lian sha

Chapter 31 Reunion

On this day, Ren Fei and Ji'an practiced fine steel in the lava cave.

Suddenly, the lava cave area on the other side couldn't help but feel restless, noisy and chaotic, and there was a faint roar.

Ren Fei couldn't help but stop when he heard the noise. He looked over there. Soon, he saw many entry-level disciples pouring in. Some of them shouted at Ren Fei's side, "Run, the fire is gushing and spreading this way!"

Everyone was shocked that this lava cave was originally a dead volcano. The casting sword villa took a lot of energy to build a sword casting furnace. There is no reason for such a horrible situation to happen.

Once the ground fire erupts, not to mention the lava hole, it will turn into ashes within a hundred miles.

Tianwei is not irresistible at all.

Following the crowd, Ren Fei and Ji'an gushed out of the lava cave. It is not clear how serious the situation is now.

However, it is certain that they will not choose to escape. If the situation is not serious, the masters of Zhujian Villa will solve the problem. Naturally, they do not have to escape. If the situation is serious, they will never escape the spread of the fire.

At this moment, many entry disciples looked blue and watched nervously. However, there was no panic, and everything seemed to be orderly.

Not long after the eruption of the ground fire, the masters of Zhujian Villa have come over, and now they have entered the lava cave to explore the changes of the situation.

Just entering the lava cave, a 40-50-year-old middle-aged man in one of the group asked the teacher, "Since it became the sword-casting furnace of our sword-casting villa, there has been no eruption for decades. Tell me the situation at that time!"

Hearing the middle-aged's inquiry, Xu Xu, the teacher, said, "This matter is also sudden. This time, the new disciples were originally scattered in the lava cave to practice. During this period, most of them hit the iron according to their own laws, but today it has evolved into a law, so that the bottom shell vibrated, and first appeared slightly. The cracks, and then the ground inflammation slowly gushed out. I was worried that the eruption would slowly get faster, so I came out with these entry disciples and sent a message to you.

The middle-aged one condensed slightly and said, "It seems that it is just a sudden phenomenon and should not evolve into a large-scale eruption. However, we still have to deal with it as soon as possible, as long as it does not affect the whole lava cave, otherwise we will not be able to cast a large number of swords in the sword-casting villa for the time being!"

The others nodded, and the importance of the lava cave as the sword casting furnace of the casting villa is self-evident.

Outside the lava cave, Ren Fei looked left and right and found that during this period, the breath of other warriors was much more dignified than when he entered the Casting Sword Villa, but his progress was greater than that of other warriors. After all, his foundation is deep. After iron training and fine steel, his potential has completely begun to burst out, and Breaking through the true meaning of rigidity and softness, you can change your strength at any time and completely enter the realm of rigidity and softness.

Now Ren Fei doesn't want to change his strength and wants to accumulate strength. Anyway, he has explored the true meaning of hardness and softness, and he doesn't have to worry about the stagnation of the realm.

Generally speaking, the deeper the force, the more difficult it is to enter the state of rigidity and softness.

Now Ren Fei, with an extremely deep foundation and understands the true meaning of hardness and softness with the help of iron, naturally will not let go of this opportunity to increase strength. When the strength increases to him and step into the realm of hardness and softness, his strength can leap and increase.

At that time, even if there were only low-level martial arts skills, it was not impossible to win if they challenged general strong and soft martial arts!

Suddenly, Ren Fei's eyes lit up and showed a surprised look. Just now, a familiar figure flashed through his eyes, and a figure that should not appear here.

With the excitement in her heart, Ren Fei quickly caught up with the figure and caught up with the other party with a few breaths. When she saw the other party clearly, she finally became excited and shouted in surprise, "Little fat!"

Xiao Pang was stunned at first. He couldn't help hugging Ren Fei and said with a little choking, "Afei, it's great to see that you're fine! I thought you had died tragically under the pursuers!"

For a long time, the two slowly separated in the strange eyes of others, completely ignoring other people's eyes. Ren Fei asked, "Little fat, how did you get here?"

Hearing Ren Fei's inquiry, Xiao Pang's face darkened, and then sighed, simply clear what happened.

After listening, Ren Fei's face also showed gray. After a moment of silence, he said, "Where's Qi Yun? Why didn't you see him with you?"

"Yesterday he completed the fine steel share and changed the contribution value, and today he went to the library!" Xiao Pang replied.

Contribution value is a model of casting sword villa. Ren Fei and others can get a little contribution value by playing iron to exercise fine steel. The library actually exchange the contribution value for waist card. These entry disciples need to complete a certain amount of fine steel in exchange for contribution value to be qualified to read low-level martial arts skills, and then use tribute. Donate value in exchange for low-level martial arts.

Half a month ago, he completed his share and exchanged it for a set of low-level martial arts.

"Let's go and find him. I have basically seen the martial arts skills of the library. Help Qi Yun find a set of martial arts suitable for him later!" Ren Fei pulled away the little fat and walked to the library.

As for the gyprus eruption here, Ren Fei knew that nothing would happen. After all, it has been a quarter of an hour. If the situation was serious, they would have been annihilated by the gyprus. It can be seen that the situation has also been controlled, and they can enter the lava cave to strike iron in a few days at most.

And other entry disciples gradually dispersed.

A moment later, Xiao Pang and Ren Fei came to the library and quickly found Qi Yun in a secluded corner.

"Young master, who do you think I brought here!" Xiao Pang said to Qi Yun.

