down and passed away.

There were countless achievements in his life, and only the lone wolf died after death.

Before the body of Emperor Wu, the imperial concubine Xia Qixi glanced at Wen Si, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Empire, and said with a low smile, "Mr. has been in charge of the 'dark part' of the empire for many years. I'm afraid that the eldest brothers in charge of the imperial dynasty hate you very much, right?"

Wen Si smiled without saying a word-

On the same day, Tianyi and the members of the business alliance were assassinated at the "Yingzhou" post hall. Two days later, Emperor Wu's funeral, and Wen Si, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Empire, read the imperial edict of Emperor Wu in public: It was passed on to the 13th brother An Ono.

Half a month later, Anono succeeded to the throne and became Emperor Wu, and the Empress Dowager Xia Qixi hung the curtain. ( The end of the book)