Alchemy Era

Chapter 41 Riot

"Continue to run naked, the collection is too weak, hum"

The houses in Sirius County are full of red bricks and red tiles, and rows of uneven houses are like blood-stained teeth in the monster's mouth. The ground was covered with long red bricks, and the heavy carriage carrying the goods made a trail of marks on it. The dust rolled up filled the air, and even the sky was covered with red brick dust, like a veil of blood.

Every resident passing by, their clothes, hair, and even their lips and eyes are dyed with brick red that cannot be washed away. The alchemist coughed repeatedly, and he couldn't help doubting whether this was a huge brick factory.

The locals were more disgusted with them than curiously. Their brick-red eyes seemed to hide some kind of gloating, waiting to see the good show. The alchemist took these people's appearance into his eyes, rode his horse slowly and glanced at the crowd. He noticed that the malice of these locals was far less fierce than their fear of soldiers.

"White Devil--" A child cried in his mother's arms.

Rosie spat fiercely.

"Don't talk." An old man admonished his son, "Do you want to die?"

The man with short burrs immediately closed his mouth.

"They don't look like they are going to die?" Another drunken and fat boatman said and burped, "It's a pity. I thought I could fucking see someone beheaded."

"You have to go to the execution ground. Hundreds of people hang there every day. Another drunkard hummed in a daze. Hundreds of heads and hundreds of pink tongues spit out. There is also a dead woman with a warm body--

"That's not bad, drinking with blood." The first drunkard burped again, "Those women are also...not bad."

"What the hell, my thing is swollen again." Another guy took out his crotch and said, "I can't help it."

The horse's hoof played a series of angry notes, and Li Ou was glad that they soon stayed away from the two crazy drunkards. But in his opinion, other guys are equally crazy, and he thinks that the people here are simply crazy.

"How do these white devils look like their guests?" A woman asked her man, "When did they become so hospitable?" They still opened the way for them with weapons. How much money did these guys give them?

"Maybe the white devil sold his buttocks."

"What about those women?"

"The same goes for those ugly women. Their white skin looks moldy, and only that... likes it."

All kinds of voices came, but there was no good news.

The soldiers, like alchemists, had enough to listen to these people. A soldier waved his spear angrily, as if he had thrown a stone into the calm lake. Another soldier walked out of the queue and waved his spear to scare the crowd around the street. People pushed each other and screamed loudly. A woman threw away her vegetable basket, oysters and salted fish rolled all over the ground, and seabird eggs cracked on the ground, guising golden yolk. A man pushed down an old man, and while hiding, he even climbed up the red wall next to him.

In the sudden expansion of chaos, more soldiers joined the expulsion. They shouted at those guys to get out of here while waving their spears. The sharp gun pierced a wooden barrel on the street and stabbed another package thrown by a businessman.

So men and women are more afraid. They dodged the tip of the gun and scolded each other. They overthrew the stalls of street vendors and collided with each other in panic. A child is crying and a mother is crying helplessly.

In a panic, a long gun waved in a soldier's hand stabbed a woman's stomach without warning.

The world suddenly quieted down, and only the soldier's rapid breathing and the woman's weak breathing and cry for help echoed in everyone's ears. Everyone was stunned, soldiers, and the people around them, their movements and expressions seemed to be fixed.

Blood flowed from the woman's fingers. She looked at the dull soldier in disbelief, and the brilliance in her eyes gradually faded. The soldier let out a frightened cry, let go of his hand, stepped back a few steps with a pale face, and sat on the ground. Suddenly, the surroundings suddenly rose up. The screams broke the eardrums, and everyone became more crazy. They climbed up the low wall, got into every house on the street, rushed into the alley, and trampled on every unlucky person who fell to the ground.

"Who can save her?" A woman who looked like the woman's sister held the injured woman, raised a crying sad and frightened face and shouted helplessly, "Please, who can save her?"

No one responded.

Soldiers, look at me and I look at you, hesitating and hesitating. More of them are expressionless and indifferent. A knight tried to get out of the queue with an unbearable face, but Miss Bachelor grabbed him.

"Don't go." She said.


"Good intentions also score occasions. It's not our turn to take care of this--

What's more, even these people don't care. Viscount Arnoldko roared angrily at his men, as if venting his suppressed anger all the way. Why are you dazed? Drag her away! Let her die, we are in a hurry!"

The soldier hesitated. In particular, the guy who caused the scene in front of him trembled, his hands and feet, his lips were blue, his mouth opened and closed, and he spoke speechless. He stared at the woman who fell at his feet and seemed to have no sense of what happened around him.

"Damn bastard! Let's go!" Arnoldo drove over and hit the soldier with a whip in his hand. "Don't you hear what I said? I order you to follow me and let me go!"

