Alchemy Era

Chapter 34 Interrogation

"Finally, there is a recommendation - kneel down for collection and red tickets!!"

The investigation is carried out in an orderly manner in the dark.

Everyone is suspicious, but the gods can't give an answer. The red-robed monks had to work hard by themselves. He is in charge of the senior monks of the Silent Sanctuary, and the Mario monks go to examine the gray-robed monks. Brandick has to examine his peers and later life one by one, while Leo needs to examine the people who ask him one by one. This is a meticulous and long job, and there is not much time left for them. The alchemist ruled out the vast majority of people, and he decided to take the initiative to attack the rest.

"Mr. Rava Jore," he knocked on the merchant's door. The latter lives in the same room with his son and several Raven clan soldiers. Can we talk alone?"

"What you want to say is here." The merchant's son stepped in. It was blocked between the alchemist and his father. There has been no good thing since I was with you. What else do you want to say now?

"Sasha!" Lava Jore stopped him and pulled him away. Shut up."

"Why don't you allow me to say it?" The latter angrily shook off his father's hand, "I just told the truth. Look at what we have all been through! Since we met you, what else have we bumped into besides escape and fighting? Is this the kind of reward for a moment of kindness? His resentment suddenly burst out and shouted at the alchemist.

Li Ou listened to him patiently. So what kind of reward do you want?" He said with a smile, "Money? Or a gem?"

"I..." The merchant's son opened his mouth wide and couldn't say a word. I don't know!" He shouted impatiently, "I only remember that all you white devils have brought us is disaster."

Li Ou stared at him indifferently without saying a word. He looked at the other party's reaction in his eyes and secretly remembered it in his heart. He is an object worthy of double attention, which Leo thinks is a potential nail.

"He saved our lives." Lava Joray said angrily, "Isn't that enough? What else do you want in return? Yes, what else does he expect?" If it weren't for them, we would have become like that! I have nightmares all night. Every time I wake up, I'm grateful for our good luck, and you still criticize it without any basis?


"But what?" Lava Joray roared, "You have eyes, and you can see what those people have become? Those people who chat and drink with you have become ugly demons. Do you want to be like that?

"I, I don't want to."

"Then shut up! Back off." Sasha stared at the alchemist dissatisfiedly with anger and reluctantly gave way. Stay here." Lava Joray ordered, "Don't go anywhere." His son cursed, but there was no way to refute it and watched his father walk towards Leo.

"Mr. Rava Joray, can we go?" He asked.

"Yes. I'll go with you."

Li Ou nodded, "Brothers, please inform your patriarch and ask him to come for me." He told them, "And keep an eye on this man and don't leave him alone. Even if he goes to the toilet, he has to follow him and never leave."

The merchant didn't know what he ordered, but he saw something wrong from the faces of the Ravens and their actions. Mr. Li Ou, what's going on? His son scolded and wanted to come up. A crow simply stepped forward and pressed Sasha with an iron palm, and it was useless for him to struggle.

"This... why is this?" Lava Joray asked in surprise.

"Go," Leo went straight outside. "Come on, Mr. Rava Joray," he said with a blank face, "he will be fine, I promise. However, we have to guard against unexpected emergencies.

"Emergency? That's--

Li Ou ignored him and pushed the door out.

Along the way, Rava Joray was trembling, pale and uneasy. Sweat flowed like a waterfall on his face, and his clothes were soaked. After the square where the boys practiced martial arts, he could no longer hold back his uneasiness and finally opened his mouth. Mr. Leo, what the hell is going on? What the hell happened?" His voice trembled. Mr. Leo?"

The alchemist has never said anything and ignored Rava Joray's panic. It was not until far away from the square and there was no one around that Li Ou whispered a little after deliberation, "Someone didn't know what's good or evil and became a traitor." He said briefly.

The businessman was shocked. He waved his arm and didn't know where to put it. Do you doubt us?" He explained in a hurry, stammering and unscrupulous. No, no, I won't, neither will Sasha. We haven't become demons. How can you doubt us? We are fighting side by side with you. If possible, I may also follow your order to kill the enemy.

However, Leo did not speak again. He walked with a dull head and remained silent, exerting invisible pressure on him. As a result, Lava Choray became more panicked and scared. He urgently tried to defend Sasha's act of contradicting. But no matter what promise he made and how he swore to the gods, Leo didn't say a word and his face remained calm.

After a while, he was close to the church, and Feifeido was waiting for him in the shadow of a statue. Sir." He saluted. The arm in a short shirt** shows a large powerful muscle, and the silver axe surface shows a cold chill. With the action of the crow man, the sharp blade as thin as a piece of paper glittered, enough to deter Xiaoxiao.

