Magic Hunter

Chapter 20 Waiting

Chapter 20 Waiting

Dingling~~~ The old wooden door was pushed open, and the doorbell made a sound.

What came in was an uncle who was over half a year old. He looked unusual. Although there were some wrinkles on his face, he gave people a tough and refreshing feeling.

Directly opposite the gate, he sat in the red boss's chair, put his legs disdainfully on the table, and Lin Tou, who was enjoying the adult magazine, said lazily, "I'm off today. If you have something to ask my secretary."

"Secretary?" The uncle smiled and said, "I haven't heard of it. Do you still have a secretary?" His voice is very low, even magnetic. Yes, it is the unique charm of the old man.

The uncle did not turn around the corner. He came over and sat directly opposite Lin: "You seem to be very free." He took out the cigarette case and put a cigarette in the corner of his mouth: "Maybe I should tell you a message. Do you want to hear it?"

Lin's reaction was very indifferent. No, no, no, it can be said that it was indifferent. Well, from beginning to end, this guy has never put down the adult magazine...

The uncle smiled, and Lin's reaction was expected: "Well," he showed a little bitterness and helplessness: "We received the alarm last night..."

"Isn't it normal?" Lin still looked at the magazine, but replied faintly.

"Yes," the uncle nodded slightly: "It's normal for us to receive the alarm, but when we arrived at the scene, we only saw a girl who was over-frightened and a man with bruises all over his body."

"So?" Lin asked.

The uncle was not in a hurry. After exhaling a puff of smoke, he said, "This matter was originally about our [Special Operations Group], but it was interesting," he paused intentionally: "... We found that the girl was carrying a very good guardian necklace."

He seemed to be laughing: "Don't you think the guardian necklace composed of the second-order demon core is very interesting?"

Hearing this, Lin Zheng finally glanced at the uncle in front of him: "... It has nothing to do with me. I have always been a good citizen."

"Do you have nothing to do with her?"

Lin didn't even think about it: "No! It definitely has nothing to do with it!"

"That's interesting," the uncle was still calm: "After that girl was taken to the hospital, she has been clamoring to see you." Speaking of this, the uncle stared at Lin with a smile: "...Is it really nothing to do with you?"

"Ah ha ha~~" Lin smiled reluctantly: "Maybe it's a woman abandoned by me," He deliberately showed some embarrassment: "... You know, men like me have always been very popular."

Seeing Lin say so, the uncle smiled and said, "Son, don't play with your uncle." He took out that piece * and then pointed to it: "... See, uncle is a policeman. You can't play it."

He should not want to embarrass Lin too much, or he just came to express his position: "I don't care about that girl and the injured man, but I want to tell you, don't make too big cases in my territory. You know, there has always been a lot of opinion on us. If a careless uncle loses his job, no one will wipe your ass.

Lin walked over and had a private chat with the police. He sat next to Tang Jia...

"Is there anything I need to know?" Lin Qing asked, "It's okay. That guy can't die." He is not comforting Tang Jia. He still knows that if Wan Ruoxiang hangs up, he is not lying here now, but a cold morgue.

Maybe Lin's self-confidence gave Tang Jia a little confidence. She raised her head slightly and looked at Lin: "...Is he really all right?"

"Don't worry!" Lin looked very relaxed: "That guy can't hang up." With that, he seemed to be interested: "So worried?! You, you, you, don't tell me. You like that guy. I won't believe it.

"...How can it be!" Tang Jia gave a very clear promise: "That kind of pervert, ghosts like it!"

"...Wow!" Lin Chang breathed a sigh of relief and said that the world was still very normal: "That's good, that's good."

Tang Jia was very depressed and much better after being so noisy by Lin. At least, Wan Ruoxiang, a nuisance, would not die in front of him: "...He asked me to tell you..." She looked at Lin, and she wanted to convince Lin that she was not scared crazy or something: "...Don't use the magic sword, don't use Kumijia. ..."

"...Kumiga?" Lin seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to hear it: "Is there anything else?"

Tang Jia shook her head.

"Ah," Lin looked relaxed: "It's okay. Go home quickly, wash and sleep, and forget these things."

"But..." Tang Jia is still a little worried: "...that...I..."

"What else?"

"That..." Tang Jia was really embarrassed, but she really couldn't help it: "Medical expenses...still...a little bit..."

Lin Huanran realized: "It's okay, it's okay," he was still relaxed: "This is a work-related injury, which can be reimbursed. You don't have to worry about medical expenses."

Xia Ya also nodded slightly: "Yes, you don't have to worry about medical expenses." Speaking of this, she opened her wallet and took out a bank card: "There is some money in it. It's your reward for saving people... I don't mean anything else, pure thank you."

Tang Jia shook her head and didn't accept it: "No, really, it was very troublesome for both of you last time, so it's not necessary..."

"No, no, no," Xia Ya seemed to be very persistent: "Entrustment is entrusted, this time... Take it."

Tang Jia still shook his head: "Thank you, really..."

I can't stand it! I can't stand it!

Lin, who was beside him, couldn't stand it at all: "You two are endless," he rudely took the bank card in Xia Ya's hand, and then looked at Tang Jia: "The card is here for me. Just think of it's Brother Cun. If you don't have money, I'll cover you."

Xia Ya was sterrated at the beginning, but then told Tang Jia with good intention: "Don't keep the money with this bastard, and you can't get it back."

Tang Jia smiled and said, "That's not my money, sister, it's your money." After saying that, she stood up and left the hospital after saying goodbye to the two.

After Tang Jia left, both of them were obviously much more solemn, and the relaxation just now gradually became serious at this moment.

"It seems," looking at Wan Ruoxiang inside through the window, Lin had a headache: "This guy's ability should work... It's just... The price is too high, isn't it?"

Xia Ya frowned: "I think it's a purple butterfly. If there is no purple butterfly, it is impossible for him to break the time, disrupt the chronological order, and let himself appear here in a few days."

β€”β€”β€”β€”She was uneasy: "Judging from the result, he didn't find the space for the blood sacrifice... What should we do now?"

"Wait," Lin still seemed to be very confident: "That guy, there must be a reason for him to change back to his unscathed self... Don't you think he will come back?"

Xia has no doubt about this, but time...

Coupled with whether Wan Ruoxiang's damn inspiration will appear, Xia Ya really doesn't believe it, but in just two days, Wan Ruoxiang can come back in time.