Alchemy Era

Chapter 18 Ghost

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"Chief Bachelor." Evela saluted her mentor.

"Ah, it's Evela. I didn't expect to see you in my lifetime." Salado, the chief bachelor of the Desperate Fort, gently nodded his head. He held a crutch and gently twisted a pinch of extremely neatly combed snow-white goatee on his chin with his left hand. Are these all your companions? They all look worth relying on."

"Your Excellency, I never thought I would come back again."

Bachelor Salado waved his hand gently. All right. Your long journey is hard enough. He said, "Evela, this is your home. Take your friends to have a rest first. Let's talk about it at dinner."

The desperate fort is located at the top of the ice-covered mountain, and the roaring cold wind stirs the thick stone wall, making a dull and dangerous knocking sound. It was difficult for Li Ou to rest in this roar, and he couldn't even close his eyes to rest. So this is the origin of the Thunder Castle. He thought helplessly. He tossed and turned, and the wound in his abdomen was healing strangely itchy. He got up helplessly from ** and planned to go out for a walk.

As soon as he went out, he bumped into another bachelor. If Evela's description is correct, then the other party is the guy who later took the position of chief bachelor.

"Mr." The other party stopped him, "Please don't walk around at will." He warned rigidly, "This is more dangerous than you think, and something may kill you at any time. You'd better stay in your room." After saying rudely, he left directly. Li Ou looked at his back and didn't know where the other party's malice to him came from.

At dinner, they enjoyed dinner by the fire.

They talked while eating. In this conversation, Bachelor Salado is naturally the absolute protagonist, and he is responsible for answering their doubts.

"You escaped a disaster." He said, "As you guess, alchemist. Andal Church is indeed trying to try the methods that have failed in the past and is confident that they will succeed.

"But they will eventually fail." Leo said.

There is no doubt that they will fail. Because the gods have fallen, and that guy is not stupid enough to create enemies for himself..." Bachelor Salado seemed to know something secret, and they were all in the dark.

"...that guy?"

"Kraig." Bachelor Salado sighed. The cold winter is coming, and there is no need to hide it now.

The firewood crackled, and the mountain wind ghost cried and howled. Leo doesn't feel a trace of warmth. He has a certain hunch that the truth of a deeply buried world will be revealed at this moment, which is destined to be a secret enough to subvert their cognition and shock the world.

They looked at each other and chose to shut up and stop talking. Bachelor Sarado closed his eyes and breathed deeply, as if to summon up courage for himself. The Desperate Fort has collected many books since ancient times, which can be traced back to thousands of years ago. He started with such a well-known thing. However, you all know that the real history will never be more than thousands of years, and countless relics have been revealed. Even ten thousand years ago, humans, dwarves, elves, or other intelligent races lived here, but nothing is left except those collapsed and dilapidated buildings.

"That's what we know."

"Be patient, listen to me, and then post your comments." Salado took a breath. If you are lucky enough to see long-lived elves, they will tell you that their history can be traced back to tens of thousands of years. It was a period of civilization blooming, and thousands of years have also had such a time, including the Lozva we often hear today... But at that time, why haven't words and books been handed down?

"Because their civilization has been destroyed?" Li Ou thought for a moment and said, "In history, in the world's speculation, civilization has been completely destroyed without warning. Does this have anything to do with Clegg?

Bachelor Salado sighed, as if he was much older in an instant. Who else is there besides the demon god of destruction?

"But why?" Lu Yuewu asked.

"Do they need any reason for the dead to kill the living?" The chief bachelor said, "He destroys the world without a reason. For him, this is just a fun game."

Game? Countless creatures die, is it just a game? Didn't anyone resist him?"

"Resistance?" Bachelor Salado smiled sadly, "All the gods have declared defeat. Who else can resist? We just try our best to keep a little fire so that civilization can continue.

"Wait, gods?" Leo stopped in surprise, but didn't know what to say. He was completely stunned by the news. The gods who have been despised and ridiculed by them, gods of good and evil, or light or darkness, have ever done such a thing? He suddenly felt that he had come to another world.

