Alchemy Era

Chapter 5 Black Widow

"February, please support!"

The breeze blows away the black clouds, and the dawn secretly illuminates the world. The dark sky turned gray with slate, the dark sea turned gray green with moss, and the steep cliffs facing the bow were dyed dark brown. The world has color, and the dark green of the reef-covered coast begins to stretch. The Golden Titan carefully drove into the shallows and turned into the curved river where the cliffs were garrisoned like soldiers.

" Slow down and pay attention to the port side!" Pei Dinan commanded loudly, "Go right, go right!" Damn, a little on the left!"

The narrow river flows slowly into the sea from the inside of the island. The Golden Titan did not hang sails, and it all relied on the paddlers to row, as if walking on the cliff, trembling and timidly at every step. There was a dense jungle on both sides of the river. The sea breeze blew and the leaves were ringing. Li Ou seemed to see a lot of dark shadows flashing by.

"I've always hated the jungle, but I like it very much at this time." Rosie took a deep breath and opened her arms as if to hug the conical volcano squeezed towards them. Ah, the smell of land. She fully adapted to the wind and waves of the sea and regained her spirit.

"There is also a smell of corruption." Lu Yuewu reminded, "Withered branches and rotten leaves, black-hearted."

"My only good mood has also been ruined by you." She pretended to be fierce and threw her head aside disdainfully. "Don't think I'm grateful to you for taking care of me for a few days." She hit Leo with her elbow. "Who do you think we are going to see?"

Do you still need to ask?" Pirates and smugglers; thieves and murderers. The root of all evil. We are not regular businessmen, and don't expect us to take the regular waterway and abide by the law.

The three-masted galley like a turtle passed through the dangerous shallows, and the jungle on both sides became sparse, and everything suddenly became clear. A magnificent lens painted with a blue color spread horizontally in front of them, and the faint yellow spots sprinkled from the edge of the clouds scattered on the mirror, emitting a fantastic glow. It's like the sky and the earth are turned upside down. The Golden Titan split the communication place between heaven and sea with an axe, as if breaking the gap between the kingdom of God and the mortal world and sailing gracefully.

Pei Dinan motioned the watchman to sound the horn.

It's like the roar of thunder transmitted far away. The sound waves resounded through the sky, shaking the water waves and spreading out in circles. The horn was three long and one short, and then slowly silenced, and then suddenly raised. When the sound on this side gradually lowered, the sound of responding drums suddenly sounded at the bottom of the conical volcano on the other side of the lake. The sound of drums is like the anger of a god.

"Light the fireworks."

Several rockets rushed to the sky with sharp sounds and bloomed brightly in the gloomy sky. Li Ou counted exactly seven, and the other party responded with five fireworks.

"Rise the flag." Pei Dinant gave the last order.

It's really complicated. Li Ou thought. But when a black widow spider flag was raised in the trees by the lake, he glanced at the black palm flag of the Golden Titan and was not surprised at all. The world is as black as a crow. He said in his heart.

At this time, several boats emerged from the narrow river tributaries covered by jungle vines. On each boat stood a soldier in heavy armor, carrying an axe and a short spear. Behind them were two entourages with leather armor and short knives. The eight paddlers rowed hard and said a word.

"Are they not afraid of falling into the water and drowning?"

"Leo Islanders are not afraid of the sea." Li Ou explained, "Fling into the water is considered to be the favor of the sea god. They don't think it's worth fearing, but should open their arms to greet it.

"Strange tradition." Rosie commented, "One day they will perish because of this."

So our captain never wears iron. He must be worried about the day when Leo Islanders drowned in the sea and died.

The boat is getting closer. Under the control of the paddlers, they revolved around the Golden Titan, like an annoying mosquito. But Titan only has an axe and no fly swat in his hand.

"Put down the gangway." The first officer shouted.

"There is no need for this thing." A soldier bent down to pick up the spear hook on the boat, threw the hook on the deck, and stuck firmly on the side of the boat. Although he was heavy and clumsy, he climbed as flexibly as a monkey. He turned over the deck and walked towards them, with his armor rattling.

"Which of you is in charge?" The soldier's sharp eyes swept over them. His eyes stayed on Pei Dinant for a moment, and the sarcasm in his eyes became stronger and stronger. He grinned and showed his pale canine teeth. If it's you, we don't have to talk about it." He said rudely, "Go back. Otherwise, you can stay here. The little baby in the lake hasn't had a full meal for a long time.

"I went ashore." Pei Dinan defended, "I'm not a soldier either."

"But at this time, you are on the ship, and you are still a Leo Islander." The soldier said disdainfully, "I only see timidity in your eyes."

"We have different beliefs!" Pedinan said angrily, "I want to see your leader. We are not here to quarrel and fight, but to make a deal that is beneficial to both you and me.

"You can't make the decision." The soldier sneered, "But I can. I don't talk to cowardly people." He raised his axe and said, "Go back! Otherwise, I will do what I say."

