Alchemy Era

Chapter 27 Hilmeyer


You have enough river crabs! MD!"

There are circles of ripples on the river. After watching them hit the river embankment, Rosie caused ripples again. She kicked another stone. The afterglow of the sunset fell and was shattered by the water waves, with a broken and twisted dim yellow. Just like her mood, it is chaotic and full of the smell that annoys her.

What's wrong with me? She asked herself. She didn't understand and had no clue. She was angry for a little trifle and had a temper that she had never had before - not a turbulent anger in the past, but a shameful escape from nowhere, and even planned to leave far away. What am I? She was puzzled.

I shouldn't have done that, and it's not right to do so now. They must be looking for me, running around, through the streets and alleys, asking everyone who may have seen her. They will definitely ask, "Have you ever seen a white-skinned girl with amber eyes and long red hair, who looks as enthusiastic as a flame?" She suddenly remembered that the alchemist had said this to her countless times. He must be sweating now, right? Somehow, there was a burst of pleasure in her heart. She shook her head and expelled the terrible idea. He was injured. She told herself and kept telling herself that I should go back to take care of him.

Then she said to herself that it was getting late, Rosie. It's time to go back. But her feet involuntarily stepped in the opposite direction. She dragged her hesitant legs into an alley. She is getting farther and farther away from the flowing palace. She even forgot to look back. She lowered her head and walked forward silently and unwillingly.

The air is humid, warm and surprisingly calm. The surrounding low stone houses were submerged in the soft halo of dusk. The sunset and shadow are like twins. After the most dazzling golden yellow, the light began to dim, and the shadows continued to stretch, lengthen, and spread like a plague until it engulfed the whole street.

The female mage walked aimlessly along the river and entered a dirt-mixed gravel alleyway. The crooked wooden house stood in the middle of the mossy stone house, and several rusty thin iron signs swayed and creaked in the wind. Several long boats passed by her, and the boatman shouted; on the other side, the lights of the pub and brothels became brighter and brighter, and the inferior beer mixed with the pungent smell of sweat and perfume, wrapping her tightly with the noisy sound.

She frowned unbearably. However, on a stone bridge in front of him, more than a dozen warbler stood at the head of the bridge, wearing revealing clothes and posing for the long boat passing under the bridge. As long as the boatman raises his head, he will definitely see the scenery under their skirts. Rosie felt more and more unbearable about the filth here, and the anger in her heart almost overflowed.

"Hey, miss." A tanned man came up and stopped her. His face was numb, wearing a gray-blue linen shirt, followed by three or four follower. Each of them held a flowing warbler in their arms, and their greasy hands rudely flustered on each other, causing those women to blush and gasp disgustingly. Would you like to have a drink? It's my treat." The numb-faced man invited.

The female mage stared at him coldly, "Golden tequila, narrow sea red frost, Leo's fire tongue, all here? Can you invite me?"

"Of course." The man said without hesitation, "I have tasted it." He boasted and bragged. But these are not sold here, but the green plum wine in Gem Bay is by no means inferior. Wouldn't you like to come and try it?

Sour and bitter. How did Rosie forget its taste? It tastes like her mood. No need." She refused in a stiff tone. Leave it to yourself."

"How can this work?" The numb-faced man walked around in front of her again. Don't go, miss. Since it is drinking, of course, the more people there is, the more atmosphere there is. It must be accompanied by beautiful women in order for everyone to be in full shape.

Her fingers are twitching. That's your own business. Get out of my way."

"Don't be angry, miss." The numb-faced man gestured. His follower immediately dispersed and surrounded Rosie. The flowing warbler walked aside with a smile and looked at the female mage while talking, with a kind of hostility and contempt in their eyes. I just want to buy you a glass of wine, just one." He thought he had the upper hand and approached the female mage.

"Take off your dog's paws!" Rosie stopped shouting.

"Since you have come to such a place, do you still think of yourself as a pure daughter?" The numb-faced man laughed and showed off his bedtime experience. Let me tell you, even if it is a high-ranking lady, I have slept. They don't have a pure woman - although they look inviolable and ugly, even strong gladiators can't stand it when they are crazy. Are you the same?' 'Miss Qianjin', or 'Jazzle Girl'?"

Rosie said coldly, "I should cut off your tongue."

"What?" The numb-faced man showed a surprised expression, "I thought you would scream?"

The female mage's fingertips seem to be playing the strings. She sneered and told the other party, "Don't worry, I won't let you down. But the screamer won't be me."

