Alchemy Era

Chapter 28 God's skeleton

"Head, we..." The man in black who spoke unconsciously swallowed his saliva. He looked at the battlefield abused by demons in front of him, and the smell of blood and the smell of sulfur permeated, as if a deadly poison gas was disgusting. Demons wave butcher knives and kill human beings who are hostile. They don't care what their positions are. Screams and blood are what they yearn for. Demons don't know who their accomplices are. Are we wrong?" The man in black said with difficulty.

"Ghost" Edsey didn't say anything. He stared at the battlefield at the foot of the mountain with gloomy eyes, and the devil's shouting was the biggest mockery of him. His forehead beat, showing his anger.

"We stirred up the war, boss." The man in black took courage and said, "But this seems to be useless. The demons are still here. Perhaps, our war is not as beautiful as the killing of demons.

Edsey still didn't say anything.

The world is disturbed by them, and war is burning everywhere. The demon gods of destruction and creation are keen on it. But their prayers were not answered, and they didn't even feel what Clegg really meant. But now, Edsey knows. He never cared about this at all. Perhaps these wars, summoning demon slaughter in his name, or crazy plundering battles, are not worth giving him a look at all. Or from the beginning, they got it in the wrong direction.

"Head, do we still want to continue?"

To be honest, Edsey doesn't know either.

For a long time, they have followed the teachings of their predecessors, followed the footsteps of Master Lozva, and tried their best to please their demons. However, as the alchemist said, their fate was in front of them, and the mages of Lozva still did not escape the fate of extinction. As far as he knew, at that time, the whole world regarded Clegg as the creator, but in the end, he still did not get his mercy. He can't help but wonder whether they will follow in their footsteps. Maybe not? He thought that this time, the world did not just listen to their orders and follow them.

"You said," Edsey said, "what would happen if all these soldiers died?"

"Head, you?"

"Answer my question, if these elite soldiers have died, who else can compete with the devil?"

The man in black felt a little strange, but still answered his question. There is no one who can compete with it. He replied without thinking, "Only by relying on the wall can we stop the devil's footsteps a little."

"I just don't know how long it can be blocked. One year or two years?

"If..." The man in black thought for a moment and said, "If they come in another way, no wall or danger can stop their attack."

"Do you mean meteors and skyfire?" Edsey shook his head, "But it's too early. At least five years later, if we were still alive at that time.

"But the devil can't figure it out according to experience." The man in black said, "If he wants to, he can do it tomorrow."

"Yes, his will is the highest authority." Edsey laughed at himself, "We are just mortals. How can we guess the idea of the devil? What an unrequantable ant. He must think so. Or, without even thinking about it, you don't care about us at all, jumping clown, don't you think we are like that now?

"Lord Edsey?"

Edsey exhaled and waved his hand, "Nothing, I just think we take it for granted."

"So what should we do now?" The man in black asked.

Edsey was silent.

Will it work if you continue to do it? No. He knows it well. So what other reason does he have to continue? The alchemist saw their failure at a glance. It's worthy of the eyes of insight. He sighed.

"How's the Andal Church?" "Ghost" asked.

"They are completely on the side of the alchemist." The man in black said, "Keep a distance from us. If it hadn't been for the corpse, they would not have been too lazy to pay attention to us."

"This is not what I asked." Edsey sighed, "I know the Pope's plan, and the alchemists did give them a better choice. What I want to understand now is that how long will it take for that corpse to survive?"

"I don't know." The man in black thought, "Maybe it will take a long time. The Andal Church has no longer used our method to revive each other. Or, in their opinion, using the devil's method to revive her will only stain her and fall into the control of the devil.

Edsey smiled contemptuously, "This is obvious. I don't believe that such powerful spell demons don't leave a back door. Their choice is very reliable. At least the alchemist's method is more trustworthy than what the devil left. However, time is what we lack the most.

"So what should we do?" The man in black asked.

"Let the farce continue."

"Continue? My lord, but this has no effect.