The captain could do nothing about it, and he couldn't convince the other party. Leo realized that he could only make his fellow villagers more angry. He stood up. I'm the one who is in charge here. He said, "I am fully responsible."

"Are you?"


The warrior looked at him and said, "You have the privilege to wear iron armor. But what about them?" He looked at Lu Yuewu and Rosie, who accompanied Li Ou around. Who are they?"

"My followers. They swore to protect my left and right.

The warrior thought for a moment, "We believe and respect the oath." He said, "If you feel that your vows are unbreakable and will stick to them no matter what setbacks you encounter, then come together. But you," he stressed to Pei Dinan again, "I don't welcome you."

They went down the gangway to the boat. The paddlers shouted and rowed the hull neatly, and the boat quickly moved away from the Golden Titan like an arrow off the string and sailed straight to the already huge conical volcano. The fast speed of the boat made Leo a little unstable and could not stand as straight as a soldier and his entourage. However, Luo Xi had already sat down without scruples and didn't pay attention to others. Only Lu Yuewu had no influence, which made her win the favor of the islanders.

"Where is this going?" Li Ou motioned Lu Yuewu to ask.

"Our home." The soldier replied.

They are getting closer and closer to the volcano, the steep cliffs are like a huge shield, and they are willow short spears that are overpowerful. The cliff on the face was full of holes, like a pair of terrible eyes on a spider's head. That's the shooting hole, the observation hole. This place is heavily guarded, just like a military camp under the famous commander.

The boat slowed down. They moved forward slowly against the current. Under the cliff, a curved passage leads directly to the interior of the volcano. It is dark like a beast with an open mouth, and the uneven rock is a sharp fang, which seems to close tightly at any time and swallow them.

The paddlers rowed the oars gently, and the boat quietly sailed into it, like a dexterous dolphin. The torch is burning in the passage, and the air is fragrant with pine resin. The beating fire stretched their figures and projected them on the strange rocks protruding on both sides of the channel, strangely shaped and like ghosts. Everything is silent. They held their breath and watched vigilantly.

Have a safe journey. At the end of the passage is a small artificial lake. Dozens of sailboats, large and small, are parked next to the dock built of thick logs. Their masts are all hung with black widow flags.

The boat docked aside. They got off the boat, and the rest of the soldiers came over and surrounded them in the middle.

"What is this?" Li Ou frowned, "Is this how you treat guests?"

"The so-called guest is at his convenience." The soldier who led them said lightly, "Guests also have to follow our rules. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, this is a necessary measure. The last part of the road is not too long.

The bright axe blade almost stuck to his back, and he felt a chill. I hope so." He said angrily.

The rock is chiseled into a ladder, covered with moss, which is slippery and dangerous. They slowed down and climbed step by step, as if to reach the top of the volcano. On the way, they passed through several excavated caves, all of which were full of wooden boxes.

"This is the fruit we harvested before the arrival of autumn." The warrior said, "They are all waiting for buyers. You are definitely not the only one." He is hinting that the price is not too high, but in Li Ou's opinion, even if this voyage is bloodless, it has little to do with him. I'm just here to find out the secret. He thought.

Six fork roads are separated from the slippery stones, and the steep rock walls spread like spider webs. They walked along the main road into a slightly wider passage, with bright light at the end.

Through the passage, a hall appeared in front of them. The hall is warm and dry, and it doesn't seem to be built on the surface of the water, sitting between the hot steam of the volcano. A long dark red wool carpet seemed to be paved straight to the innermost throne. There is a long table on both sides of the carpet with bright candles. The fire basin was placed in the corner, and the firewood crackled. Several swallowtail flags depicting the horror of the black widow hang down from the top rock to the ground.

The soldiers dispersed and guarded both sides. Only one person left to lead them to the throne.

A woman with wheat-colored skin and long brown hair leaned against the armrest of the throne and looked at them lazily. Her appearance should be outstanding, but a scar on her left cheek damaged her image.

"Sinshaq's men?" She asked.

There is a wisp of gentleness in her voice. This made Leo very strange. I'm not a subordinate, but I can make the decision."

"Oh?" She seemed to be interested and leaned forward. "It's not her subordinates, but she can make the decision... I'm curious, who are you?"

After climbing the stairs for a long time and standing straight, Li Ou couldn't help moving his body. But these are all in each other's eyes. The pirate leader waved his hand, "Come on, let our guests sit down." The servant opened the chair by the long table and waited for them to sit down one by one, and they filled them with bright red wine. Red wine from Alan Island. The old wine paid tribute on the merchant ship. I hope you will like it." She smiled at them, and the scar on her face climbed like a centipede, as if she had survived.

Li Ou politely picked up the glass and took a sip. The sweetness of the wine can't hide her color. She is as red as blood. Leo thought so. I'm an alchemist." He clearly saw something flashing in the other party's eyes. Her right hand held the armrest tightly. Is an alchemist her taboo?

