Alchemy Era

Chapter 75 Fish

A thunder split into the sky, the heavy rain suddenly stopped, and the black waves became more and more turbulent, and they couldn't help bumping and slapped the ship's port. The ship shook violently and creaked, and a mast was overwhelmed. Finally, it broke in the painful moan.

With the swaying of the hull, the body with a slight gasp became tired again. He inserted the long sword deeply into the board to stabilize his body. Lu Yuewu supported him and also regarded him as a support. However, Rosie, who was casting spells, suffered - her spells were not accurate, and a beam of bright red rays hit the bow of the ship, making a difference.

"The ghost of seeing your mother!" Rosie cursed, and she tried to accumulate the strength she needed to cast the next spell, but the shaking hull was really difficult for her to concentrate while maintaining balance. Damn, what the hell is going on with this weather? She kept cursing the weather and cursing the gods: even if they had already fallen.

A big wave came, and they all tilted aside, but the other trough that followed made them fall to the other side. They seem to play with nature like tumblers, and they can't compete with great nature. An idea flashed in the alchemist's mind: maybe even the gods could not fight against it. They may be able to change the weather, but in the end they will submit to the majesty of nature. Nature is the law. In the torture of swinging left and right, he has never believed in this belief so much.

But the bad weather is far more than just the weather.

Ayora refused to flinch, and Nianta stared at her. The alchemist stood a little and relied on the potion to recover half of his strength. He didn't know what to do. But at this time, he saw the pirates and his companions running out of the cabin one after another in panic, with unconcealed panic on everyone's face.

"Evela, what's wrong?" He asked aloud as much as he could, "What are you doing here? Do you want to die?"

The sailors swarmed out and fled in horror. They lay on the starboard and desperately found that there was a vast sea around them, and they had no way to escape.

"No, no," Miss Bachelor pleaded anxiously. Something is hitting the bottom of the ship..." The alchemists didn't realize the terrible voice she said. Maybe they have been submerged in the stormy roar. ...It's like sinking the ship." Her face suddenly changed, and her face was pale with despair. She pointed behind them. Leo, look..."

... The splashes all over the sky blurred his vision.

In the roar of thunder and lightning and waves, a pillar of water seemed to directly touch the sky. In the brief light brought by lightning, the alchemist saw seven or eight purple-red, suction cups of tentacles swaying in horror, and those pale suction cups were like a pair of eyes with terrible and desperate ruthlessness.

"Gods, what kind of monster is this?"

Leo knew the answer, but he couldn't speak. Those octopus tentacles thicker than buckets twisted and threw them at the ship without hesitation. Some wrapped around the hull, while others swept wildly on the deck. With the screams one after another, the mast broke under the rampage of the tentacles, and the side of the ship and all the cabins on the deck were all turned into fragments. Several people were swept off the deck and fell into the dark sea, waiting for them... It can be imagined.

"Go into the cabin and get in quickly!" The alchemist shouted hoarsely. Don't be in a daze, go in!"

"It will sink the ship..."

"...that's better than dying on the deck for nothing. Go in!"

The hull seems to be crushed by an egg in my hand by Hercules, which is in danger of being crushed at any time, but no one can come up with a better way at this time. The disgusting and horrible tentacles swept back and forth, and one person was so thick that it was almost difficult for him to believe that his long sword could kill the monster.

"God, how on earth did this thing appear?" Rosie tried to freeze a tentacle with a frost spell. However, its strength is amazing: the first moment was frozen, and the second one broke out of the ice. Aren't those islanders with monsters and ghosts attacking Sirius County? Why did it appear here? Fuck, what the hell are these guys crazy about?

Who will know? I hope there will be no ghosts. Leo prayed. He had to ask others for help. Aurora, stop fighting. Now we have a common enemy. He said, "Resolve it first, and then..."

Ajola stared at him for a long time and finally nodded, "Let your girlfriend, don't play any tricks." She stretched out her hand and untied Nianta's shackles. "And you, Night Witch, don't be idle and help well, if you don't want to drown."

"I'm not that stupid." Nianta shouted, "If you want to die, I will kill you."

"Then I'll wait." Leo said.

The octopus monster waved its tentacles, and the dark sea water like ink hid its ugly body. Every slap caused a tremor in Leo's heart. The ship was overwhelmed. Maybe she would completely break up under the next blow, and they would sink to the bottom of the sea and become each other's meal.

"Rosie!" He greeted, holding his body and hugging a broken mast to try to cut off a disgusting tentacle. However, the hull swayed irregularly under the other party's play, and he even seemed to stand as a luxury, let alone attack. Lu Yuewu was a little better, but after losing her center of gravity, her attack seemed to be painless. Attack it." He shouted, "Kill it!"

