Magic Hunter

Chapter 3 Just split it, just don't kill it

Just split the three chapters, just don't kill


When Lin was beaten out of the private room, the whole bar was finally in a mess.

At the beginning, people didn't know why they didn't understand how the man could 'fly' out of the private room, and his whole body was covered with strange white frost...

But very quickly, when one human being after another appeared in front of people with the same way of death, they finally found that something was wrong. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that a big living person who had just been alive would freeze strangely in the next second, and finally it would be as fragile. Like glass, it fell to the ground, cracked, blood overflowed, and the internal organs were broken...

People are crazy. Such a bloody scene makes them sick. Many people vomit on the spot, and some faint directly. But as long as there is still a trace of consciousness, the instinct of survival makes them rush to the exit like crazy, one after another, regardless, even if the next person is pulled, even if a person is trampled to death, even if that person was once their own friend or brother...

They don't care. Now they just want to run out of here, escape and leave this dangerous bar.

Screams mixed with crying, and the loud music is still ringing, making the scene more bloody and helpless. The original lonely party seems to have become the paradise of death in an instant.

"...really." Full of helpless voices: "...Is it easy to open a bar?" Standing in the corridor on the second floor, which was already empty, the silver-haired man held a cigarette in his mouth, with a leisurely sad face.

He shook his head and looked at a messy hall and several dying human beings, saying that the result was terrible. Of course, he had called the police before that. To be precise, from the moment he felt the presence of charm and hunters, he had called an ambulance.

He quickly discovered the existence of Lin, which was not difficult. After all, Lin, the only human being, was still standing alive in the hall.

He patted the remaining frost on his body and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. Lin stood up again unscathed. Then, he looked at the broken clothes on his body and was very distressed. He said that this outfit was still a brand-name product in installments.

"...I don't know if I can... forget it." Lin originally wanted to 'reimburse' the matter, but when he thought about the client, he didn't know whether he had found his conscience and secretly admitted bad luck.

Lin is not an asshole who likes to suffer losses. From a subjective point of view, he prefers to suffer other people's losses. But after all, subjective ideas are just his own ideas. The fact is that except for the lady next door, his life has always been at a loss.

Don't say that losing is a blessing. This is definitely a painful nonsense. For Lin, since he has suffered a loss, he has to get it back twice as much. There is nothing to think about. What's more, this loss is really hot.

Think about it, a charm that could be easily dealt with actually made it so embarrassed. Lin Ke was really fed up with it. Therefore, he did not hesitate to bite his index finger and drew a blood mark on the palm of his left hand...

At this moment, the forest was hit by several meters, and the temperature around it began to plummet, and everything quickly froze, covering a layer of strange cold frost. Then, the empty air produced subtle fluctuations, and a seemingly 'shadow' began. Then, there seemed to be some physical charm. At this time, the slightly transparent red giant claw directly pierced the chest of the forest...

"Wow." On the second floor, Dong Shao looked very pretentious: "... It should be very painful."


Well, if you are a normal person, even your heart will be punctured, you may not feel any pain. Obviously, Lin is in pain to death now, and that feeling is like a scorpion climbing into the chest inexplicably, and then stung the beating heart fiercely...

It not only hurts, but also makes people very irritable.

There is basically no suspense. Lin, who was so angry, clung to the giant claw of the charm. He is very strong, and he can't break free from the charm that is twice the size of ordinary people. Even at this moment, even his strength to break free is fading...

"...Dark Blood?!" The charm made a hoarse voice: "This is impossible!!" Finally, it more or less understood what the blood mark on the palm of Lin's left hand held tightly.

It is the blood of darkness, in the extreme bloodline between the devil and the god. This kind of blood is unique, and it has a special ability to absorb the strength of the opponent.

But at present, this charm is really unexpected. No, no, no, it can't believe it. How can a hunter who has been [purified] have such a bloodline again? This...absolutely impossible...

Lin did not miss the opportunity. When the charm was puzzled, the shotgun with exorcism bullets had already lit up. With a strong gunfire, the exorcism bullets roared out...

- Unfortunately, although the magic bullet successfully hit the charm, it did not end it. It just broke it up. Then, the charm in a lax state was like uncontrollable air. Even if Lin really wanted to end it completely, there was nothing he could do. He could only watch the thorn red blood fog pass through the vent and disappear completely. In your own vision.

