Alchemy Era

Chapter 24 Black Morning 1

They deliberately left the camp a few days late. But there are still a large number of patient adventurers in the camp, and they are still waiting for the opportunity. It's like a fisherman watching a battle between a quail and a clam, intending to sit down and enjoy it. They are in groups, each their own masters, and they are hostile to each other, like ** bucks competing for the female deer. It is no longer wise to stay.

They set out immediately after breakfast and followed the trail of the pioneers for ten miles into the wetland - and the muddy water on their ankles had covered up the trail of the pioneers.

It was noon, but a fog barrier that refused to dissipate blocked their progress.

Leo looked at the map in his hand and said, "Go from here." He pointed forward. The direction of the fingers is the staggered branches and vines. The long air roots hang from two or three meters high to the wet mud, forming an insurmountable huge cage maze. There is no difference in the scenery between them. He helplessly lowered his arm and stuffed the map into his backpack. I hope solar energy will appear soon.

"Instead of expecting God to be beautiful," Lu Yuewu held a machete in her hand and slowly pushed forward. It's better to pray that we can get out of here before the high tide.

No one wants to be trapped in a water prison and drowning. Li Ou gave up the idea of finding a shortcut and honestly took over Lu Yuewu's work with a machete. This is what he should have done.

"I can help." Rosie said. She wears leather armor and has not fallen behind half a step along the way.

"With fire?" Li Ou shook his head vigorously, "We will be burned to death."

"I really want to vent it quickly," Rosie said angrily, "but who has a better way for me?"

She picked up a small dry branch floating on the water, chanted a spell softly, and drew a circle on the surface of the water with dead branches. Is it a prison to draw water? Li Ou thought. She put the dead branches in the gradually dissipated hydrosphere. When the spell is completed, the branch rotates like a pointer and finally points firmly in one direction.

"zhi bei shu." She raised her eyebrows and tied her long hair into a ponytail like the tail of a pony. We are going in the wrong direction.

When they walked out of the mangrove, it was almost dusk. The struggle with the roots of the tree consumed all their strength. They found a sheltered rock, raised a bonfire with the help of magic grass, wrapped their bodies with cloaks and fell asleep next to each other. Each of them slept to death, and they didn't even wake up when the wolves approached at night. Fortunately, the wolves seem to have filled their stomachs and are not interested in killing sleeping humans.

The sky was getting brighter, and the first ray of morning light poured in through the gap between the forests. They woke up from their unstable sleep.

"Next time I come to watch the night."

The footprints of the wolves were densely around, which made Li Ou's heart lingering.

"Let's take turns." Lu Yuewu said.

"This is too much." Rosie muttered.


"I won't participate in it." She said confidently, "I need to meditate."

The newly retreated storm surge flooded the land, scraping down trees and lifting soil, presenting a post-disaster scene. But compared with the scene in front of them at this time, it is as insensitive as a poor set in a vulgar opera.

They met the first body one miles away from the night camp.

The body hung under the branches of the dead tree. The tree was broken by the storm, and the trunk has been covered with crazy moss. The crow was pecking his face, and the wolves enjoyed his legs hanging on the ground. There are only bones and rags left below the chest... plus a chewed shoe, half buried in the soil.

"How did he die?" Rosie asked calmly.

Li Ou has to be stable before he dares to look at it. The dead body has a hairy face with a terrible gray-green color. His eyes are protruding, his cheekbones are high, his mouth is grinning to his ears, and a pair of canine teeth are five centimeters.

Lu Yuewu approached and drove away the noisy crow.

"orc?" She is not sure.

"How can there be orcs here?" Leo didn't believe it. "It is rumored that the homes of orcs are located on another planet, and only mages can summon them here."

Two hundred yards ahead, they found the second body. The scavengers dragged him down, and the remains were scattered on the ground, with a broken rope ring hanging on the elm branches above. A rough magic item lay in the grass - it was a reinforced leather helmet with dead heads and maggots drilling between the eye socket and the brain.

"Alchemist's stuff." Leo asserted, "Not all mages are 'alternative' like Rosie."

"I'm very proud of you." She hummed painlessly, "Do you want to sleep with him at night with that helmet?"

"The Necromancer will be happy," Leo threw his helmet back into the grass. "I'll forget it."

After that, you will encounter dead bodies every 200 yards. They hung on the tree and swayed like dog tail grass. They wear gray, blue, or brown leather armor, which shows more or less signs of magic processing. They are also horrible and look like orcs - they all died from overdose of drugs. Far away, empty medicine bottles were scattered on the ground.

But they are not all dead bodies. More people died not far away. Judging from their dress, they are all mercenaries and self-defeated speculators of bounty hunters. They died of bows, arrows, swords and magic. Among them, magic occupies the first place in the list of efficiency of harvesting life.

"Hung on the tree and tortured after death--" Rosie finally said what they all realized: "They are all alchemists."

For Leo, who they are is far less important than who hangs them.

Award, the trees gradually thinned, but there were still so many corpses. The forest has become an execution ground. The dense crows and vulture screamed and flew up from the body. When they passed, they fell down again. This is a warning. Leo realized.

"We should go back and choose a new path." Lu Yuewu has always been cautious.

"It's already dark when I walk back!" Rosie shouted, "We were wasting a day! Aren't they just dead bodies? If the deceased Su Sheng, it will all be burned.

"Have you ever thought about it? So many people, "Lu Yuewu circled the surrounding dead bodies with her fingers." And their guards, followers... as many as 30 people. They all died here, hanging from trees and thrown into the grass. And what about their enemies? Have you ever seen it? This is a one-sided killing, Shirley Rosie.

"Daw, or call me Xue Li, or call me Luo Xi." She muttered.

Lu Yuewu ignored her powerless defense and then said, "And what about us? There are only three of us. Can we defeat each other's swords, crossbows and magic?

"They are all for alchemists." Rosie pulled her hair angrily, "Who on earth has such a deep hatred for you that you have been abused even after death?" Huh? Leo?"

They have been watching the dead for too long.

Li Ou looked around at the alchemists on the gallows and looked at their rotten and pecked faces, with increasing anxiety in his heart. They are more frightening than the ghouls in the cemetery. Those eyes that fall from the eye sockets tell more tragic grievances than the ghosts who are unwilling to escape. The sworn enemy of the alchemist. He meditated, and suddenly a creepy name emerged from the depths of his memory, which made him feel cold in an instant, as if a sharp sword had been mounted around his neck.

"Go back!" Leo said anxiously. His voice is hoarse, like nails scratching sharp on the glass. He never knew that he would make such an unpleasant sound. The dull roar broke the depressing silence in the forest and scared the birds that swallowed food quietly. Don't delay! Immediately!"

Li Ou turned a deaf ear to Rosie's inquiry, and his footsteps gradually accelerated. Soon, the girls had to start running to keep up with him. It was not until they were out of breath that they slowed down. But they have been far away from the Shura field.

Rosie leaned against the trunk and gasped violently. Her red hair was soaked in sweat and pressed against her cheeks. What's wrong with you?" She wiped her mouth randomly and threw the empty kettle aside. Are you scared?" She said angrily.

Li Ou looked back at the forest shrouded in death like a cemetery and swallowed his saliva with difficulty. "I think," he said, "I know who killed them."

"Who is it?"

"Black dawn."