The numb-faced man came over with a hippie smile and stretched out his hand to Rosie again. Who would that be?"

The sudden orange flame light covered the afterglow of the sunset. The rolling fire tongue licks the face of the man with numb face. He must not find this hot temperature more beautiful and sweet than the tip of the flowing warbler's tongue. The screams sounded like a tiger shark smelling blood, one after another. The warbler fled quickly, and the panicked passers-by pushed each other. Eggs and tomatoes fell to the ground, and potatoes and onions fell directly into the river. The long boat either accelerated or turned around, and as a result, it collided under the bridge and hung together, and could no longer be separated. The boatman and guests could only hide under the stone bridge and tremble.

"Witch, wizard!" The numb-faced man shouted in horror. His follower has been scattered for a long time. He sat on the ground in fear, supported his body with his hands, and moved back little by little. Distinguished lady, I, I don't know..."

"Do you hear me?" Rosie squined at each other with a sarcastic smile, "I think you know the answer."

"Yes, yes."

He can't even say a word clearly. A smell of urine suddenly became particularly pungent, and a large area of the man's crotch wet. Rosie felt disgusted and bored. "Get out, get out now, stay away from me." She roared angrily.

The numb-faced man was pardoned for fear that she would change her mind.

Luo Xi suddenly felt no interest and throwing the flame into the water. Everyone here is afraid of me and treats me as a flood beast. No one can say a good word to me. She lowered her arm and just wanted to find a place to get drunk. Just like... just like when she first met an alchemist.

However, before she walked out of the street that bored her, she even walked down the stone bridge, and another person stopped her somehow. Didn't he see his behavior? The flame will explode at any time like the anger in her heart.

"Miss, would you like to have a drink?" The other party asked.

The same way of chatting up, the same clumsy means. She laughed in her heart and planned to leave with her feet and turn a blind eye to the other party. I should go back. She made up her mind. Even if I am feared and hostile by others, someone will support me, comfort me and give me courage. I'm so stupid. She finally realized. However, the female mage did not know what had happened. In a daze, she found that she had followed the other party's footsteps and accepted the other party's invitation.

He was covered in a thick gray-brown robe, and a big hood blocked his face. Won't he be hot? As she thought about it, she followed the other party to a remote alley. She was a little uneasy, but she couldn't control her footsteps. Even soon, she felt that the other party would trust her, and she firmly believed that the other party would not hurt her. It's just a glass of wine. I don't know what kind of wine it is. How can it be hidden in a alley full of mud?

She couldn't find the bottle of poisoned wine.

Rosie followed the stranger through the alley, turned a few corners, and then she suddenly found that they had reached the seaside. The high tide waves rushed at them and soon flooded their ankles. She felt that her boots were completely trapped in the soft sea sand and deeper and deeper. Her body is falling uncontrollably into the ocean.

No matter who you are, I want to leave here. She roared loudly in her heart and struggled. But she can't open her mouth, her body, and her toes can't even bend. Uneasiness and fear surged up frantically faster than the waves. Even in the face of the lich that manipulated the whole army of undead, she did not feel such a terrible heart palpitation.

The female mage hysterically condenses magic, chants spells loudly, summons the wind and summons flames. She calls for alien creatures and demons. But it's all useless. She seemed to be locked in a dark cage, and all the magic left her. She trembled in the dark prison, and she couldn't help thinking of the underground water cell, the cold and light cell.

But there, there was a person who accompanied her, hugged her, kissed her, and made her persist until the end. There is nothing here, nothing... I want to go back. Leo, I need you. She cried in the dark, but begging for mercy and praying were useless. There is no distinction between up and down, left and right in pure darkness, and there is no concept of time. She only felt this helplessness deep into the bone marrow once - the only time - the time she lost her self-confidence, and the time she once lost the confidence to perform magic.

Her imprisoned despair broke free from the shackles and completely swallowed her up. Leo." Rosie shouted helplessly, but she was destined not to get any response. Her last hope was dashed, and then she gave up all resistance.

"Shirley Fedmilla Rosie Roye Hilmeyer." A voice suddenly sounded.

Who is calling my name and calling out my full name. She tried to move her eyes and was surprised to find that she could break free from the darkness. She opened her eyes and saw the stranger who seduced her. By this time, he had already taken off his hood.

"Nai-Nizil - Yes, it's you..." Her surprise turned into boundless fear.

"We met again. I thought we would never see each other again." The other party said.

What else does she want to say? But the tide has risen, the sea has passed her neck, and then the next second, a wave completely swallowed her up. Her world has completely darkened.