Magic Hunter

Chapter 22 Do you have any sugar?

Chapter 22 Do you have any sugar to eat?

The blue motorcycle stopped at the door. After taking off the thick blue helmet, Xu Si walked into the [Haunted House]. As always, the business of the haunted house is very deserted, and the old man is the only one with a huge facade.

She walked over and sat at the counter: "The assassin of the [Shadow Killing] Department has been arranged to guard Wan Ruoxiang. If nothing unexpected happens, he can ensure his safety."

Looking at the medieval books in his hand, the old man didn't raise his head: "Where's Lin?"

"I have gone to Aji's place according to your instructions." After saying that, Xu Si took a deliberate look at the old man, and then said slightly humblely, "... Can I ask you a question? What do you think Lin's winning rate this time?

The old man listened and looked up slightly: "What do you mean?" He slowly closed the ancient books and held the old glasses. His deep eyes looked at Xu Si gently: "If you mean the battle with Dong Shao, I can tell you very clearly that with the current Lin, his winning rate is almost zero."

Sure enough...

As Xu Si guessed, the old man planned to let Lin break the ring: "...Don't you worry?" She was a little nervous: "He still has Satan's [ghost] on him. For him, breaking the ring is tamount to accelerating his ordinary, even death." She doesn't understand why the old man is so persistent. In the past few years, almost all difficult events have been handed over to Lin. In her opinion, too many people are more suitable than Lin.

Of course, if it was Lin in his heyday, Xu Si did not object to the old man doing so, but now Lin really can't do it. He has done enough and paid enough, but the old man doesn't seem to want to let go of this rare chess piece.

The old man didn't explain too much about Xu Si's doubts. He just said lightly, "Many times, things are not what they seem." He took the cup of black tea and took a gentle sip: "... Breaking the ring is of course very harmful to Lin, but you should have found it more or less. In the past few years, his strength has not been swallowed up by the ghost, but is growing quietly... Aren't you curious? The reason why Lin's power grows so slowly may be that he is self-sufficient and dare not release his original power easily to create the current embarrassing situation. Speaking of this, the old man smiled and said calmly: "Change is always accompanied by failure, but without failure, there will be no success."

He picked up the cigarette box in the corner of the table and took one in the corner of his mouth: "Don't worry too much. I think the current Lin can still bear the [first commandment]."

Xu Si doesn't have the old man's indifference, let alone that kind of self-confidence: "...with all due respect... you are completely taking risks." She is very clear that breaking the ring is not only the problem of whether Lin can bear it, but also the chain reaction behind it. You know, at the same time, Lin breaking the ring is also equivalent to venting the power of sealing the door of hell. As long as you are not careful, the gate of hell sealed in the body may completely break the seal...

So, she really wants the old man to think about whether such an adventure is really worth it.

In the face of Xu Si's strong doubt, the old man said that it was completely unnecessary: "I said, this is an attempt. It may fail, but it may also succeed. In addition, even if Lin can't bear the strong load brought by breaking the ring, even if the seal of the gate of hell in your body has changed, don't forget, [four-phase seal Seal] It is divided into four layers. Before the previous triple seal breaks, the last layer of seal can't be broken, so you don't have to worry about it.

"Of course!" Lin didn't think much, "Why don't you just bleed a little? It's no big deal."

"Humph!" Aji sneered, "Don't say that I didn't remind you. Don't overplay. These two weapons devour the blood of darkness far beyond your imagination. Of course, this is their strength."

Seeing Aji's words, Lin didn't have much taboo. He felt that these two weapons were still very similar to the magic sword, and they needed dark blood to restrain and control. As long as they cared a little, it was not a big problem.

But Xia Ya didn't think so. She heard the implied meaning in Aji's words: "... will it be eaten back... just like those [magic weapons]?"

Aji didn't say much, and he still looked indifferent: "Black blood and blue crystal, these two weapons also belong to [magic weapons] to some extent, but they are different from the magic weapons cast by the demon core. They will not actively eat the user, but this does not mean that they will not eat back." With that, his sharp eyes seemed to look at Lin meaningfully: "---His dark blood is the demon core of these two weapons."

Hearing this, Xia Ya understood more or less: "That is to say, Lin relies on the blood of darkness to temporarily control these two weapons. If his own strength does not grow, in the end, he still can't use these two weapons as if he can't use those [magic weapons], or even be eaten back, right?"

Aji smiled. His smile was not bad, although he still didn't feel a trace of warmth as always: "It's up to him. It's nothing for people with strong self-control, but for this guy... You'd better watch it." He has been in contact with Lin several times. Although Lin feels different every time, it is still the same, that is, madness.


Lin is crazy, which is not an exaggeration. Think about it, if Lin is not crazy, he will find Satan and only rely on a white-order weapon that can be said to have no damage...

And it is precisely because of this kind of brainless madness when fighting, Aji believes that it is only a matter of time before Lin is eaten back by those two weapons.

Of course, Xia Ya knew this better, so just as Lin Yue was eager to try to try the power of these two weapons to devour the blood of darkness, she grabbed it: "...let me go," She was very serious and seemed to have no room for discussion: "... When you need it, I will naturally give it to you. "

"..." Lin was quite speechless. He finally got two weapons. Xia Ya, a woman, even had to keep it: "Hey, hey, hey," he was unconvinced: "Why?!" He felt that his weapon full of weapons was sealed by this woman, and now even these two weapons have to be taken away. This is simply too much. No, no, no, this is no longer a problem of excessive, but the dignity of dignity as an old man.

Er, I think too much.

Xia Ya didn't do this because of himself. If he has a little self-control ability, or if his brain is a little more flexible, Xia Ya won't care about such boring idle things. Please, it's not so easy to manage.