Alchemy Era

Chapter 8 Murder

They crashed into one cabin after another, and the sailors - Li Ou only felt the hair on the back of his neck standing upright - "They all died of drowning." This is the conclusion reached by Lu Yuewu after the inspection.

But where did the water plants in their mouth come from? Where do water stains on the floor and walls come from? Where do those shells come from? Magic? Or the curse of God? No one can give any explanation. What exactly did they encounter? Li Ou suddenly wanted to shout to dispel the fear in his heart. But the thick fog refused to listen to his orders. It was like a shroud that wrapped the golden Titan tightly without any gaps. What awaits them is a long night, and they still need to go through suffering to usher in the rising morning glow.

"There is a man who is still alive." In a room, Lu Yuewu suddenly raised her head from the bed and said.

This is the first good news Leo heard today. What about the others? He couldn't wait to ask.

"They are all alive." Lu Yuewu checked the six sailors one by one, "There is no sign of drowning, just fainting."

"They are addicted to illusions." Rosie opened a sailor's eyelids. "His pupils are lax, but his eyes are still turning disorderly." This is a unique sign when people are dreaming. As long as the illusion is shattered, they can wake up.

They checked the whole floor of the cabin, but only these people were alive and unharmed.

"This is very strange." Lu Yuewu frowned and said, "We were able to get rid of the fantasy because of magic and survived. Why are these people trapped in it and safe?

"You look up to me too much." Rosie said for the first time that she was frustrated and admitted defeat. Rather than the magic has worked, it is better to say that someone has let us go - with my ability is not enough to fight against such a real illusion - if we are in a dream when the fog rises and we don't see the cold and dark cabin turn into a magnificent warm hall with our own eyes, who among us can tell which is true and which is false? "

Even so, they doubted the truth of what their eyes saw and touched with their hands more than once. That's because we are not Leo Islanders and neither of them. Leo flipped the sailor's wrist, where there were no tattoos, blank. Is this really a curse? Li Ou's mind hovered with the idea that he didn't want to admit. Let them sleep well. We have to go to the captain's room!"

Along the way, the hull was as smooth as if they were on land, but the salty and wet sea smell they were used to was getting thicker and thicker, and almost even the air was too salty to breathe. When they approached the captain's room, they found a pool of water spreading on the ground. Leo tasted it with his fingers. Salty." He said, "It's seawater."

The hatch of the captain's room was closed, and a stream of sea water flowed out of the cracks under the door.

They bumped into the door and found that the room was extremely dry and tidy as usual. Captain Peidinan lay on his back and recognized Li Ou at a glance that he was immersed in the fantasy. The sweet expression on his face was the same as that of his crew.

"Try to wake him up."

"I can't guarantee it."

The Golden Titan can't lack a captain. Do your best." Leo said.

Rosie chanted a spell while applying crystal powder as a casting medium to Pei Dinant's eyelids. The amethyst powder shimmered at the call of the spell and finally covered the candlelight in the room. When the light faded, they saw Pei Dinan slowly open his eyes.

"Why am I here?" This is the first sentence the captain opened his eyes. He looked at them confusedly, with an unbelievable look in surprise. I'm not..." He held his forehead, "I was dreaming just now?"

Li Ou was about to answer when a deep and low voice suddenly came from behind him: "You didn't dream, my brother."

A ghost in the uniform of the Ainblo naval fleet appeared behind them. He has a dark blue translucent body, with a clear face and rich expression, appearing silently. I mean no harm. He was like a living person, seeing the vigilance of Leo and others. He stopped and said sincerely, "I am the messenger of Neptune, here for my brother."

There is always a reason for ghosts to appear. You won't show up for no reason." Li Ou said vigilantly that the magic sword was shining enough to penetrate the ghost's body. Whose call do you respond to?

"That's what Nepity ordered." The ghost replied, "He sent me to welcome his followers."

Sea God? Who can be named in the name of God now? Pick up your brother to the Kingdom of God?" Isn't it the dark sea that can't see the sun? Li Ou thought. Doesn't he violate the traditions of the islanders? Let's talk about welcoming it again. ...I think it's better to be a trial and escort."

"This is the test of God."

"Your test is not as effective as a poisoned dagger." Rosie couldn't help humming, "It's just pretending to be a ghost!"

The ghost seemed to say carelessly, "I followed God's order and took him to the temple of the sea god for permanent rest."

"Oh, then you still lack a rag wooden boat and an oak oar." Li Ou sarcastically.

"I'm not a Styx ferryman."

Rosie quickly interrupted. Not to be a mermaid."

"Even the messenger of death is not a ghost." Leo stared at the ghost's blue shining face, and he felt that the other party must have blushed at this time - if he was still ashamed. What's more, what's the difference between you and the Styx ferrymen? Isn't it to drag them into a permanent sleep?

But he overestimated the other party. It's not impossible to say so." The ghost answered politely. Then he took a step forward. So, can you open it now? I want to exercise my duties."

"The duty given to you by the god in your mouth is to manipulate illusions and fog and fill other people's stomachs with seaweed?"

"I'm good at this. This is God's favor to me.

If he has to enjoy God's grace as he said, then he must be a believer of God. At this time, he must be furious and draw his knife at each other. Just like the divine knight of the Andal Church. But the ghost's tone at this time was not calm, reciting the script like a third-rate actor. The god is dead. Leo keeps it in mind. The more he prevaricates with God, the more Leo doesn't believe it.

"Who on earth do you listen to?" Li Ou asked, who did they meet along the way? Except for the Black Widow, there are only island warriors under her. A name jumped out of his mouth, "Ridal?"

"I'm just ordered to act." The ghost said, "Don't say much, don't do much. It's useless to explain."

He suddenly stretched out his hand and reached out to Pei Dinant. Brother..." They heard the scream of the ghost penetrating into the bone marrow. I don't have a brother!" Pei Dinan suddenly roared, "I didn't!" He jumped up from **, pushed away the unexpected Rosie and rushed out of the cabin. The hysterical shouts echoed in their ears, "He died early!" I died early!"

"People always have weaknesses." The ghost smiled at them indifferently.

For a moment, the ghost's face suddenly became clear, and Leo seemed to see his father's smile. I must have been blind, he told himself. When he came to his senses, the ghost had passed through the wall and disappeared.

"Don't come here!" Pei Dinan leaned close to the side of the boat and looked at the ghost coming out of the deck begging bitterly, "Please, don't come over."

Li Ou rushed out of the cabin and suddenly found that the ghost had turned into the image of a boy, and he could faintly see what he had just seen between his eyebrows. He was wearing a large can-like plate, and his voice looked young and tender. Brother." He shouted.

"No, no, don't come here! I beg you not to come here!" Pei Dinan was about to cry. He knelt on the deck and kept kowtoing. It was my fault. I shouldn't have quarreled with you... I made a mistake..."

"Leave me to sink to the bottom of the sea without saving me?"

"No, it's not!" He denied loudly, "I... I'm just too... too scared..."

"I won't believe you." The ghost shook his head and approached Pei Dinan, "I will always remember your eyes at that time." His dark blue eyes suddenly turned red, as if they were burning a flame of anger. That's it..."

The ghost rushed forward and bumped into Pei Dinant. The railing broke, and Pei Dinan exclaimed and fell into the sea. The ghost pressed his throat tightly and laughed loudly. With the sound of water, Li Ou rushed to the side of the ship and looked out. The ghost seemed to be as heavy as iron. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared, and the sea completely calmed down.

In the end, he failed to escape the tradition of resisting. Leo looked at the misty sea and thought.