The soldier twisted his head dullly and stiffly. However, she..."

Arnoldko sneered angrily, "This kind of woman is like a mouse in the sewer, dying. You can go to whoever you see on the street, and it doesn't matter if you die. The women in the world are dying again.

The knights and crows around them cursed in their own franca. The alchemist almost couldn't resist the impulse to draw his sword with anger.

"This guy really deserves to die." Rosie stared at the viscount, gritted her teeth and said, "You son of a bitch! His mother must be very unfortunate and regret that she gave birth to such a bastard. His father should have shot him on the wall.

Li Ou can't but agree. He will be punished." The alchemist looked at him, "soon."

However, it is obvious that some people will not tolerate this kind of situation to continue--

Arnoldo sat on the horse and looked down at the woman on the ground, beating the whip one after another.

"Sir, my lord, please help my sister." The dying woman's sister pleaded, "My sister is dying. Please do well and save her."

She should not pray to the devil or the devil. Help?" Anodko smiled coldly. He suddenly put away his whip and pulled out the sword around his waist. "I think it's troublesome. So, you can also die with your sister!" As he spoke, he quickly waved his weapon at the woman.

A crisp sound. The viscount's epee was blocked by a long sword inserted diagonally from the side. Lu Yuewu's face was hidden under the black scarf, and there was only a pair of brown pupils exposed with a different anger than before.

The alchemist danced his horse, "Moon Dance."

She ignored it, just staring at the angry Arnoldko and said word by word, "You can't kill her." Does she still want the other party to apologize to the woman and pay compensation? Let her go."

The viscount narrowed his small eyes. At this moment, Li Ou could not see any ridiculous cowardice in the quiet sanctuary in his eyes. I don't know what you said, but I can see it." Anodko neither collected the sword nor exerted his strength, maintaining the posture of splitting under the sword. The woman trembled under the two swords and didn't know what to do in horror. Take your sword away, woman.

"What did he say?" Lu Yuewu asked the female mage.

"He asked you to put down your sword and don't stop him." She did what they all wanted to do. But the timing may drag them into a dangerous situation. Like him, Rosie, who is an egoist, has no good tone. She replied mockingly and scolded in a low voice, "A nosy woman." Li Ou heard it clearly.

"Put down the sword, moon dance." Leo tried to dissuade her, "We can't control it. Let them do whatever they want."

"That's two things, Leo." The female swordsman insisted, "You can watch others die, but I can't."

She suddenly exerted her strength and picked up the blocked epee, and at the same time stepped in front of the black woman.

Fal chivalry! The alchemist cursed in his heart. But there is no denying that it is her that makes him love it - because he can never do this. She is exactly what he wants to be, but he can't be.

Arnoldo, riding on the horse, glanced at them coldly, with a sneer and disdain. It is completely different from what it looked like in the sand sea before. There is no doubt that he is restrained and depressed on the sand sea, but this is already his territory. Sadly, they may understand this, but they don't take him seriously. Is the discussion over? I think I know your plan." He said.

The situation is moving in the direction that Leo is least willing to see.

"Soldier!" Arnoldko shouted and waved his sword, "Catch them."

"That's what I'm worried about." He said to Rosie and Miss Bachelor beside him, "Be careful and don't do it first."

This time, the soldiers obeyed his order. They gathered around, flattened their spears, and pointed their sharp tips at them. The alchemist thought that this must be the scene that the previous bystanders wanted to see most. Under the pressure step by step, they had to shrink into a circle. Lu Yuewu was isolated and tightly surrounded by four soldiers with spears.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive." Leo couldn't help saying that he tried his best to dissuade the ravens and knights who were ready to move. Just defend. Keep an eye on them and don't rush to attack.

Arnold Kozema came towards them, and the soldiers made way. The horse stopped in front of Leo and couldn't help ringing his nose, as if he was stimulated by the frozen atmosphere and looked extremely uneasy. The other party sat on the horse, and Leo had to raise his head. He hates this feeling, just like he hates his wavering personality.

"Do you know, White Devil?" I know nothing!" I've had enough of you. I really want to kill you."

is another threat to this extent. Leo smiled disdainfully, "Then come and kill it. Let's see who dies first."

Arnold's face obviously changed color. The other party is still afraid of death. Leo thought contemptuously. However, the familiar environment and the territory that allowed him to call for rain seem to give him great courage to compete with the gods. What are you still doing?" He screamed angrily, "Catch them. If anyone dares to resist, kill him. Just a few people will die."

Ha, this is the end of a good heart. The alchemist looked at the female swordsman next to him. She bit her lip and confronted the spear soldiers with a long sword. But her eyes are full of confusion and puzzlement.

She will understand, but I hope it won't be too late.

