Magic Hunter

Chapter 39 Don't force me

Chapter 39 Don't Force Me

With the cigarette in his mouth in his mouth, Lin Jingjing, holding a telescope, monitored Tang Jia in the room. Of course, of course, it was not so much surveillance as peeping. He looked at it with great interest. Usually, he didn't find that this girl was in such a good figure.

Although the white short T-shirt is loose, it looks very wide because of the little white jade. The pink shorts perfectly show the long white legs that are usually hidden under jeans. They wear a pair of cute small slippers under their feet. Speaking of which, this pair of slippers is still a little similar to Lin's pair, and they are all printed on it. Lovely Snoopy. Obviously, she had just taken a cold shower, her beautiful long hair was still a little wet, and her yellow skin looked more tender, as if her fingers could be broken. And that cute and innocent face, even without powder, it still looks much more delicate than most girls without makeup.

Lin praised that it was not that he had never seen a beautiful woman, but that he had never seen a girl who could be so attractive without makeup. He should be able to imagine that if this girl dressed up a little, she would definitely be a first-class beauty. After all, plain face also has such a beautiful face, which is a very powerful capital. It can be said that when she removes her makeup, the man who married her will never regret it...

Xia Ya beside him couldn't stand it anymore: "Pervert!" She grabbed the telescope in Lin's hand, and then said with a little care, "Don't play surveillance as a peep!" OK?!"

Lin obviously didn't listen to Xia Ya's words, and he still smiled. He even asked, "Is there a difference between surveillance and peeping?" In his cognition, there is basically no difference between surveillance and peeping. They are both watching. The only difference is whether the person who sees and the person being seen will appreciate whether it is worth being appreciated or not.

Xia Ya: "............" She was speechless at that time, but she still tried to give Lin a very unreasonable smile, and then said bitterly, "Child, be kind. Don't go wrong. You will be caught by the police uncle."

"It's okay," Lin looked confident: "I still have some contact with the policeman. You don't have to worry all the time." After saying that, he tried to get the telescope back, but he still didn't get it back.

He is a little depressed. Why does Xia Ya have to do this? "Hey, hey!" He meant a little seriously: "Girls, especially beautiful and youthful girls, are for appreciation." He smiled with a good smile: "It's not good for you to be like this. It's quite sad that no one appreciates a young girl. Yes, just like the beautiful RMB, if you can't spend it, you will definitely go crazy." He smiled better: "So, I think you really need to think about it on this issue."

Xia Ya heard this and couldn't laugh or cry. The child's words were quite beautiful: "Forget it," She didn't give any face at all: "You'd better stand aside obediently. Just give me such a great thing, so as not to tire you."

Lin was helpless: "Sister, don't bring this." He said in a very serious tone, "As a woman, how can you appreciate another woman? What do you let our poor male compatriots do!" He was a little excited: "A beautiful woman should look like a beautiful woman. How can she do such a shameless thing!" Then, he smiled and said, "It's not good to play with lace. It's really not good. Well, the taste is heavy."

Xia Ya took a look at Lin, which was full of contempt. She tried to make Lin understand that it was not her who had a heavy taste, but his dying pervert who was about to evolve. The result naturally disappointed Xia Ya. She also understood that if contempt is useful, there is no need for shamelessness, not to mention Lin, who is already shameless and invisible. In this way, she simply didn't talk to Lin. She picked up the telescope and stared at Tang Jia's every move.

Lin was also sensible and knew what it meant to play any longer, so he took out a cigarette case and planned to smoke one. But he found that the cigarette box was no longer empty.

"Cut!" He pinched the flat cigarette box, threw it aside a little, and then he looked at Xia Ya beside him: "Do you have any smoke? Borrow the root."

Xia Ya didn't look back, and she sent the word 'get out' very domineeringly.

Lin: "..............." He is very painful. For a smoker, he wants to smoke but doesn't smoke. That's absolutely tormenting: "Don't force me, I don't have money." He has made it clear enough. If he is forced, he doesn't know what he will do.

Of course, this is a threat, and it is quite a low-level threat. Xia Ya didn't pay attention to this kind of childlike threat at all. As if she hadn't heard it, she didn't have any reaction and completely ignored it.

Seeing Xia Ya's unresponsive reaction, Lin was excited. After thinking about it, he still didn't get impulsive. Then he sighed and shook his head: "I'm leaving." He put his hands in his pockets, looked around, and then chose a direction to walk over.

At this time, Xia Ya finally reacted. She put down the telescope and turned around: "Where are you going?"

Lin didn't look back: "Buy cigarettes."

Xia Ya was a little surprised: "Do you have money?"

He did not answer, but waved his hand to show that he would be back soon.

"..." Xia Ya was speechless for a moment: " cigarettes?" She is very confused. No, no, no, she can't think of how to buy goods without money.

Snatch? Er, Lin is not so much. Xia Ya can guarantee this. Therefore, she couldn't imagine how Lin could get cigarettes. There was a little puzzled, but she finally smiled and was too lazy to pay attention to it. She picked up the telescope and watched it again.