Speaking of which, Mei also made an immediate decision. Knowing that there was only a dead end if it went on like this, it immediately broke the right arm held tightly by Lin, and then opened the distance at the first time, which successfully avoided the fatal injury,

In fact, Lin's luck is really not good. If his luck is slightly better, as long as he is slightly lucky, the second magic bullet that comes one after another can completely purify the charm.

But the result was not like that. He still let the charm live and only paid the price of a right arm. Therefore, after pulling out the gradually lax right arm on his chest, Lin could only smile bitterly, saying that the trouble was far from over, and he might be tossing around again in the next few days.

And in this scene, Dong Shao, who was not far away, saw it clearly. He was more or less not flattering Lin's luck, but compared with this, the unique dark blood could arouse his interest. Just as Mei was surprised, he really couldn't imagine why, for what reason, how the hunter who had been completely purified, the dark blood that could not be reborn appeared in his blood again.

Speaking of which, this is still an unexpected harvest of Dong Shao.


Papapa~~ The loud music stopped, and the crisp applause sounded.

Lin followed the sound and looked at it. Sure enough, Dong Shao with natural silver hair was coming step by step.

"...unlucky." He shouted secretly, but then greeted him with a smile: "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here." He was smiling, but no matter how he looked at this smile, it seemed very reluctant.

"Is it a coincidence?" A few steps away from the two, Dong Shao stopped: "I thought you were here to smash my field."

"Ha ha," Lin smiled bitterly: "A misunderstanding is purely a misunderstanding." He was also knowledgeable: "Well, the loss here, if you want, I can make a small IOU." Speaking of this, he smiled very honestly: "I mean, if you have money, you will lose it, and you will."

After saying that, he kindly took out the shotgun and revolver that he had supported: "Although it's not how good it is, it's more or less polite. You're welcome. Take it." He pointed to *: "There are still four Holy Spirit bullets. Hey hey, that's enough."

Dong Shao was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "You seem to be quite shameless."

"Where is it? Compared with you, it's almost the same." Lin smiled very brightly: "Well, that's it. If there's no problem, I..."

"Dragon pattern!"

Because of these two words, Lin, who had just taken a few steps, stopped.

"I think," Dong Shao turned around and said, "You should be more or less interested."

Lin's smile converged a lot: "...what do you mean?" He didn't think Dong Shao was in such a good mood and revealed information about dragon tattoos when he had nothing to do.

Dong Shao is not in a hurry: "Everyone is our own, so let's get straight to the point." He paused for a moment: "Here's the thing. Three days ago, I received a business. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that in this business, there is a dragon pattern that you have always been interested in..." He took a special look at Lin and saw that Lin had the intention to listen to it. He continued: "You should also know that the existence of dragon pattern. It's a tricky thing to come here, and this time, I really can't do it without you.

"-Death?" Lin said the answer.

"Since the dragon pattern was broken, the fragments have been scattered everywhere. The dragon pattern was originally taken care of by Death. Coincidentally, this time the dragon pattern fragment was guarded by Death." He was rarely embarrassed: "For us, death can't be provoked casually, so we want to use your strength..."

Dong Shao: "The black hunter who once dared to challenge Satan."

"Ah ha ha ha," Lin smiled very low-key: "Don't mention the past. There is nothing to show off. Keep a low profile."

Speaking of this, he thought for a moment: "That is to say, is this a commissioned task?" He smiled more confidently: "So, how much are you willing to pay?" He specifically stressed: "Death is not easy to deal with."

Dong Shao was very direct and handed Lin a white check...

"Is it true or false?" Lin was skeptical, but soon, when he saw the payment on the check, he realized: "... You are really shameless... You can pretend to be rich here with other people's money."

Dong Shao looked very polite: "Where, everyone is each other."

"Yes!" He remembered something: "This time the equipment is provided by us. Don't worry."

Lin Gang wanted to mention this matter. Since Dong Shao was so generous, he was not embarrassed: "...When will the work start?"

"Don't worry," Dong Shao was very calm: "Death is not something we can see. The only way is to draw it out."

He shrugged his shoulders: "Of course, we will arrange this kind of trouble, and we will take the initiative to contact you at that time."

Lin smiled: "Well, actually, my recent schedule is quite full. Should I... add more?"

"..." Dong Shao was ashamed. As far as he knew, Lin's commissions were counted, and sometimes even the most basic rent was a problem. Now, this guy actually...

"Classmate, you really can't be too shameless. You will be struck by lightning."

"Hmm!" Lin nodded with approval: "Just split it, just don't kill it."