Magic Hunter

Chapter 32 What does it mean?

What does Chapter 32 mean?

There was no good show to watch, and the crowd gradually dispersed. At this time, Lin finally found the existence of Tang Jia. She didn't leave, or she was hesitating whether to leave or not.

Looking at the hesitant Tang Jia, Lin's reaction was also very strange. He was neither surprised nor unexpected, but deliberately looked at Xia Ya beside him: "...What's going on now?" He had a headache: "Go straight to her house to sleep?"

Xia Ya is almost the same. The party found her existence and seemed to be unable to protect it secretly. Of course, they can guard openly, but this is obviously not a wise choice. After all, it will put yourself in a very unfavorable position, that is, the enemy is in the dark.

Then, it's Tang Jia. If the two have been with her from now until midnight, unless there is any appropriate reason, Tang Jia will definitely be suspicious. In that case, whether she will notice anything is not necessarily true. Obviously, the reason why the two chose to protect secretly is that they didn't want Tang Jia to see something...

This is not unreasonable. In the final analysis, Tang Jia also knows what they are doing. If they follow them, they will naturally contact those dangerous monsters. In this way, it is hard to say whether Tang Jia accepts it or not.

In addition, even if Tang Jia can accept what may happen next, it is not a good thing. You know, his brother is just because of her, and even her parents are because of her existence, and...

This put too much pressure on Tang Jia, so after thinking about it over and over again, Xia Ya still decided to play Tai Chi: "What a coincidence!" She pretended to be surprised: "Why are you here?"

Tang Jia was a little embarrassed: "Because of tutoring," her embarrassment is nothing else, precisely because with Xia Ya's coming, Lin is also slowly approaching: "...How can you be here?"

She deliberately didn't pay attention to Lin, but her eyes drifted away disobediently. When her eyes collided, she quickly dodged, making herself very embarrassed.

In such a scene, the sharp-eyed Xia Ya naturally saw the problem, but she did not expose it, but replied, "There are friends living here. Come and have a look."

Tang Jia listened and didn't think much about it, but she was very concerned about the policemen just now: "What's the matter?" She was a little curious: "How can you..."

Xia Ya didn't blink: "Oh!" She seemed to say something, "Those little ghosts wanted to be rude to me, and then they were calmed up by Lin."

"............" Listening to Xia Ya's explanation, Lin felt strange. He seems to think that the truth is like this, but it is not exactly the case. He wanted to add something and explain something, but the strange feeling made him not know how to speak for a moment. Finally, he simply said nothing and stood aside quietly.

It was Tang Jia. She was very surprised to learn that Lin had such a righteous side from Xia Ya's mouth: "...Really?" She still couldn't believe it. In fact, she couldn't imagine that Lin would be such a good young man.

Xia Ya smiled and said, "It's very surprising." She glanced at Lin and said, "I'm also surprised. I didn't expect this tasteless man to be a good person."

"...?!" Lin couldn't sit still: "Don't beat around the bush and curse. I can hear it." He also knew himself and was praised as a good person, or said it from Xia Ya's mouth, which was definitely not a compliment, but an invisible insult. Yes, Xia Ya is scolding Lin for being a very bad person.

Bad guys? Lin Ke can't accept the word. He thinks he is not a good person, but he is not a bad person. In fact, he still hates being said to be a bad person, just like others say that he is a good person.

It is not difficult to understand that in the world of Lin, good people are slaughtered, and bad people are slaughtered by good people. He is in the middle, and good people are slaughtered together with bad people (-!).

Xia Ya smiled twice and said, "You are really a man," she joked, "You don't want to praise you as a good person. Do you have to call you a bastard?" Xia Ya was really old, cursing people without a trace, and it sounded as if it was someone else's fault, but she was absolutely innocent.

Lin naturally was speechless, but he still said indignantly, "Don't force me. I don't want to scold women."

Xia Ya took it when it was good: "Okay, okay, okay, I'm joking with you. I can't even afford to make a joke?" Look, it sounds like it's Lin's fault again.

Lin also understood. Anyway, the woman could always break over what he said, so he simply didn't say anything and stood aside honestly.

