Alchemy Era

Chapter 6 Incident

The skinny monkey came crookedly, like a stupid bear being teased in the circus. He punched Li Ou's hand holding the wine glass, and a black tiger came to his other hand and grabbed the button of his shirt. Leo's light roundabout made the red-faced monkey lose his balance, hit a table and fell into a piece of wood stubble and a foam full of beer. The tavern owner shouted heartbreakingly, "My table, my table."

"I'll pay for your desk." Leo told him.

"No one will ask for the money of your western pigs." A man with acne scars and painted arms came in - he must have heard the noise outside and then saw what happened in the pub. Two follow-up followed closely.

"Don't you want it?" The light of gold coins flashed between Rosie's fingers. Her face was gloomy, like a volcano about to erupting and accumulating power. I hope you don't make her angry. Leo glanced left and right, and in the blink of an eye, it could turn into a sea of fire.

"That's a real golden ship." One follower whispered, and the other follower whispered.

"No! The white devil's money is like shit!" The harsh voice squeezed out of the scar man's throat. He has come to their side, "The City of Thousand Lakes does not welcome people like you. This is a decent city.

Leo can't see that they are decent enough. He remained motionless and looked at him indifferently. In his opinion, they are not much better than the animals in the circus. At least when they grin, they can still distinguish the situation and know when to tighten their tails and when to show off their cleverness, so as not to be severely beaten by the whip.

"Did you hear what I said?" The man with acne scars has a foul smell in his mouth. The fishy smell came out of my mouth. You son of a bitch!"

The red-faced monkey shook his head and got up from the ground, and the fish paste stuck to his face, making people laugh. He wiped away the sticky stains on his face and stared at them angrily. His eyes seemed to be spewing fire.

"Their ears are full of cow shit!" The red-faced monkey shouted angrily and rushed over again completely out of his mind. A follower also waved his old fist behind him. Another small follower pounced on the bard.

"I'm not from the West!" The bard defended weakly and was hit hard in the eye.

"You are with them." The follower smiled gistly and said, "Usually we call you a traitor."

"I'm not a traitor." The bard covered his eyes and dodged awkwardly while arguing. He jumped around between the tables and chairs, kicked down the tables and chairs, and the wine glass fell to the ground, causing the bar owner to howl.

Leou flashed the fist of the red-faced monkey and tripped over the long braided follower. With a sound, the brilliance of the long sword staggered in the dim light. The tavern suddenly exploded. I don't know who screamed, and the guests began to roll and crawl to the exit - but only for mixed race. All the dark-skinned Vallians stood up. They gathered together and stared at Leo with awe. The long-brored follower fell at his feet, and there was a thick blood spread under him. The red-faced monkey's lips trembled with fear, and the sound of a chair banging to the ground brought back his breath, which also brought continuous vomiting.

The little follower stopped chasing. He hid aside in horror. The man who always faced their scars pulled out the dagger at his waist in panic and waved hard in front of him. The devil. He said in horror.

"The devil is always better than a ruffian." Leo said coldly.

" killed someone..." The bard's face was blue, and he said in horror, "Should we leave?"

"None is allowed to leave!" The courage of the man with acne scars doesn't know where it comes from. He said loudly and encouraged his fellows in the pub. The devil should be tied to the stake and burned to death! We can't let them go!"

"It's you who should be burned to death. Black face." Rosie suddenly opened her mouth, and Li Ou suddenly understood what she was going to do. But he didn't stop it at all. Remember to go back and give me two gold coins. She didn't forget to remind Li Ou, then threw the gold coins in her hand at the bar, then grabbed the wine glass in Leo's hand, splashed beer on the man's face with acne scars, and then a blue flame came out without warning, and the ruthless flame completely swallowed the scar man's head.

The red-faced monkey suddenly collapsed on the ground full of vomit and blood. The little follower was completely stunned, opening his mouth wide but couldn't make a sound. It seemed that after a long silence, a terrible exclamation suddenly broke out in the pub. Magic, she uses magic!" A man screamed and rushed to the door. Wizard, wizard!" More people shouted. They bypassed the body of the silent but still burning man and fled in a panic. Swords and killings are far less effective than magic here. Leo couldn't help thinking about it.

Three red robes broke into the door. They must be patrolling around, and the sword was already in hand when they entered the door. The alchemist and the female mage leaned against the wall, while the bard squatted in the corner with his head in his arms and trembled.

"Put down your weapons!" A red robe trembled and shouted, "White devil, put down your weapons! You have been arrested!"