"Alchemist..." She sighed, "Can I know your name?" Of course, Leo did not refuse. She opened her lips slightly and saw from her lips that she was reciting his name repeatedly, repeating the word "Li Ou". Her eyes were sad and seemed to be immersed in memories. Leo." She recovered quickly and called his name. Leo felt that it was full of tenderness.

"I'm here."

"You seem to know nothing about us?"

Li Ou doesn't know how to answer. In the end, he told the truth awkwardly, "Forgive me for being ignorant."

"Don't panic." The other party waved his hand. Her skin seemed to be coated with olive oil, shining brightly. If the evil celebrities of pirates are known, then she is not far from extinction.

"I don't belong to the thousand-faced hand, nor am I under Xinshak. I have never been exposed to such things." Although I know that this matter is not a secret, it can even be said to be blatant.

"Then why did you come here? Why does Sinsak trust you?

Because of the secret. Because of money." Li Ou said, " Even the wolves can't help starving, not to mention the lonely young wolves."

"Money can always attract a large number of subordinates."

"There are few people in the world who can resist the charm of gold." Li Ou always felt that her eyes were quite meaningful. And he also has an inexplicable familiarity with the other party. So he asked, "Miss, have we met before?"

"Miss?" She couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling, "I'm just a robber running on the sea. How can I get to know you?" She gradually stopped laughing and looked at Leo gently with light blue eyes, "Please don't call me 'Miss'. I'm 'Black Widow' Selena, 'Princess' Selena, and 'Queen' Selena.

But Leo still can't dispel the confusion in his heart. He had to suppress his doubts for the time being. However, when he put aside the doubts that plagued him for many times, he could not help but marvel at the achievements of the woman in front of him. She sat firmly at the head of such a huge pirate group as a woman, which convinced the man under her skirt and obeyed her orders. Where her fingers are, the strong island warriors must fight fiercely and expel the enemy for her. Your ability is beyond admiring you. He said sincerely.

But the smile on her face seemed to be piled up with falsehood. All right." She doesn't seem to want to say more or talk about her achievements that make same-sex envy. That's all for chatting. Let's get back to the point. She said, "Since you are fully responsible, we need to discuss it carefully. Time waits for no one, especially in today's season.

That's true. They risked a storm at any time and drove through the sea full of dead fish. Sailors are panicked all day long. Everything seems so difficult, but the return voyage is right in front of us. The sooner they return, the more assured they will be.

"No!" The silent "Armor Man" on the right side of the throne suddenly loudly rejected the Black Widow's decision. The smile on her face disappeared in an instant and turned into a piece of frost. Why?"

"We must stop trading. Her Majesty. He wears iron armor and his head is covered with a helmet. The voice came out through the mask, "Have you forgotten the strange shape of the seaside cliff the day before yesterday? What did you say that day? You said, 'This is an ominous omen.'

"It's not yesterday at this time."

Prophs never take effect immediately. They always lurk quietly and give you a fatal blow inadvertently.

Their quarrel made Leo confused. Excuse me, what the hell happened?"

"Just a few days ago," Selena suppressed her anger, "ands of seabirds on the cliff fell off the cliff and died."

"They die when you come!" The islander asked loudly, "Alchemist, how do you explain it?"

"He is our guest, not the prisoner you interrogated."

Li Ou hardly heard what they quarreled about again. Just a few days ago, almost at the same time, they also found dead fish on the sea. He looked at the two girls beside him and found that their eyes were also full of panic. What the hell happened? He thought with fright.

"Ridal, this is my fleet. I'm the black widow king. I know what to do." Selena roared loudly, "It's not your turn to point fingers!"

"Look at your warrior, my queen." The islanders swallowed their anger and patiently persuaded, "They believe in gods, and we can't ignore their traditions. Neptune has been angry. If you and I insist on going alone, we will eventually be punished..."

"Shut up! That's your tradition! It's not mine!" She stressed, "I won't sell my faith cheaply to crazy gods who get angry at will!"

The islanders didn't say a word.

The black widow consciously lost her words. I apologize for my inappropriate words, Lidal. But please listen to me," she pleaded softly, "this is the last thing after the storm season, and we have to exchange him for food. Gold coins and porcelain, swords and armor can't be eaten in your stomach. Lidar, if there is no food, we will starve to death. Tradition and survival, how do you let me choose?

"I choose tradition!" The islanders were unmoved.

Selena was almost mad. She stood up, "Then you have to die!"

"The islanders believe in Nep, and he won't let his people starve." After saying that, the islanders strode away from the hall and also took away the armored warrior guard.

The spider queen sits powerlessly on the throne like a black widow who has lost her legs. Fuck the gods." She smiled miserably and said, "They died early. Will not respond to anyone's prayers. You will all die, I swear."

Serred narrow sloops carrying goods to the Golden Titan, which has been anchored for a long time, depositing the goods into the warehouse one by one. At this time, the sky is getting darker and the wind and rain are about to come. We are about to return." Before sailing, Captain Pedinan said to his sailor, "We defeated the black omen when we came, and we will be fearless when we return!"