Alchemy Era

Chapter 54 Scorpion

The hall suddenly exploded. I don't know who screamed, and the guests began to roll and crawl to the exit. A table was overturned by pushing, and the silver plate with soup and suckling pigeons fell to the ground, and the hot and delicious soup soaked the red carpet. The women trembled with fear and curled up behind tables and stone pillars, as if it were a shield in the hands of the God of War.

The gladiator jumped onto the platform and stepped onto the table in front of the alchemist. He shouted hoarsely, and a tattered wound on his horrible face was like countless sharp-toothed mouths. The eyes under the mask are so full of hatred and anger. That malice frightened the alchemist. The other party's speed was so fast that the alchemist didn't even have time to draw his sword, and he fell back uncontrollably.

Li Ou rolled on the ground awkwardly, and his new clothes were covered with sticky soup. The gladiator's fist wiped his ear and hit the red brick, and the splashing debris hit his cheek. A scorching pain frightened him.

The soldiers shouted to protect the prince and jumped on the platform from both sides. Their voices seemed to be magical, recalling the minds of many noble youths. The delicate posture of the female magician must have confused them, making them shout "Miss Protector" and rush up fearlessly, as if this could make the female magician turn around and choose them.

However, the gladiator directly grabbed the halberd in the soldier's hand and sent it into the soldier's abdomen. The soldier screamed and fell down, and the gladiator shouted loudly. He actually grabbed the halberd and lifted the soldier up, regarded the soldier hanging on it as a sledgehammer, and smashed it round and hit a piece of guy trying to stop him. He laughed and threw the halberd out. The soldier hit a guy who had no time to dodge, came out through his body, and nailed another soldier to the ground. The wooden pole of the halberd is still trembling.

Everyone was shocked by the strong deterrence of the gladiator, and they hesitated with fear.

The gladiator sneered and moved his wrist and twisted his neck. He stared at the alchemist who pulled out the long sword, pointed to him, and said coldly word by word, "I want you to die!"

"Then come on, idiot." He wiped the soup from his face and shouted at the gladiator, "Stop talking nonsense. Come on."

"Sooner or later, white devil." The gladiator sneered, "Don't you want to know who I am?"

Liou gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not interested in the names of the dead--"

A young nobleman tried to quietly approach him from behind the gladiator, holding a dagger in his hand. But before he approached, the gladiator found him, grabbed his throat with a ferocious smile, broke his wrist and grabbed the dagger. The young nobleman screamed loudly.

"Don't shout, calm me down." The gladiator said. With a little force, the nobleman's scream turned into a whimper, and the suffocation made him struggle, but to no avail. The former glanced at the soldiers surrounding him with cruel eyes. Get away, you moths." He said disdainfully, "This is between me and the White Devil. All the people who stop me from dying." With that, he violently stuffed the dagger into the nobleman's throat, and then casually threw the latter aside. He is what will end for you."

This is the most direct threat. The nobles were almost scared. Leo heard Airola's disdainful cold hum. However, he did not intend to rely on these idiots who were in the way and shrank his head.

"Are you just watching?" He glanced sideways through the pale golden eyes of the female magician, "I'm your fiance."

"You finally admit it." Arora's eyebrows bent like a crescent moon. I'm so happy. But... he said, it's between you. I'd better not disturb the feud between you men.

The alchemist scoffed at this. When did she divide these things so clearly? She just wanted to make a fool of herself and wait for him to beg her. Li Ou clearly realized that she might secretly help the other party. Then take care of your mouth," he warned the other party, "don't say anything that others don't understand."


"None of us can think about it."

On the other side, Lu Yuewu gestured to him, and she wrapped her sword from behind the gladiator. She hid well and circled in the crowd. The gladiator should not find her. But he turned around without warning and stared at the unprepared female swordsman with hatred.

"The white devil girl over there, don't want to hide." He shouted arrogantly, "You have to die, too."

"Aira!" Leo shouted. He almost couldn't control his emotions and turned to the woman who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. Do you want to see me die like this?"

"What's wrong?" She pretended to be stupid and looked at him innocently, "I didn't do anything."

Is the magic in the air his illusion? You know it in your heart!" Li Ou sneered, "Don't be delusional. Even if I die, I won't beg you."

After a brief silence, the female magician stared at him and said, "Alchemist, is it so difficult for you?"

Does she think that controlling others and watching others submit to her will give her boundless satisfaction? Will demeaning others make her happy? Then you have to ask yourself." Li Ou said, "Ask yourself what you are thinking and what you are thinking about. Aurora, not everyone will fall under your pomegranate skirt, and everyone will be at your mercy like a puppet.

The female magician looked at him coldly, and cold words came from under her veil. Alchemist, what on earth are you trying to say?

"If you are empty," he said disdainly, "I can satisfy you with my fingers. But I'm afraid that there is also a sharp blade hidden in your place.