The soldiers looked at each other and finally approached them under the furious urging of Arnoldo. They are unwilling, their spears are crooked, and they have no fighting spirit. The resistance in the eyes of the soldiers is more than obedience.

"Don't move." Leo shouted, and the soldiers immediately stopped, as if they were at his orders. They breathed a sigh of breath. Mr. Viscount, if you haven't forgotten Prince Patton's order, you should remember that we are his guests. We should be treated with courtesy, not welcomed in the way we are now."

"That's right." Anodko sneered, "I endured all the way because of the prince's order. I regard you white devils as guests and you villains as distinguished guests... But now, you yourselves have rejected our kindness and drawn swords against me, a noble nobleman. My order is reasonable. Do you think the prince will believe me or you demons?

Only fools will choose to listen to you. The alchemist shrugged his shoulders and said, "I will believe in justice."

"Hahahaha..." Arnoldko seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world. He laughed loudly, leaned forward and backward, and almost fell off his horse. After a while, he stopped laughing and hung tears in the corners of his eyes. He wiped it with his fingers and said with a mocking smile, "Justice? White devil, do you still believe in justice? Let me tell you, only power is justice, money is justice, sword is justice, blood and fire are justice... Unfortunately, it's up to me for the time being.

"So you are the embodiment of justice and justice?"

The other party does not say anything. Li Ou thought that the gods must be crying in the grave. To be honest, I've had enough of you guys. I just want to kill you. Anodko's eyes are full of unshakable pure hatred. I'm sorry that you happened to bring it to the door by yourself. This is your life." He raised his hand--

A timid girl suddenly inserted.

"Mr. Viscount, His Royal Highness invited me." With uneasiness and fear, Nianta grasped the robe with his fingers and almost moved forward. His Royal Highness also invited me." She repeated it.

Arnoldo narrowed his eyes and looked at her for a while, "Are you Miss Nianta?" He snorted disdainfully, "It's just another white devil."

"I'm from Valia." Nianta approached Leo as she said, trying to find a sense of security from him.

"What do you think you are?" Anodko spit at their feet, "Anyway, I don't see anything special about you. Just an ugly woman everywhere. It's no different from the damn bitch next to her."

"What if I say there is?"

"Then I'll listen carefully." After a pause, he continued, "But no matter what you say, be ready to stay in the dungeon. That's where you dirty white devils should stay.

"I don't think that's possible." A confident smile appeared on Leo's face. He enjoys the feeling that it is about to turn over. You will only make jokes again and be ridiculed.

"Farts, white devil."

At the sign of Miss Bachelor, Nianta summoned up courage and said slowly, "I am the daughter of the Count of the Golden Boat, the niece of Prince O'Bron, and the heir of the river."

Arnoldko was stunned and didn't even notice the huge sound of the sword in his hand falling on the red brick. After a long time, he was like a wandering monk and found his soul again. He opened his mouth and his face was full of panic. You are, you are..."

Li Ou sneered, "It seems that you are not too stupid."

The viscount's face changed rapidly in countless colors. Why are you still stunned? Pick up the sword and give it to me!" He lost his temper with the soldiers. He grabbed the sword, raised it, hung it down deregically, and stuffed it into its scabbard. Don't look! Put away your weapons! Damn it! Hurry up!"

Li Ou didn't have time to watch his poor performance. He shouted to the female swordsman, "Put down your sword, moon dance!" He said, "Come here, it's over. It's okay. No one will hurt her. She will be fine."

Lu Yuewu bit her lips tightly, and a struggle flashed in her eyes. She turned her head to look at the tearful and trembling woman behind her, and took a look at her sister who had lost her voice. She shook her head and refused. She glanced at Arnoldko, who waved the whip and said, "She will die."

"Stupid woman, get out of here!" Rosie's hot temper made her can't help cursing, "You don't think it's enough. Are you satisfied that you really want to kill us? Why don't you kill us alone with a sword, and don't bother us to hinder you from becoming a savior, dragging you back, and make you a ghostly hero!"

Lu Yuewu's eyes showed a wounded look. She didn't seem to believe that Rosie would say that, "I, I'm not..."

"Fuck you, what are you? Aren't you an idiot respected by everyone?"

Liu stopped her, "Mr. Viscount--"

Arnoldo stared at him angrily for a while and finally compromised. He pointed to the crying woman, "You, woman, get out of here with your sister and don't let me see you again."

"My sister--"

"Let her die!" He waved the whip angrily, and the loud voice made the woman tremble, "Get out!"

"But her sister--"

Luo Xi angrily pulled out a bag of broken gems from her robe and smashed it hard at Lu Yuewu's feet. Red agate, green emerald, and blue and purple broken gems rolled all over the ground. If it is put in peacetime, she will not give alms to others even if she dies. Fuck you, you're satisfied!" She roared loudly.