lian sha

Chapter 290 The First Person

"The eight strange fires in front of us have not really merged. Except for the nine disasters, the thunder fire cannot be taken away, and the other seven strange fires are not difficult to take away. You can see the opportunity to help me grab Tianlong Fire later.

Ren Fei secretly spread the voice to Xiaolin and Guan Gu, and Yu Jian also mentioned the matter about the nine disasters immortal thunder and fire.

It turns out that the nine-jeom fairy thunder fire needs another eight different fires to fuse before it can receive the fusion.

At this moment, it seems to be a whole, but the nine disasters immortal thunder fire did not merge with the other seven different fires at all.

"How do you know?"

Xiaolin and Guan Gu asked in a surprised voice.

Ren Fei briefly explained what happened, but did not reveal the story of the immortals. Such things could not be leaked and needed to be planned slowly.

"So that's it."

Xiaolin and Guan Gu nodded slightly, and only the immortals had the ability to suppress the nine-thievous thunderfire without the help of the other eight strange fires.

At this time, Wu Hudao people started to do it. There are eight kinds of strange fire **, and any person will be moved.

The empty Taoist took action, and Xuan Tianxin watched coldly and wanted to try the water with the hands of the empty Taoist.

Bang, a nihilless and domineering force instantly bombarded the surface of the flame, splashing countless sparks. At the same time, seven flames suddenly flew out.

"No integration, that's great. I'm worried that I can't collect it, which is much easier."

The empty Taoist is overjoyed. If he integrates eight strange fires into the yuan gods, then he can impact several realms in one step and reach the sky in one step!


Xuan Tianxin also showed a stunned expression, and never thought that these eight different fires did not merge.

"Let's go. Two strange fires are useless at all. Anyway, we got the magic skills, and we haven't been busy for a while!"

Zheng Qing's eyes flashed and said in a low voice, and he was about to leave with Wu Benli.

Hearing Zheng Qing's words, Lin Xiaoyuan, Shui Lanxin, Meng Feizi and Wei Fan couldn't help but feel the same way. Unless they got more than five different fires, it was useless.

Anyway, the fairy skills they have obtained have been copied and divided, and the benefits they should have been obtained.

Only Lv Buyi did not leave, but stayed.

It's not to rob those strange fires, but to turn your eyes on Xiaolin, "You hurt Fang Ming, and he hasn't recovered now. It's time to settle the account today."


Xiaolin frowned slightly. He knew that when he was in Wanjie Valley before, Lv Buyi did not make trouble for him because of meditation.

"Oh, I forgot this."

Ren Fei said secretly. Originally, he wanted to grab the Tianlong Fire with the power of Xiaolin and Guan Gu, so that he had seven kinds of strange fires. As long as he got the chaotic original fire in the future, he could return to collect the nine disasters.

Now that Lv Buyi will inevitably contain them if he takes action.

At this moment, Lv Buyi knows that the three of them are one and dares to trouble Xiaolin, which is enough to prove that he is full of confidence and can resist three super first-class masters.

"Isn't this Lv Buyi also has fairy fragments?"

Ren Fei secretly speculated.

They have seen Lv Buyi use a Taoist instrument before, which is an intermediate Taoist instrument, but they have three Taoist instruments, and they may not suffer losses when they really fight.

Just when Ren Fei was secretly speculating, Lv Buyi did it.

A Zhang Xu Fang Tianhua halberd appeared in his hand, which was the intermediate Taoist weapon he had.

"With just an intermediate weapon, you may not be able to fight us."

Xiao Lin shouted loudly.

"Be careful, this Lv Buyi must have a hidden backhand." Ren Fei quickly sent a secret voice to remind him.

"It's okay. Who doesn't have many hidden means? Besides, even if the three of us can't defeat him, we can escape!" Xiaolin responded.

"Hi!" When Lv Buyi took action, Guan Gu also shouted and urged his new Taoist weapon to attack.

Hearing Xiaolin's response, Ren Fei also nodded and smiled at the corners of his mouth. He had a reincarnation fist that could be used, which would make Lv Buyi suffer a big loss this time.

When the four people took action, the Wuxu Taoist also fell in love with Xuantian.

I'm not busy collecting strange fires. Anyway, there are only two people who grab strange fires. As long as they defeat each other, they can monopolize all strange fires.

"Xuan Tianxin, I know you have fragments of Haotian Mirror, but it's not so easy to defeat me!"

The Wuxu Taoist snorted coldly. Although he did not have Taoist weapons, he was trained to a high level without virtual immortal scriptures, with extremely strong magic power, and he was inherited by immortals and practiced immortal arts.