The second red robe kicked over the table between him and the alchemist and moved in awe of their direction. Chucks, go and call someone." He shouted at the third red robe near the door.

"No." Li Ou said and lowered his sword, "We'll go with you."

"Of course you have to come with us. You dirty and evil white-skinned devils, we are going to tie you up!" The still trembling red robe shouted, "Put down the sword, or I will make your head blossom!"

"The head blossoms? Just like this?" A bright yellow light from Rosie's fingertips penetrated a wine barrel on the stage. The barrel exploded like a watermelon, pieces of wood and wine sprinkled all over the floor, and the room was like a heavy rain.

The red robes were stunned, as if they were ducks that could not swim. The red-faced monkey jumped up from the dirty ground, knocked down a red robe, and then stumbled to the door.

"Female...witch..." A red robe swallowed his saliva with difficulty, looked at the red-haired Rosie, and then quickly turned away, as if her eyes alone could turn him into a frog.

"Aren't I the devil?" Rosie sneered and said, "How can you be the devil if you don't know magic?"

" lead the way." Leo repeated on one side. The three of you took us to see His Royal Highness. I don't know the way. He turned to the bard, "Pwop, can you go back by yourself?"

"Okay, okay." He looked around the rags and said with difficulty, "No, no problem."

However, the red robes have always hesitated. We... How can we go to the Liushui Palace..." said one person.

Li Ou told them, "Tell the bodyguard that we are the envoy of Aiyinblo suspected of murder..." "Ai, Aiyinblo..." The red robe's face was even more frightened. ... Tell them that you don't have the courage to deal with us; tell them that it's better for His Royal Highness to deal with this matter himself. Because we are all white devils in your mouths.

"Okay, sir. I...reluctantly tried it." A red robe lowered its head and muttered, walked to the exit, and cautiously looked around. The two companions followed him hesitantly. The alchemist and the female mage walked to the end and put the long sword into the sheath. When they walked out of the pub, the nigga watching across the river stared at them angrily.

Prince O'Bron, the ruler of the City of Thousand Lakes, the Gem Bay and Kenyanum, met them on the open balcony of the castle. He is slightly fat and has a square face - involuntarily reminiscent of the word integrity. The alchemist guessed that he would not be more than 40 years old. The prince sat in a rocking chair, holding a cute and clever blonde girl in her right hand and a silver wine pot in her left hand. Behind him stood the captain of the bodyguard who had received them, a brown-haired man in a blue-purple robe and a pointed star hat. He turned out to be a mage!

"Go down." The prince ordered the red robe. And you, please sit down. Control your hands, your swords and magic. Also, I don't think I need Sarasa slaves as interpreters. There was no expression on his face.

The alchemist and the female mage sat down. They sit upright.

"I'm Prince O'Bron. You've seen me." Prince Oberon said as he played with the wine pot in his hand. Be quiet for a while. He bowed his head and told the little girl in his arms. Then he raised his head and stared at them with confused and gray eyes. Do you have anything to say? The white-skinned devil from Ainblo - that's what my people call you. I thought what they said was deliberate slander and malicious mockery. But judging from your behavior, they are absolutely right.

The two guests didn't say a word. They lowered their eyes like clay sculptures.

"You just arrived in my territory today and encountered an attack against you, and then you planned a murder yourself. Are you taking revenge on me? Revenge my indifference to you? Or do you really think my garden is quiet? I want to hear what you want to say to me before you devils are thrown into the dungeon? Killing three people and casting spells - what a fulfilling day. People like you should be tied to the stake and burned to death - in our thousand lake cities, wizards and shamans are usually executed in this way. But I am an impartial person, so I can listen to your defense before conviction. Say it."

The alchemists raised their eyes and said, "They are just three scoundrels, thieves and pickpockets." He calmly told the other party.

The prince shook his head, "You are not my red-robed guards. You have no right to interfere.

"However, we are very willing to perform duties on your behalf." Li Ou answered him. He pulled out a roll of dark yellow parchment from his arms. Your red-robed guards posted this at the intersection. He whispered, "Is everything written on it true?"

Prince Opelham looked at the etched handwriting on the parchment. He looked up at him and said, "Yes, it's all true. However, the announcement is an announcement and the law is the law. The first thing I care about is the legal system of Qianhu City State. I'm not allowed to commit murder on my territory, do you understand?"

Leo nodded to show his understanding.

The prince snorted, "Are you going to take this job? You are the envoy..."

"No...except Lord Red Pigeon, we are nothing." He replied softly, "I'm just an alchemist."