"I know better than you." Edsey said, "Then let's win a little more time for them, even a little bit. As for faith. Let them all pray to the goddess Andal to convert to her followers.


Edsey looked back at the man in black, "... we can't expect to put all the eggs in one basket."


"Your Excellency, what's the situation now?" The alchemist asked.

He and the chief bachelor followed the white-haired pope and walked in the dark corridor, with only a magic lamp above his head lighting them. The dark corridor leads to the ground, and the footsteps echoed, as if there were ghosts whispering around.

"It's not good or bad." The Pope's voice sounded, "Still remain the same."

Li Ou couldn't help but regret, "It's a pity. I thought I could improve the speed a little."

"Because we completely abandoned the devil's method and repurified it, it's very good to catch up with the previous progress." The Pope explained, "It is expected that she will wake up in a year."

For a year, Leo sighed, but it was still too slow. No one can guarantee that there will be no inexplicable changes in a year, especially... in case it is explored by Clegg... Leo can't imagine.

Fortunately, the protection here is amazing.

"One year is too long." The chief bachelor said, "Even if there are countless believers praying all the time, it will be a little too long."

"We are trying to revive the gods, not anything else!" The Pope couldn't help saying loudly that he gasped a few times and his voice eased down. "We need a huge power of faith to reshape the deity, let alone restore its sage, which is an almost impossible task."

"Unless the inhabitants of the whole continent move because of her." Leo said.

"If that's the case, our hope will undoubtedly be much greater." The chief bachelor said, "I think the will formed by intelligent creatures in the whole world is even against the will of the Creator."

"But not to mention the whole world, one fifth of the believers is already thank God." Leo sighed. He knows what the truth is. Although they have tried their best, the real power of faith can only be supplied by devout believers, which is even less. We can only hope that there is enough time.

They were silent, but their footsteps did not stop.

After passing countless spell protections, the Pope opened the door at the end of the corridor, and a wide underground world appeared in front of the alchemists. If it hadn't been for the guidance, no one would have thought that there would be such a huge building under the highest temple of the Andal Church. It comes from the ancient times and from the previous civilization.

"This is the legacy of the goddess." The Pope introduced to the surprised guests, "There is no doubt that other gods must have prepared such a tomb, but only the church of the goddess Andal has retained it. Because her bones are still there.

"This is simply...unimaginable." Li Ou hesitated for a long time before he found a suitable word. I always thought that the corpses of all the gods had become dust.

"Like the mage of Lozva, in the current desperate fortress, there are always some people in every era who can see through the coming doomsday." The Pope said sadly, "So they will prepare for their own death in advance. There is a secret that you may not know..."

"...Your Pope, I don't think we should have any more secrets now." The chief bachelor said.

"So I'm going to say it." The old man sighed, "Alchemist, some gods were not killed by you, let alone by demons."

Li Ou has never heard such a statement. Who is that?"

"It's themselves. They predicted such an outcome, so they chose to destroy themselves. As the Pope spoke, he turned his eyes to the bottomless pit in the center of the building. He read a few words, and a spell carried them down. Andal girls are one of them. She banished her strength, came to the world with her true body, and then slept here, so that one day we could wake her up.

Li Ou opened his mouth wide. This is like a fantasy, but the truth is in front of him, and he can't help but believe it. Because a corpse as huge as a mountain appeared in front of him. Her appearance is exactly the same as Andal's statue, but it is countless times bigger. Even if there is no vitality, it still exudes heavy pressure, making him feel difficult to breathe.

"Andal..." Leo muttered.

She died, but soon after Su Sheng, Li Ou could almost feel the vitality that began to pulsper in her body.

"Our future depends on her."

Li Ou smiled bitterly, "We always thought we had killed and buried the gods, but now we still need her help."

"So, what are you going to do next?"

"Forge a divine status as a seed." Li Ou took a deep breath, "A powerless god as a container, we have to prepare in advance. Otherwise, I can't be sure that our meager power of faith can drive such a huge body. I hope I can succeed."