Alchemy Era

Chapter 36 Enchantment

"Please collect it"

The axe drew a clear and extinguished arc, forcing the other two desert warriors to retreat. Blanc took a step forward and cut it crazily with a powerful blow. The cross-waded machete was easily cut off, and the axe blade unabatedly cut open the chest of a desert warrior and smashed his chest. The man looked at Brand Dick with an incredible pair of eyes, and finally the expression in his eyes dimmed and fell weakly to the ground.

"Blandi ke..." Another desert warrior was shocked to forget that he was still in battle. So when Brandick waved his axe and rushed at him, he made little effective resistance.

The heavy long-handled axe smashed the opponent's defense, and the other party's wrist was crushed by one blow. The crisp sound of broken bones was creepy with the howling of the desert warriors. Brandick crashed into the other party's arms and made the other party fall down with a muffled hum. At the same time, his arm flew into the air and slapped a relief lady above his head like a slap.

The desert warrior twitched painfully and shrank into a ball. Brandick's body is like the shadow of a hill covering him. The man raised his eyes and looked at the moonlight reflected on the axe in horror. Brandick," he shouted with difficulty, "open your eyes and see, it's us. We are your companions, not enemies!"

However, Connor Brandick raised his axe, and his back looked like a long bow full.

"Blandic!" Li Ou rushed down the last ladder and shouted at him, "Stop, are you crazy?"

He looked back at Leo, his eyes were as cold as ice, and there was a fleeting red light under his eyes in the dark night. It was a crazy, dangerous and malicious look, all of which reminded Leo of the so-called old girl, the black sun worshipped by them. The swirling thoughts pulled the black dawn again for a moment.

Li Ou suddenly had a palpitations, "Stop!" He shouted.

The axe fell like a flash of lightning, and the blood was like a fountain rushing into the sky and splashing Blanc. He was like a bloody demon god, standing still in the rain of blood. The bloody stench in the air spread out, and a head rolled into Leo's footsteps with unwilling and shocked eyes.

The alchemist stopped in fear, and the sound of his throat rolling seemed particularly clear in the suddenly quiet corridor. Rosie held a short crossbow beside him, and Knight Tario stood in front of him with a long sword.

"Stop." The knight shouted in a lame Valian language.

Blandick didn't say a word. He twisted his head stiffly like a puppet, with frenzy and more uncontrollable madness in his eyes. Leo felt uneasy about it sweeping him. He increased his vigilance.

"Blandick, did you believe that old man's lie?" Leo tried to call back the other party's mind. Except for the ability of Knight Tario to fight with him, he and Rosie could hardly resist. Did she seduce you? What promise did she make to you?

"No." He said stiffly. Nothing."

"Then how did you become like this? You killed your brothers."

There was a moment of doubt on Brandick's face. They are enemies and pagans. His eyes are full of hostility and the purest hatred. They all deserve to die."

"So you killed them?" Leo was shocked. He couldn't imagine that the desert warrior, who was calm a few days ago and dared to maintain the tranquility and peace of the sanctuary, has become like this. Except magic, witchcraft and obsidian, he can't imagine anything else that can make him look like this. Did you kill the monks and kill so many children?

He neither admitted nor denied it. They are all unforgivable.

"It's yourself that is unforgivable." Rosie said angrily.

"There are also you. White devil." Brandick's eyes almost stood up, holding a sharp axe, and murder emerged. You are also pagans--

"So," Leo stared into his eyes, "Are you coming to kill us?"

"I'm waiting for you to come." Rosie raised the short crossbow between her eyebrows.

Brandick took a step towards them, "Come on!" The knight roared. The desert warrior was tripped by the body under his feet. He looked down and waved his axe without hesitation to cut off the body's arm.

Li Ou only felt cold all over.

The other party suddenly stopped. He turned his head slightly, as if listening to the sound in the distance. After a while, he lowered his arm, stared at them with slightly red eyes, and then opened his mouth dryly. Don't follow me, White Devil," he advised, "I advise you not to follow me. Otherwise, you will end up the same as them.

"Stop!" The knight chased after him, "Don't go anywhere."

The wide-edged epee draws an arc and points straight to Brandick's back. The roaring sounded the eardrums. However, in a blink of an eye, with a crisp sound, Mars burst out in the dark, and Knight Tario staversed backwards, and his fingers closed, which could not hide the pain of his arms. His face was even distorted because of this.

"I told you not to come here." Blanc was impatient. He bent down to pick up the machete on the ground and threw it at them fiercely. The strength was so strong that the knight hummed, and the sword almost came out of his hand. The spinning blade rubbed Li Ou's face and broke out in a cold sweat. He has never felt so close to death. Don't follow me." Brandick warned again. Li Ou could hear that he would not show mercy again.

