Alchemy Era

Chapter 52 Refus

"Happy June 1st!"

The hall suddenly became silent.

Guests can't believe their ears. However, after a brief silence, the hall became more noisy than the hive. They couldn't help asking the people next to them to make sure that there was nothing wrong with their ears. What the hell is going on? The alchemist looked at the surprised guests and thought that they probably hadn't figured out the reason.

"Quiet, quiet."

It was not until the soldiers smashed the end of the long hook knife into the floor tiles, the hall was shaken, and the red brick dust sprinkled on the ceiling and wrapped them all over their bodies that they gradually calmed down. However, this does not erase their dissatisfaction.

"Your Highness," an old man with a pair of goats asked, "How can you marry a woman of unknown origin?"

Prince Patton's good mood disappeared, leaving only his anger. He clenched his fist tightly and pounded the carved handrail of the black wood throne. Do I have to get your consent to marry anyone, old man?" He shouted, "I'm the prince, not you!" What qualifications do you have to point fingers? Are you going to get married?

The old man looked frightened, "No, it's not." He said at a loss, "Your Highness, I mean, I mean... this lady, she..."

"Why is she bothering you?"

"She doesn't deserve you." The old nobles seemed to regard Prince Patton's anger and hatred as a hypocrisy and continued to challenge Prince Patton's bottom line. Can't you find a more suitable woman in Sirius County? Every girl here is eager to be your wife and concubine. Why do you have a special preference for her? She is just a foreign woman... And her appearance... Her status can't be compared with you at all.

Prince Patton listened patiently to the former. He looked at the other side sideways and asked angrily, "Is that over?"

"I, I didn't say anything."

The prince pointed to the outside of the hall, "Then shut your mouth and get out of here."

The old man's hands and feet trembled and his face turned pale. Your Royal Highness--

"Are you deaf?" Prince Patton shouted sharply, and the old man's legs and feet were weak and his face was unbelievable. You are getting old too fast. I should dismiss all your duties.

"You can't do this," the old man shouted in shock. "I have served the previous king."

"Relying on the old man." Prince Patton snorted disdainfully, "Guardian!" He shouted, "Drag him out."

"No, Prince, you can't do this..." The old man watched the guards approach him in horror. He panicked and didn't know what to do. He looked at Prince Patton, looked at the latter pitifully and sadly, and almost knelt down and begged. The people next to him couldn't help but begging for him, but it aroused Prince Patton's anger even more. Drag him out immediately!"

His shouts buzzed back in the hall. Everyone was shocked by his anger and was silent.

"I can't stand you saying no!" Prince Patton said to everyone, "I am the king, not you. You stupid idiots, put up your ears and listen. This lady beside me comes from a more noble background than all of you. In front of her, you are just a group of flies that smell shit!"

The crowd was silent for a long time, and everyone looked at Nianta angrily, but they quickly turned their eyes away and dared not stay longer. Their faces were full of unwillingness, jealousy and grief. This emotion tormented them and made them can't swallow their anger.

"But." Suddenly, a voice came from the crowd, "But..."

"But what?" Prince Patton swept through the crowd and shouted angrily, "Say!" But the surroundings suddenly calmed down. No one dares to look directly into Prince Patton's eyes and say a word. Say it! Wasn't it still chattering like a mouse just now, and now it's all dumb?"

"What can't you say?" A young woman in the crowd shook off the hand of her male companion and came out. She looked at the prince without hesitation and said loudly, "I know who she is, the only daughter of the Count of the Golden Boat, with the title of heir. However, that's not what I want to say. She is the monster who specializes in having sex with men and being a stinking demon under the dirt!"

Nanta's face became whiter. She looked panicked and trembled on the high platform, as if she were a prisoner on trial. No, I'm not. I'm not the monster you mentioned. Tears rolled in her eyes, and she kept repeating, "I'm not."

Prince Patton was furious, "Speak up!" He shouted, "Guard, where are the guards? Pull out her tongue."

The crowd suddenly exploded. The woman's legs collapsed directly on the ground, and her face was gray, mixed with regret and despair. Dear, Prince——"

"You don't do this."

"The mother of the desert is on top, open your eyes."

The voices of peachment and accusations in the rioting crowd came one after another, and they were almost about to overturn the roof.

Even the alchemists were surprised by Prince Patton's brutal decision. He had seen the bad deeds of the tyrant in history books, but he never thought that he would see them with his own eyes.

Many believers of the Desert Mother knelt on the ground and prayed, hoping that their gods could stop the tragedy. However, their so-called goddess was hidden in the crowd, sneering and disdainful of it.

"Aren't you going to stop them?"