"I didn't know until I fought. Although you and I occupy the first and second place in Wanjie Valley, we didn't really fight. I've wanted to see your strength for a long time!" Singing the power of the fragments of Haotian Mirror, Xuan Tianxin is like a fairy, graceful, and every blow seems to be beautiful, but full of murder.

"No empty fist, carry out the world!"

Suddenly, the empty Taoist shouted, grabbed with his hands, patted repeatedly, and horrible fists burst out, destroying the world, and heaven and earth were howling.

Seeing the power of terror, Xuantian's eyebrows were slightly clustered, and the fragments of Haotian Mirror flew out of their hands in an instant, changing thousands of things in the void, shooting out infinite mysterious light.

I only saw the fragments of Haotian Mirror flying out of the same power as the empty Taoist.

Perfect replication, the power is not weak at all.

"So it is." Seeing this means, the Taoist was shocked. Having such a means is equivalent to being invincible!


The void vibrated, and even Ren Fei was disturbed.

"The strength of Lv Buyi is really terrible. I'm afraid it's no worse than the false Taoist and Xuan Tianxin!"

Ren Fei also always paid attention to the fight between Wufu Taoist and Xuan Tianxin. He was secretly shocked that Lv Buyi showed that his strength was very strong. With the cooperation of the three of them, he was still calm.

But this is also because their means have not been exhausted.

At this moment, Xiaolin's hands were imprinted, and a unicorn shadow suddenly appeared, roaring. At the same time, he also sacrificed his own Taoist weapon, the unicorn corner. The electric light on the unicorn corner flashed, dense and nourished. In an instant, the sky and earth were full of countless electric flowers, forming a power grid roaring and covering Lv Buyi. .

Lv Buyi held a square painting halberd and pointed forward, and a sharp light burst out.

"photoelectric virtual spirit chopping." Ren Fei recognized this move in an instant. At this moment, it was performed by Lv Buyi, which could simply cut off the eternal void and the power was extremely horrible.

The virtual shadow of the unicorn was broken, and the unicorn horn was also knocked off, making a dull sound.

In one move, he actually suppressed Xiaolin, revealing Lv Buyi's strong mana and strength.


Seeing that Xiaolin suffered a loss, Lv Buyi wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue, and Ren Fei quickly displayed the reincarnation fist. The reincarnation boxing is the forbidden skill of Huangquanmen. The power is horrible. If the Taixu realm wants to be stimulated, it needs to be at the cost of a realm.

However, Ren Fei has a fairy spirit, which not only does not have to fall to the realm, but also makes the power of reincarnation fist explode to the extreme.

"Reincarnation, you can actually reincarnation. By the way, you killed Zhu Yi of Huangquanmen. Zhu Yi is a rare genius in Huangquanmen. He not only refined the undead monument into a psychic magic weapon, but also successfully learned reincarnation boxing. I didn't expect you to practice in such a short time. I heard that this reincarnation boxing needs to fall to a realm, but you must have charged a lot of fairy spirit before. At this moment, it is not only powerful and horrible, but also won't fall into the realm!"

Lv Buyi instantly understood, and his eyes also changed. The reincarnation fist was already very horrible. Using fairy spirit to stimulate the reincarnation boxing is even more powerful.

In an instant, Lv Buyi felt that his mana was weakening, and the yuan god was about to begin to fall into the realm.

Originally, Lv Buyi still had many means, but Ren Fei showed his reincarnation fist and had to retreat.

"Don't go if you have the ability!"

Seeing Lv Buyi flying to avoid and instantly getting out of this void, Guan Gu couldn't help shouting.

When this place ended, the Wuyu Taoist also won or lost with Xuan Tianxin.

"This false Taoist is really horrible. Even Xuantianxin with the fragments of Haotian Mirror is not his opponent. Even if I use reincarnation fist, I may not be able to take advantage of it, but..."

Seeing the defeat of Xuan Tianxin, Ren Fei secretly thought that Xuan Tianxin has fragments of Haotian Mirror, which can perfectly copy the opponent's attack and stand invincible, but the means of the empty Taoist are obviously higher, and he deserves to be the first person in the virtual realm.

"Hey, although you are strong, you can only get another seven kinds of strange fire, and you can't take away the nine disasters and thunder fire."

When he saw that Wuxu Taoist collected another seven kinds of strange fires and wanted to collect nine disasters of immortal thunder and fire, Ren Fei smiled secretly in his heart.

After several temptations, the empty Taoist sighed and flew away.

"Let's go, too. No one can take away these nine immortals, unless it's a fairy."

Ren Fei said hello and flew away from here.

He is determined to get the nine disasters immortal thunder fire. Only by collecting nine strange fires can he be able to resist the assassination of immortals in the future.