Alchemy Era

Chapter 31 Annihilation of the Demon God

"Thank you for your support!"

The return road has been blocked. They searched the hall and found that the hall they were in was like an impenetrable stone house, a stone cage, and a tomb for the dead to live in peace.

"There is no way." Brand punched hard on the hard stone wall, and he didn't seem to feel the pain. We can't get out." He said desperately, "Don't go out."

Alyssa pulled Lu Yuewu's hand, as if she could give her shelter and a sense of security. She asked him in horror, "Will we die here?"

Everyone doesn't know how to answer.

If they are trapped here and gradually lose their will, then what awaits them will be thirst, hunger, and the ensuing hallucinations and gradually losing their minds. We won't die here." Leo said to them and also said to himself, "We will definitely go back." If you don't even have the will to survive, it's better to break yourself. Why bother to support it?

"Go back? How to go back?" Andrewson sneered coldly, "You can't even fly here. Are you going to learn to hole mice?"

There must be a way. Li Ouxin said. He still has too much to do and his promise to them unfulfilled. How can he die easily? We can go back!" He repeated the emphasis.

"Li Ou, I never knew that you didn't even have the courage to face reality." Andrewson said, "A coward."

"Shut up!" Rosie shouted loudly. That's better than a pessimistic fool like you!" Her fingertips emitted fire, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark.

Li Ou ignored their quarrel and walked slowly against the wall of the hall with a torch. I have to take them out. He said to himself in his heart. He stroked the murals on the wall and approached to carefully identify the characters on the painting. Does he need to know who this temple belongs to? God or demon? He carefully recalled the history of the book and confirmed it with the murals in front of him.

"What's the use of this?" Decca sat by the hard wall with his hands hanging on the ground, looking particularly frustrated and desperate. We have checked every corner, and even the dust has been eaten into our stomachs... but nothing. Stone bricks don't even have gaps that can be inserted by thin sword blades. What other secret channels do you expect here? Decca said.

"Maybe he wants to dig one out by himself." Andrewson said.

Leo ignored their blow. A real alchemist should not only be a skilled worker, but also an erudite. They should be familiar with everything. For example, the symbol in front of him - he found clues on the base where the statue should be placed. The appearance of the statue is blurred, and it is difficult to distinguish between men and women. Only this symbol is deep into the stone brick, which is half a finger deep, and the groove is also filled with gold water. Leo knew that in the ancient period, when gods still existed, they were called "holy emblems".

The memory came suddenly. He remembered that his father pointed to the pattern on the book and said to him, "This is a sign of the god." Those different symbols are more interesting than the coats of arms of the nobles, each of which means a wonderful story.

Black Sun Emblem. Leo thought quietly and tried his best to recall. There are several gods in the Lozva dynasty that are believed by the world. Although they are silent and unresponsive, they are still in full bloom. Li Ou slowly stepped back, looked up at the blurred statue, and noticed that the palm she held up was a charming flame.

"What's wrong, Leo?" Lu Yuewu asked.

"It's Clegg." Leo couldn't hold his surprise.

"Claig?" Andrewson sneered, "The noun you made up?"

"You can cover up your ignorance, but don't show off your stupidity." Li Ou replied coldly. He only deserves to be a marketable businessman, not an alchemist. His poor knowledge and vulgar words will only stain the badge on his chest. Now the Creators' Association is becoming more and more snobbish, and even the sons of lenders and tailors can go in and out at will. Leo said, "I thought they could always be polite - now it seems that I'm wrong?"

Andrewson turned pale and stretched his hand to his waist.

"Mr. Andrewson," Leo smiled, "if you dare to do it, I will take away your nail hammer and smash your teeth one by one." There is also a barbecue meal. Rosie said, "Try to make soup with blood, and take you as the material."

Andrewson, with trembling hands, pulled out a nail hammer from his waist, "You have to pay for everything you say!"

However, Brand hugged him.

"Give me away, you lowly apprentice!" He struggled and shouted, "Despicable scum!"

Brand's poisoned dagger loomed around his waist. Leo thinks Andrewson is really crazy.

"Let him come over," Lu Yuewu said, "Let's see if he can step over me."

Brande let go, but Andrewson hesitated not to move forward.

Rosie snorted coldly, "But it's just useless waste."

"You want to die, but I don't want to be buried with you." Leo looked at Andrewson with angry eyes and said, "We don't mind keeping you company with the mercenaries. Their souls are looking at us, and they must be particularly welcoming newcomers to join us.

Li Ou motioned Lu Yuewu to be optimistic about Andrewson, while he looked up at the Clegg statue and ponder. Craig said that he was a god, but in fact he was more like a demon god. Before the Lozva Dynasty, all the history of Masano recorded that she was an annihilation god who did all evil and took pleasure in destruction. However, in the Lozva Dynasty, the mages regarded the demon god Clegg as the only belief and supreme existence. Her influence is far beyond the dawn Andal, and her towering gods stand everywhere.

"After saying it once, don't hesitate." Rosie urged impatiently, "I'm not interested in the history of the dead."

"The mages of the Lozva dynasty streamline spells and are also good at playing tricks." Leo replied, "They gave pure faith to the demon god and used wisdom to flatter and flatter. They think that Clegg removes destruction, loves tricks, and also abides by principles.

"Is there a principle of destruction?"

"Of course there is." Leo showed a confident smile on his face. Destruction and creation are twins. There will always be a new life after destruction.

He asked Miss Mage to cast a bright spell and throw a slightly blue light ball on a high dome with bright eyes. The flame on the statue of Clegg flickered under the rotating ball of light, beating and flashing like a dance. Li Ou looked directly at her fingertips, slowly stepped back, and calculated the distance until it turned out that the way they couldn't find was under their eyelids. The high platform where the gold bottle is placed is aimed at the fingertips of the statue, and then converted to the ancient system according to the standard measurement algorithm, which is exactly 575 ware, which represents a reincarnation of the Lozva era. The word reincarnation scares Leo. The Horoy dynasty and the Lozva dynasty in front of him, Feren and Ayinblo, 4,000, three reincarnations, suddenly realized.

He tried to get rid of the temporarily useless things that suddenly popped out of his mind. Even historians have never worried about it, and he thought, why should I worry about it? He should focus on the present, find the secret passage, and then go home smoothly. Leo knelt down in the middle of the bloody hall, and the bloody smell surrounded him. If it weren't for the "ghost" Edsey, they would really be trapped here. He thought, every drink and every peck has a fixed number.

The French seal is engraved on the high platform, and the solidified blood completely covers the geometric pattern. He buckled the blood scab with his nails, and the wind of anger was prominent. The other four represent charm, trap, flame and shield respectively. Together, they form a pattern of pentagram.

Andrewson stared at Leo with resentment. It was originally mine. Leo seemed to hear his silent roar.

"You can only have a wind of rage." Lu Yuewu said.

"Can it... work?" Rosie swallowed the mockery that had come to her mouth.

"I don't know." Li Ou also didn't care about her bad temper at this time. Try it." He said with only a glimmer of hope.

His fingertips outlined the pattern again and again, until the magic in his body poured out and poured into the stone seat. He felt that his magic was swallowed up, like an indefatiable beast. When his magic was no longer at all, the wind of anger roared and bounced him away. He fell to the ground and looked up at the high platform with difficulty.

The high platform was shining brightly, and the blue light covered the magic ball summoned by Rosie and swallowed their sight. When Li Ou opened his eyes, the blood-soaked surface cracked in a dull roar, and a passage with warm light reached deeper underground - that was the deep road built by magic. The magic knowledge of the Lozva dynasty is far beyond today.