Alchemy Era

Chapter 13 Bait

The knight's epee waved in a pendulum in the crowd, and headless bodies fell to the ground one after another.

"Charlotte--" The Holy Samurai knelt powerlessly to the ground. He completely lost the will to resist and cried like an abandoned woman. Leo thought that he should pray to Andal, not like a pool of mud.

Wails and screams resounded through the night sky.

The villagers' attempt to escape is as futile as the powerless resistance. They can't escape. But more frightened and confused, the villagers who once threw stones at them found a neat queue of outsiders, all of whom poured towards them and hid behind them, as if they were an indestructible wall of steel.

All the warriors who dared to stop the resistance fell, and there was only a cruel picture in front of him.

The giant horse tilted its head disdainfully and spewed a stinky white fog from its mouth and nose. It dug the road with its iron hoof, with evil intentions in its white eyes, carrying its equally malicious owner. The knight's burning gray flame eyes twisted and stared coldly at the creatures in front of him. There was no doubt that the other party's eyes were full of hatred and simple hatred.

In an instant, Leo suddenly remembered a conversation with his father a long time ago:

"What on earth is the purpose of the killing of the dead?" In his vague memory, he seemed to be reading a book by a predecessor. His heart was full of confusion. What exactly do they want? Sacrifice? Revenge?"

"The dead hate the living." The father replied, his voice was so soft that he didn't even blow the candlelight in front of him, "Because we can still hope, laugh and bathe in the sun. There is no need for any other reason.

In silence and dead eyes, Li Oujing listened to his heartbeat. From the eyes of the knight and his ** beast, he recognized this wise assertion. He suddenly understood the other party's intention: he just wanted to turn them into evil spirits like him. Burning eyes like ashes, just want them to fall into the abyss like him.

Following the knight's indifferent and cold eyes, Li Ou saw the focus of his eyes - the holy warrior. He strongly felt that that was his ultimate goal. All his purpose is to let the holy warrior walk with him, choose to fall, fall into the arms of the devil, and become a evil spirit hated by the sun from then on.

Alchemists now know the reason why knights appear here——

He followed the Holy Samurai!

The horse's hoof knocked on the ground like thunder; the knight once again raised the shining silver epee that harvested life. Sticky blood flowed on the sword, beating strange and terrible light under the dark red light of the solar eclipse. The villagers who narrowly escaped put their fists into their mouths, but screams were inevitable.

"Liou." Lu Yuewu said.

"Help...we." The village head lay on the ground with difficulty and begged.

But Leo is not sure how much he can save. Maybe he can't even save them himself. Staring at the slowly approaching knight, the huge shadow pressed towards him like a mountain. He forgot to breathe and didn't know how to resist. Which one is effective, the rune sword, alchemy, or magic in your hand? He doesn't know.

The knight whipped his horse and rushed towards them.

"Do something!" Rosie yelled at him.

He doesn't have time to think. He could almost feel the cold that pierced into the bone marrow. It's up to fate! He said to himself. Behind him were unarmed people, and he could not retreat. You have to fight hard.

"Go back! Ghost!" The Raven moves faster than him.

He roared, rolled up a huge whirlwind, and the axe drew a silver light, and fiercely hit the epee hit the knight's head-on. The muffled sound of the metal impact splashed out with Mars. The Ravenman couldn't resist the great power of the knight and the horse. He staggered back, but he just avoided the iron hooves raised by the giant beast.

"Dead, go back to your hell!" Feifei roared.

The warriors of the Raven tribe rushed up together. The knight showed his skillful swordsmanship. He waved his heavy sword to block the attacks of the crows one by one. **'s giant horse roared, stepped to kick his mouth and bite, and for a moment it actually prevailed slightly.

But no matter how hard the soldiers try, they can't hurt the knight at all. The sword in their hands only left several black, smog holes on the knight and the horses under him. There was no blood flowing out, but it recovered as before in a short moment. He doesn't know the pain and won't be tired. He has no weakness in the darkness of the solar eclipse.

"We have to do something." Evela said uneasily.

But what can he do? Does his swordsmanship have a mastery knight? Can his magic penetrate the rolling black fog barrier? Or can his alchemy directly hurt the soul of the horror knight?


He remembered something.

His father told him that these horror knights and dark lords were all caused by demons. They were deceived by them and reborn by the evil law of the abyss hell... Maybe the means of exorcising demons will work? Leo can't be sure, but it's worth a try.

"It's expensive." He shouted and threw the medicine over. Smear it on the sword.

There are few expensive and difficult-to-manage drugs left. It was originally made to deal with the succubus, just like a turtle-shaped rune. But the latter has turned into a torrent of magic, leaving only a little... It will evaporate with the air. Leo is not sure how effective it is and whether it can last until the end of the solar eclipse. Now all their hopes are here.

The knight will dance the epee with a tiger and wind. Leo finds it difficult to join the battle group. He can only make trouble and mess up the tacit front of the Ravens' cooperation, which will definitely lead to their failure. He recognized the facts that made him feel embarrassed and helpless, stayed where he was, holding a magic seal in the palm of his hand, and grasped his sword and stared at the battlefield.