His pace was fast and disappeared into the shadow of the corner in a blink of an eye. The dull footsteps faded away, and it was not until he could hear them again that the alchemist took a long breath. I'd rather fight the devil." He tried to cover up the trembling sound in his tone, but it didn't work anyway. In the end, he had to give up doing this. Brandick, he is more terrible than the devil.

The Tario Knight nodded in shock. He held his sword with his left hand and stood up slowly. Leo noticed that his legs were also trembling. His strength is like a monster. My hand almost broke. I suspect that the Ravens are no match for him. His trembling made Leo feel better. But what's wrong with him?

"Magic affected his mind." Leo looked at the darkness in the aisle. At this time, a dark cloud suddenly floated in the sky, covering the new moon in the sky, and the surroundings suddenly became dark. He is now at the command of our enemy.

But what should they do now? The alchemist suddenly didn't know what to do.

"Where is he going?" Rosie asked. In front is the Holy Church.

"Do you want to go and have a look?"

A body fell in front of them, a monk. His head was split open, and his brain and blood were covered with blood. They can hardly tell what the other party looked like before. After a few steps forward, two people lay in the pool of blood, one lying on the statue in the aisle. The whole person seemed to have been shot and hung on it, and the other was miserable and his intestines flowed to the ground.

Leo suddenly noticed a detail that they had ignored before. But out of caution, he secretly remembered it in his heart and said nothing. He didn't even mention anything to Rosie, not even a hint.

The screams were endless, and Leo could no longer stand his timidity and caution. They ran wildly in the aisle, through one shadow after another, and the eyes of the statues on both sides looked at them with pity and ridicule. But Leo felt that the deceased guys who were bound in the stone were more likely to coexist with panic and despair.

The door of the church was open, and Leo first jumped in with a sword.

Two boys lay at his feet, and they were frightened and tried to grab something and almost hung him down. In a burst of stag, he saw the painted glass windows shattered, reflecting the desperate glazed light. The walls hung on the wall were torn off, the benches were smashed into pieces, and everything that could burn was piled up under the gods. Each stone statue showed shock and helpless weakness, and Leo even thought that they would leak cat urine.

Brandick stood on the high platform of the gods. He watched Li Ou walk into the church without any strange appearance on his face. I knew you would come." He said, "Don't mind your own business."

Liou stared at him, slowly moving his footsteps and calculating the distance. He put his left hand behind his back and gestured to Rosie. Their opportunities are slim, and they must be confident enough to dare to act.

"Don't move forward, white devil." Brandick's eyes narrowed like a sword, "I know what you are going to do. Stop, or don't blame me for being rude."

Li Ou sighed regretfully, a few steps away. Now they have to stand under the high platform. The alchemist pointed to the dull gods, "Are you going to burn them?"

"My answer is obvious." Brandick said.

The candle flame burned on the copper candle rack beside him, and the beating fire lit up his stubborn and twisted face.

"Why did you do this?"

"I think you know the answer. You don't have to talk nonsense."

"I'm not happy at all to hear this now." The alchemist said, "I'd rather hear you say that at another time and on another occasion. But now... it only makes me feel that I am the culprit.

"It has nothing to do with you, white devil." Brandick told him, "It was someone else who helped me recognize the reality."

Li Ou can't imagine who else. "Old girl?"

"A beautiful woman. I don't want to say her name."

Magic is changeable enough to hide people's faces, not to mention in dreams and meditation. But the answer is ready to come out. Mother of the desert? Rosie sneered coldly before him, "A rotten corpse full of maggots?"

Blandic raised the axe. You will see her in the fire--

"Blandic, stop!" The red-robed monk shouted angrily at the door, "I order you to stop!" He strode into the church, and several desert warriors skimmed past him and rushed up.

"Don't come here." Brandick waved his axe, "Otherwise, watch them turn into ashes."

"What's wrong with you, Brandick?" His fellow brothers asked puzzledly, with frightened and uneasy faces. How did you become like this? You are blaspheming the gods.

"Denance?" Brandick kicked a warrior-like statue, and the desert warriors screamed and couldn't help praying. Is this blasphemy? But have you seen anyone punishing me? What about the divine punishment?" He waved his axe and cut off a large piece of crumbling gravel from the statue. I just want to stop this hypocritical lie now.

"What lie?"

"About faith, about the gods."

" Shut up!" The red-robed monk shouted.

Brandick sneered on the high platform, "The gods are dead, and they can't respond to our prayers for a long time." He glanced at his fellow brothers with presumptuous eyes. Whose prayers have been answered? If you still don't believe it, look at the white devil around you. A group of untrustworthy people still live well until now.

The red-robed monk took a deep breath, "Stop your nonsense, Brandick." He shouted, "You are bewitched and deceived by magic. Your magic barrier controls you. Mario Monk is right. You have betrayed us. They even sold us to secular lords. Do you want to destroy this place completely?"

