Alchemy Era

Chapter 17 Trial 1

This time it is the real one-eyed jailer. He was wearing a loose and dirty sleeveless shirt with a short dagger around his waist. The key to the cell is in his hand. The captain of the bodyguard and more than a dozen red robes followed him down the stone ladder. Leo drank the last sip of wine. Mr. Captain," he said, "we're leaving now?"

The captain of the guard looked at the one-eyed jailer and said, "Open the door."

Immediately after the prison door was opened, a red robe came in and carefully searched his body. Gods, what can I hide? He raised his arms cooperatively and said calmly, "Everything is sent by you. Speaking of which, what you should be worried about is me. What if you poison the food?

"Just in case." The captain of the guard told him, "We don't know much about magic."

"Then you should gag my mouth and tie my ten fingers."

"Don't play tricks, alchemist." Of course, the red robe will not find anything. He retreated. The captain of the guard clapped his hands with a huge axe. Come on, you should go out. Be careful not to be blinded by the sun outside.

The moment he walked out of the dungeon, the dazzling sun enveloped him. He couldn't help stopping and narrowing his eyes. Bathed in the long-lost sunlight, the moisture went deep into the bone marrow, and the decay in the joints steamed, smiling completely like ice and snow. He took a deep breath of moisture wrapped in the sea breeze and strode out.

He was taken to the flowing palace, the throne hall. The captain of the bodyguard first opened the huge door of gold oak and led him to the scarlet carpet connecting the throne. The whole audience focused on him alone. Hundreds of nobles came to watch - to be precise, they were all spectators who came to see me executed, including perhaps "witnesses" against me. They have a black appearance and dark clothes, which look like pieces of black charcoal neatly stacked together.

Bar Baron Allenbert, dressed in mourning clothes, sat high in the audience - he could not appear as a witness of the prosecution. As a family member of the party, he had to avoid the matter and wait for the outcome of the trial. But before the trial began, his eyes were already full of pleasure, and his eyes were like looking at a dead man. Leo realized that he might have reached a consensus with others.

On the high backrest throne, Prince O'Bron sat with his elbows and his cheeks slanted. Two judges that Leo did not know sat on both sides of him. One of them has brown hair and black skin and a green cloak, while the other is yellow skin, wearing a scarlet burqa, and a ring on his bare head. He should be the main monk in the Temple of Qianhu City State.

"Where's my companion?" Before he finished walking the red carpet, he whispered to the captain of the bodyguard. Where are they?" He couldn't find them in the crowd.

"They are also watching your trial." Kill chickens to warn monkeys? I hope Rosie can control herself, otherwise you will all have to bury me." They can see you, and you can't see them. Don't bother to look for them.

The alchemist stood in front of the steps leading to the throne.

There was a messy quarrel around, nothing more than shouting bloody words such as "burning to death" and "hanging". However, his heart was as calm as a windless lake without a trace of ripples. He looked at the black-skinned monkeys coldly and let them scream. One day, I will skin your monkeys. Let's wait and see.

The prince raised his hand and immediately calmed down in the hall. He nodded to the elderly monk standing aside.

The trial began with the prayer of the presiding monks of the temple, and a white robe set off his darker monks loudly to pray for the barbarian gods of the Valians to uphold justice.

When he finished speaking, Prince O'Beron leaned forward, and his voice oscillated back and forth in the wide throne hall. Celstin Leo, the alchemist of Aynblo, did you kill Baron Allenbert's son?

Li Ou is as straightforward as ever. No."

"Oh, he was not killed by the white devil." The chief judge on the right side of the prince said dryly, "You can rest assured that he didn't lie." Who is he? Why does it sound like you are talking for me?

The prince coughed softly to hide his embarrassment. So, alchemist, have you given the Baroness a potion?

"Yes." He lowered his eyes and replied softly, "A bottle of medicine that makes the wolf dog quiet, not so manic, and won't bite..."

Baron Elanbert jumped up from his chair and pointed to his nose without aristocratic demeanor. Shut your mouth!" He seems to be standing in a chair and becoming a shrew who scolds on the street.

" also works for people. Baron Allenbert can try it himself. It can't kill people. There was a nervous cold snickering sound around. He realized that he had succeeded in arousing everyone's hatred. Well done, he told himself, please continue to work hard.

"Bear your mouth, alchemist." The prince's eyes were full of anger. Don't forget what you said and your companion. He read such a message from the prince's angry brown pupils.

The monk knocked on the wooden hammer in his hand. Quiet, Mr. Baron. This is the throne hall, not the dock pub.

Baron Alanbert shut up and sat down angrily.

"The prosecution invited a lot of witnesses," the monk who presided over the trial declared loudly. "We will listen to their testimony first, and then you will invite the defense witnesses. Please note that witnesses should not be interrupted without the permission of the judge.

