Magic Hunter

Chapter 9 Nine Precepts

Nine Chapters and Nine Commandments

The black flame beat faintly, but for a while, the strange flame infected the whole body, as if to put a very terrible black coat on Lin. Lin did not dare to act rashly. He should understand that the reason why the troublesome black flame did not quickly erode him was only because of the death at this moment.

Xu Si beside her also knew this, so she, who showed the [silver ivory] pistol, only aimed at Death a few steps away, and did not dare to shoot. She is very nervous now. Like Lin, she really didn't expect Death to appear like this, giving no face at all. This obviously surprised them somewhat, but at the same time, the two also knew how tricky it was.

"I know what you're here for," Death's voice was still melodious, near and far away, and unpredictable: "But unfortunately, this time, I prefer the dead." It is obvious that if Lin wants to clean up the dead man here, he will not stand idly by. It can even end Lin's life now.

But it didn't seem to want to do this, just like a serious warning. The dark sickle was quietly removed, but the black flame covering Lin's whole body did not fade.

Death made a little strange noise and seemed to laugh: "If you want, I can let you leave alive - even if your soul is very interesting."

Seeing Death say so, Lin, who was still vigilant just now, was much at ease. Then, he deliberately patted the black flame on his body and smiled bitterly: "Big brother!" He shouted bitterly: "It's not good to play with fire. It's very dangerous." He pretended to be familiar and patted Death on the shoulder like a real thing: "Everyone is a good comrade. It's normal to have different opinions." He was a leader: "Find a time, find a place, have a cup of coffee, if possible, find a few more ladies, and discuss it slowly!" Speaking of this, he deliberately looked at Death and saw that it did not interrupt him. He hurriedly said, "... Hey hey, can you put out this ghost fire first? This thing is really troublesome." It can be heard that Lin is a little taboo about the ghost fire unique to death.

Death should not mean to put out the ghost fire, at least before Lin made the choice. In this way, it just smiled strangely, and then completely ignored Lin's suggestion and said quietly, "Hunter," it seemed to be a little melancholy: "I don't want to offend you, just like before, everyone doesn't violate the river..."

Lin Fin, who was next to him, nodded frequently and said that he agreed with the statement of death very much.

"But this time it's different," Death's big red eyes dimmed a lot, and he should also feel the trouble of things, but then, it is still firm: "... I need that dead man, regardless of any cost."

"...?!" Lin was very surprised. He didn't think that he was just a dead man, and Death took it so seriously.

The same is true of Xu Si a few steps away. She really can't imagine that a dead person who is dispensable to Death actually let him care so much, and even don't hesitate to cause such a big trouble as Lin.

"Can you give me a reason?" Lin rarely took it seriously and tried to get a reasonable explanation from the mouth of death.

But Death didn't seem to want to explain too much. He casually said a few perfunctory words and then said, "Don't say that Death is unreasonable. I'll give you two choices now. One is to leave here immediately. Everyone will coexist peacefully in the future. If you give me convenience, I will naturally give you convenience. Nothing will change."

"...Rainbow in the night?" Lin seemed to understand what death was taboo, and the possibility in his mind made him panic or even afraid.

Xu Si should also guess that she, like Lin, is more incredible than incredible: "...How can it be possible? They are not..." She didn't dare to go on. For many people, including Lin, they are a taboo and terrible memories that can't be mentioned.

Of course, Lin has the same doubts, but unlike Xu Si, what he is eager for now is not the reason, but the result: "Is it because they suddenly appeared..."

"Saint!" Death finally said the answer that Lin was worried about: "Because of the appearance of the saint, they appeared, just like before..."

"............" Get the unexpected answer. Lin didn't have the calmness he should have. He panicked and was afraid because of the terrible picture in his mind: "... After all..." He tried to calm himself down. His past experience told him that the fear at this moment was meaningless, even if he wanted to escape, because of the dragon pattern. Because of death itself, he could not avoid this big trouble, so after a moment of thinking, he reluctantly accepted the dragon pattern. At the same time, he also admitted the temporary alliance with death.

Death is much more assured. Although it understands that the current Lin is no longer the powerful black hunter in the past, but with him on his side, he still feels more or less at ease. In the final analysis, Death still has high expectations for Lin. It feels that as long as Lin is willing to pay the price needed by [Nine Rings], he is not without Capital confronts them...

Then, because of the existence of dragon pattern fragments, the cost of Lin breaking the ring is bound to weaken a lot, which is the fundamental reason why Death is willing to give up the dragon pattern fragments.

Of course, the dragon pattern fragment is not a complete dragon pattern after all. Whether Lin is willing to take the risk of breaking the ring is still a question worth considering.

"I will try to help you find the other fragments," Death Showdown: "What you want to do is to successfully break the ring when they come." With that, it snapped its fingers slightly. Suddenly, in front of Lin, the originally unsound space was strongly distorted. Then, the colorful light began to shine on the whole church, and the originally gloomy and terrible church seemed to return to its former holiness and stability in an instant.

This beautiful color did not last long, about three or five seconds, and then, when the light gradually faded and finally disappeared, the huge hellhound suddenly appeared in front of Lin...

This helldog is a little different. It is not only bigger, but also the fundamental difference from the two hellhounes Lin met before is its unique red flame. Yes, it is like a blood-red red flame.

"...flaming beast?!" Lin knows the giant beast in front of him, which is the guardian beast with the blood closest to the devil in the summoning beast. In other words, the hell dog in front of him is the real dog of hell, not a substitute created by death.

Er, by the way, the prototype of the hellhound created by Death is the huge fire beast in front of them.

The fire beast looks very arrogant. As a fifth-order summoning beast, from the beginning to the present, its dark blue eyes have been overlooking the forest the size of one of its little finger, with obvious disdain...

Lin smiled bitterly. He has always been very resistant to the summoning beast, but from the current situation, he seems to have to sign a contract with the hot beast in front of him. After all, in the current situation, compared with protecting himself with his own strength, the hot beast in front of him obviously It is safer, more convenient and direct.

In this way, when Death waved a sickle to perfectly integrate his soul with the soul of the flaming beast, the contract was also successfully signed.

It was quite strange. The contract had just been completed, and the huge fire beast instantly turned into a flame bead and hung on Lin's neck.

"...I've done so much for me," It seems that Lin took advantage of Death, but he didn't think that Death would do such a loss-making business, so he came straight to the point and asked directly, "What should I pay... Aren't you all willing to play any equivalent exchange?"

Dragon pattern fragments, plus the fifth-order fire beast, it seems that Lin should pay a lot of price.

What Lin and Xu Si didn't expect was that Death only needed a drop of Lin's blood, just a drop of blood.

"...that's it?!" Lin couldn't believe it. He didn't think at all that one day he could take such a big advantage in death. This made Lin uneasy, and the abnormality of death made him unable to think about its behavior, the result and purpose it wanted with normal logic.

"——Dark Blood," Death saw Lin's worry or doubt. His red but somewhat empty eyes stared at Lin: "The price you pay is unique. For me, this is already an equivalent exchange."

Lin is still skeptical, even if his blood is unique, in his opinion, a drop of his blood is meaningless to death. If he guessed correctly, Death wanted to copy his dark blood like a fire beast, but Lin knew very well that no, no, no, no, Death also absolutely knew that the reason why Lin's dark blood was unique was because of its non-reproducibility.

But why, Death...