Hearing Xiaopang's voice, Qi Yun frowned slightly and his expression was warm and angry, but he did not look up. While looking at the martial arts attentively, he said, "Xiaopang, didn't I tell you? Don't call me young master in the future. The Qi family is gone. Now there is only martial arts in my heart!"

Hearing Qi Yun's words, Ren Fei's face changed slightly and said, "Have you forgotten how the Qi family was washed by others?"

Hearing the sound, Qi Yun thought of Xiao Pang's words that he had brought a person. He slowly raised his head. After seeing Ren Fei clearly, he sighed gently and said, "Ren Fei, the law of the jungle. This is the rule of survival. If you are strong enough, others will naturally not come to kill you. On the contrary, you will be eliminated. Naturally, I won't forget the hatred, but when I don't have enough strength, I only have martial arts in my heart!"

Ren Fei said in his heart that he knew that Qi Yun had seen it very thoroughly, so he didn't say much. In fact, he and Qi Yun's intention was the same. When he did not have enough strength, it was right to forget hatred.

The three of them talked about the past. Half an hour later, Ren Fei got up and turned to a position where martial arts were placed. He turned to Qi Yun and said, "This martial arts is suitable for you. You might as well have a look!" As long as low-level martial arts are suitable, once we become internal disciples, as long as we have enough contributions, we can learn intermediate martial arts and even advanced martial arts. Greedy is not bad, and there are not so many low-level martial arts skills, as long as it is suitable!"

After taking over the martial arts skills in Ren Fei's hand, Qi Yun roughly looked through it, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten a little. This set of low-level martial arts skills are indeed very suitable for him. As long as he practices, his strength can be increased by a few points, which is slightly more powerful than ordinary martial artists in Tianzhou mainland, but compared with those children of the family, it is similar to It's too far away. After all, the children of these families have basically learned intermediate martial arts and even advanced martial arts.

After exchanging a contribution value, Ren Fei and Qi Yun, Xiao Pang left the library and came to a courtyard where the disciples of Zhujian Villa rested. This is the place where all the disciples of Zhujian Villa rest, and there is even a restaurant where they can drink.

This place is also what Ren Fei heard from others. Today is the first time to come here. He didn't expect that there was really a restaurant in Zhujian Villa, and he couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

And Qi Yun and Xiao Pang were also very surprised and didn't understand why there was a restaurant in the Casting Sword Villa.

However, the three of them didn't think deeply, and then went into the restaurant to drink.

"Drinking requires contribution value!" Hearing the bartender's greeting, Ren Fei exclaimed in his heart.

However, after thinking about it, Ren Fei was also relieved.

Fortunately, the share of fine steel is enough, and the exchange contribution value is also superfluous. He immediately smiled and said, "Three cup!"

The bartender answered and went to get the wine.

Just as the bartender turned to get the wine, a discordant voice sounded behind Ren Fei.

"Ren Fei, are you still in the mood to come here to drink?"

Ren Fei turned his head when he heard the words, and his eyes couldn't help flashing. Ji Tianming and the martial artist surnamed He were drinking wine and looking at this side. It was the martial artist surnamed He who just opened his mouth.

Ren Fei wanted to retort, but he was afraid of involving Xiaopang and Qi Yun. He couldn't help pressing his anger and simply ignored it. He just chatted with Xiaopang and Qi Yun at will.

"Afei, do you know them?" Xiao Pang asked gently. From the other party's tone, Xiao Pang knew that the other party and Ren Fei had a problem, but when he saw Ren Fei's calm expression, he couldn't help but wonder.

Ren Fei nodded slightly, "It's a little dishone, but it doesn't matter. You don't have to worry about anything!"

"The other party's realm is obviously higher than yours. Is there anything you hiding from us?" Qi Yun glanced at Ji Tianming and asked with a little worry.

"It's really nothing, but there are some quarrels. Don't worry, in the Sword Casting Villa, killing fellows is a great crime. It will not only abolish martial arts, but also implicate the family." Ren Fei smiled, and his eyes were faintly fierce.

When Ren Fei explained, the martial artist surnamed He obviously did not let go of this opportunity to humiliate Ren Fei and now went to Ren Fei.

"Ren Fei, you won't forget the previous agreement, will you?" He's face smiled, "It seems that you are not going to challenge? How dare you come here to drink!"

"You don't need to dictate about my business!" Ren Fei stared angrily at the martial artist surnamed He, shining fiercely.

When Ren Fei roared like this, the martial artist surnamed He was not angry, but said slightly murderously, "I just kindly remind you, do you want to challenge now? If so, I will be reluctant to get to know you."

"Huh, I'm afraid of you?" Ren Fei roared. Now that he has practiced martial arts, and he can enter the realm of rigidity and softness at any time. There is nothing to challenge the martial arts surname He.

"Okay, have the courage. I'll wait for you in the back mountain tomorrow!" The martial artist surnamed He originally just wanted to humiliate Ren Fei, but he didn't expect that Ren Fei really wanted to challenge him. If he didn't accept it, it seemed that he was afraid of Ren Fei.

The back mountain of Zhujian Villa is a place to solve grievances. Although Zhujian Villa is not allowed to kill each other, it can take action freely. It is a semi-public place of life and death. Zhujian Villa will not interfere.

Returning to Ji Tianming, the warrior surnamed He smiled, "Brother Tianming, don't worry, I won't do anything hard tomorrow and won't disturb your chance!"

Ji Tianming nodded. If the martial artist surnamed He wanted to kill Ren Fei, he would definitely stop him.