The first witness was a red robe. Ladies and gentlemen." After swearing his honesty in front of the monks, he opened his mouth nervously. I have the honor to be ordered to welcome this... White Devil... Although there is no willingness, please believe that we will abide by our duties and will not hesitate to protect the devil with our lives, although it sounds funny.

No one laughs, and everyone will only cheer for their red robes. But what's going on? This is his trial meeting... The answer was quickly revealed. The red robe said a lot and finally turned to the topic and reluctantly talked about what happened that day. Yes, that's our shame and our dereliction of duty. The red robe hung his head and said, "We let a killer find an opportunity to take advantage of. The killer seriously injured Lord Red Pigeon under our eyes and then fled.

A nobleman in the crowd asked just right, "Is it just a serious injury? The alchemist is also beside him. Why is he all?

"I, I think, protected him because of some kind of witchcraft."

Leo began to understand the other party's plan. They first let an ordinary person testify in court, then show their nobility and open a head that meets the concerns of ordinary people, convincing people that the trial is "fair" and "fair". Then they will send out one after another, and their status will be higher and higher. They will not make a final decision, but step by step and ambiguity, setting hints and traps of "he is the murderer" in their words, allowing others to guess, speculate, and finally successfully induce them.

The old woman who appeared immediately proved that Eugene, the red pigeon, had suffered a life-threatening injury and explained in detail how she was rescued.

"We are not here to listen to your medical course." The brown-haired judge interrupted her impatiently.

"Oh, okay, okay." The old lady said tremblingly. A red robe presented evidence. She proved that she owned those pills. I prescribed these emergency drugs to save the adult's life. But the alchemists threw them away.

He didn't say a word and didn't refute the authenticity of the pills at all - they looked exactly the same. However, he became more vigilant. He doesn't know what else will happen, and all the little things are flawless, which makes people unable to live.

The old man told the judges that the red pigeon Eugene recovered as before the next day. It must be because of unknown spells. The old woman with gray hair and a shawl concluded.

Exaggeration is also limited. But her testimony is true or false. As the saying goes, it is more convincing than the truth. The alchemist now realizes its power. All the loopholes between true and false have been filled, and he is powerless to fight back.

Then, another witness appeared... It turned out to be the red pigeon Eugene!

They are far more omnisper than the alchemist imagined. He couldn't even begin to doubt whether it was the other party - including the red pigeon Eugene - who formulated a good strategy from the beginning to achieve his goal. But this is too incredible. It sounds like a fantasy. However, they must have reached some kind of agreement. He must think that I'm going to die anyway, but it's better to use waste and achieve my wish. Therefore, the pigeons that should be pulled out of their feathers will be particularly exaggerated and have no conscience.

"I don't deny that there is a gap between us." In the face of the prince's question, the red pigeon Eugene said lightly, "But that's because they have different ideas and stick to their own opinions." The expression on his face suddenly became particularly painful. But I didn't expect that he used evil methods against me.

Li Ou couldn't stand it. "Say, why don't you believe the doctor sent by the prince and how did you curse her? Say what dirty exchange did you make with others and act as a traitor? Do you dare to say it?

"Alchemist," the prince knocked on the back of the chair and said loudly, "Don't interrupt the witness. I'll give you a warning."

The pigeon glanced at him and continued, "You saw me recovering as before, which was at the cost of overdrafting my life. Every night I get closer to death.

It's simply shameless! He gritted his teeth and shouted, "I really regret not feeding you poison!"

"Listen, that's what he did to my wife and children." Baron Allenbert added fuel to the fire.

"Liar!" He took two steps forward, and the red-robed guard quickly delayed him.

Prince O'Bron frowned, "Mr. Sir, do you want me to tie you up like a bandit?"

Liu stabilized his mood. Don't make such stupid mistakes. They are angering you, making you lose your mind and making you forget what you should do. Calm down, calm down, calm down, don't forget to distinguish the situation and make the most correct choice. No. Adults, please forgive me. His lies angered me.

"His truth annoyed you." Baron Allenbert groaned coldly. Don't try to resist."

"Let's confess. If you plead guilty, there will be no such suffering. The prince sighed. Listening to his tone, it seems that there are more people he didn't expect to appear?

"We can't force a person to plead guilty." The judge who spoke for him spoke again. He guessed that the other party might be under the direction of the killer's employer. Doesn't Mr. Baron still have witnesses?" He said, "This is a fair trial, so they are asked to testify one by one. Let's listen to what they say. Finally, let's decide on his crime and discuss how he should be punished.

Without the noise of pigeons, he calmed down. Yes, I also want to hear what they say again. He ignored the prince's angry eyes and said in a cold voice, "Deathmates must also know what charges have been charged. I won't turn into a fierce ghost to retaliate against you here because of your unjust death.

"Very good. I follow everyone's dying wishes. The prince's tone no longer sounds friendly. He looked out of the window and stood up. "It's getting late. I'll review it tomorrow."