Alchemy Era

Chapter 20 Old Palace

"Who threw the black ticket (zhi!"

The full moon is like a huge disk hanging high in the night sky. The cold silver moonlight sprinkled from above the dilapidated old palace and shone into the room without a roof and missing two walls. The alchemist was tied to a broken stone pillar and couldn't break free.

Li Ou turned his head and looked out of the palace for the last time. Dust floats in the air. The sea under the full moon was sparkling, and the waves beat the cliffs under the old palace, as if countless silver fish had turned their back fins. On the other side of the bay, the lights of Thousand Lake City are clearly extinguished in the dark. However, there is a dark mass near the old palace, and all the vitality disappears from here.

In the past seven years, this dangerous place has been removed from people's lives, leaving only pieces of ashes, rotten beams and wood, and fences with uneven canine teeth. The prince built his new residence as far away as possible - almost on the other side of the city. The arc-top tower of the white stone of the flowing garden looms under the blue velvety night.

The alchemist gently took a breath of the moldy air and moved his tightly tied hands and feet to avoid bleeding. When he could no longer hear the footsteps of fleeing quickly, he smiled relaxedly.

They agreed to his request and thought he would die. In seven years, who can escape the deadly kiss of the witch? So many wizard shamans are used as a lesson, and the alchemists tied to the stone pillars certainly have no chance of survival. However, if the bard's intelligence is not bad, the night witch he has to face is easier to deal with than they think.

Li Ou moved his numb arm and yawned boredly. He knew that he had a lot of time, and the night witch would not leave her bedroom until midnight. At this time, it was still early, and he could doze off again. He was so full at noon that he was a little sleepy.

A well-known sound came with the sound of falling gravel. The alchemist looked back. He can't see anything and can't move. Behind him, a sound of stepping on the stone slab gradually approached, and then a sound sounded. I hate trouble." The killer complained, "especially climbing up and down."

"I paid for the gems." Li Ou kindly reminded him, "A whole bag."

"Receiving money to do things." The killer stood behind him and said as he untied the rope for him, "I know. So didn't I come? I was not late at all, and it was two hours earlier.

Li Ou rubbed his wrist and said helplessly, "I really thank you for interrupting my rest."

The killer shrugged his shoulders and buried himself in sorting out the burden he brought. He was wearing a leather armor with silver nails and a hood. His face mask covered his face, and his eyes were covered by darkness and he could not see at all. Don't bother to look at me. You can't see anything. He pulled out the long sword and medicine from the burden and stuffed them into the arms of the alchemist. This is what you want."

Li Ou tied the sword belt to his waist and placed the potions on a collapsed wall one by one. What about them? What's the situation?"

"Your girlfriends are closely watched, otherwise I will let them come. I'm a killer. Don't treat me as a thief. The killer paused and continued, "I asked curiously, what are you going to do? The boss said, "You are trying to lift the curse."

"Want to know?" The alchemist's fingertips were lit on the medicine bottles. Like your excuse, this is an industry secret and depends on your ability to make a living. It's exactly the same as your face-changing secret art.

The killer shrugged his shoulders and patted the dust on his body. Yes, yes. It's just that doctors can't cure themselves. He smiled softly, "Anyway, the boss also said that this curse is nothing compared to yours. It's a miracle that you're not dead."

The alchemist tightened his body. He knows a lot." The other party was also a mage, and he realized it.

What the killer said seemed to be instructed to imitate the other party's tone. He also said that we underestimated you. He not only knew the oldest gods, but also persuaded the monks.

Li Ou is just what he likes. For them, there is nothing more to boast than to make an alien believer believe in their god. He responded in a mocking tone. I just need to pretend. The gods have passed away, who knows whether the faith of believers is firm and fanatical? The so-called god is just a fight to the death.

"You should choose to be a killer." The killer lowered his eyes and said, "It will definitely be better than me."

The alchemist smiled. Excellent second-rate killer wandering to the magical desert? Don't laugh. Are you leaving now?"

"I'm a killer. I take money to do things, only kill people, not monsters. The killer stands on the edge of the floor and will fall one step forward. Besides, I don't know how to lift the spell. This is your job. Good luck, alchemist. He jumped down and Li Ou ran over and saw nothing but a dark ball.

The alchemist sat cross-legged on the dusty floor because there was no chair in the room. He first sniffed the air coming from his face, and the ocean was mixed with fishy smell and moldy. That's good, he thought. There is no disgusting smell. From this point of view, it is far enough from the night witch's bedroom that she will not come soon. He can wait for the effect to slowly play.