"Do you think that's what I did?" Brandick sneered and did not argue. Then think of it as I did. Anyway, I really want to destroy this place, smash every stone statue, and knock down every temple.

"Are you crazy?"

"No, I'm not crazy. There has never been a more sober day. Brandick no longer paid attention to the red-robed monks and looked at his fellows. Do you remember where this place is? Do you remember what you suffered here? Endless training and punishment. Even accompanied by the flowing sand, watching our friends fall into the flowing sand and suffocate to death... This is our life, this is the so-called rule of the gods! What are we? We are human beings, not tools to fight for the ethereal gods!" He looked coldly at the red-robed monk, "It's not a puppet fighting for some people."

"Enough! Brandick, just take it." The monk in red robe roared. He gestured to the desert warriors, but his order seemed to be questioned. They took a few steps forward but stopped for some reason. They looked at the red-robed monks, looked at the alchemists, and then turned their eyes to Brandick. Finally, they looked at each other and put down the sword in their hands. I'm sorry, Ashbourne monk, we... we can't do it."

"Okay, that's good." Ashburn was furious. He split his hand and grabbed the machete from a desert warrior. "Since you can't do it, get out of here!" All, get out now! Remember to control your mouths and ask you to remember who found you from the dog pile and the garbage dump in the end. Get out of here!"

The desert warriors left with guilt. Close the door!"

"Why don't you let them stay?" Brandick sneered, "Because of fear that they will hear the truth?"

"The truth is in my heart." Ashburn cut off the corner of the robe that was in the way. "Your faith is too narrow, Brandik. I'm sure that even if the gods are alive, you will never become a holy warrior.

"I never thought about it either."

"It seems that you have forgotten your own past." Ahiburn wrapped a rag around his wide sleeves, "You have forgotten who you used to be, and you are no longer yourself. I really want to know what the old woman said to you?

"I also want to know." Leo said to him, "Since you don't believe in gods, what about the mother of the desert? Have you changed your faith in her? The gods are dead, and no one can be called gods. You are still a poor person at the mercy of others. What promise did that old woman, or the beautiful girl in your eyes, make to you? Easily destroy your persistence for many years? I can't believe it."

"Incredible things." Rosie said calmly, "I don't think that woman seduced him." A sarcasm seemed to be in the heart, and Brandick's face changed slightly, but it was still accurately caught by them. Ah ha," Rosie couldn't hide her ridicule. "A warrior who has violated the sex precept."

"Shut up your stinky mouth!" Brandick shouted angrily.

"Do you know what I think?"


"**'s male cat."

This sentence completely burned out Brandick's remaining reason, and he cursed and rushed towards them. He strode on the high platform, driving him to ignore everything, with only Rosie, who laughed and ridiculed his goddess. In the first step, he took a two-step distance, and in the second step, he had stepped on the edge of the high platform... Then he jumped up directly, raised his hands above his head, and the axe reflected the moonlight, full of anger and hatred.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Rosie raised the crossbow to her cheek.

The crossbow string buzzed, Brandick's axe blade flashed, and the crossbow arrow turned to the top with metal screams, hovered into the air, and finally hit the eyes of a statue. In a sense, it is the right target.

"He actually blocked it..." Rosie moaned, "Block it in the air--"

"Dodge!" Leo bumped away the dull female mage and met Blanc Dick's powerful blow instead. He quickly outlined a French seal, and the invisible wind gathered into a siege mallet, fiercely hit his axe, and hit his attack to the side. The desert warrior who lost his support lost his balance like a top and fell down.

The Tario Knight took a step forward, shouted, and pointed his sword at Blanc's chest. However, the desert warrior actually stretched out his left hand, similar to what Leo had done. He blocked the knight's blow with his fragile arm and forcibly turned his body in the painful roar, flashed aside, and avoided the machete cut by Ahiburn.

Blandic gasped briefly, with his back against the high platform. You all died." He said hatefully, "Infidels, you all have to die."

"Let's see." Rosie snorted coldly and reloaded the crossbow. This one flashes the luster of poison. She said with a ferocious smile, "Let's wait and see."

Brandick suddenly sneered. He grabbed the leg of a chair on the ground and threw it at the candle holder. The candlestick fell down, and the flame immediately rose. Then let's wait and see." He stared at each of them, "Let's see who can get out of here."

"It must not be you." Leo clenched his sword.

However, Ashburn stopped him, "You get out of the way." In the firelight, the red-robed monk held a machete, as if he had returned to the Dalma who was a soldier. He is my disciple. I taught him everything one by one. This battle belongs to us. Blanc, look at me. If you still think you are a warrior, kill me to prove it.