Lin walked for a while, and he was really right. When he came, he remembered that there was a small supermarket here. He went in, and there was only one cashier in the small supermarket: "Come and pack cigarettes." He looked very indifferent and pointed to the brand he liked.

The cashier is a young girl, just like many girls at this age. Seeing slightly more handsome boys will be bright. Lin, who is on the edge of a handsome man, naturally makes the cashier in front of him have a good impression. Of course, it's just an undissable good feeling.

She took the pack of cigarettes and brushed it on the machine: "Fifteen yuan."

Lin calmly took the cigarette and pretended to withdraw the money. He was still very powerful. First, he was stunned, and then a little embarrassed: "...that..." He scratched his head a little embarrassed, with that kind of sincere fake smile on his face: "...I forgot my wallet."

Seeing Lin say so, the girl was also naturally embarrassed. She just wanted to say something, but Lin, who saw the situation, hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, wait a minute, I'll call." With that, he took out his black mobile phone and found a number to call out.

The girl was not in a hurry and waited quietly. In fact, she still doesn't mind if she can stay with Lin, a handsome boy, for a while.

Dingling~~ The mobile phone rang, and Tang Jia, who was watching TV, picked up the mobile phone and looked at it. It was a strange number. She hesitated for a moment, but finally picked up the phone: "...Hello?"

"Ha ha," first a slightly awkward laugh came from the mobile phone, and then the one with a strong but bitter voice said, "Lin... it's me... that, where are you now?"

"Lin?" Tang Jia was a little surprised. She didn't think Lin was the kind of boy who would call herself, but she didn't think much about it and said honestly, "I'm at home."

"Ah hahaha," on the other side of the mobile phone, Lin smiled very dryly: "Are you close to the supermarket here, that's just..." Speaking of this, he deliberately took a look at the cashier, and the cashier understood and said the address: "Uh, Niu, Niu B Supermarket (-.-!)," He was really embarrassed. What's the hell, supermarket Should the name be so domineering: "... Can you come here for a moment? I have something to do, hehe."

Tang Jia hesitated for a moment and looked at the time. It was almost ten o'clock. She had to work in the morning tomorrow, but she thought again that the Niu B supermarket was still quite close to her home. In this way, she also agreed: "Well, wait for me, I'll be there soon."

"Ha ha," Lin behaved quite politely: "Thank you so much, thank you so much, so I'll wait for you here."

"Well, okay." After saying that, Tang Jia hung up the phone, then put on her slippers and walked to the door.

In this scene, Xia Ya, who was holding a telescope, looked at it. She was a little curious. Who would call Tang Jia at this time, and where was Tang Jia going? Thinking about it, she put down her telescope and quietly stared at the exit of the community to see where she was going.

Soon, Tang Jia, dressed in cool clothes, went downstairs and walked to Niu B Supermarket...

"...?" Xia Ya was a little surprised. That direction was the direction Lin had just left. How did she go that way? Thinking of this, she took out the rose-red mobile phone, opened the lid, and called Lin.

On the side of the supermarket, Lin took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Sure enough, Xia Ya called: "Hello." His greeting was a little teasing: "Beauty Xia, what's wrong with you?"

"..." Seriously, Xia Ya didn't like Lin's current tone, but she didn't care about it, but said nervously, "Tang Jia went to your side. Pay attention to it." She is quite clear. If she bumps into her again, she can't explain it clearly.

But to her surprise, Lin said calmly, "Ah! I know. I asked her to come here.

"...!!" Xia Ya was shocked, and then she seemed to understand, "You boy... shouldn't it be..." She now has every reason to believe that Lin, who has no money to buy cigarettes, must ask Tang Jia to pay the bill: "You're crazy!" Xia Ya roared loudly, so that Lin had to take away the mobile phone in his ear a little. Of course, the cashier heard a little bit of such a loud call, but she didn't say anything, just felt a little strange.

Lin still smiled: "Don't be so angry," he said that he was also innocent: "Isn't this forced by you?" Speaking of this, he saw Tang Jia coming slowly under the street lamp: "... That's it. The protagonist is coming."

"Hello? Hello!" Looking at the mobile phone showing the end of the call, Xia Ya was a little crazy: "This bastard..." If she could, she was willing to go and scold Lin now, but she didn't do it, but stayed where she was. After all, if she appeared in front of Tang Jia with Lin, she would not be suspicious. Therefore, the helpless Xia Ya can only sulk there, hoping that Lin, who has been messing around all day, will not do bad things this time.

Opening the door, Tang Jia came in and then said hello: "Good evening."

Lin: "............" Tang Jia's reluctant greeting made him feel a little embarrassed.

Tang Jia also found this point, but she couldn't help it. In the final analysis, she didn't know Lin very well. Besides, she didn't know what would happen. She was obviously not nervous on the phone, but Lin appeared in front of her, and she couldn't help but start to beat fast.

But she still tried to restrain herself, and then asked, "...what are you looking for?"