"Oh, my dear alchemist, you won't know Clegg's hobby."

He really doesn't know. He didn't worship that bastard. Li Ou did not turn his head, and it was not difficult to think of the enthusiasm in the other party's golden eyes. He said with a little mockery, "He is neither a god nor a 'abuse' priesthood."

"The demons and gods are all the same, and death can please him." The female magician said.

"I think he will be happier if you die."

The other party ignored his sarcasm. Besides, this is to kill chickens and warn monkeys." She looked at the angry and murderous short and fat bald man and continued contemptuously, "For this stupid fat man, he is holding on. Face and self-esteem are more important than anything else in his eyes. He can't tolerate other people's rejection.

"Is it because he is too short?"

From a visual point of view, Prince Patton is even half a head shorter than the delicate Nianta.

"Who knows?" Aila shrugged her shoulders, "You have to ask yourself."

In a word, his constantly injured self-esteem made Prince Patton unable to listen to any advice and prayers, and all his pleas could not change his decision. Instead, he made his anger as frightening as if it were a volcano about to erupt.

"Shut your mouth." Prince Patton clung to the armrest of the king's seat, and his fat body trembled with anger. Guard, what are you waiting for? Pull out her tongue! Whoever dares to show mercy, cut off your heads!"

"No, Your Highness, you can't do this." A man tried to resist to the end, "There is no such punishment in the law."

"No?" Prince Patton sneered and said, "What kind of punishment is that?"

"Only flogging."

"Flogging? Then just change it from now on." Prince Patton made a decision without thinking, "For those who have long tongues, they will be punished by pulling out their tongues--"

"You... such a discord procedure... should also be discussed by the imperial parliament."

Prince Patton slapped the handrail heavily and roared angrily, "Are they kings or am I kings?"

"Of course it's you. You, you are our king."

"Since I am the king, I have the right to do so!" Prince Patton's words blocked their mouths. Soldier, are you still stunned? Do you want to die?"

The soldiers looked at each other and finally stepped forward, one with a cold and terrible hook in his hand. No, no, don't come here. Please don't come here. The woman struggled crazily and couldn't help begging for mercy. Tears flowed on her face, and despair made her lie on the ground without any strength. I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Don't do this to me, don't do this..."

"Wait a minute." Prince Patton suddenly stopped the soldier, and people thought he had changed his mind for a moment. But he said, "Don't be here, don't scare Miss Nianta. Drag her out and find a place to dispose of it. He waved his hand anxiously, "Drag it out quickly and don't let the throne hall get stained with blood."

Is he trying to win Nianta's favor with this? The alchemist thought disdainfully that it was really clumsy.

The woman's plea for mercy has been ringing for a long time, and then a scream came from afar, and then everything calmed down. Every guest in the hall probably regrets attending today's banquet. They are like a group of defeated roosters, hanging their heads, drooping with messy chicken feathers, hiding aside and trembling.

"There was no rebellion in this city," Leo commented, without concealing his disgust and hatred of the so-called faith. I really should thank you. Your demagogic spell is really amazing.

The female magician accepted his "praise" completely. A stupid, cruel and hedonistic authority is easier to control than a smart guy. She raised her eyebrows and said proudly. What he needs is nothing but a piece of cake for us. Such a guy is simpler than making a puppet.

"I am deeply touched."

"Well, let's not talk about these unpleasant topics." The female magician suddenly blew a blow to him, and he heard the magic beating with joy. The dark and sticky magic made him feel sick. Don't you think we should add another fire to them? They don't know the more shocking news yet.

The marriage contract between them.

"I can't wait. What about you?" Aila smiled in his ear, then took a step and went out. Her robe swings from side to side. The guy in front of her was pushed left and right without warning, as if a whole invisible army was opening the way for her. The people around him shook left and right and cursed. But when they saw the female magician passing by them, all their complaints turned into pious kneeling. Almost everyone, whether sincere or hypocritical, knelt down and showed their piety to the female magician. Won't you come together?" She suddenly turned her head and said to the alchemist.

Everyone's eyes gathered on him. It contains confusion, doubt, hostility and contempt. Take good care of your chins. I hope you black monkeys don't have heart disease. Li Ou thought contemptuously in his heart and followed in Ella's footsteps.

Next, the girls are staring at him. Their eyes are complex, full of crazyness and unconcealable pain. Leo can only comfort them with his eyes, give them enough confidence, and secretly pray that they, especially Rosie, will not be impulsive.

"Your fiancee is me. Don't look around." Aurora suddenly took his arm and whispered, "Otherwise, be careful of your eyes."

Li Ou took a deep breath. He withdrew his sight and looked straight ahead.

Now, he is fearless.