"The essence of the gods is good or evil, alchemists." Bachelor Salado saw their shock and also understood their doubts. He explained to them. I have had the same panic as you before, and I feel that what I am saying now are all lies, but this is really a real fact. The good and evil of the gods do not lie in themselves, but in their position, and their priesthood determines their performance. Only by flaunting justice can the priesthood of justice gain faith, and the gods of killing can only absorb power without exception. This is God's instinct.

Li Ou had heard such a saying, but he sneered that he thought that only the dark man could inherit the dark priesthood first. But now these are not the point. The point is - "Do you think Clegg created an enemy for himself? Does it mean those gods? Did Clegg do their death? But the version he knows is not like this at all. Didn't the alchemists dominate their destruction?"

"How do you think alchemy came about?" Bachelor Salado asked him back.

"This...I..." He couldn't answer at all. The answer he thought of seemed to be stuck in his throat, which could not be taken out and difficult to swallow.

"Your father has been here. Fernandez Leo. He has a volume of alchemy. Now it must be in your hands. Where do you think the hidden and even terrible knowledge above comes from? Do you really think it comes from the hard and long experiment of predecessors? They all come from Clegg's gifts. He sprinkled the bait and buried the root of the disaster, waiting for it to take root and germinate.

His reason is willing to believe the other party's words, but his emotions are difficult to accept. impossible."

"This is the most painful fact. You are his pawns, no, to be precise, all people are his pawns. Everything is just to please himself. He created gods in one hand and alchemy in the other. And he is watching us fight against each other with joy. It's like the clowns who are performing farce on the stage.

"What on earth did he do this for? Just feel happy? This bastard!" Rosie scolded.

"No one knows what he thinks, and we can't figure it out." Bachelor Salado said, "There are many speculations in the world about who is the supreme god. Now it seems that the answer is obvious." He can't hide his fatigue.

"Then what's going on with the cold you said?"

Bachelor Salado was silent for a long time. Every thousand or more - depending on his mood - Clegg will cleanse the world and reshape the face of the world. All creatures can't escape this catastrophe. Now, the time is coming.

The flame of the fireplace seemed to freeze in an instant, and Leo only felt that his hands and feet were stiff and unable to move. He never thought that the prophecy meant this. Isn't that... the end of the world is just around the corner!

"We..." He found his tongue knotted. There's nothing you can do?"

"What can I do?" Bachelor Salado smiled sadly, "Before us, there were countless civilizations... Didn't they resist? This is impossible. All lives will be desperate for their own survival. But did they succeed? No, they failed. Everything has turned into nothingness and debris.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Rosie said.

"Of course, I believe that everyone will unite. We can resist Clegg's army for a while, but we can't resist it for a lifetime. He will look up until he feels bored, and I'm sure he will take action himself. Even the gods can't stop it, let alone mortals. There is not much we can do. We just hope to save a little knowledge, record everything, and then hide it, hoping that the next civilization can stop such a terrible cycle.

"What if we don't work hard once and throw the future to the so-called next civilization that may not exist, and they are the same as you think now? Continue to throw the problem to the next one decadently?"

"Human beings are endless, alchemists." Bachelor Salado said, "Human beings are endless. They will do it."

"I think we can do it now."

"We have no other choice." Bachelor Sarado said, "Clig's minions are everywhere, and fools are even less willing to believe it. Only when the fire comes will they wake up. Alchemy used to be a means of great hope for us, but... Hey... Mr. Eye of Insight is also here, and you can ask him after our conversation. He found such a secret, but was kicked out by his own people.

Li Ou was shocked, "What the hell is going on?"

"Go and ask him yourself. He knows the specific situation better." Bachelor Salado sighed, "I hope you still have the courage now after you know the truth. We are old and there is nothing we can do.

"No, there is another way." The killer suddenly appeared at the door, "That is to ask Lord Clegg for forgiveness and beg him for a little mercy."

"Killer?" Leo stood up and said, "What's wrong with you?"

"Liou, have you forgotten?" The killer's face changed, revealing a face he was familiar with. We have seen each other a long time ago.

"Ghost' Edsey!" He can't believe it." Clegg's running dog!"

"Don't say that." The other party laughed, "We are just using another way, just like you, to stop the arrival of the catastrophe. Black morning is born for him, just like Lozva's mages who worship Clegg.