The effect of alchemy appeared almost immediately.

Although the sharp blade of the mortals still can't completely kill the Dark Lord, it is enough to hurt his soul. The gray flame in the knight's eyes was crumbling. He opened his mouth and roared silently. The surging magic layered and attacked them continuously. His huge horse's white eyes became red, full of the purest cruelty.

The ubiquitous and invisible magic is like a storm blowing everyone upside down. The alchemist couldn't stand persistently, and he even staggered back until he leaned against the cold barrier. The invisible cage still imprisoned them on the stage of death. The only thing that is not affected is the holy warrior who kneels on the ground.

"Charlotte?" The holy warrior tried to call out.

"He can't hear." Leo said with difficulty, "He will only kill you."

At this moment, Leo heard the woman's scream. He raised his head and saw a black fog behind the knight's cloak. Then he saw the knight raise the hand that was always holding the reins, making a strange gesture as if releasing a spell, and then waved it heavily. A terrible cold swept them in an instant, and the uneven pebble road was suddenly covered with white frost, and the churning fog came out of the ground and wrapped the body under the knight's iron hoof. Without warning, the heads cut off by him rose from the ground, forming a terrible picture.

Under the manipulation of evil spells, the people who have just died still have chilling smiles on their faces of fear and horror. The head without body floats in the air, just like a rapid shell. The hair is shaking in the air. The dead laughed at the living.

The villagers shouted in horror. Even the alchemist couldn't help palpitations and felt his legs weak. These people are all victims of knights, and now they have become his evil slaves.

Those heads rushed towards them, revealing their fine teeth.

There is no doubt that all the heads avoided the saint who knelt on the ground and did not know how to resist.

Although they were particularly frightening and their green eyes were soaked with chills, Li Ou resisted his fear and cut a woman's head in half with his sword. The soldiers' achievements are even more outstanding. Although the villagers called the names of their relatives, for this group of soldiers, endless fighting is the magic weapon to survive.

However, there are too many heads. Knights are not fools.

The flying heads bypassed them and rushed from the air to the group of villagers. The villagers screamed, and fear prompted them to flee. However, their heads easily caught up with them. A head bit a villager's arm with a sneer, and the bones were visible. The other heads rushed up, and the sound of dozens of teeth biting and chewing almost overshadowed his painful wailing.

The alchemists are tired of running, and the crows are even more breathless. They saved the next person, and another person was gnawed. The head cleverly avoided them and chose the unarmed villagers. Their teeth were torn and bit, turning their former relatives into fragments.

Li Ou was embarrassed to realize that they really couldn't save everyone.

"Gather together, don't run around!"

However, the knight cut off their last life.

After a high horse hiss, the knight turned the horse's head, and the huge dark horse rushed into the noisy battlefield again and rushed a few inches in front of the Holy Samurai. His sword slaughtered the stiff villagers on the left and right sides, but did not touch the crying samurai at all. The flying servants followed their demon leader like crows and floated around the holy warriors, as if they had made him a stone in the river.

The running knight was like an electric light, cutting off all the living people on the road, letting go of the crows who had prevented him from hurt him, and letting go of the alchemists. He let go of all the outsiders... He turned a blind eye to them. Leo finally understood.

He loves slaughter. This village is his prey. They are all trap baits. The knight wants everyone to come out and come to the main road during the solar eclipse, so that he can start killing. A bloody harvest harvested life to satisfy his desire.

...Maybe he still maintains a little so-called chivalry? Follow the rules set before the killing begins.

Li Ou couldn't help laughing. A bitter smile crawled on his face, and he looked at the soreness that there was nothing he could do.

Killing seems to be endless.

Finally, in the silence, Li Ou slowly raised his eyes and faced the foggy gravel road. This is simply a morgue. The bent and broken fog was thrown everywhere. The beheaded bodies piled up like mountains. Some villagers' bodies were removed into eight pieces, while others were torn into pieces. Each body was covered with countless bite marks, and their simple clothes were also broken into pieces, revealing the flesh and blood that had been chewed underneath. Li Ou took a deep breath, and the copper smell of blood filled his lungs.

The knight stood facing the Holy Samurai, and his figure loomed in the hovering fog.

They didn't move, but Leo was sure that the knight must have said something, through magic or some other way. In the tranquility of death, Li Ou faintly saw a wisp of golden sunlight appear in front of him, dispelling the stale fog.

The solar eclipse is over.

He heard the hiss of the war horse, as if laughing at them who survived, and then took a small step away to take the silent master back to hell and the abyss. The gravel road disappeared, and Leo found them on the street outside the hotel. The holy warrior knelt down in the mud, covered his face and cried.

"What should we do?" Lu Yuewu's face was pale and she whispered weakly.

"Get out of here." He looked at the blazing sky and said, "The farther away, the better."

"But..." She said weakly, and couldn't hide her guilt. Will he still appear? Like Leo, she can do nothing about the massacre.

There is no doubt.

The Holy Warrior is still there, and he will come back again.