Alchemy Era

Chapter 22 Night Banquet

When night comes, the banquet officially begins. Motima appeared with her daughter. His two sons became foils, with a forced ugly smile behind him.

This is the first time Leo has seen the notorious nobleman. His head was slightly bald - when he saw the baldness, Leo couldn't help looking for the mage in the crowd, but he got nothing - wearing a black dress and holding a short stick in his hand. Miss Bachelor wore a purple lace dress and long gloves holding her father's hand and slowly walked down the stairs.

Motherma introduced his daughter who had returned from her studies to everyone. Miss Bachelor's face maintained a smile and whispered to every man who greeted her. Leo was not interested in this at all. He saw that this was the appearance of aristocratic hypocrisy, and their subtexts were in every move. It's too hard to speculate. He thought, do I have to do the same in the future? Just like these bright-looking men and women in the hall, the elderly and children are the same? Living in intrigues, lies and masks all day long?

He didn't look carefully and picked up the wine and drank it all. Unexpectedly, this is a high degree of liquor. The hot taste comes from the mouth, through the throat to the navel. He feels that his body is burning from the inside. Look, my body is also protesting. He put down his glass and put on ice lemonade. But what else can we do? He has no way of knowing.

The knight only stayed with them for a while, and was called by his boss. Now Mordima is talking with the "Flame White Rose", but what he highlights is not the protagonist of tonight's banquet - Miss Bachelor, but like his eldest son - he is talking happily with the Kay Knight at this time, at least on the surface. Leo knew what Mordima meant by inviting the other party. Therefore, this dinner made him even more unappetizing. I should have come back after dinner. He looked at the delicate food on the table and thought.

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Yuewu sensed his strangeness.

"No, it's nothing." He felt the ice slide into his throat and dispelled the fire that seemed to rise in his heart. "I just feel..." He felt unspeakable. What's the use of regret? He thought, but this is already the case. What can't he say? Our luck is really bad. If we don't meet black thorns... we don't have to deal with these guys now." I am still cowardly and blame it on luck and fate, not my own stupid choice.

Lu Yuewu was silent for a long time. Just when Li Ou thought she was also annoyed, she suddenly said, "Is there any difference between them and others?"

Difference from others? More upright or humble? Li Ou thought about it carefully and asked himself. He suddenly found out, "It's really not." He shook his head and smiled bitterly. Everyone is the same.

"We are not sages." She said, "That's why you have to do your best for yourself." Having said that, he was bored as soon as he looked up and saw the sparrows with some gorgeous feathers. It will get better." She suddenly grabbed his hand and looked at him with brown eyes. "I know how many things you have done for us, and many of them are not meant to be. So I promise that everything will be fine." For a moment, Leo felt that she knew herself completely.

Miss Bachelor met the guests one by one, so the musicians next to her replaced Li Ou's boring music and blew away the bright dance music at the signal of the attendant.

He shook off the idea of escape that suddenly came out of his mind and reluctantly pulled out his smiling face. He stretched out his hand to the two girls and danced with them. They didn't say a word to each other. It was not until the end of the second song that Rosie first said, "I heard your conversation with Moon Dance just now." She said, lowered her eyes in front of him and pretended to be fierce, "I won't let you go so simply until you pay me."

Everyone came to comfort him. I'm not that weak. That's just...just..."

"Just what?" She raised her head, and her amber eyes flashed like gems.

Li Ou turned his eyes slightly, "It's just a little confused."

After a dance, Li Ou accidentally saw Miss Bachelor waiting for him at the long table and winked at him. I've been waiting for your invitation." She said so and walked into the dance floor with him.

"Isn't there still so many noble gentlemen and elegant knights?"

"I don't like them." She said, "There are many self-righteous people. Those who show off are even more disgusting. I picked a few and it was perfunctory. Anyway, it's not me who is in a hurry, is it?"

is her father. Are you in a hurry to marry you out?" He asked abruptly.

"No. Something else." She suddenly fell silent, and Leo noticed disgust in her eyes. She seems to feel exactly the same as him. It's just that she couldn't jump out of the game, and he had to jump into it.

Their dance steps began to rotate, and suddenly they heard a scream in the hall, followed by screams piercing the eardrums and tables and chairs falling to the ground, and the sound of broken dishes everywhere. They suddenly stopped dancing and turned around to look back.