The magic gathered in his ear into a whirlpool, roaring like a trapped beast. I will remember your insult to me."

Li Ou turned a blind eye to this, "But am I wrong?"

Of course. So the gladiator rushed straight at him as if he had received instructions. You are going to die, White Devil!" The hatred in his eyes seemed to be mixed with the female magician's hatred of him.

Li Ou flashed to the side, and the long sword followed the trend. The sword body rolled up the light of white runes and danced under the lamp. He knew that it was his wrist that the other party was sharp, and he would never dare to hold the blade with his flesh. So he shook his sword body, lightly stepped on an overturned chair and landed on the other side. Lu Yuewu rushed up and stood side by side with him.

"Who is he?" The female swordsman asked.

"Ghosts know. Crazy believers." He guessed.

The gladiator wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "Two people go together?" He looked at them sideways and said, "It's still fully armed." He hit his mouth and said wildly, "That's fine. Just one solution. Unfortunately, there are still a few women and those soldiers are not there-"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Me?" The gladiator sneered, and the scar on his face was telling the strong hatred that was insoluble. Unknown people." He said that the female magician was standing behind him. For a moment, the alchemist had the illusion that he was a puppet manipulated by a female magician in a trance. The magic oscillated between them, stirring up invisible airflows in the air.

Let's die together! Be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks in hell. The gladiator rushed up desperately. His fist roared and went straight to the alchemist's chest.

Li Ou took a step back, and Lu Yuewu cooperated to move forward and forced the other party back with a sword. However, this time, the gladiator did not choose to retreat. He rushed up when Lu Yuewu collected the sword, met the hasty sword, and used the magic blade of the other party. Five fingers are like iron pliers grabbing Lu Yuewu's wrist.

"Hands go!" The alchemist shouted.

Lu Yuewu let go of her hand holding the sword, and the weak blade fell down, and she took a step back to avoid the five fingers of the gladiator. She leaned back and her straight feet happened to kick the sword. The long sword roared and rushed straight into the sky. The gladiator snorted, and Li Ou saw him covering his face. Blood flowed from between his fingers, and his mask split in half and fell to the ground.

The alchemist looked at the bloody and tattered face of the gladiator in front of him, and suddenly coincided with the blurred guy in his memory. Leo recognized him - "Poison Scorpion Kao!" He exclaimed uncontrollably. How did he become like this?

"I'm so touched that you still remember me." The scorpion put down his hand, and blood has penetrated into his eyes: now it's really a blood red color. He stared at Leo, as if the poisonous scorpion had raised a terrible tail thorn oozing venom. But don't think I'll let you go like this. You have to pay for the lives of your brothers one by one.

"Ngre, don't just talk and do nothing."

"You will taste death soon." Poisonous scorpion Kao said with a ferocious smile. He raised his bloody palms and sent them to his mouth, sticking out his tongue and swallowing them into his stomach. Lu Yuewu frowned. Very soon." He burst into laughter. Sharp laughter seems to tear the dome of stone bricks. However, in a blink of an eye, his laughter became a painful howl. His hands hugged his head tightly and his back arched like a shrimp. His fingers grabbed his face, clasped strips of meat, and became like a demon - the wounds on his face were all scratched by himself! Leo couldn't help but feel scared.

Everyone was frightened. When the poisonous scorpion Kao's howling stopped and raised his head, there was a harsh scream in the crowd, and more people escaped. Many nobles and soldiers suddenly collapsed on the ground. Prince Patton and Nianta retreated to the entrance under protection. The air is filled with the smell of urine.

The poisonous scorpion Kaoru's body is full of thick, thick, short and swaying gray spikes. Above the thick neck are two button-sized blood-colored eyes. The pair of eyes are located on both sides of the long mouth and nose, and the long arms are covered with light red mane, and underneath are white and bright fangs.

"Monster!" People shouted, "Devil!"

The alchemist knows what the guy in front of him is. Another devil." Leo said disdainfully, "I can meet you everywhere. It's as haunting as the black sun.

There was a low roar in the throat of the poisonous scorpion Kao. This is me now, the white devil. His laughter was sharp and unpleasant, like a broken bell. The sticky saliva kept dripping from his tongue gasping like a dog. I suffered so much, was tempted, deceived, and finally became like this... The devil against the devil, this is really a perfect confrontation, isn't it?"

"Yes, the dead are usually idiot-like demons. Your master will not know." Leo disdained him. He still has some scruples about dealing with humans, but when it comes to dealing with demons, it can't be simpler. Now he just stares at the female magician. Aurora, aren't you going to say something?

The female magician shrugged her shoulders, "There's nothing to say, my fiance."

"Okay." He took out a bottle of potion and poured it all on the sword. The rune sword flashed a burst of light, mixed with orange and yellow bright light, like sunshine. Then what I prepared will come in handy. Seriously, Aurora, I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. I can't wait to see how this works on your toys. Come on, little scorpion."