Rava Choray's face turned pale and sat on the ground. Stand up, Mr. Lava Joray. Li Ou calmly told him, "No one killed you. We're just talking and going with us."

At the sign of the alchemist, the leader of the Raven dragged the merchant up from the ground. Let's go!" He muffled a threat: his right hand touched the handle of the axe wrapped around the shark's skin.

Rava Joray followed with fear and uneasiness.

As he passed the church, Leo stopped and pointed inside, "Go and pray to your gods first, Mr. Lava Qiaolei." He told the other party, "I respect your faith and I'm waiting for you. Of course, I advise you not to pray that the gods will blind my eyes, which doesn't work. He opened the door of the church.

Rava Qiaore hesitated. doesn't have to be. I didn't do anything, no--

"Isn't it said that only gods can judge your sins?" Leo interrupted him and pointed to the dark church hall. Please come in. Let the gods listen to your confession-

"I'm not guilty!"

"Please come in." Leo stared at him in an unquestionable tone. Don't worry, we don't have the habit of eavesdropping.

After Lava Jole entered, Leo closed the door and waited quietly. He doesn't care whether the other party really prays to the gods or whether the other party says something to himself. He just wants to lock the other party in alone, let his fear and uneasiness devour his psychological defense, and let the pressure crush him down. As for prayer... faith can't suppress the panic spreading in the heart.

Sure enough, when Rava Joray came out, his face was even more gray and his eyes were full of despair of being abandoned. The gods can't save anyone, and he is doomed to get no response.

"Mr. Feifeido, please stay outside and don't allow anyone to approach." Li Ou took him to a row of quiet meditation rooms built around the church - a secret room specially vacated by red-robed monks, isolated from each other, quiet and not afraid of others eavesdropping like gophers.

" Sit down." Li Ou pointed to a chair in the room and said. Lava Choray stood still in awe, motionless. Sit down." He raised the volume slightly. The merchant trembled and sat down carefully, with only half of his buttocks sitting on the chair. His left and right feet can't help crossing back and forth, never being stable.

Li Ou sat down opposite him.

"Don't worry." He smiled lightly, "I just want to have a good chat with you--"

Lava Jore said uneasily, "Are you going to interrogate me?"

"If you think so," Leo looked into his eyes, "I think so."

"But I didn't do anything."

"That's what prisoners try to exonet themselves from."

"I'm not a prisoner! I have done nothing! My son, Sasha, didn't do anything. I know him. If it weren't for Sasha, why did he bring Sasha in every defense he had to ask him? How can you think so?" Lava Choray's eyes widened. He is my son, my son. Every parent is like this! He is my only child! I swear! I dare to swear in the name of the gods: If we did it, we would never live.

"In my opinion, I want to cover it up." He pointed out.

"You are not a father, how do you know your father's mood?" Lava Qiaolei's face turned red and his anger surged. All right, just talk about your girlfriend! What would you do if someone doubted them? Will you say the same as me?"

"Quiet." The alchemist said.

"White Devil, Leo, I swear, we didn't do it!"

"Be quiet, Mr. Lava Joray." Leo reminded him again, "Anyone who makes noise in the sanctuary of silence will have a good end. Yesterday's guest had already cut off his tongue. I think you saw the lump of meat thrown on the steps of the hall.

Only the narrow window penetrated into the bright room, leaving only Lava Choray's rapid gasp.

"Yes, businessmen pursue rewards. Sasha is a businessman. He said in a soft voice, mixed with unclear excuses. However, help in return can be exchanged for friends. Businessmen who care about gains and losses will eventually become beggars, which has long been learned from the past. How can I not understand? You are my friends, how can I harm my friends? Betray for a little profit?"

"I know that." The alchemist said. Give up step-by-step pressure and adopt a soft policy. Suspicion is not slander. So, I found you first, not Sasha. I just want to figure out something."

"I'm willing to do anything as long as I can clear your doubts." Lava Joray lay down on the chair and licked his dry and cracked lips. I want to drink."

"No here." Leo said, "There is only water."

He picked up the pottery pot with water and poured a cup for the merchant. He grabbed the cup and drank it all. Ask." The other party said with a sad smile.

Li Ou thought about how to speak. You've been to County Sirius, haven't you? The alchemist decided to start from the location. The most impossible places to fake often expose problems. Are you a native of Sirius County?

"Yes, there's nothing to lie about." Lava Joray said strangely, with puzzled eyes. What's the problem?"

"I ask, you answer." Li Ou reminded the other party seriously. I am not responsible for explaining your doubts. At least for now, until the traitor is find out. I can tell you anything you want to know then.