The hall was chaotic. The lady and the lady screamed pale and fled the door, and some even began to vomit on the spot. The men gathered around, pointed, whispered and whispered. The guards tried to arrange the crowd, but the guests were noble, so the progress was slow and as slow as snails.

"Make way, all get out of the way." The owner of the manor said.

The guests then dispersed and watched from afar. Through the crowd, Li Ou found that Lu Yuewu was at the center of the crowd! Her sword has come out of its sheath and is splashed with blood. In front of her, there was a fat man with his hand covering his throat.

The guards immediately surrounded and their swords came out of their sheath. Rosie stood proudly in front of Lu Yuewu, with long hair flying and bright flames in her hands. Who dares to move?" With a wave of her right hand, the flame dragged out of the hot track.

Liou ran over in three steps and two steps. Father, what happened? Miss Bachelor asked.

The gloomy eyes of Mortimer Black Thorns swept over them in turn. Ivira, this is the guest you brought. His tone was gloomy and cold. You should ask your friends."

Li Ou looked at the body on the ground, "Moon Dance, what's going on?"

"I didn't kill it." She dares to look at anyone who doubts her.

"Who is that?" There was a voice in the crowd, "There is blood on your sword, that's enough."

"Get out! Hide your head and show your tail like a mouse!" Rosie was furious, and the flames shot into the crowd like a sharp arrow, causing a scream. Come out! Otherwise, it won't be so simple next time!"

After the quickly dodging crowd was the mage who was teased by Rosie. He shouted with his bald head, "You are the only one here. Is there any other witness?"

Lu Yuewu stopped Rosie, who was about to attack, and calmly replied, "There is no evidence. But he is indeed not killed by me, but by someone else.

"Who is it?" Miss Bachelor asked nervously.

"A shadow, making a dagger. It tried to attack me, but I blocked it. And he witnessed everything and tried to shout, so the shadow killed him.

"Shadow?" The bald mage immediately interrupted her, and he laughed until he burst into tears, "Can shadow kill people?"

"I can kill you now." Rosie said coldly.

He suddenly closed his mouth, like a castan cock strangled in his throat. But one person can be stopped, but not everyone can be stopped. Guests, guards, and black thorns, they don't believe at all.

"The bodyguard, take off her sword and take it down to take care of it." He ordered ruthlessly.

Lu Yuewu obediently handed over the red sword, which was regarded as if it were life, and his hands were countered behind him.

"Daw! Can't you even hear the truth and lies?" Her red hair rolled up and down, like an angry dragon, like a roaring red wave, and magic gathered in her eyes. The flame burned from her feet and wrapped her whole body. However, the crossbow has already aimed at her throat and heart. Don't you even dare to resist to please these idiots?" She reached out and grabbed her Leo and roared. She didn't notice that his hand was burnt, and even the blood seemed to have completely evaporated.

It's not because of this. Li Ou kept staring at the body, and he found something strange.

"Wait." He said to the black thorn, "I can prove that what she said is true."

Miss Bachelor also pleaded. The black thorn thought for a moment, "Very good, I'd like to see what else you can play."

"The sword wound on this man's throat and Miss Yvela and Knight Kay have met in the palace of the dead." He looked at the black thorns and tried to see something from his face, but he got nothing. They all died from the blade of ghost fire, a sharp weapon for the dead.

"Ghost Fire Blade?" The bald mage couldn't hold his mouth, and he jumped out again, "What is that? None of us have heard of it! I think you fabricated it."

"Not everyone is as ignorant as you. I doubt how you became a mage. Did he leave and stuff the money in the back and happen to meet a poor tutor?

The bald mage was furious, and Yvela's testimony made him speechless. Father, I can prove that he is telling the truth.

"I can also prove it." The knight said, "Swear by my glory."

The testimony of Miss Bachelor and the White Rose Knight allowed them to leave smoothly.

"Do you know who that shadow is?" When she got home, Lu Yuewu asked softly.

"I know that every nobleman present probably knows it."

Rosie asked in a cold voice, "Who?"

"Sister Shadow."

"Are they self-directing and self-acting?"

Will it be ordered by black thorns? He can't figure it out." I don't know." He told the truth, "First Jeriti, then you. Maybe it will be our turn soon." He once thought that after a long silence, the nuns would not confess their sins to them, but now it seems that they are still very careful and have excellent memories.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I have to ask our knight what's in the package he got from the resentment."