Li Ou put the long sword on his knee and pressed a rune stone into the groove of the hilt to replace the original one. Then he picked out three bottles of the potion in front of him and drank them in order. Every time he drank a bottle, his face became more dignified. If it hadn't been for those who had been trained since childhood, three bottles of medicine would have been tantamount to deadly poison.

Terrible side effects hit in an instant. A sense of suffocation that strangled his throat first arrived, followed by a heavy hammer hitting his head, blood rushing like boiling water, and then turning into ice. Between cold and hot, his sweat gushed out, then froze into frost, and finally turned into fog and dispersed. His breathing was so fast that it was disturbing, but in the end, the sound of breathing stopped completely.

The alchemist suddenly looked up. His face was bloodless, and his pupils were dark yellow, standing like a beast. He heard a loud cry, as if the fierce wolf under the moon was declaring his territory.

He looked at the full moon hanging high in the sky, and the stars were eclipsed by its bright silver light. He estimated the time, three hours before dawn. He stood up, and the night witch had woken up from her sleep, and he was sure that the night witch smelled him - for her, it was the smell of food.

After checking his weapon again and making sure that there were no omissions, he followed the sound and walked out. He was the only one in this battle, but he has never been as confident as this time.

They are all waiting for him to go back.

The old palace is silent and cold. Leo's sword passed through the corridor, and broken ceilings and rock peeling walls could be seen everywhere. From there, the moonlight penetrated in, covered with a layer of gray halo and lengthened the shadow cast by each stone pillar.

Leo walked through the mottled shadows, avoiding the bright moonlight - the enhanced vision limited him - the moonlight above his head was like the noon sun for him. If the estimate is correct, the moment when the effect of the medicine subsides is the moment when the sun rises. Hopefully everything is as perfect as he expected. He prayed in his heart and walked up the stairs without railings.

Another shout came.

This time, her cry is no longer sharp. Through the weak voice, her voice seemed to carry some magic, penetrating the ancient palace wall and spreading farther away. Her voice is helpless and pitiful, which makes people want to take her into their arms and love her.

She is above his head, and she is sending an invitation to him.

In the magic oscillation, the alchemist heard the sound of charm, and then he heard the other party sing.

She used a language that alchemists had never heard of. He guessed that it might be demonic language. To some extent, it is more beautiful than divine literature. But it is said that in the devil's language, every word is full of fraud and lies, temptation and traps. Her singing is gentle, and the tune is full of sad sadness. Although they were far apart, every word of her was clearly transmitted to his ear and echoed in his ear, as if the whispers of lovers, trying to disturb his heart.

Li Ou took a deep breath, and the dust penetrated into the nasal cavity, bringing a strong musty smell, mixed with a seemingly fragrant fragrance. The slowly calming breath smoothed the turbulent heart lake. This is just an appetizer. The alchemist is well aware of the tricks of the night witch, and he can only hope that the medicine can resist the charm of the other party. He has no way out.

The girl continued to sing, and she changed the song. The song ripples like a water wave, like a mermaid popular among sailors. They also sing like her. But the wise have long been sure that mermaids are just nicknames for sea monsters. The only purpose of their beautiful singing voice is to lure the sailors who have lost their minds to sleep with them on the soft sand at the bottom of the ocean and lie in the open shell bed. I just don't know if the night witch is as beautiful as a sea monster.

Her song is getting better and better. One song is more beautiful than one song. It echoes in the dilapidated palace, floats to the quiet night sky, flies to the quiet gem bay, and penetrates into the dreams of every sleeping person.

Liou walked up to the top floor of the palace and stopped at the end of the stairs.

The fragrance permeated around, and the alchemist smelled the smell of roses and lilacs, lavender and poppies. This is a sweet poison. While thinking, the alchemist touched his waist to determine the position of the sword belt. He moved his fingers a few times and tried to outline a French seal. He pulled out his gloves from the sword belt and put them on, whispered a few spells, and then stroked the blade of the sheath with his left hand. The rune suddenly flashed, etched several magic words on the Wallest steel sword, and then quickly disappeared and printed into the sword body. The alchemist took a deep breath, and then he stepped on the last few steps and pushed the door in.

Then, he saw her.

- an enchanting woman with antelope horns and purple skin.

- a beautiful girl.