"Give me ten seconds." She responded with a roar.

However, even ten seconds of calm and waves seemed to have become a luxury. The big ship kept bumping for a moment, like a toy in the giant's hand, and they were like ants that could be gently pinched to death. Rosie tried several times but couldn't read the spell completely. Fuck it!" She lost her patience and shouted, "Don't fucking be in a daze, fix it!" Old daughter, can't you even do this?"

"I can't concentrate..."

" it your charm!" Rosie scolded, "Aren't you self-respecting that no one can escape your palm?"

"The person who said that is me..." Nianta grabbed a rope and laughed wildly in trembling, as if death was just a new life for her, but an opportunity to die together. I will control it. Then use it to kill you.

The alchemist once again felt that the first meeting with the night witch was the surging magic. She is fighting against the waves, thunder and lightning, trying to invade the monster's heart. The tentacles danced wildly and patted the sea to stir up the splashes all over the sky. The hull was more violently bumpy, and he could only stare at the ups and down tentacles and pray that they would not fall on the deck.

"Stop, idiot!" Leo screamed. He swept around, and only the female swordsman was closest to her. Moon dance, stop her." Is she going to drive the other party crazy, completely anger the other party, and turn it into a killing machine? The young night witch won't understand: what is the wisdom of molluscs? Just as their gods are fooled by mortals, the people of soft monsters will also be controlled by mortals. How can she compare with the man who blew the storm horn?

A huge wave hit and the hull was seriously tilted, but thankfully, Lu Yuewu stopped the other party. The hilt of the sword hit her cheek and hit all her spells into her stomach. Shut up!" She said, "Unless we ask you."

The octopus was a little quieter, but Nianta's reckless behavior still angered it. The sea separated and flowed to both sides, and an ugly head came out of the sea. A pair of small eyes with flashing red light are full of breath-catching crazy pure malice. Leo has never felt such a strong hatred and anger. Even demons and snake demons known for their brutality can't compare with it. He was so scared that he forgot for a moment that he should deal with it at this time.

A tentacle fell down, the boards flew, and a shocking hole was broken on the deck. The dark hole seems to herald their fate. The hull trembled helplessly, as if it were a girl who was stripped and allowed to be invaded by robbers.

"Someone must stop it! The ship is about to be damaged!"

"I know!"

"Old woman, don't say you forgot the spell."

"I remember it better than you!"

"That's good." Rosie made a French seal, "Are you ready?"

"Rosie, attack it..."

"...don't bother me! I have to concentrate... protect your moon dance." She yelled back. But a dark shadow enveloped them. Oh, damn it, for all the devil's sake... block it, old maid! Block it, or we will all be finished!"

"Be careful!" Li Ou loosened his hand holding the mast and made a magic seal. "Moon dance, use your sword!" The power of magic briefly bound the tentacles of the octopus monster. But he can't support it for long. Damn it, your spells, come on! Right now! Let the storm stop for a while! Rosie!"

Rosie tore the mouth of the cloth bag and threw all the gems into the air. She recited a spell. The gems turned into powder, and the magic was like substance, showing colorful brilliance, as if a rainbow unfolded in front of her. She waved her arms and made a gesture of casting spells, and then the magic went as she wanted. Time seemed to stop, the octopus seemed to be frozen, and the thunderstorm stopped. Although the black clouds rolled, the sea was calm.

"I can only stop it for a few seconds," Rosie's face was pale and her body was trembling. "You have to seize the opportunity."

Ajora concentrates and sings spells loudly. A bloody spear summoned from the alien plane floated into the void she held up, "Quick! Female swordsman!" She shouted, "It's now."

Lu Yuewu ran along the starboard. She jumped up, jumped into the air, and clenched the hilt of her sword with both hands. The silver sword shone and covered the scorching sun at noon. She shouted, and the sword penetrated deeply into the octopus's gel-like body and cut through the greasy skin. But the blade is too short and magical to hurt the other party's walnut-like brain. The sea monster struggled with pain under the confinement of magic. Leo felt that it was about to break out of the cage - that meant death for them.

"Moon dance, get out of the way!" He shouted hoarsely, "Love Ruola!"

The filth and blood-dropping spear built by magic shot out and accurately poured into the crack torn by the moon dance. The octopus stagnated for a while, and the short moment was like a long century. Then it made a sad and long harsh cry, and a ball of blood spread out from under it and dyed the sea red.