Looking at Lin who was played by Xia Ya, Tang Jia couldn't help laughing: "Sister Xia Ya, don't tease her," as she said, she laughed again: "...Look, look at him."

"You pity him," Xia Ya suddenly gossiped: "... You won't... be interested in this boy, will you?"

"...?!" Tang Jia was shocked, and then panicked and in a hurry: "...what, what!" She hurriedly explained, "How can it be! It's impossible!" She said very firmly, but she was a little guilty, and her eyes on Lin also became a little different...

Tang Jia's reaction made Xia Ya a little surprised. She just joked casually, but it seemed that, maybe, maybe, maybe, this little girl was really a little interested in Lin, a decadent idiot. This surprised Xia Ya and said that the world was too crazy...

Then, she took a few steps closer and looked solemnly at Tang Jia, who was already a little shy: "Sister reminds you," she looked very serious: "Don't have any illusions about this man. He can't give you anything, it will only hurt you." She's not kidding. Lin is a standard playboy, a simple girl like Tang Jia. He won't cherish it, let alone what it is. Xia Ya can fully imagine that in Lin's world, there should be only two kinds of women, one can hang bed with him, and one can't hang bed with him.

Therefore, Xia Ya felt that it was necessary to remind Tang Jia so that she would not regret it in the future.

But Lin obviously disagreed when he heard it. After a long silence, he finally said, "Please, I haven't met the one I want to love." He suddenly felt very wronged: "In fact, you don't understand. I also want to talk about a vigorous love."

Xia Ya: "............"

It's not convincing, and it's not convincing at all. This sentence came out of Lin's mouth and completely changed the taste. That feeling is like a sweet lollipop, but it becomes bitter when you eat it, which is completely wrong!

So, after being stunned for a moment, Xia Ya finally couldn't help laughing: "...Hey...What did you just say... vigorous love...ha...haha..." She smiled exaggeratedly. Yes, it was the kind of laughter. In the end, it seemed that even burst into tears.

Lin: "............" He doesn't understand. Every word from the bottom of his heart sounds so funny?

He didn't believe it. In this way, he turned to Tang Jia and asked seriously, " it funny? Is it really so funny?" He really didn't believe it. "What I said is true." At this point, his eyes were wet: "... I haven't really been in love."

Xia Ya: "...?!!" She finally didn't laugh. She heard Lin say that she hadn't really been in love yet. She finally couldn't help laughing again: "'ve never been in love...I've never been in love. You can also say this kind of thing... Hahaha..." She didn't believe it to death, and she could even talk about the love scene. He, who is a master, actually said that he had never been in love? This joke is so funny.

"............" Lin's face was full of black lines, and then he said quietly, "Is it so funny?"

It's okay if he doesn't say that. When he said this, Xia Ya couldn't stand it at all. Even if she laughed until her stomach was a little sore, she still laughed, one after another...

Lin: "............" He squatted in the corner and drew a circle to curse you. Curse that all the lovers in the world are brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years (——!).

But compared with Xia Ya, Tang Jia did not laugh, but was very surprised. Although she was also like Xia Ya, she thought that it was very incredible that Lin had not been in love, but unlike Xia Ya, she did not take this as a joke, but half-hearted...

"Really?" She asked in a low voice, "...You really haven't been in love?"

"--?!" All of a sudden, Lin, who was full of resentment just now, was instantly moved: "I knew I knew it," he stared at Tang Jia closely, and his eyes were full of gratitude: "I knew you would believe it. I really haven't been in love..."

"............!!" Tang Jia listened, just said oh, and then... she didn't say anything...

It's not that Tang Jia can't be polite or socialize, but because of Lin. You know, from the beginning, she was a little embarrassed to see Lin, and now, facing Lin's eyes makes her mind blank.

She didn't want to care about Lin's eyes, but the more she didn't care, the more she would care about it. In the end, her whole thoughts were confused. What should she say now and what she should not say was completely confused, so she was simply silent.

"...?" Tang Jia's reaction made Lin confused: "- What's wrong with you? Not feeling well?" He began to feel a little nervous: "Are you all right?" He felt that Tang Jia should pay attention to all abnormal behaviors now. If an ignorant monster was not found by them and hurt Tang Jia, he thought the consequences would be very serious.