"You ask, I'll answer." The businessman repeated lonelyly.

The alchemist ignored it. He thought for a moment and asked another question. You once mentioned the church of the Mother of the Desert, saying that their spread was like a plague. He reminded each other, "They started... I mean, where did the rumors about the mother of the desert come from? Schris County?

"Yes." Lava Joray lowered his shoulders as if he had lost all his strength and said, "appeared without warning. Suddenly one day, I heard her stories singing in the streets and alleys. But at first, no one believed it--

"--I already know that." Leo interrupted him, "Tell me more about those rumors and the Duke of Patton?"

"Duke Patton?"

"Yes, some people call him Prince Patton."

"Oh, it's him. A greedy fat man. Lava Jore commented, "A complete speculator. Drill wherever there is interest. He intervened in most of the shipyards and overseas trade in Sirius County. Even real estate is owned by his cronies. In Schris County, if someone's house is on fire, his cronies will appear and force them to sell the house to him at a very low price, otherwise they can only watch their house and the things inside be burned..."

"Description of the image." But Leo still stopped the other party's endless accusations. Lava Jore never talked about the topic. He intends to change an entry point. I heard that he didn't lift it?"

"How do you know?" Lava Joray was surprised for a while, but was immediately replaced by disdain. Forget it, I made a fuss. This is well known."

"But now, it is said that he has a new lover and has fun all day?"

"That's right." Lava Jore said, "That's what every corner of the streets and alleys say."

"When did it start? Who is his new lover?

Rava Jore was stunned. I...this..."

"When the mother of the desert appeared?" The alchemist reminds.

"Yes." The businessman was puzzled. But what does it matter?"

It really has nothing to do with it. It has nothing to do with the content of the interrogation. The alchemist just wanted to confirm his judgment. Now it seems that everything can be concluded: it is mostly a physiological disease, and an obsidian is enough to solve all problems, and the subtle magic can unconsciously attract people's hearts. He thought his guess was close to the truth. Therefore, the interrogation can continue, and a simple problem can solve their troubles.

"Mr. Rava Choray, answer me a question." Li Ou said seriously and stared at the other party's eyes and face, not letting go of the slightest emotional change on his face. Lava Joray subconsciously sat up straight, the muscles on his face were tight, and his eyes avoided his sight. Have you had any strange dreams in recent days?

Doubt flashed in his eyes. Ah?" He was surprised for a moment, "Does nightmare count?" The merchant said with a wry smile, "There are demons and corpses everywhere, except for flames and blood, and screams in their ears. I suffer from this every night."

"What did you do in your dream?"

This time, Rava Choray hesitated for a long time, with embarrassment and escape on his face. I... I trembled and shouted." He stammered under the stern eyes of the alchemist, "Like a coward."

It should not be him. Leo thinks so.

Nightmares can make people vulnerable, but if you want to seduce people who are trapped in them, you can only make them strong and invincible. However, Lava Choray is not a warrior, he is a businessman. It is their instinct to seek good luck and avoid evil.

So he put him aside to rest, and he waited in another room beside him, asking the Raven to find another suspicious man, the son of Lava Joray.

"What did you do to my father?" As soon as he entered the door, Sasha questioned loudly and turned a blind eye to the alchemist's kindness to bring water. Did you kill him? Or lock him up? What on earth did we do wrong?"

"He is resting in another room. After I finish asking questions, you can go to him and go back to have a good rest." Leo said calmly, "Don't worry, it will be over soon. Don't look outside, there are only two of us here, and I won't torture and force confessions, let alone use clumsy means such as magic. A very simple question."

"Good. Then say quickly, "He brought the chair, rested heavily opposite Li Ou, sat on his buttocks, put his hands on his chest, and sneered, "so that I can listen to what your problem is."

Li Ou asked the same question as Lava Choray.

"Dreaming?" Sasha laughed angrily, "What else can I dream of?" It is nothing more than money and wealth, a rich life, and of course, the devil who roars in front of me all night. Those guys... Those guys were still talking and laughing together before, but in a blink of an eye... I saw them tearing off their faces and revealing the devil's skin inside... Do you still want to hear it?"

Li Ou waved his hand. That's enough. Probably not him. The alchemist let him out. Another guy invaded by fear, a realistic person. They will not be blinded by nihilless promises and only believe what they see in front of them. Leo even suspected that Sasha Jore was just a pseudo-believer who believed in the gods but kept cursing the gods in his heart.

However...isn't it them? Who would that be?

While waiting for the progress of the monks in red robes, he thought about who he had missed. The alchemists counted one by one: monks, boys, outsiders in the team... He only missed his people, a group of unbelievers.